Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 95: Chicken thief


It's another day.

The sun is shining outside, the air is fresh, the birds are chirping, and there is a peaceful atmosphere.

But it really is a murderous world.

Li Siwen got up without any abnormalities, removed the big wooden stake blocking the door, and faced a golden sun, it was so good to be wanton and flamboyant.

Lord Leopard is gone again.

Song Hu had already picked up three large baskets of mushrooms, and they dumped them on the roof to dry.

As for the Firefox, well, that description is actually incorrect.

If you really think that it is like a fire, spotless in the morning sun, looking at you proudly and cutely, then you will be 100% disappointed.

This fox is curled up on the balcony at this moment. The fiery red fur before is completely gray, and gray is the best description. As for the big fluffy tail in the imagination-it actually exists, but no matter how you look at it, it looks like it is full of water. Slurry Langhao pen.

Li Siwen didn't check on the fox's injuries, but it was as long as it wasn't dead.

So, leave it

Maybe this is Lord Bao's old friend.

Just as he was thinking, the fox suddenly opened his eyes, but they were not beautiful at all, but rather vicious, because there was a fierce scar hidden in one of its right eyes. people!

As for cunning, I swear to heaven, if there was even a little bit of cunning in this gaze, Li Siwen wouldn't be surnamed Li.

The two sides just looked at each other, the fox's eyes were fierce and calm, as if he had seen through Li Siwen.

Li Siwen's gaze gradually changed from curiosity to scrutiny, and finally, after staring at each other for a full three minutes, he announced that he had surrendered.

Come on, this fox is too stubborn, like a man.

"I saved you last night."

Li Siwen felt that the truth of some things had to be told.

The vicious eyes of the fox were still fierce, but after a few seconds it closed its eyes and ignored it.

This is non-violent non-cooperation.

Li Siwen stood up, too lazy to argue with this guy, the most important thing is that he has no shortage of pets.

Get water and make breakfast.

After breakfast, Li Siwen asked Song Hu to continue moving stones, while he himself inspected the territory routinely, and ripened part of the dogtail grass, three generations of poisonous grass, a hemostatic grass, an anti-inflammatory grass, and finally he Come to the tree of the earth.

This guy is really huge. When you get close, you will feel a huge sense of oppression. You can imagine how terrifying that kind of adult wooden monster who has not become an idiot must be.

At this moment, Li Siwen's heart moved, and he opened the attribute bar, and unexpectedly found that the leaf symbol after the woodcutter career had become highlighted.

This was a bit beyond his expectation.

After thinking about it, he clicked with his mind, but his mind didn't get the vision of the earth wood demon, what he got was just a sub-attribute bar of a branch.

Name: Earth Wood Demon

Quality: Precious

Life: 10000/10000

Defense: 10

Vitality: 50/1000 (can be withdrawn/recharged)

Reserve water source: 50/1000 tons (can be extracted/filled)

Talent: Migration Level 1, Fast Growth Level 2, Water Storage Level 2, Cleansing/Pollution Level 1, Soil Fixation Level 1.

Survival conditions (dynamic, refreshed every seven days): clean water source - 100%, fertile land - 100%, flawless sunlight - 70%, competitors - 69%, poisonous insect attack - 0, accidental damage - 0.

Daily consumption (dynamic, refreshed once a year): 500 vitality points required to maintain normal growth - clean water can provide 25%, fertile land can provide 35%, spotless sunlight can provide 30%, the gap is 50 vitality points.

Exiting the sub-attribute bar of this branch, Li Siwen only had ecstasy in his eyes.

He really didn't expect that getting an idiot earth wood demon would have such benefits, that it could extract or charge vitality.

Wouldn't this become his vitality value safe!

yum yum yum.

The elated Li Siwen held the mountain ax and began to cut down the trees around the Earth Wood Demon, all of them were cut down, because they were all competitors of the Earth Wood Demon.

Whenever he collected 15 points of vitality, he would go back to the earth wood demon, and use the leaf symbol to fill in the vitality points.

In one morning, he cut down all the big trees within 300 meters in the area of Xiling Highland, and gained 450 points of vitality.

If these vitality values can be kept until winter, even if the extraction needs a ratio of 2:1, it will be very worthwhile.

At noon, when Li Siwen returned to the safe house, he saw the fox for the first time. It actually ran to the roof and squatted there, like a watchdog.

I don't know how to get rid of the mud all over the body. Anyway, the fur and tail that looked gray in the morning are now as bright red as a ball of flame.

Really superb!

Of course, Li Siwen didn't think much about it, he just felt that these wandering wild monsters were really hard-fated one by one.

Leopard is like this.

So is this fox now.

In contrast, Song Hu can only be a younger brother who runs errands.

"Boss Li, I have already filled the foundation pit on the south side with stones, shall I start building stone walls in the afternoon?"

Seeing Li Siwen return, Song Hu, who was resting by the well, stood up and asked.

"Don't worry, I'll save the stones first. I'm going to build a two-meter-wide brick wall around the house, and then build a five-meter-wide stone wall outside. This way, we'll be safe, after all. It's cold in winter." Li Siwen patted Song Hu on the shoulder in relief, with one more tool man, the work efficiency of the entire territory doubled in an instant, isn't it

So, add lunch at noon today!

Li Siwen went to light the fire to cook mushroom soup by himself, and Song Hu went to look at the dried mushrooms. Now the roof and the balcony are full of mushrooms, which can be stored in the bright and hot sun for a few days. , In winter, this is life-saving food.

In addition to cooking, Li Siwen also uses three things in one mind, looking at four directions and listening to all directions, such as moving the wet wood out of the house to dry again, especially the firewood on the basement floor, it's so wet that it doesn't look like firewood .

To be honest, seeing the wet state of these firewood, Li Siwen couldn't help but be extremely lucky. He was lucky that he didn't dig a cellar or find a cave to hide in, otherwise he would have committed suicide by drawing water without waiting for the water to flood the golden mountain.

The horror of non-stop rain is simply beyond the reach of any conventional means.

In addition to firewood that needs to be moved out to dry, those dried meat, dried fish, dried mushrooms, dried wild vegetables, dried fruits, herbs, low-quality millet, etc. have to be taken out to dry. Taking advantage of the scorching sun at noon, it is a good time.

Busy, coming in and out, Li Siwen and Song Hu were so busy that they didn't touch the ground, but the feeling was very good.

With food in hand, don't panic.

Suddenly, Li Siwen felt something in his heart. When he looked up, he saw the red fox was staring at him at some point. His eyes were inspecting, as if he was looking at something rare.

Li Siwen just smiled,

"Are you hungry? Don't be shy, I know you understand, do you want to eat? Think about it, sorry, this is all mine. Lord Bao lives with me every day, and he has to pay the rent."

"Old Song, I will provide him with three meals a day because he can help me with my work. As for you, if you want to stay, you have to prove your worth, otherwise, get out as soon as possible."

The red fox didn't seem to have heard what Li Siwen said, and its eyes were still examining. After a long time, it seemed to be juggling, and spit out an anti-inflammatory fruit that couldn't be fresher from its mouth. mouth to go.

Li Siwen was stunned, and it took him a few seconds to react, hey, let me tell you, no wonder this little fox recovered so quickly, you are a chicken thief in love!

"I will kill you to eat meat!"

The furious Li Siwen stretched out his hand to grab the mountain axe, but the red fox leapt lightly from the roof before he could move, and the red shadow flashed, already tens of meters away.

"Day! If you have the guts, don't run away."

Li Siwen was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, but he couldn't catch up. How could this fellow run faster than Lord Bao