Feeding the Sickly Supporting Male Lead

Chapter 57


Wen Zhan's alcohol tolerance was really too low. He was so drunk that he even forgot that he was a mute.

He supported himself with his hands weakly, rubbed his forehead against Lu Yunchu's palm, looked up at her, and opened and closed his mouth, but no one knew what he was saying.

Lu Yunchu was actually quite curious about what he wanted to say after getting drunk, but he could only mumble silently, and no matter how good Lu Yunchu's eyesight was, he couldn't tell what he was saying.

He looked thin, but was actually very heavy. Lu Yunchu was out of breath and tried to push him away.

Wen Zhan looked at her futile actions in confusion. After a while, his eyes slowly widened, as if he finally understood what she meant.

He pursed his lips tightly and stared at Lu Yunchu with a feeling of grievance and annoyance.

Lu Yunchu:

He is right.

He petted Lu Yunchu several times like a woodpecker, then looked up and spoke silently again.

Maybe he was threatening him this time, so he spoke slowly, and Lu Yunchu could barely understand the first few words.

"Don't look for anyone else #¥@%…"

Lu Yunchu: ...Okay, it’s her fault. Why would she want to listen to what a drunkard says

She knocked on Wen Zhan's head and said, "Get out of the way. You're pressing on me. I'll go make you some hangover soup so you don't get a headache when you wake up."

I don’t know if Wen Zhan understood what he said. He paused and shook his head very seriously.

She was being mean to Lu Yunchu just now, but now her expression changed again. She put her head on her shoulder and rubbed it like a spoiled child.

The hair on his forehead was very soft and furry, which made Lu Yunchu feel itchy. He couldn't control his laughter and yelled at him: "Hurry up! I'm angry!" Like a schizophrenic.

As soon as her tone changed, Wen Zhan, who was pressing on her, immediately stiffened. After a while, he carefully moved closer and rubbed his cheek against hers.

This grown up person had no idea that her body shape was not suitable for acting like a spoiled child. She wanted to snuggle up in Lu Yunchu's arms, but in fact, his whole body would only cover her, with even her legs hanging outside the recliner.

Lu Yunchu really lost his temper and said, "You'll regret it when you sober up."

Wen Zhan didn't understand, so he gave a rare silly grin and stared at her with bright eyes. It looked like he was going to launch a sneak attack again.

Lu Yunchu said: "Fool!"

Wen Zhan laughed.

"No more food for you."

Wen Zhan still smiled.

"I don't like you anymore."

Wen Zhan stopped laughing immediately. His unfocused eyes immediately brightened up, and his surging sadness seemed as if it would be so fragile that it would break at any moment.

‌‌Ah, I don’t understand anything, but I understand these key words.

She immediately changed her words: "I like you, I like you the most."

Wen Zhan's expression changed faster than turning the pages of a book. The sadness in his eyes disappeared immediately, and was replaced by a silly smile. He kissed Lu Yunchu all over the face, and Lu Yunchu felt like he was covered in a smear.

"Alright, alright." She gave up teasing Wen Zhan and tickled him instead, trying to use this method to push him away.

Wen Zhan looked puzzled, thinking that her hand was restless, so he held her wrist, took it out, threw it away, then rubbed it with a look of comfort, and when he felt it was no longer painful, he continued to stick tightly to Lu Yunchu and continued to bubble happily.

Lu Yunchu: ... Are you treating her as a human-shaped pillow

She sighed. The recliner was too narrow. Wen Zhan had almost half of his body pressed on her. She couldn't stand it any more.

She felt that her patience had reached its limit, and gritted her teeth and said, "Wen Zhan!"

Wen Zhan was rubbing her neck with his nose, but when he heard the roar, he straightened his back and raised his head.

When their eyes met, he seemed to think for a moment, and his expression finally returned to his usual sober state.

Just when Lu Yunchu thought that he was a little drunk and could have a conversation, Wen Zhan silently said two powerful words: "Eat!"

Lu Yunchu was really speechless. This was probably what they meant when people speak the truth after drinking. It seemed that he really didn't have enough to eat and had been holding a grudge for a long time, right

She snorted, and reached back to attack Wen Zhan's most vulnerable waist, pinching his soft flesh and tickling him. She didn't believe that Wen Zhan really had no feeling for tickling flesh.

Wen Zhan did feel a little uncomfortable. He had just shaken off Lu Yunchu's hand, so why did it come back again

He twisted his body, but she continued to tickle him, making him very uncomfortable and he looked at her blankly.

A devilish smile appeared on Lu Yunchu's face. He increased his strength and used all ten fingers to tickle him until he laughed out loud.

Wen Zhan didn't like this feeling and felt uncomfortable, but Lu Yunchu had no intention of stopping. He could only look at her innocently and endure it silently.

He kept pushing and pulling, but couldn't get rid of her clutches. Finally, he couldn't bear it any longer and stood up suddenly, then knelt down with difficulty to look at her.

Lu Yunchu was finally able to catch his breath. He exhaled heavily, slowed down, and prepared to sit up to prevent Wen Zhan, who became a clingy guy when drunk, from coming up to him again.

As a result, when she just sat up, she saw Wen Zhan, who was kneeling beside her legs, with his cheeks and ears red as if they were about to bleed, and his head was down, and no one knew what he was thinking.

She was just about to pull her legs together to go around Wen Zhan and flip over, when she saw Wen Zhan suddenly reach for the belt around his waist and begin to untie it neatly.

Lu Yunchu:?!

She was startled and quickly held him down: "What are you doing?"

Wen Zhan looked up, and Lu Yunchu finally saw his expression clearly.

