Feed You Sweets

Chapter 6


I thought Luo Tang was just talking casually, but I didn't expect that when Wei Ruxia went out to school on Monday, she saw Luo Tang leaning in front of her house.

The early morning sun is full of dew, and every ray of light is refreshing. Under the sun, the boy's white shirt was as clean as new, with a schoolbag slung across his straight shoulders, and he was reading a comic book in his hand.

Seeing Wei Ruxia come out, Luo Tang raised his eyes to look at her, and as soon as he put away the comic book in his hand, he got up and looked down at Wei Ruxia, saying.

"Let's go."

The sudden farewell from friends made Li Suhe's body and spirit unbearable. After his friend's funeral, Li Suhe was sent back to his home in the outer suburbs by Wei Zishan. After going back for a day's rest, Li Suhe called Wei Ruxia with a tired and apologetic tone.

Wei Ruxia knew that grandma had spent so long reconciling between her and Wei Zishan that she was probably exhausted both physically and mentally. In order not to worry her, Wei Ruxia told her that everything was fine now. She didn't want her to worry, so she told her that everything was fine now.

"You go to school with Luo Tang now?" Li Suhe asked.

"Yeah." Wei Ruxia said, "I like all three meals a day prepared by my aunt, and my dad also likes it."

Hearing her take the initiative to mention Wei Zishan, Li Suhe felt a lot more at ease. She said to Wei Ruxia, "Then you and your dad get along well, and when the National Day holiday is over, come to play with grandma."

Ancheng, who was taken over by Wei Ruxia in June, has been staying at her grandmother's house for two months. Her house is in a small town on the outskirts of Ancheng. In the rainy June, the town is as beautiful as an ink painting.

Wei Ruxia nodded and agreed, "Okay, grandma."

As soon as Wei Ruxia hung up the phone, math teacher Liu Naiwen entered the classroom with a stack of test papers in his hand.

Seeing the test paper in his hand, the class immediately complained.

"It's only two weeks before the school starts, and the exam will be held!"

"Is there anything to test, I didn't study a few pages of textbooks at all!"

Liu Naiwen is a 35-year-old short, thin middle-aged man with glasses and a hunchback. He looks a little joyful and humorous.

Hearing the students complaining one after another, Liu Naiwen put the paper on the table, raised his eyebrows funny, and said, "Don't want to take the exam? Then don't take the college entrance examination, go home, you go home and inherit the family business, I go home and farm."

The whole class burst into laughter, Liu Naiwen tapped the table with the blackboard, and said: "Okay, clean up the table and start the exam. Don't be in a hurry to belittle yourselves, feel that you haven't learned well, and you'll know after the exam is over. It's not that you are underestimating yourself, you really didn't learn well."

Although the atmosphere in the classroom was very relaxed by Liu Naiwen, the math problems on the paper were not at all easy. When the papers were collected after class, Hu Yinyin slammed his face on the desk and said, "This is over."

In the back, Han Junsong was looking in the mirror and combing his newly permed hair. After listening to Hu Yinyin's words, Han Junsong spit out: "Did you think you couldn't finish before you took the test?"

Hu Yinyin stood up and beat Han Junsong after chasing him.

Hu Yinyin was a little short, but Han Junsong was black and thin, and he was half a head taller than Hu Yinyin. The two were chasing in the classroom. The picture was a bit funny, and the classmates in the class laughed again.

Wei Ruxia couldn't laugh. The air conditioner and cool breeze were on in the classroom. She thought that she had more than half of the exam papers empty, and she felt agitated.

The single subject test was approved very quickly, and it was corrected on Tuesday. After the math class representative Li Yiting sent the homework, he brought back the test paper from yesterday's test and distributed it.

Wherever Li Yiting went, there was bound to be a wailing.

Everyone around her had their test papers handed out, except for Wei Ruxia's. She raised her head to look at Li Yiting, who handed the last test paper to Han Junsong. In the joy of Han Junsong's surprise that he had scored 35 points, Li Yiting Pushing his glasses, he told Wei Ruxia the bad news.

"The teacher asked you to go to the office."

Wei Ruxia's heart sank with a thud.

Hu Yinyin next to her also pinched a sweat for her. She put down the paper and asked Li Yiting.

"Old Liu is not in a bad mood, right?"

Li Yiting pushed the glasses again. He was also quite white, and his facial features were very light. Pushing the glasses like this gave him a sense of elite.

"It's okay, I'm playing Lianliankan."

The offices of Ancheng No. 1 Middle School are set up according to different subjects. The English teachers are unified in the English group, and the mathematics teachers are in the mathematics group. There is one office for every four teachers.

The office is not big. Two desks are spliced together by the window. A teacher sits on one desk. There are computers and various books and lesson plans on the desk.

On the four tables, Liu Naiwen's was the most chaotic. When Wei Ruxia went, there were only two teachers in the office. A teacher is immersed in preparing lessons, while Liu Naiwen is playing Lianliankan. He put a glass on the table, soaked a little wolfberry in the glass, and the bright red wolfberry was bubbling from time to time in the transparent water.

As soon as Wei Ruxia knocked on the door, the two teachers looked over at the same time. After she called Liu Naiwen "Teacher", the other teacher automatically lowered her head. Then, Liu Naiwen called her in.

Wei Ruxia sat on the chair next to Liu Naiwen's desk, watching her exam papers lay on Liu Naiwen's desk, with "34" on it, making her feel like she was sitting on pins and needles.

