Female General And Eldest Princess

Chapter 105: There is no way to eliminate this


In this way, Lin Wanyue played chess with Li Xian for three days in a row. Every morning, Lin Wanyue ate at the post house, dressed in a fresh and refreshing manner, and walked to the eldest princess' mansion not far from the post house. Li Xian plays chess.

Usually lunch would be served at the eldest princess' mansion, but sometimes Li Xian would leave Lin Feixing to have dinner in the mansion after playing chess late.

When Lin Wan entered the chess game at the beginning of the month, he was in high spirits;

On the fourth day, Lin Wanyue and Li Xian played against each other at the Huxin Pavilion, surrounded by only the rippling lake water.

Li Xian dropped a child, raised her head and smiled and said to Lin Feixing: "Feixing, I didn't expect you to make such rapid progress in just three days, and now you can't tell that you are a beginner in the layout of your first 30 hands. ."

Lin Wanyue grinned and dropped her son, "It's all taught by the princess."

Li Xian dropped a piece and said lightly, "I've been very happy these few days playing chess with Feixing."

"Me too!"

"I just don't know if you and I will separate again this time, will there be such an opportunity in this life and this life."

With a "slap" sound, Lin Wanyue's Baizi with his fingertips dropped his hand and dropped the plate, and he actually filled in the dead eye he had set up, and the piece of chess in the left corner was dead.

Seeing this, Li Xian smiled slightly, raised her hand and picked up the piece that Lin Wanyue had dropped, and handed it back: "Look at you, you just praised your chess skills, why did you come here?"

Lin Wanyue stretched out her hand to take the chess piece that Li Xian handed over, and the two touched their fingertips.

"Princess... Shouldn't she marry Prince Li Zhong?"

"Well, the father's meaning is to dissolve the engagement."

"Pada!" Lin Wanyue fell.

Li Xian raised her eyes and saw that it was Hu Fang who had messed up the rules.

"Pada!" Li Xian stuck her hands together, and unexpectedly followed Lin Feixing.

"The wedding is imminent, princess... who will you marry?"

"Marriage matters are nothing but the orders of my parents and the words of a matchmaker; even though I am a princess, I cannot escape."

"But... is it too hasty, there's less than a month left now..."

"The emperor's meaning is: only change people, do not change the date; one is to minimize the influence of the people and avoid excessive suspicion of the people; the other is that next year's Shangyuan Festival is a rare auspicious zodiac day, and it will be bad if you miss it. I have been elected. Next year, I will be nineteen, and if I don’t leave the cabinet again, I am afraid that I will become an old girl; besides, I will eventually get married, and since the end is already doomed, what does it matter sooner or later.”

"Clap" sound.

Lin Wanyue threw the white jade chess piece in her hand back into the box.

The left hand resting on the edge of the chessboard was already clenched into a fist.

Lin Wanyue raised her head abruptly and stared at Li Xian in front of her with a serious expression: "What if Your Majesty betrothed you to betrothed to a beast like Li Zhong, or if you were a straw bag with gold and jade in it?"

Li Xian looked directly into Lin Wanyue's eyes, her eyes were full of water, and she had a thousand words.

After a long time, he replied faintly: "When you live in the world, you always have to bear some regrets and helplessness. As a royal family member, you have enjoyed endless glory, and you have to take corresponding responsibilities. Regarding my marriage, the royal father promised me to betrothed. Whoever I will marry; if the future concubine is really unfortunate enough to be told by Feixing, then... it will be my life."

Lin Wanyue's chest hurt, she turned her face away and no longer looked at Li Xian.

Sad for its helplessness, anger for its indiscretion.

But Lin Wanyue thought again, how to fight? Confused for a while.

A thought suddenly flashed in Lin Wanyue's mind: Why don't I marry...

As soon as the thought came out, Lin Wanyue jumped up from the stone bench in fright.

What am I thinking? am I crazy!

Not to mention that my humble body will never be in the ranks of His Majesty's consideration, just say my identity! I am a woman! A woman through and through! How can... a fake phoenix

What's the difference between being with someone like me and being a widow? !

If something happened one day, how would I deal with it? Will she hate me

But... why is this thought getting stronger and clearer

At least, I can protect her name and protect her from harm, until one day, she... finds the real Ruyi Langjun...

Thinking of this, Lin Wanyue was heartbroken.

She stood in the pavilion, staring at Li Xian blankly, as if staring, but at the same time as if she were letting go.

Li Xian looked at Lin Feixing like this, and sighed in her heart. This person is really in love with me.

The heart became complicated, and there was no more words.

The lake center pavilion with cornices at four corners, a chessboard on a stone table, two piers sitting opposite each other, surrounded by sparkling lake water, the fish in the lake can have hundreds of heads, and they all seem to swim in the air.

In the pavilion, Li Xian was sitting on a stone bench in an apricot-yellow palace attire, looking at the person in a silver gown in front of her.

They looked at each other, speechless.

run away.

Lin Wanyue fled from the eldest princess' mansion.

He didn't even say goodbye to Li Xian, he turned around under Li Xian's gaze, and then strode away without looking back.

