Female General And Eldest Princess

Chapter 102: Wanmin was and the monument of merit


After Lin Wanyue left, Li Xian sat alone in the study.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

"Come in." Li Xian put down the brush in her hand when she heard the knock on the door.

Xiaoci pushed open the door and walked in, walking to Li Xian's side: "Your Highness, I'll send it off."

"Oh, what kind of happiness is there for the loyal son?" Li Xian said indifferently.

"Zhong Shizi is not in the mansion, but over the years, which time did you give him something that he cherished? The servant thinks it will be able to use it happily this time."

"Yeah." Li Xian nodded.

Xiao Ci glanced at Li Xian's case, and said with a smile, "This Lin Feixing... seems to be quite special to His Highness?"

Hearing Xiaoci's question, Li Xian's face still had a calm expression, and she asked back, "Why do you see it?"

Xiao Ci looked at Li Xian and laughed, she had long been accustomed to the appearance of her own master, and continued, "This servant has followed His Majesty for so many years, and I have never seen His Highness use a whole flag to protect an outsider. Shadow, even the banner owner has sent him to be his maid."

Li Xian frowned and subconsciously retorted: "That's because Lin Feixing is a very important piece, and Pearl can't lose the land in the north no matter what; Lin Feixing's fatherless background is simple and clean, and the royal father likes it the most. Use such a person." And he is a simple person with no selfish desires, loyal and easy to control...

"His Royal Highness, this servant thinks that Lin Feixing is quite good."

Li Xian nodded and affirmed: "Well, compared with the hypocritical hypocrites in Beijing, they are indeed much more magnanimous."

Hearing Li Xian's reply, Xiaoci couldn't help laughing and crying; she couldn't tell whether her master was too broad-minded, too broad to pretend to be affectionate with her children, or whether her master planned for a rainy day and was just half a beat slower than others emotionally; Ci seemed to see that no man in the world was worthy of Li Xian. Since none of them were worthy of birth and status, it didn't matter. It was better to find someone who was pure and steady at heart. After contacting Xiao Ci, she felt that Lin Feixing was good.

"Your Highness, do you still remember what the Empress said to His Highness before she died?"

"I remember, what happened?"

"It's not about the crown prince, but about your own words, Your Highness! Empress said: Don't worry too much about marriage matters, just do whatever you want!"

"Bengong remembers, why did you mention this all of a sudden?"

"It's nothing, this servant goes to the small kitchen to have a look, don't disturb Your Highness." Xiao Ci gave a thousand blessings and left the study.

Li Xian watched Xiaoci leave, in a fog.

When she looked down at her case, she was suddenly enlightened!

There is a piece of paper on the case, and three words are written on the top of the paper: Lin Feixing.

Li Xian suddenly felt at a loss for words. Just now, she was thinking about something about Lin Feixing, and she didn't know what to do, so she wrote his name on a piece of paper inexplicably, and Xiao Ci looked at him!

Must be a misunderstanding!

Li Xian was a little annoyed, and wanted to call Xiaoci back to explain it, but after thinking about it, she felt that there was nothing to explain...

Besides, Lin Wanyue had just returned to the Lin Mansion when she was told that Li Mu was urgently summoned, and Lin Wanyue had to drag her tired body to the barracks in a hurry.

Li Muping withdrew everyone and had a secret conversation with Lin Wanyue for more than an hour before releasing Lin Wanyue home...

In November of the 30th year of Yuanding, Xinyangguan City was officially completed with the joint efforts of all the sergeants in the north and tens of thousands of craftsmen dispatched from various places. Only the individual facilities in the city needed further repairs.

During this period, the Huns attacked violently several times, all of which were repelled by Lin Wanyue's army.

On November 11th, the northern border ushered in the first heavy snow. As long as it snows, the Huns' attack will be subject to many restrictions. According to the usual practice, the autumn harvest defense battle this year can basically be declared a success.

Xinyangguan City not only had enough school grounds, but also set aside a large open space for the generals in the north to build new houses. Lin Wanyue even demarcated a large area for Li Mu on the central axis of Xinyangguan. In the open space, as soon as the permafrost period is over in the spring of next year, a new grand marshal's mansion will be built for Li Mu.

The people of Jiuyangguan City have also been properly resettled, and they are all very happy.

After the success of the Battle of the Autumn Harvest, the Xinyang Pass was completed. Her Royal Highness the eldest princess and General Pingdong and his wife were also in the north. Li Mu gave an order. The hundreds of thousands of troops in the north celebrated for three days.

Campfire barbecue, big bowls of spirits, military songs in harmony, no matter how cold the weather is.

The soldiers drank in big bowls and ate meat in large chunks. First, they wished the eldest princess a happy wedding on the New Year’s Day; second, they celebrated the completion of Xinyang Pass; third, they celebrated the success of this year’s autumn harvest battle.

At the end of the first day of the banquet, Li Zhong was so drunk that he was unconscious, and was taken back to the mansion by Jingwei.

At first no one cared, until the end of the three-day banquet, news came: Li Zhong woke up after sleeping for two days, vomited a large mouthful of black blood, and fell into a coma...

As soon as the news came out, everyone was shocked; Li Mu immediately sent the best doctor in the entire northern region to see Li Zhong, and Li Xian personally brought the four imperial physicians who were "visible, heard, asked, and asked" from the capital to treat Li Zhong.