She didn't even take Han Junsong's exam.

Seeing that Wei Ruxia was a little nervous, Liu Naiwen made his expression as kind as possible, pushed her exam paper forward, and asked, "Can't keep up with the course? Is it my way of teaching that you're not used to?"

The strength of the teachers in Ancheng No. 1 Middle School is unremarkable, and it is definitely not the problem of the teachers.

"No." After Wei Ruxia denied it, she said to Liu Naiwen, "When I was a freshman in high school, I studied textbook B."

Liu Naiwen heard Ke Wenzhen, the head teacher of Class 15, say that Wei Ruxia was transferred from the north, so he should take care of him more. But the teaching materials were different, and the basics were different. He had no choice but to let Wei Ruxia study again, and then catch up with the progress of his classmates.

"Is that so." Liu Naiwen said clearly, he handed the test paper to Wei Ruxia first, then glanced at his desk, and took out a math textbook for the first semester of high school from a pile of lesson plans.

"Then you should lay a solid foundation first. Go back and read this textbook for yourself, and ask me or your classmates if you have any questions."

Wei Ruxia returned to the classroom with the textbook and test papers. When he entered, he happened to see Luo Tang standing in front of the window in the classroom corridor, and a boy beside him was talking to him.

The next class is Chinese, but the Chinese teacher has something to do, so it is arranged as a self-study.

Still thinking of the math teacher's words, Wei Ruxia didn't stop at the door, but pushed the door into the classroom. Luo Tang raised his eyes and glanced at her. After talking to the boy, he also turned around and went back to the classroom.

As soon as Luo Tang entered the door, Han Junsong came over and asked, "Xu Lingzhou brought someone here?"

Last time, Luo Tang singled out Xu Lingzhou and beat him to the point where he almost broke his face. He didn't dare to beat Luo Tang himself. He didn't know where to recruit soldiers and horses. Internet cafes.

This kind of group fight will always make the bloody teenagers surging and eager to move.

Compared with Han Junsong, Luo Tang was much calmer. He opened the comic book in his hand and responded casually, listening to Han Junsong chattering about his battle plan and the conversation between the two girls in front of him. .

"The teaching materials are different? Wow, math is so difficult, I can't help you." Hu Yinyin's head was getting bigger.

Wei Ruxia was more worried than Hu Yinyin, but she didn't give up, she opened the textbook and started to read. Although the textbooks A and B are divided, the high school syllabus is clearly delineated, and there are still commonalities between the two textbooks.

Seeing Wei Ruxia looking at the book calmly, without turning the pages for a long time, Hu Yinyin leaned over and asked, "Do you understand?"

Wei Ruxia stared at the numbers in the textbook and answered honestly, "I don't understand."

Hu Yinyin: "..."

Hu Yinyin is impatient. Seeing that Wei Ruxia is in trouble, she spares no effort to help. She raised her eyes and swept to the classroom window, saw Li Yiting who was pushing her glasses, and had an idea.

"Hey, I heard that our class will be changing positions soon. Do you want to talk to the head teacher in advance and let you be transferred to the window with Li Yiting at the same table."

Li Yiting is a scholar, originally from the Olympiad, but later felt that he liked other subjects, so he transferred from the Olympiad to the fifteenth class.

As soon as Hu Yinyin's voice fell, the boy who was reading the comics diagonally behind turned the pages for a while.

Wei Ruxia felt that Hu Yinyin's plan was feasible, but the position change was not today, and she had to look at the textbook first. She is good at mathematics, and it takes her a long time to figure out a problem in three or two steps in the textbook.

It's okay to understand, but the key is that there are still things that you don't understand.

More than half of the self-study had passed, Wei Ruxia looked up from the textbook, her mind was a mess. The classmates around her, Hu Yinyin said, are all bad at studying, but once they have studied, they are better than those who have never studied.

Wei Ruxia took the textbook and began to ask the classmates around him this question. It was quiet in the self-study class. After she whispered to the people around her, she began to ask the people around her. When she finished asking the people around her, there was only one person left.

The distance between the two was not too far. Wei Ruxia was about to ask when the back door was suddenly opened. Outside stood the boy who had just talked to Luo Tang, and there were a few people behind him, and the battle was quite large.

As soon as the man opened the door, most of the classmates in the classroom turned back. After seeing the crowd, they glanced at Luo Tang again, and went back to study as usual.

"Brother Luo." The boy called Luo Tang.

Luo Tang put the cartoon in his hand and looked up at Wei Ruxia, who was about to turn his head. There was no emotion in his dark eyes.

"Why didn't you ask me?"

The sound was not too loud or too small, just enough for the people in the back to hear it.

Wei Ruxia stopped turning around, looked at him, and asked suspiciously, "Aren't you going to fight?"

There was a harsh sound as the chair rubbed against the ground, Luo Tang stood up from his seat and walked to Wei Ruxia's side.

He was very tall. In order for Wei Ruxia to hear his voice, Luo Tang put one hand on the back of Wei Ruxia's chair, and the other hand on Wei Ruxia's textbook.

Knuckled fingers slammed on Wei Ruxia's textbook, Luo Tang's eyelashes drooped slightly, and met Wei Ruxia's light brown eyes.

"Finish it after speaking. Which question can't be done?"

The author has something to say:

Tangtang: I'll give you a topic, don't change your seat.

Wei Ruxia: …