And Li Xian didn't even mean to blame Lin Feixing for being rude, and she didn't open her mouth to keep anyone; she just sat quietly on the stone bench, her eyes following Lin Feixing's desolate figure, until the thin back disappeared into the withered landscape of the garden.

Li Xian sat alone for a while, and Xiaoci walked to the Huxin Pavilion with the cloak in hand, put it on Li Xian's body, and said softly, "Your Highness, the wind is picking up; the capital has been cold these few days, come back."

"Xiao Ci, Ben Gong has been thinking about it for the past few days. Maybe there are other plans, but Ben Gong has been thinking hard, but to no avail."

"Your Majesty said..."

"Bengong is thinking, shouldn't I drag Lin Feixing into the water?"

Xiaoci walked around Li Xian, squatted down, and skillfully and gently helped Li Xian fasten her cape, and said softly, "As expected by the slave, it seems that Lin Feixing is special."

Hearing Xiaoci's words, Li Xian's beautiful eyes showed a bewildered look for the first time: "Ben Gong has lived in the palace for so many years, and since the death of his mother, he began to plan for Pearl, and he has met too many people. Only this Lin Feixing has no desires, no selfishness and greed. He is the cleanest person I have ever seen in the entire court of Li Guo. Recently, I often think that such a person is not to be manipulated by him. , he will still be a good general who is dedicated to the people, but... the army in the north is hundreds of thousands, and neither Ben Gong nor the prince can afford to lose."

"His Royal Highness, you are tired, go back. The matter has come to this point, it is useless to think about it; moreover, it was General Lin himself who rejected King Chu's wooing, and His Highness had to use this plan. In fact, it was his own choice. Speaking of which, General Lin's life has already belonged to His Highness. If there was no secret protection from His Highness in the past few years, that person would have died several times. Moreover, General Lin has successively rejected King Yong of Chu, if your Highness does not do this. I'm afraid he won't have the life to walk out of the capital alive."

That night in the palace

In the hall, the Changxin Palace lanterns flickered dimly.

The entire hall was terrifyingly empty, only Li Zhao, who was sitting in a high position, and Shunxi, who stood quietly behind Li Zhao and served Li Zhao like a shadow for decades.

In the center of the hall is a man dressed as a guard kneeling.

"Initiate Your Majesty, Wei Chen has the result."


"Yes, Wei Chen was instructed to send people to monitor the palace of the eldest princess day and night, and found that since the princess returned to the palace, she closed her door to thank guests for three consecutive days, but the general of the northern border, Lin Feixing, went to the palace of the eldest princess every day, and arrived early in the morning. Come out in the afternoon or even in the evening.”

Li Zhao raised his eyebrows, turned his face and asked Shunxi behind him, "Lin Feixing... But, the soldier who escorted Xian'er back to the palace?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, it is this person; Lin Feixing is eighteen years old, without father or mother, from Chanjuan Village, Daze County. This is the person from the Tuketu tribe of the Xiongnu; the one who built hundreds of thousands of troops from the northern border to build Xinyangguan City and reclaimed the mountain fields. I heard that General Li Mu had a crush on this son, and he made a deal not long ago. General Xiang Jingyi of Pingdong accepted Lin Feixing as his righteous brother, and helped him carry him."

Li Zhao nodded with satisfaction after listening to it. He is getting older, and he can't remember some trivial things in recent years. Shunxi acted as Li Zhao's living file, and Shunxi knew the rules, only Li Zhao spoke, which made Li Zhao very satisfied.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Director Xi's words are not bad, and Wei Chen has received another important news."


"Yes, Wei Chen made a lot of money to pry open the mouth of the female official in charge of the eldest princess' mansion. It is said that on the day Lin Feixing left Beijing two years ago, the eldest princess left the palace early in the morning and went out of the city for ten miles, just to wait for this Lin Feixing; and rewarded by Queen Wen Huiduan The personal jade pendant was given to Lin Feixing; this is what Xiaoci saw with her own eyes, and it is absolutely accurate."

"Xiao Ci? Is that the girl Qingcheng gave to Xian'er?"


"The widow knows, this matter is sealed, and all the guards involved in the investigation will be dealt with, understand?"

"Yes! Your Majesty can rest assured."

"Well, you go down."


When the guards left the hall, Li Zhao said slowly, "If you want to know everything about Lin Feixing, is it enough for three days?"

Shunxi bent over and squinted: "Yes."

"Well, also, after the bodyguards at the bottom are dealt with, that person just now..."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the servant understands."

"It's a matter of Xian'er's name, and it must be handled cleanly. It's better to kill by mistake than to let it go."


"That Xiaoci..."

"Your Majesty, the female official, Xiaoci, was personally selected by Queen Huiwenduan. She grew up with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess. They are very affectionate, and I am afraid that they will not be able to move."

"So, let's keep it."


"Shunxi, do you think... Xian'er really fell in love with that commoner boy?"

"My servants dare not speculate on the thoughts of Her Royal Highness the eldest princess."

"Hahaha... You old man, you are getting more and more afraid of death."

"The servant just wants to serve His Majesty for a few more years. If Your Majesty wants the servant to die, the servant will have nothing to say."

"Okay, okay, save your old life to do things for the widow."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."