Feed You Sweets

Chapter 58


After becoming a mother, time flies so fast, in the blink of an eye, it's October, and the little guy is three months old. Wei Ruxia has a play to start in early October, and soon, the time she can spend with her son 24 hours a day will come to an end.

Holding her son in her arms, Wei Ruxia felt a little sour. Her first lesson of parting with her child was not very good. She was filming in Ancheng this time, and she had time to go home every day, but in general, she still had less time to accompany her son.

After taking care of Wei Ruxia, Luo Tang went back to work at the company. Wei Ruxia and his son were at home, and his time in the company was not fixed. Usually, he spent the first half of the day dealing with things that had to be handled in the company, and the other half of the day with them. mother and son.

After the son was born, the grandfather named his great-grandson Luo Jinwu, which means that he likes a different self every day. Luo Jinwu's child is very lovable, rarely crying, and plays with Wei Ruxia with wide eyes every day, so he should be named after him.

For the convenience of taking care of the children, Wei Ruxia's family of three still lives in the mansion. In the morning, Luo Tang was called by Don to deal with the company's affairs, and only Wei Ruxia and her son slept together in the afternoon nap.

The weather in October is still hot, there are babies in the house, and the air conditioners in the rooms are not turned on. Wei Ruxia was sweating profusely from sleep, and when she was about to wake up in a daze, her son's little hand stretched out, and with two milky sounds, Wei Ruxia's heart softened, and she smiled and opened her eyes.

The three-month-old Luo Jinwu has completely turned into a cute baby after shaking off the ugly and cute feeling of being wrinkled when he was born. The skin followed his father's, and on the milk tofu-like face, the eyelashes were thick and long and curled. A pair of big eyes were hidden under the eyelashes, with dark eyeballs, with starlight, like a doll.

The color of eyes is like Luo Tang, but the color of hair is like Wei Ruxia, dark flaxen. Luo Jinwu has shown his amazing hair volume since he was a child, and Hu Yinyin was amazed when he came over with her little baby. Beckham is one year old, and she didn't have so much hair when she was three months old.

Wei Ruxia bit her son's hand, which was soft. She smiled and thought about things. Xiao Jinwu danced and looked at her mother babblingly, as if she was talking to her.

The baby's voice was so soft and cute, it sounded like a mouthful of warm milk, fragrant and sweet. Wei Ruxia's smile gradually melted, biting his son's hand and chatting with him.

"Ah, what's wrong?"

"Ah ah ah~"

"Oh, do you miss Dad?"


"Dad will be back soon~"

"Oh oh na na~"

The nutritious conversation ended with Wei Ruxia's laughter. With an "Oops", she got up, buried her face in Luo Jinwu's little neck and took a deep breath. A gust of milk hit her, and Wei Ruxia fell onto the bed clutching her chest.

"Killed by cute light waves!"

Luo Jinwu giggled as he watched his mother act, and finally let out a long cry. Wei Ruxia buried himself in his son's stomach and took a sip. Luo Jinwu laughed even more.

Wei Ruxia straightened up and looked at Luo Jinwu, who was lying on the bed with his calf and small arms kicked. Something in his heart seemed to overflow.

"My son is so cute." Wei Ruxia said to himself. After finishing speaking, he added: "My husband is also handsome, I am really a big winner in life."

After she became a director, she sometimes acted subconsciously, of course, it was also related to her Gemini personality. After Wei Ruxia finished the performance, she was amused by herself, put her elbows on her son's side, and began to "dududu" to play with her son.

When his son was almost tired, Wei Ruxia smiled, pinched the little guy's little fleshy hand, and got up. It's too hot to blow the air conditioner, she's going to take a shower.

Although Luo Jinwu was honest, Wei Ruxia didn't dare to leave him alone on the bed. She opened the door and called Auntie. After Auntie came, Wei Ruxia went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower, her hair was half dry. Wei Ruxia took Luo Jinwu from her aunt and went to the small balcony in the bedroom. The sky was getting cloudy, and it was about to rain. She sat on the reclining chair, hanging her half-dry hair behind the reclining chair, holding Luo Jinwu on her chest.

The floor-to-ceiling windows opened a small opening, and the breeze gradually blew in. It was cool and not dry, and it was extraordinarily comfortable.

When Luo Tang came home, he happened to see Wei Ruxia holding Luo Jinwu blowing the wind. Wei Ruxia was half-lying, her chin slightly raised, her eyes lightly closed. Her hair was not cut short, and it was dripping under the chaise longue. From time to time there is a breeze blowing, and the hair is shaken.

Luo Jinwu in her arms is also very quiet, lying in her mother's arms, her mouth is still drinking milk, very comfortable. Because the recliner can be rocked, like a crib, he was rocked and gradually fell asleep.

The sound of Luo Tang opening the door alarmed the mother and son, and the two men, one big and one small, tilted their heads to look over. Wei Ruxia smiled when she saw Luo Tang, lowered her head and touched Luo Jinwu's forehead with the tip of her nose, and said softly, "Dad is back~"

It was like running around for a long time and finally reaching the destination. Luo Tang's life of twenty years was nothing more than what he pursued.

Walking to the mother and son, Luo Tang lowered his head, Wei Ruxia raised his head with a smile, and the two kissed lightly. When Luo Jinwu saw his father, he called out twice, Luo Tang smiled, and said to Wei Ruxia, "I'll go take a shower first."

When Luo Tang just entered the door, his expression was still somewhat arrogant and arrogant, but when they stood in front of their mother and son, tenderness immediately pervaded his body.

Wei Ruxia nodded and agreed, Luo Tang got up and went to the bathroom.

