Female General And Eldest Princess

Chapter 103: A seven orifices exquisite heart


Even if the team is not moving fast, there will be a day when they will reach the finish line.

On the day of entering Beijing, Prince Li Zhu brought a guard of honor to greet him in person.

In the past two years, Li Zhu has grown a lot taller, and her temperament has become more splendid. The eyebrows are seven points similar to Li Xian, but three points more heroic than Li Xian, and slightly different from Li Xian's quiet temperament. A bit sharp.

"Late General Lin Feixing sees His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and was ordered by the Northwest Grand Marshal to escort His Highness the eldest princess back to Beijing. He arrived safely today, not disgraceful to his mission."

Li Zhu jumped off the horse and came to Lin Wanyue's side, lifted her from the ground with both hands, raised her head slightly and said to Lin Wanyue with a smile: "General Lin has worked hard all the way, I haven't seen you for two years, the general is in the north. I have also heard of his demeanor, so I will hold a banquet in the East Palace to entertain the general, and hope that the general will definitely come.”

Lin Wanyue was flattered and bowed to Li Zhu: "I will be very frightened at the end, thank you His Royal Highness."

"Yeah." Li Zhu nodded with a smile, and walked quickly to Li Xian's four carriages. The carriage's door opened, and Li Zhu respectfully raised her right hand: "Sister, Pearl will help you."

Li Xian looked at her younger brother with a smile in her eyes, put her slender hand on the back of Li Zhu's hand, and got off the carriage.

Lin Wanyue saw an old man with rich clothes and gray hair following behind Li Zhu, when Li Xian stood firm, the old man immediately came to Li Xian's body and knelt down on his knees, and said in a grief: "Old minister is guilty, To bring up such an ineffective evil and bring shame to Her Royal Highness the eldest princess, sin deserves ten thousand death, sin deserves ten thousand death!"

Only then did Lin Wanyue realize that this old man was the Marquis of Pingyang, who was famous for his military exploits.

"Master Hou invites you, the prince is suddenly sick, and this palace is also very distressed; these false names are not important at the moment, the northern region is poor, and the medicinal materials and doctors are not enough. This journey back to Beijing has also worked hard for the prince, and asked the prince to pick up the prince. Go back to the manor and take care of yourself."

Speaking of which, Li Xian took the crown prince Li Zhu to make way for the Marquis of Pingyang.

Li Xian had a polite and distant smile on her face from beginning to end, and it was not bad manners; while Crown Prince Li Zhu squinted at the Marquis of Pingyang who was kneeling on the ground, full of dissatisfaction.

The Marquis of Pingyang thanked Li Xian and got up from the ground; with a wave of his hand, the four soldiers behind him entered Li Xian's carriage and lifted Li Zhong down from the carriage.

At this time, Li Zhong had long since lost his former romantic appearance. He had a haggard complexion, described as thin, and was lying there with his eyes closed. It was difficult to detect the ups and downs of his chest without careful observation.

The Marquis of Pingyang joined the army, licking blood for decades, and fought a first-class military marquis. Among the three sons, only Li Zhong was the most popular. Although Mrs. Pingyang Hou was quite doting on Li Zhong, Li Zhong had many problems with the children of aristocratic families. However, Li Zhong's bow, horse, and archery were proficient in everything and very filial, and he was quite popular with the Marquis of Pingyang.

How can the Marquis of Pingyang not be saddened by how the situation has become like this in just a few months now

The Marquis of Pingyang looked at his son, endured the grief in his heart, bowed to Li Xian and Li Zhu again, and led the soldiers who carried Li Zhong to the carriage of the Marquis of Pingyang.

Li Xian watched the carriage of the Marquis of Pingyang go away, and Li Zhu finally couldn't hold back, and said to Li Xian, "Gu is the first person to disagree with this marriage. In the past two years, because of this Li Zhong, our sister and brother have become one There have been several disputes, and my sister has always defended him. Now it's better! Facts speak louder than words, sister see it? Li Zhong is not worth entrusting."

