Feed You Sweets

Chapter 39


Luo Tang lives alone. The decoration of the house is simple and elegant, and the home has everything. However, it feels empty and thin, like the owner, showing a cold and alienation. He probably doesn't live here very much, or he just moved in, and everything in the house looks brand new.

Let's not talk about the house for the time being, the air-conditioning is fully turned on. As soon as Wei Ruxia entered the door, she felt that the air-conditioning had calmed the clamoring pores all over her body.

When Luo Tang invited Wei Ruxia in, he answered a phone call. He took off his suit jacket, flexed his handsome fingers slightly, unbuttoned his tie, and reached the office area in the blink of an eye.

He is in the IT industry, and there are only seven or eight computers in the office area. He opened one of them, unbuttoned his neckline, and Shen Sheng spoke to the person on the other end of the phone.

"you say."

This posture obviously regarded Wei Ruxia as a transparent person.

Naturally, she didn't care, the sunlight from the floor-to-ceiling windows behind her shone a little hot on her clean calf. Wei Ruxia walked inside and sat on the high stool in front of the bar a little far from Luo Tang.

This villa has only two floors, but it covers a large area and the second floor is a duplex. On the first floor, there is a large living room with crystal chandeliers, a fireplace with murals, a finely decorated dining room and kitchen, the wine cabinet and bar where she is staying, and the office area where Luo Tang is currently staying.

The first floor is sunny, and the bar is facing the large floor-to-ceiling windows. Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows are the balcony and swimming pool, and you can see the sea in the distance through the swimming pool. In the evening, there is a line between the sea and the sky.

Luo Tang stood behind the computer desk, he was calmly arranging something with his mobile phone in one hand, while the other hand was holding the mouse to move the screen. He didn't sit down, his waist was slightly bent, the white shirt outlined his flexible and tight waistline, and he looked very powerful.

He has always been in good shape. After becoming an adult, his youthful youth has faded, and he has a mature hormonal atmosphere, which is enough to fascinate anyone of the opposite sex who sees him.

His face was inexplicably hot, Wei Ruxia was afraid that his thoughts would lose control in certain directions, his throat moved slightly, and he withdrew his gaze.

Luo Tang finished processing the data in his hand, looked up at the bar, the woman sat with her arms crossed, her slender legs folded together. She raised her head slightly, observed the wine in the wine cabinet, raised her chin to reveal a beautiful and smooth jawline, like a shadow cast by a projector, not very real.

"What's wrong with the director of this commercial?" Luo Tang looked back and asked. Sure enough, the woman over the wine cabinet turned her head slightly.

After listening to it, assistant Don said, "There is nothing wrong with the director, he is still the director of "Assassin"."

Luo Tang's expression didn't change, his fingertips clicked on the mouse twice, his eyes narrowed slightly: "If she doesn't have time, do you have other directors?"

don: "... Director... "

"Okay." Luo Tang interrupted Don, and said in a calm tone: "Someone recommended me at the banquet a few days ago, and I will ask her intentions."

Before Don could speak, Luo Tang hung up the phone and looked up at the director who was "recommended by someone at the banquet a few days ago", and the director was also looking at him.

Wei Ruxia had no intention of listening to his call, but the room was too empty, and there was even an echo, so she had nowhere to hide. Moreover, Luo Tang did not avoid her.

She looked at Luo Tang's gaze, smiled, and asked, "Want to talk?"

Getting up from the computer desk, Luo Tang pulled out the chair and sat down, looked at her and nodded, "Yes."

Cen Nianbai said that the lo company is a big company. If advertising outsourcing is outsourced, the compensation will be nothing compared to his company. Now Luo Tang was her boss, Wei Ruxia walked over from the high stool and sat on the seat in front of Luo Tang.

Wei Ruxia started her career as a photographer after graduation, and switched careers as a director a few years ago. Although she has no money to set up a studio, she also has her own set of industry fees. However, Luo Tang was the big boss, and she still wanted to hear what Luo Tang meant.

"The remuneration can be set according to the industry standard, or it can be set according to your standard." Boss Luo is very generous.

Wei Ruxia smiled and said, "Then according to my standard, can it be set higher?"

"When the film is finished, let's see if it's worth your price." Luo Tang said, "Our company's publicity team, you can use it."

This at least guarantees that she is not single-handedly, and her work period can also be shortened, the time is short, the money is more, and maybe she can see both sides of him during the filming interval, which is indeed a good job.

Wei Ruxia sat casually, obviously very satisfied with what he said. He leaned forward slightly, suppressing the heat that was about to burst out of his chest, resting his elbows on the table, the man's thin lips slightly opened.

"Our game comes out in September, and I hope you'll be able to get to work next month."

When Wei Ruxia, who was bound to win, heard this, she smiled and said apologetically: "I finished shooting the commercial of Yi Group this month, and I want to go back to the UK..."

Luo Tang's eyes froze when she finished the first half of her words, and her face was reflected in her jet-black pupils, like a lake hit by a cold current, gradually freezing.

He kept his last grace, leaned back slightly, looked at her, and a sneer escaped from his throat.

"Then what time are you wasting with me here?"

The driver's phone rang at the right time, alleviating Wei Ruxia's embarrassment. What he asked was to say that she was unable to meet the requirements of their company on time, but she could hear something else.

"Sorry." Wei Ruxia had nothing to say. After apologizing, she answered the master's call, got up and walked out.

The woman's back was thin and resolute, just like eight years ago, Luo Tang watched her drifting away, and she became the shadow cast by the projector on the wall again, and he couldn't catch it at all.

"I'm sorry, miss, I took the wrong route just now. The road in the new district is very difficult to go around." The driver who came to pick up Wei Ruxia happily apologized.