The results of the diagnosis and treatment were beyond everyone's expectations; this Li Zhong's pulse was floating, and the inside was empty.

The prospective concubine of Her Royal Highness, the dignified princess, was diagnosed a month before the big wedding, and it was due to indulgence...

Everyone was silent.

Li Mu was even more furious and issued a gag order.

Li Mu originally thought that Li Zhong was just a little arrogant, and the children of aristocratic families would inevitably have problems; but he never expected that Li Zhong would indulge his sensuality to the point of losing his body and being in danger; how could he be an uncle

His sister is no longer here, and he himself is running out of time. Could it be that he watched his own niece marry a beast? Even widowed!

Li Mu dragged the dying body of Fengzhu and slept all night. Early the next morning, he personally wrote a vehemently worded memorial, stamped with the golden seal of the Northwest Army Marshal, and ordered the messenger to quickly submit it to the court.

Due to Li Zhong's "illness", he had no more than a few days left to return and had to move forward again.

On November 15, the thirty-first year of Yuanding, Her Royal Highness the Princess and her party set off to return to the palace.

Lin Wanyue asked Ying to marry him, and Li Mu also agreed to let Lin Feixing go to Beijing to report on his behalf.

On the day of departure, the people of the entire Yangguan City had seen what it means to be rich and noble in the heavenly family.

Li Muqin ordered 1,000 cavalry soldiers to serve as escorts. The large box containing the dowry was pulled by carriages.

However, the people did not see the figure of the quasi-consort, but only saw Lin Feixing, the general for the wedding, riding a tall horse beside the four-carriage of Her Royal Highness the eldest princess.

And what about this quasi-consort Li Zhong? He was covered with a quilt, described as withered and withered, lying in Li Xian's large and gorgeous carriage with his eyes closed.

Li Xian sat on the other side of the carriage, burning the stove; quietly reading a book.

But Lin Wanyue, who was outside the carriage, had mixed feelings in her heart.

Two years ago, when she escorted Li Xian back to Beijing, there was only two of them in a broken donkey cart.

Two years later, she was also the one who escorted Li Xian back to Beijing, but some of them were the unseen dowry, the mighty escorting procession, the luxurious four-carriage; A local prefect personally led the crowd out of the city for ten miles to greet him.

But what kind of person is she going to marry

A man who had been emptied of his sensuality and sensuality all the year round, had his internal symptoms manifested less than a month before the big wedding; he had to be transported back by carriage!

Lin Wanyue felt as if her heart had been torn open, the medicine was hard to reach, no one saw it, but the pain followed.

Due to the large number of people sending relatives this time, Lin Wanyue and Li Xian didn't even have the chance to get along with Li Xian alone.

On the other side, one day shortly after Lin Wanyue left the northern border, the people of a certain Yangguan city discovered that the cemetery where the people who were captured by the Xiongnu were buried was actually frozen with a big hole!

The commoner immediately reported to the government; the prefect ordered someone to repair it, but unexpectedly saw a hazy totem tattoo on a rotting corpse!

The prefect was horrified, the people of Liguo believed in the idea of their parents, and the only people who stabbed totems on their bodies were the Huns!

This matter is no trivial matter. After discussing with the master, the prefect immediately mobilized migrant workers to excavate all the cemeteries. As a result, all kinds of totem tattoos were found on the bodies of these rotten "people"!

The prefect immediately reported to Li Mu. Li Mu ordered all these people to be burned. That afternoon, under the operation of Li Mu and other "concerned people", the news spread throughout Yangguan City...

"Have you heard? The people who were killed in the last war were actually disguised by other tribes of the Xiongnu!"

"I heard it long ago! Thanks to General Lin's decisive decision, otherwise our Yangguan City would suffer heavy losses!"

"Yes, if those Huns got into the city, I don't know how many people would die!"

"Hey, it's really not ancient..."

"It's a trick! Fortunately, General Lin didn't waver!"

"Then didn't we wrong General Lin a while ago?"

"That's right... And those people in the vegetable market are the most extreme. I heard that the Lin residence has not eaten food for several days!"

"Tsk tsk, General Lin is such a good man!"

"This General Lin is just... Eighteen years old, since he took over the Northern Border Commander Seal, how much has he done for the people of Yangguan City! In terms of wars, there have been more than a dozen wars, big and small, right? Not even once. I lost, and the last war even wiped out the Huns! Going forward, I also dispelled the war horses of the Huns and brought back a lot of sheep! Look at the current Yangguan City, how grand it is; a few days ago, I was Wuyi City My cousin came to visit relatives, and when he saw this Yangguan City, he said he wanted to come over and open a shop! Moreover, this new city was built by General Lin who called on the army and migrant workers to build together. , relying on migrant workers who are serving corvée, how can Master Bing help? If General Lin did not shy away from those, and sincerely thought about our people, this Yangguan City would take at least ten years to repair!"

"Yes! That's right!"

"If you want me to say, we should call on the people of the whole city to be a quilt for General Lin!"

"Wanmin is not enough, I think it's better to erect a monument of merit!"

In just a few days, the folk customs of Yangguan City had taken a big turn; Lin Wanyue had no idea about it.

Before, Lin's house couldn't buy vegetables on the street; now, when the servants of Lin's house are walking on the street, those small businesses and hawkers have to stuff something to express their feelings.

This makes Gui Ma happy. As the cook of Lin's house, she walks in the vegetable market every time and returns with a full reward!