He gritted his teeth, looking shy, his eyes, which were already misty due to the alcohol, were now filled with a shimmering light. His bones were cold, but the lines of his eyes were soft. Now these eyes can only be described with one word: "charming", but not vulgar at all. Whoever comes here will find it hard to resist.

Lu Yunchu stuttered in a cowardly manner: "What are you doing? It's broad daylight, in the open air, and in the yard."

Wen Zhan tilted his head slightly and made an innocent expression on his face, which was extremely lethal.

His eyes fell on Lu Yunchu's hand, then moved to his belt. The meaning was very clear: Wasn't this what he had been thinking about

Lu Yunchu almost vomited blood. It was so unfair, so unfair.

She didn't know whether to laugh or be angry. Finally, she rubbed her hair irritably and poked Wen Zhan's forehead with a look of disappointment: "What do you mean, do you think I'm a nobody? Besides, even if I really want to be in a place like this... will you let me do what I want?" Wen Zhan looked at Qingqing coldly. He didn't expect her to be so wild.

Wen Zhan looked at her in confusion and nodded as if it was a matter of course. Whatever Lu Yunchu wanted to do, he would give in to her.

Oh, speaking of this, I almost forgot about the main thing.

Wen Zhan continued to untie his belt with a serious face.

Lu Yunchu almost jumped up and shook Wen Zhan's hand away: "Stop it right there!"

Wen Zhan felt aggrieved after being yelled at, but he quickly admitted his mistake.

He opened his arms and looked at Lu Yunchu sincerely.

Lu Yunchu was confused and stared at him.

It was not until his eyelashes trembled and he looked away embarrassedly that Lu Yunchu understood what he meant—he thought he had to do it himself.

Lu Yunchu collapsed. She roared silently in her heart and pushed Wen Zhan away, pointing at his head. She couldn't scold him or hit him, and in the end she could only spin around in frustration and rage. She waved her hands and went into the kitchen to make him some sobering soup.

While doing it, I was thinking, why not just pour a bucket of cold water on him? What the hell is this

By the time Lu Yunchu had prepared the sobering soup and brought it out, Wen Zhan had fallen asleep again on the recliner, curled up in a ball, looking particularly quiet.

Lu Yunchu stared at his sleeping face for a few seconds, then lost his temper in a very cowardly manner.

She walked over and pushed Wen Zhan, but Wen Zhan was still sleeping soundly and refused to wake up.

"I am really convinced..." Lu Yunchu muttered.

I guess he's exhausted from all the fooling around just now, and now he's completely asleep.

She held her forehead and said, "I must never drink again."

I couldn't force him to drink the sobering soup in my hand, so I could only take it back to the kitchen and warm it up after he woke up.

Fortunately, the temperature was still okay in the afternoon. Lu Yunchu couldn't carry him, so he could only bring a quilt to cover him.

When it was getting dark in the evening, Wen Zhan finally woke up.

The lights in the kitchen and the house had been turned on in advance, emitting a soft glow.

Wen Zhan rubbed his eyes, moved his head, and let out a "hiss" in pain.

There was a long aroma of home-cooked meals coming from the kitchen. The smell of the stove fire matched the sunset very well. Before Wen Zhan's brain woke up, his body had already reacted by taking a breath.

It smells so good.

He swallowed, threw back the quilt, stood up unsteadily from the recliner, and walked towards the kitchen.

After taking a few steps, my brain finally started to work - why was he sleeping here

Like a ray of light passing through his mind, all the images quickly flooded into his brain, giving him a headache. Wen Zhan paused uncomfortably, and for a moment, he remembered what happened in the afternoon.

He was petrified, and he stepped back on his hands and feet, covering his head in disbelief, and fell back into the recliner.

His expression changed rapidly, sometimes frightened, sometimes at a loss, sometimes ashamed and angry... In his entire life, his expression had never been so varied.

Finally, he buried his head in pain and wailed silently.

What should he do? Lu Yunchu must be angry. How can he apologize? But... let alone apologize, he really has no face to see her. He doesn't dare to face reality at all.

There was the sound of pots and pans colliding in the kitchen. Wen Zhan's body stiffened, and he lay back unconsciously, covering his head with the quilt.

Lu Yunchu looked at the sky through the window and estimated that the temperature was going to drop. He couldn't let Wen Zhan continue to sleep, so he covered the pot, turned down the fire, and prepared to go outside to wake Wen Zhan up.

She walked into the yard and saw Wen Zhan still asleep, so she pushed the bulging quilt forward.

But the feel of this quilt is not right. Logically, if Wen Zhan was asleep, it should shake like dough if you push it now, but this quilt is quite stiff when you push it.

It seems that he is awake.

Lu Yunchu raised his hand and said, "Get up when you wake up. It's time for dinner."

The quilt was silent, then it arched slowly. Wen Zhan lifted the quilt and sat up. He didn't dare to look at Lu Yunchu, and his head was almost buried in his chest.

Actually, Lu Yunchu was not angry, but seeing Wen Zhan's listless look as if he was standing at attention, admitting his mistake and preparing to be beaten, he wanted to tease him.

Without saying a word, she turned and went to the kitchen to serve the dishes.

Wen Zhan stood up quickly, followed her, and quickly grabbed the plate and bowl.

From the beginning to the end, she didn't dare to look Lu Yunchu in the eye. She didn't know whether she was embarrassed or afraid.

He didn't have enough hands to carry all the dishes to the table, so he could only run back and forth diligently. Lu Yunchu naturally sat at the table and waited for him to get busy.

After finishing the last round, he put down the bowl and looked at Lu Yunchu helplessly.

Just when Lu Yunchu thought that he would take out the little notebook to apologize, he saw Wen Zhan silently retreating to the corner, standing upright, looking like he was being punished and preparing to go hungry.

Lu Yunchu: …