After Wei Ruxia came in, the air-conditioning in the car enveloped her, but the fire in her chest was still burning. She couldn't hide her dryness, didn't chat with the driver, just said lightly, "It's okay."

Then he leaned back on his seat, looking at the sea by the coastal road, thinking about Luo Tang's last words.

She still likes Luo Tang, even if he is Luo Tang eight years later, she still likes it. The person is still the same person, no matter how it changes.

But how could she like him? Now she is only on the basis of her father's smooth recovery, she mustered up the courage to return to Ancheng, thinking that it would be good to have a look at him from a distance. If I want to stay in the country, I have to wait for my father's rehabilitation to end successfully... But will it go smoothly

People who have been ill for a long time are not only physically damaged, but their spirits are also corroded. The determination to recover at the beginning, as the long road to recovery disappears, will lead to some extreme behaviors.

The thrill of four years ago, she didn't want to experience it again.

Wei Ruxia took out her cell phone and called Alan.

This time was early in the morning in the UK, Wei Ruxia called, and Alan seemed to have just woken up and finished practicing. When he received Wei Ruxia's call, he was very happy and greeted her in broken Chinese.


The voice of alan, who had just finished practicing, was very loud. It came through the receiver, and Wei Ruxia seemed to be able to see the small dew on the green plants on the balcony of the British home.

Vibrant, youthful and invincible, the same is true of the former Luo Tang.

"En." Wei Ruxia replied with a smile, and praised: "Chinese has improved quite well."

Alan was very happy to hear it, and continued to say in Chinese: "I will accompany the teacher to the hospital today. Last time, the doctor praised the teacher for being positive and optimistic, and he recovered well."

The British are more open than the Chinese in their expressions. For example, what alan is saying now is obviously a doctor who praises her father. However, when I made a video with my father yesterday, my father did not tell her.

As long as his father's rehabilitation is on the right track, Wei Ruxia is relieved. She thanked alan. Alan smiled and shook his head to indicate that it was nothing. Before hanging up the phone, he did not forget to show his "open" again.

"Sister, come back soon, my roses are about to bloom, I want to give you the first one."

After hanging up with Alan, Wei Ruxia became calm. She stared at the screen of her mobile phone and did not call her father rashly. After arriving at the hotel, Wei Ruxia entered the room, sat on the sofa by the window, and dialed his father's number.

Wei Zishan lives a regular life, getting up earlier than Alan. When Wei Ruxia heard his father's kind voice over there, the strings in his heart slowly tightened.

"Dad, what are you doing?" She smiled, chatting as usual.

Wei Zishan is naturally still correcting the students' scripts. Although the students' scripts lack regularity, they are full of interesting plots. Sometimes Wei Zishan is in a good mood and even reads a paragraph to Wei Ruxia.

He was clearly in a good mood today, Wei Ruxia listened to him reading, the corners of his lips rose, he opened the curtain next to him, and said to his father, "It's very spiritual."

Wei Zishan smiled, agreed, and said, "Yes, we need to polish it up, and we can go straight to the script."

"The plot of the commercial I'm shooting is not bad," Wei Ruxia said.

Wei Zishan smiled and said, "I heard you say it, but the commercial color is too heavy, and it is not quite the same as the drama. By the way, you should be back in 20 days, right?"

Although he didn't say it, he still thought about it in his heart.

With her teeth biting her lower lip, Wei Ruxia responded lightly, "Yes."

Wei Zishan heard something wrong in his daughter's tone. He closed the script and asked in a gentle tone, "What's the matter? Do you want to come back later?"

Wei Zishan is sensitive, and he can always detect something in her right away. Wei Ruxia felt a little regretful. After seeing Luo Tang today, she was a little dizzy.

"No." Wei Ruxia said, "I will go back on time, I don't want to leave you for too long."

"Don't want to leave me for too long, or are you afraid of leaving me for too long?" Wei Zishan went straight to the point.

Wei Ruxia was speechless when asked, but she didn't seem to fluctuate when she heard Wei Zishan's tone. She smiled and admitted, "All."

On the other end of the phone, Wei Zishan sighed softly and asked Wei Ruxia, "Do you want to keep looking at me like this?"

Wei Ruxia didn't answer, Wei Zishan calmed down and said with a chuckle, "Do whatever you want. Dad believes that what you do is for the good of Dad and you."

Her father knew her better than she thought.

When Wei Ruxia called her father, she actually wanted to answer the advertisement of Luo Tang's company. She admitted that she was selfish, thinking that she could look at Luo Tang more when she was shooting commercials. But she didn't just do it for this, the generous reward was also an important point to attract her.

She wanted to call and test her father to see if she could leave him frequently. Before she could lay the net, her father tore her apart.

Wei Ruxia took her old mobile phone with WeChat and was going to ask Hu Yinyin and Luo Tang's contact information. She wanted to ask Luo Tang if she could postpone the filming of their company's commercial for half a month after finishing the yi company's commercial. If not, she is not going to take it.

As soon as she opened WeChat, the pinned "Tangtang" sent a message.

The heart that Wei Ruxia had just fished out of the water was put into the water again. She didn't need to open it to see what the message was from Luo Tang.

[Tangtang: I remember you, you were the first girl I liked.]

Luo Tang was still sitting on the engineering chair in the office area. He held his mobile phone and stared at the screen of the mobile phone with deep eyes. On the screen, there is another unsent word.

It's the only one I like

He pressed the delete key to delete the unsent words in the input box, and typed another line and sent it.

[Tangtang: Shoot a commercial next month, you will be paid. I want to see you next month.]

The author has something to say:

Tangtang: Don't be embarrassed anymore, I don't have a wife anymore.