When Li Zhu's words fell, Lin Wanyue clearly felt that the atmosphere in the arena was stagnant; when she glanced at her eyes, she saw that all the palace servants and guards in the arena lowered their heads, holding their voices silently, as if they had not heard anything. .

Lin Wanyue looked towards Li Xian and saw that Li Xian was smiling and patted Li Zhu's shoulder comfortingly.

Somehow, looking at the scene in front of her, Lin Wanyue seemed to sense the deep helplessness in Li Xian's heart, and she couldn't help but feel sad.

Li Xian suddenly turned her eyes without any warning, just looking at Lin Wanyue across the air; Li Xian was slightly startled when she saw Lin Feixing's expression, but Lin Wanyue immediately turned her head away, as if her peeping had been pierced by someone, she turned around in embarrassment body.

Li Xian changed the chariot, and the crown prince Li Zhu and Lin Wanyue rode on both sides of the chariot, followed by a thousand cavalry on both sides, carrying a dowry that could not be seen.

The team entered the Tiandu City in a mighty manner.

Li Xian sat in the chariot, recalling what she had just seen, and her heart throbbed.

She is the best at reading minds, and just now she actually read the pity in Lin Feixing's eyes; he looked at him from a distance, the pity and sadness in his eyes were so undisguised.

Did he read my heart...

Li Xian leaned on the soft cushion and closed her eyes tiredly; it seemed as if something was eager to try, trying to break out of the ground.

There was no second person in the chariot, and Li Xian could also take off her disguise for a short while. She had been very tired for the past two years.

In the middle of the dynasty, the fight between King Yong Li Jin and King Li Xuan of Chu was in full swing, King Li Zhen of Qi had an ambiguous attitude and swaying, and the prince Li Huan suddenly emerged. In the past two years, the royal father has become more and more fond of Li Huan. Although Li Huan's own position is not enough to shake the position of the East Palace, but this time the trip from the north has caused Li Xian to fall into deep anxiety...

Who was behind the drug scheme of collaborating with the Xiongnu and coercing the common people

Who is the one who cut off all the clues neatly

Where did the people who assassinated Lin Feixing belonged? Was it because of the same person who had assassinated him two years ago but no results have been found so far

This pile of things, piece by piece, stirred Li Xian's heart into a tangled mess and couldn't do anything about it.

As the crown prince Li Zhu grew up day by day, he also began to have his own ideas and opinions. In the past two years, because Li Xian was about to marry Li Zhong, Li Zhu had quarreled with Li Xian several times.

How could Li Xian not know what her younger brother was thinking

The king of Chu was favored, and he was also the elder brother. His temperament was even more unrestrained and unrestrained. Over the years, Li Zhu had suffered a lot of anger, and the Marquis of Pingyang was the backbone of the palace of Chu. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as a connection with the Chu Palace.

Li Zhu was angry, puzzled, and even suspicious, and Li Xian knew it.

But even if I can understand it, it's really tiring...

For the past two years, Li Xian has kept this exhaustion deep in her heart, and even Xiao Ci, who serves her closely every day, has never noticed it, but she never expected that Lin Feixing, who was "on the periphery", would see it thoroughly.

The pity in his eyes was unadulterated, and what Yu Xian said was right: this person is really sharp by nature.

"Hey..." Li Xian finally sighed, but she didn't know who the sigh was for.

Lin Wanyue originally thought she was going to send Li Xian into the palace, but she didn't expect Huang Nian to arrive at the eldest princess' mansion first.

In Lin Wanyue's impression, Li Xian didn't seem to have a mansion outside the palace. It was thought that His Majesty had specially ordered someone to build it for Li Xian's grand wedding.

The area of the eldest princess mansion is astonishingly large, and on the black plaque is written in large golden characters: "Establish the eldest princess mansion."

