Feed You Sweets

Chapter 17


Luo Tang didn't come easily. Since he stayed for one night, he didn't have to go back too early the next day. Wei Ruxia didn't take Luo Tang to the station until after taking a nap at noon and the sun was not so hot in the afternoon.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the setting sun was shining, and the alley was full of cool wind. Wei Ruxia stepped on the bluestone slab and chatted casually with Luo Tang.

"Do you go out to play after you go back? When do you usually have time?"

Luo Tang followed behind her and asked, "Why don't you go out?"

"I'm afraid there are questions that I can't do, and I want to ask you because I'm afraid you won't have time." Wei Ruxia jumped a little and panted, she turned her head back, and her face was a little red.

Luo Tang looked at her attentively, and replied in a low voice, "When you have time, send me a video directly."

It was not the first time that Wei Ruxia had asked Luo Tang to give her a topic. Even when the two were at home, they would contact via video if they didn't want to go out. Video can provide quicker feedback of questions and answers to each other than pictures and voice.

Luo Tang's answer made Wei Ruxia smile. She turned around and continued to step on the bluestone slab. As she walked, she asked casually, "Any time?"

The reason why she asked this was because she was afraid that Luo Tang would have any plans for her vacation. Luo Tang is actually a very self-disciplined person. He has plans for morning jogging, reading and homework.

"The time to take a bath is not enough." Luo Tang replied.

Wei Ruxia slipped and almost lost her balance. The young man behind reached out and grabbed her arm to stabilize her.

At that moment, Luo Tang supported neither light nor heavy, and the strength of his fingers still seemed to remain on his arm, Wei Ruxia touched the place where he was caught, and said with a smile, "I don't know when you will take a bath. ."

After sending Luo Tang away, Wei Ruxia returned to her grandmother's house. At home, Li Suhe had already woken up. Seeing her coming back, he asked, "Luo Tang got in the car?"

"Yeah." Wei Ruxia replied, looking at Li Su, the bucket and the small iron hoe beside him, and a small bamboo basket made of bamboo strips. Li Suhe likes to do handicrafts very much, she made this small bamboo basket by herself.

Before going to Wei Zishan's house, Wei Ruxia lived with her grandmother for two months, knowing that she was going to the vegetable garden.

It is four o'clock now, the sun is not poisonous at all, and the occasional cool wind blows, and the weather is just right.

"Let's just lie down for a while." Wei Ruxia was still a little worried, "You can go to the vegetable garden tomorrow."

Li Su and his body were no longer seriously ill. She waved her hand and said, "It hasn't rained these days, the vegetable garden has not been watered, and the grass has not been hoeed. I have been at home for a few days, and it's good to exercise my muscles and bones."

Seeing that her face was not so ugly, Wei Ruxia didn't insist any longer. She bent down and held the small bamboo basket, put the small iron hoe into the bamboo basket, and went to the vegetable garden with Li Suhe with the bucket.

Li Suhe's vegetable garden is next to the small stream where she and Luo Tang went shopping yesterday. There is an open space beside the mountains and forests on both sides. The people in the town reclaimed it as a vegetable garden. Looking at it, it looks like a green square that has been cut out.

When she used to live at her grandmother's house, Wei Ruxia often came here to accompany her to tinker with the vegetable garden. The vegetable garden was planted with various kinds of vegetables, and two rows of shelves were set up, one for cucumber vines and the other for kidney bean vines.

Li Suhe was very meticulous about everything. The vegetable garden was well organized. When he saw the weeds in front of the potato seedlings, he squatted down and cleaned it up with a sound of "oh yo".

"I'm going to fetch water." Wei Ruxia carried the bucket and went to the stream.

The creek was not far from the vegetable garden. After Wei Ruxia drank the water, she returned with a bucket. As soon as I got back, I heard my grandmother singing. Wei Ruxia smiled and poured the water into the vegetable field, the sound of Lingling water seemed to beat grandma.

Li Suhe noticed and looked back at her with a smile. Wei Ruxia carried the bucket and sang along with her.

"I want to sing me to you while I'm still young.

Flowers bloom quietly, decorate your years and my branches.

Who can replace you, love while you are young.

My dearest one, let's be together on a long journey.

I'll sing me to you, and give me your innocent smile..."

In the early autumn afternoon, when the sky is setting and the sun is setting, next to the lush long forest and the green small vegetable garden, the sweet voice of the girl is mixed with the old and intellectual voice of the old man, which is particularly pleasant.

After a song was sung, the two looked at each other and laughed. Li Suhe raised her eyes and looked at Wei Ruxia against the setting sun. The wrinkles on the old man's face made her look more kind.

