Female General And Eldest Princess

Chapter 1: Turn the moon into a flying star


The blood dyed the ground under my feet red and the creek in the village red. Corpses, corpses everywhere, every corpse is a familiar face, a face stained with blood, a distorted expression, the walls of the village have collapsed, and half of the village has been reduced to scorched earth. The air is filled with a thick smell of blood.

Lin Wanyue found her father's body and was still holding the pole carrying water at home. She was so tight that Lin Wanyue, who was fourteen years old, tried her best to not pull the pole out of her father's hand. Had no choice but to bury the pole with his father, mother, and younger brother.

Where is the mother? Mother's body was found on the side of the dirt road in the village. Mother was holding her fourteen-year-old brother tightly in her arms, but her body was pierced, and together with her brother, a spear was strung together.

The first time Lin Wanyue heard the sound of the weapon rubbing against her body was when she tried her best to pull the spear out of her brother and mother...

"Ah!" Panting heavily, Lin Wanyue sat up from the plank bed, surrounded by snoring noises one after another, only Lin Yu, who was next to Lin Wanyue, was awakened by Lin Wanyue's exclamation, and she was confused. He rubbed his eyes in a daze and said to Lin Wanyue, "Brother Xing, have you had a nightmare again?" Then she rolled over and fell asleep with a murmur, as if it was already commonplace.

Panting heavily, Lin Wanyue tightened her sackcloth shirt, which was soaked in sweat but could hardly be taken off. It has been two years. It has been two years since her parents and brother were killed by the Xiongnu, but she is still From time to time, she would dream the dream of that day, which was extremely clear and real, and reappeared over and over again, but every time Lin Wanyue woke up, apart from being startled and sweating, she never hated this endless dream. Nightmare, she even looked forward to it when night fell, because this was the only place where he could see his parents and his younger brother.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Wanyue got up from the hardboard paved bunk and walked out of the fifteen-person military tent.

"Who is it!?" The moment Lin Wanyue walked out of the tent, the guards discovered that it was wartime, and the wind was so loud that there was no room for ambiguity.

"Report! Lin Feixing, the third soldier of the Second Infantry Battalion!" Lin Wanyue proficiently reported his affiliation, and the patrolling soldiers on the opposite side were relieved, holding a halberd and a shield, after carefully inspecting Lin Wanyue's nameplate, turned around gone.

Looking at the sun, the full moon was in the sky, and the pale and pale moonlight shrouded the entire military camp. Years of war had left the neighborhood deserted. It had been three years since Li Guo and the Huns had been tugging on this long border, and the outcome was mixed. This land has long been a scorched earth under the alternate rule of the Xiongnu and Liguo, let alone the bankers, even the most tenacious weeds cannot penetrate this land soaked by blood and tamped by horseshoes.

There was no insect chirping that Lin Wanyue was familiar with when she was a child, and there was nothing else in the entire barracks except for the faint sound of snoring.

Lin Wanyue looked at the moon in the sky, and her memory returned to the place where the dream was finally frozen.

There is such a family of four in a small village named Chanjuan Village on the outskirts of the country. The father is the only teacher in the village and the most respected person besides the village chief and the head of the security guard. They are twins of dragon and phoenix, elder sister Lin Wanyue and younger brother Lin Feixing are smart and cute, but this all ended two years ago, Lin Wanyue is smart and active, younger brother Lin Feixing is much more stable, fourteen-year-old Lin Wanyue sneaked away again I went to the mountains to look for the herbs from Laolang Middle School, the head of the village, but when sunset came back to the village, the whole village was slaughtered by the Xiongnu! No one survived except myself.

Lin Wanyue buried her parents and younger brother. Facing the tragic death of the corpses in the rest of the village, she carried them one by one. In the end, many of the corpses had become wormy and smelly, and Lin Wanyue did not finish the burial.

In the end, she could only set fire to the whole village, then knelt on the head of the village and kowtowed three times and said, "All uncles, uncles, aunts, and aunts, Wanyue is so young that she is too weak to bury everyone one by one. Now we can only burn it to the ground, lest everyone be corpse in the wilderness, and now everyone's dust returns to dust, this revenge is left to the survivors to bear."

Women could not be soldiers, so Lin Wanyue lived as a younger brother.

Lin Wanyue walked hundreds of miles alone, begging for food when she was hungry, finding some wild vegetable bark to satisfy her hunger, and always beware of people who seemed to be enthusiastic. , The younger brother died together in Chanjuan Village.

Finally, Lin Wanyue came to the barracks of the famous General Li Mu in Li Guo and signed up to join the army with Lin Feixing's household registration. However, Lin Wanyue's family was not a military household. Their duties were rarely changed from generation to generation, and civilians who were not in the military were not allowed to join the army unless it was characteristic of the imperial court.

Seeing that the last hope of supporting her to survive was about to be dashed, Lin Wanyue "popped" and knelt in front of the registration clerk: "Sir, I beg you, just let me enlist in the army!"

The clerk is not very old, only twenty-five or six on the left, how can he handle a half-year-old child kneeling in front of him? He quickly dropped the pen in his hand and wanted to help Lin Wanyue to be embarrassed and said: "Son, you are not embarrassing me, you are not a military household, I can't be the master, this change of household is not a big deal, but a small one. No small, I only know a few words, and I am a small clerk in front of the account, so I don’t have this power!”

"My lord, I beg you, I beg you, our entire village was killed by the Huns, my father, my mother, my... sister, all died, if I hadn't gone to the mountain to play, I'd be dead today. When I came here, all the 118 people in the village except me were spared. The entire Chanjuan Village was littered with corpses. In the end, many of the corpses stinked and no one came to help me with the aftermath. I burned the village, and all the way. Come here, just to join the army, my lord, I beg you!"

Lin Wanyue spoke of grief, but she didn't cry. She just knelt there firmly, as if a stake had been hit in the ground and the clerk could pull it.

I also heard about the affairs of Chanjuan Village, and saw that Lin Wanyue was very determined despite the sadness in her clothes, and then looked at Lin Wanyue's feet, one foot was wearing worn shoes and the other shoes had long been unknown. Wherever he was, the soles of his forefoot were stained with black and red soil, and the secretary was moved when he saw this scene.

The secretary stood on the spot and looked at the half-year-old child in front of him for a long time, and finally said to Lin Wanyue: "I gave my life today in Xiankang, I will go to see the commander, but success or failure depends on destiny, you I have something to say first, if it doesn't work out, don't worry about it!"

"Boom!" Lin Wanyue didn't answer, but slammed her head to the ground, showing her position.

After a while, the secretary came back and took Lin Wanyue to the big tent. General Li Mu only comforted Lin Wanyue briefly when he met Lin Wanyue, and then sent the adjutant beside him to change Lin Wanyue's peasant household into a military household. In this way, Lin Wanyue lived in this world under the name of her own younger brother, Lin Feixing, and became a soldier.

It's been two years now...

A woman disguised herself as a man to join the army and pretend to be an impostor is a felony in leaving the country. The combination of the two is enough to kill her head, but Lin Wanyue doesn't care, what is she afraid of? The whole family is dead, and she lives only to get justice for her parents, younger brother, and 118 people in the whole village!

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