The vermilion gate was open, and there were eighty-eighty-sixty-four copper nails nailed to the door.

There were two lifelike bronze-cast auspicious beasts squatting at the door, and two rows of people were kneeling neatly outside the door.

Before the phoenix carriage had stopped, the servants in the two rows shouted in unison, "Welcome Your Highness the eldest princess to return to the mansion."

Li Xian was supported by Li Zhu and got off the chariot, and said to the servant who was kneeling on the ground under the black pressure, "Get up."

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

"Come to a few capable people to properly place these things."

"Yes, His Royal Highness."

"Sister, let's go in." Li Zhu raised her wide sleeves and made a gesture of invitation to Li Xian.

"Mm." Li Xian nodded and entered the gate of the eldest princess' mansion first.

Lin Wanyue stood on the spot, not knowing what to do for a while, Xiao Ci bypassed the crowd and came to Lin Wanyue and said a thousand blessings: "General Lin, the journey has been hard work, His Highness must first bathe and change clothes, and enter the palace to meet His Majesty, Lin Wanyue. General, why don't you go back to the post house to make some preparations, your Majesty may also summon you."

"Okay, thank you Sister Xiaoci for reminding me."

"Little Wenzi, come here and lead the way to General Lin."

As soon as Xiaoci finished speaking, a clever looking servant immediately ran over, stood in front of Lin Wanyue, and respectfully hit him, "Xiao Wenzi, see General Lin well."

"Please lead the way."

"I don't dare to be a slave. Only the slave can lead the way. It's the slave's face. The general is here."

Lin Wanyue assembled the team to send her relatives, and led the thousand cavalry, led by Xiao Wenzi, to the post house.

Li Xian sent someone just after the team to see the relatives was settled.

"The slave has seen General Lin."

"The girl is right, I don't know why Your Highness sent the girl here?"

"His Royal Highness ordered the servants to give the general some uniforms, and asked the servants to tell the general: Because the generals are of no quality in Beijing, the generals can wear uniforms and face the saint."

Lin Wanyue thanked her, and the palace maid put several sets of regular clothes with hair crowns, belts, accessories, and shoes in Lin Wanyue's room and withdrew.

After Li Xian took a shower and changed clothes, he entered the palace together with Crown Prince Li Zhu and entered the main hall. Li Zhao gave the two siblings a seat and rejected all the palace attendants.

Li Zhao sat in a high position, looked at his daughter for a long time, and sighed heavily: "Xian'er, the royal father is sorry for you."

Li Xian lowered her eyes and did not speak, and Li Zhao felt even more guilty, saying, "My father received a memorial from your uncle a few days ago, and the book says: Li Zhong misbehavior, and soon after the personnel affairs, petitioned the widow to order the dismissal. Marriage contract, get married separately, what do you think, Xianer?"

Before Li Xian could speak, Li Zhu jumped up from the chair, folded her hands on her chest and bowed respectfully to Li Zhao: "Father, this son has something to say."

"you say."

"Yes, I feel that what my uncle said is very true. I have just met Li Zhong, and he looks like he will die soon; I am afraid that even the big wedding may not be able to survive. Does the father want the royal sister to watch over the widow? Even if Li Zhong recovers, how could the royal father be willing to let the royal sister marry such a person? The son and minister were the first to refuse!"


"Emperor sister, don't persuade me. Although Pearl is the prince, she is also the younger brother of the emperor. Two years ago, Pearl was young and ignorant and never persuaded me; now that Pearl has grown up, she can't watch her own My sister jumped into the fire pit, what's wrong with you, Huangjie? Why did you take the risk to bear the filth from the poor? Father, if the mother and queen were still alive, how sad would it be? Pearl asks the father to be the master of the emperor's sister! "

Li Zhu knelt down with a "boom", her black wide sleeves spread out on the ground, her forehead pressed against the cold ground.