Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 93: Farewell, hot summer


The fog finally dissipated. Although there were still chunks of thick clouds floating in the sky, they could no longer stop the sunlight from falling.

The temperature has risen slightly, but it is still more chilly, with a humid wind, and it feels like autumn has arrived all of a sudden.

Standing on the balcony, for some reason, Li Siwen had a strange realization, that is - summer may really be gone forever, at least this year.

And this kind of enlightenment is less likely to be induced by the improvement of his soul development, more like the elusive connection between him and the earth wood demon.

"Autumn is here, can winter be far behind?"

Li Siwen muttered to himself, a huge sense of crisis came again, his sense of security was -1000, but he still didn't have enough food savings.

The safe house is barely enough, and the herbs need to be ripened and evolved again, and the ripening of the dogtail grass must be accelerated—because, in winter, the big tree will have no vitality value, and the vitality value will all sink into the deepest roots of the ground.

Well, don’t ask him how he knew, it’s enlightenment to ask.

This was a surprise. Some of the remaining consciousness of the earth wood demon has now become Li Siwen's guiding light.

"Blizzard, huge snowstorm, extremely cold temperature, lead-colored clouds weigh down heavily, there is great terror..."

Li Siwen's eyes widened suddenly. That's all he got from the remaining consciousness of the Earth Wood Demon, but it was enough to prove that his worries a long time ago were correct, that is, the winter in this world would be extremely cruel and terrifying!

"Well, the safe house is still not enough to keep warm. I have to continue to burn bricks with mud. In addition, I need to save as much firewood as possible, as well as food. That's right, food and keeping warm. This is the most important theme in this winter."

"In addition, since I can't gain vitality by cutting down trees in winter, it means that I can't upgrade, so I must improve my attributes as much as possible before that. In the end, if there is a chance, I still have to kill An earth wood demon, expand the capacity of my green ball, the capacity of 15 o'clock is too little!"

Li Siwen thought clearly on the balcony, but it didn't make him feel better. On the contrary, he suddenly became stressed, and he was helpless.

Lord Leopard has disappeared. It's time to go hunting. Seeing how hardworking it is, Lord Leopard may have already been preparing for this winter.

And Song Hu was moving stones, and he was so diligent without having breakfast, and his identity was very correct.


As for the Earth Wood Demon that migrated to the basement of Xiling Heights, I didn't have a chance to check it last night, but looking at it now, it's quite spectacular.

The huge emerald green canopy is like a mountain top, even in this forest, it has an aura that stands out from the crowd.

But this is viewed from a close distance, if viewed from a distance, it is not so exaggerated.

Because the big trees in this forest are often thirty to forty meters high, and as the terrain undulates, there are actually many dark green tree crowns like this kind of hill.

Especially in the depths of the forest. After all, Li Siwen would be the first to disbelieve if it was said that there were not hundreds or thousands of earth wood demons in this big forest.

Furthermore, the location of the Earth Wood Demon is low-lying, with a drop of four meters from the Xiling Highland, which invisibly reduces a lot of sharpness.

"This earth wood demon is good, but it may also cause me some unnecessary troubles, so I have to push my soul development to 90% in the past few days, so I will be prepared."

Li Siwen thought quickly, and went back to his room to light the stove and fireplace, cook a pot of soup with wild vegetables, mushrooms, dried fish, and then he carried a mountain ax on his back, took a shovel and a hoe, and went to the farmland.

Time is running out now, it is definitely too late to plant new crops, and there is no need to plan, so the focus now is to leave some of the second-generation medicinal herbs and poisonous weeds as seeds, and the rest will be matured and evolved to maximize the use of vitality value.

After all, in winter, there is no such cheat as life value.

On the side of the farmland, the traces of the earth wood demon's migration are shocking, forming a big pit in the same place, but what is amazing is that various mushrooms grow densely on some broken tree roots, which should be the earth wood The vitality value left after the demon's migration is dissipating.

Seeing this, Li Siwen was thoughtful.

Then he opened the attribute bar, clicked on the level 4 farming skill, and the three-dimensional topographical map appeared instantly, along with all the data.

These things must be opened near the farmland, and they will be invalid if they are more than 100 meters away.

At this time, there is no such unknown variable as the earth wood demon, and the level 4 farming skills have returned to normal.

After checking it carefully, Li Siwen basically knew what it was.

First of all, common crops, including all second-generation herbs, are no different from third-level farming skills.

Increased production and improved quality can be obtained through participation.

This so-called participation is to digitize the process of hard work. In fact, the essence is the same, no work, no food.

So this part can be skipped, after all, Li Siwen has never neglected field management, and with his high attributes, there is no chance for weeds or insects to be monsters, even grasshoppers have been eaten by him to extinction.

So the participation rate is more than 90%.

What really caught his attention were the 12 rare medicinal herbs, that is, 6 third-generation hemostatic herbs and 6 third-generation anti-inflammatory herbs. (Note: Three generations of iron-type poisonous weeds were all poached after ripening and evolution to make idiot magic medicine)

The cultivation and management of this rare herb is different from that of ordinary crops. Apart from requiring a high degree of participation to take care of it, the most important thing is soil fertility.

Insufficient land resources, no matter what.

So Li Siwen wanted to move all the 12 rare herbs to the position before the earth wood demon. The vitality value here is very strong, otherwise it would be lost in vain.

Without delay, he went to the location where the Earth Wood Demon moved first, and picked all the mushrooms. The quality of these mushrooms was quite good, and the quantity was also large. In the end, he picked nearly a thousand catties, and there is no doubt that tomorrow morning, there will be more mushrooms. There will be so many mushrooms growing.

This made Li Siwen reluctant.

But in the end, he gritted his teeth and swung the shovel directly, leveled the big hole, and then moved the twelve rare herbs. In terms of value, they are still better.

The relocation is also very troublesome, but fortunately the soil is moist enough now, Li Siwen took a shovel and dug up each herb into a big lump of soil one meter square, and called Song Hu to help, and the two of them carried it on a temporary stretcher , carefully migrated over.

These twelve rare herbs almost occupied the entire pit, about an acre and a half.

This is to be cultivated emphatically, and Li Siwen will not easily ripen and evolve them this year. He only hopes that they will bloom and bear fruit next year, and there will be seeds left to facilitate the expansion of planting.

As for the other second-generation herbs that he will ripen and evolve in the future, they are consumables and don't need to be taken care of in this way.