He took this bath very quickly, and after washing, he changed his clothes. Dressed in clean and simple cotton home clothes, Luo Tang took a hairdryer in his hand.

Wei Ruxia's hair was not dry yet. After he came over, he pulled up a chair and sat behind the reclining chair, and started blowing Wei Ruxia's hair.

Luo Tang is very good at blowing her hair. He has long fingers, gentle movements, and strong finger pulps. When blowing her hair, he will give her a relaxing massage, which is very well cared for.

"Is it loud?" Luo Tang turned on the hair dryer and glanced at Luo Jinwu.

Luo Jinwu's eyes were all on the hair dryer, which was a novelty for the little guy. His eyes were big, and he only blinked when Luo Tang turned on the hair dryer. Seeing that Luo Tang didn't move, he also raised his eyes to look at his father.

"He's curious, not afraid." Wei Ruxia read his son's movements and expressions, raised his head and said to Luo Tang.

Luo Tang smiled, afraid of blowing Luo Jinwu, so he lowered the hair dryer and lifted the ends of Wei Ruxia's hair to blow it. Her hair was already half dry, and it was done quickly. She put away the hairdryer, massaged Wei Ruxia's scalp, helped her to apply the essential oil, and then put a ball on her head. Wei Ruxia was afraid of heat, and in this weather, she would sweat with loose hair.

The life of the two after marriage is very tranquil, and the same is true after having a son. The world of the two is not disturbed at all, and the three of them are happier together.

When Luo Tang tied Wei Ruxia's hair, Luo Jinwu looked up at his father and called out twice. Wei Ruxia looked down at him, and after a chuckle, she looked up at her husband and said, "I'm hungry."

Luo Tang did not lessen the milk powder for Luo Jinwu, and the little guy also had some awareness and knew to ask his father for milk. Luo Tang looked at him and smiled, bowed his head and kissed Wei Ruxia and said, "I'm going to make milk powder."

Wei Ruxia didn't lie down anymore. She was going to work soon, for fear that she would become lazy after she got used to lying down. Get up with Luo Tang, hold Luo Jinwu to see Luo Tang Chong milk powder.

Wei Ruxia's milk formula skills were still learned from Luo Tang. When Luo Shi'an was a child, Luo Tang rushed through for her, so she was very skilled. After preparing the milk powder and testing the temperature, Luo Tang took Luo Jinwu over and said, "I'll feed it."

Wei Ruxia smiled and handed over the white dumplings in his hand. As soon as Luo Tang took it, Luo Jinwu eagerly stretched out his arms to grab the bottle.

The couple looked at their son's movements, looked at each other and laughed. Luo Tang fed Luo Jinwu and carried him to the crib.

Luo Jinwu's little hands were curled up, and he was dancing with excitement at first, but soon, after the milk was finished, the little guy's eyelids gradually closed.

His eyelids are very thin and his skin is white. When he closes them, he can see the small blue blood vessels on the eyelids, which is very cute.

When Luo Tang was breastfeeding, Wei Ruxia was also standing beside him, gently rocking the crib. After drinking the milk, Wei Ruxia watched Luo Tang take the bottle away, smiled at him, and whispered: "Sleep. already."

Luo Tang nodded, and just took away the bottle, the little guy's mouth was still sucking. After he took the bottle, he got up and went to the small room, and began to clean the bottle in his hand.

The bedroom they live in is a suite. In addition to the bedroom, there is a small living room, a small dining room and a small kitchen. The small room that Luo Tang went to was the baby room that Luo Jinwu lived in from the beginning. But he is too young, and now he wants to live with Wei Ruxia with him, so there are only his things here.

After Luo Tang entered, Wei Ruxia also followed. She watched Luo Tang cleanly rinse and sterilize and dry the bottle in his hand, and after putting it away, he washed his hands again.

There was no dryer in the room, the water droplets dripped down Luo Tang's slender fingers, his hands drooped, just about to reach for a tissue to wipe it, he saw Wei Ruxia standing in front of him.

When she was at home, she wore very simple clothes, only wearing a wide white t-shirt, a little above her knees. Just after taking a shower, my hair was tied up loosely, and there was still a little bit of broken hair around my ears.

After she was pregnant and gave birth, Wei Ruxia had an indescribable femininity on her body. She didn't need to say anything, as long as she smiled at Luo Tang, the man could understand what she meant.

Luo Tang pursed her lips lightly, walked over, lowered her head and kissed her.

"Luo Tang." Wei Ruxia's voice was very low, she hung her arms around Luo Tang's neck and called him with a smile.

"Huh?" Luo Tang responded in a low voice.

"I want to have another one." Wei Ruxia said, her fingertips slid down the back of Luo Tang's head, and smiled: "I want a daughter."

Luo Tang did not immediately agree to her request. He frowned slightly, looked at Wei Ruxia in his arms, suppressed the lust and lust in his eyes, and said in a low voice, "Yes, but not now."

He hadn't forgotten the pain she suffered during childbirth. For a while, he didn't want her to experience that kind of pain again.

Luo Tang's offensive was very fast. The son was sleeping outside, and the two of them moved very lightly, only breathing heavily. Both of them had just taken a shower, and the smell on their bodies was dry and refreshing. Soon, the fire between the two of them stirred up against each other. Wei Ruxia was pushed against the wall. The back of her head rested on his palm.

The warm and slightly hard touch reminded her of when she was sleeping on the subway in high school, and Luo Tang put her hands on the back of her head like this.

In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed, and they are married, have children, and live the life they once dreamed of.

The author has something to say: A lot of people are urging the end, I will say it all, because I want to take full attendance this month, so it will be extended to Thursday.

That is to say, there are two more episodes that will end, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, please don't rush.