"This song is very old, did your mother teach it to you?"

"Well." Wei Ruxia poured water with a bucket, and the cool water splashed on her legs. She said, "But my mother likes Pushu the most."

I remember that one of the songs she listened to the most when she was a child was "Birch Forest" played by her mother. She doesn't understand the love and grief in it, she just thinks it's quiet and nice.

The small iron hoe in her hand shoveled away the weeds in the ground, and Li Suhe didn't stop moving. She seemed to be casual and intentional, and asked a question.

"Do you miss mom?"

Wei Ruxia slammed her hand down the bucket.

She looked up at Li Suhe, smiled at him at the end, and said, "I still think about it. But it's okay, I have my grandma to accompany me."

There was a layer of pain in the throat, Li Suhe wanted to cough, but held back. She watched Wei Ruxia carefully watering the vegetable garden, her slender limbs and her tender face. She lowered her head to weed and let out a long sigh.

"I really want to grow up with you."

There is a big age difference between the elders and the younger generation, especially between granddaughters and grandmothers. Such an age difference is very common in every pair of grandchildren.

Wei Ruxia watched as the water in the bucket poured into the yellow land without end. Her heart that had just filled up seemed to be taken away by God again.

It is crowded everywhere when going out on National Day, and Luo Tang's family seldom goes out to play on holidays. After Yang Shuru finished translating today's work, he went to the dining room and brought the pineapples cut by the part-time worker at home to the living room.

The decoration style of their home is simple and simple, like the decoration of the Republic of China. This villa was where Luo Tang's grandparents lived in the past. Both his grandparents and grandparents were translators. Later, on a business trip abroad, they both died in a plane accident. In order to appease Yang Shuru, Luo Tang's father, Luo Qinggu, left the Luo family mansion and moved here with his family when Luo Tang was very young. Even the decoration of the home has not changed.

Luo Tang was sitting on the sofa in the living room, watching the replay of the NBA game with his mobile phone.

"The screen is so small, isn't it uncomfortable to look at?" Yang Shuru put down the pineapple, took a piece and handed it to Luo Tang and asked.

Luo Tang didn't answer, looked at the game lightly and said, "It's okay."

Putting the pineapple handed to Luo Tang into his mouth, the sweet pineapple smell awakened his taste buds. Yang Shuru sat beside his son and said, "You haven't put down your phone when you come back. Why, who are you waiting for?"

Luo Tang is not a child who likes to play with mobile phones. In the past, when he was on vacation, he usually read comic books.

Luo Tang did not answer this question. And Yang Shuru suddenly thought of something, she stretched out her finger, poked her son's shoulder a little, and asked, "You shouldn't fall in love, right?"

The expression of the son beside him did not change much, he raised his eyes to look at her, his eyes were calm.

Yang Shuru was taken aback by him, then took another piece of pineapple and said, "I'm joking, but it doesn't matter if we talk about it. Mom is not that kind of old-fashioned person..."

The vibration of the phone even shook the heart in his chest. Luo Tang stood up so fast that Yang Shuru didn't see the blush in his ear.

"I'm going back to my room." After Luo Tang finished speaking, he got up and went upstairs.

He tried his best to keep a normal pace and went upstairs. After entering the door, Luo Tang quickly walked to the desk and took out the textbook. Finally, I clicked accept on the screen.

The signal in the countryside was not very good, so the screen took a moment, and the girl's cheek was exposed when she got closer to the camera. She leaned a little closer, but her face was still pretty.

In front of Wei Ruxia was a pile of test papers and textbooks, as messy as her untied hair. As soon as Luo Tang was connected, Wei Ruxia laughed, the corners of her eyes curved, clean and beautiful.

"Why did you pick it up?" Wei Ruxia asked. After asking, she looked at the boy behind the screen, frowned slightly, and said, "Have you taken a shower?"

Although Luo Tang was wearing clothes, her fair cheeks and ears were a little pink, as if she had just taken a shower.

It could be seen that what Wei Ruxia said was joking, Luo Tang looked at her, his eyes seemed to be able to stare through the screen, and he could even smell the faint fragrance of roses on her body.

"Yeah." Luo Tang replied in a low voice, looked at the math textbook in front of her, opened her test paper, and asked, "Which question?"

The mobile phone was placed on the bookshelf, and the young man on the screen pressed the brand-new test paper with his long, white fingers. He hadn't done it yet, but he was ready to tell her.

Wei Ruxia looked at it and remembered what grandma said today. She rubbed her eyes, looked at Luo Tang and thought.

He is her friend, so they will grow up with each other, right