Female General And Eldest Princess

Chapter 108: Ask for a word without jokes


Halfway through the palace banquet, the guests were all happy, the officials were happy, and Lin Wanyue was restless.

Li Zhao called Shunxi and gave a few words in his ear, the latter's face was clear.

Shunxi stood up straight, and with a flick of the whisk, the palace music stopped, and the singing and dancing girls scattered.

The military attachés who were originally talking loudly also lowered their voices and looked towards the high positions.

Li Zhao pondered for a moment, and said some words of imperial concern. The courtiers below showed a grateful and excited look.

Li Zhao nodded in satisfaction, glanced at Li Xian, and then changed the subject: "All of you Aiqing have heard about what happened recently, Li Zhong misbehaved and is not worthy of marrying the most honorable princess from my country. It’s also my fault that the few people didn’t investigate, almost delaying Xian’er’s life.”

"Father..." Li Xian wanted to say something, but Li Zhao raised her hand to stop her.

Li Zhao smiled at his beloved daughter, with a fatherly look on his face, and continued: "The widow used to selfishly wanted to stay with Xian'er for a few more years and accompany the widow; this Li Zhong is unbearable, but the wedding date cannot be delayed. Today, at this palace banquet, the ministers of the humerus who have left the country gathered together, and the widow announced that one of the school-age children of each prefecture will be selected to become Xian'er's concubine."

"Your Majesty Shengming."

There are several ministers in the hall with bright faces, and there are unmarried children of the right age in their residence.

Li Zhao nodded.

Looking at Lin Feixing again, he said, "Lin Feixing is out."

"The end is here!" Lin Wanyue glanced at Li Xian with a guilty conscience when she got up, came to the red carpet, and gave Li Zhao a formal salute.

"Lin Feixing, do you know that Uncle Li Mu has recommended you many times in the memorial?"

Lin Wanyue hurriedly kowtowed and replied, "The commander will not be too scared when he raises his love."

"Well, you don't have to be overly modest. Uncle Guo is very clear about being a few people; he can look down on you because you have something special."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"The widow remembers that two years ago, you escorted the eldest princess back to the palace. At that time, you were just a small battalion commander, from a commoner background, and there was no food town. The widow remembered correctly, right?"


"Well, although the widow saw you that day, although the etiquette was lacking, but it was still serious. You are a good young man. I intend to make you the captain of the capital, the defense of the capital, and the dispatch of vehicles and horses. You refused to accept it, right or not?"


Li Zhao deliberately brought up this story that only a few royal clansmen knew, and it really caught the attention of the ministers in the field.

Li Zhao continued to ask: "The widow asked you, how would you answer today?"

Jingjing Wei is a fifth-rank official, this rank is the lowest position in the capital, but Jingjing Wei is very special. Although the rank is not high, he has great power.

So, everyone stared at Lin Feixing, quietly waiting for the answer; at this moment, the thoughts of the people in the field were roughly divided into two groups.

In the eyes of the civil servants: the northern border is both desolate and dangerous. Even though Lin Feixing has Li Mu's appreciation, but at his age and background, there is basically no hope of being a handsome man in charge of the northern border. Now he has food and does not worry about food and clothing. Choosing to be a Beijing official and relying on a good backer to slowly move up is the safest and fastest way.

In the eyes of the military attachés: Lin Feixing has emerged in recent years. Although he is young, it will be a matter of time if he stays in the northern border and pays homage to the military. The one who climbs out is the real man.

The two vassal kings were beaming with joy, wishing that Lin Feixing would agree immediately. Two years ago, they would have jumped their feet against it. Now, if Lin Feixing had chosen Jingjing, they would have laughed out loud in their dreams! Lin Feixing has not joined any government, and Li Mu is still in his dying years. Even if Lin Feixing has no foundation, he is always a threat in the North. If he chooses to go to Beijing and Li Mu dies, they will be able to compete openly for this site in the North.

Lin Wanyue was only silent for a moment, and the thoughts of the people in the field were already tumbling. Under the gazes of everyone, Lin Wanyue bowed and replied firmly: "Go back to your majesty, the last general's answer is still the same."

On both sides of the hall, the civil servants on the left were more puzzled, and the military officers on the right were admiring it.

King Yong Li Jin was the first to sit still, stood up from behind the case, and bowed his hands to Li Zhao, who was in high position, and said, "General Lin, you must think clearly, Jing Jingwei is a very important position, and your father is so highly regarded. You, why did you refuse several times?"

Li Xuan, King of Chu also echoed: "Father, my son thinks that the position of Jingjing Wei is suitable for General Lin, and now it is the time for people to be employed in the court. Father, please order."

Li Huan, who was sitting next to Lin Wanyue, looked at the two imperial brothers, then raised her eyes to look at Li Xian opposite, and lowered her eyes.

On the other hand, Li Xian's face was indifferent, quietly watching Lin Feixing kneeling on the red carpet.

Xiang Jingyi witnessed the whole process, he grinned, and he was very contemptuous of the behavior of the two princes. He lifted the wine bottle in front of him, raised his head, and drank it all: Lin Feixing's answer was not surprising at all, what a mess. The Jingjing Wei, the official position of Lin Feixing, who was only a first-order commoner two years ago, was disdainful, and wanted today's Lin Feixing to agree? Stupid dream!

"Father, I would like to hear what General Lin has to say." Everyone looked at the sound, and it was King Li Zhen of Qi who spoke.

"Lin Feixing, then you can talk about it." Li Zhao looked around and secretly said in his heart: It's not from the Chu Palace, nor from the Yong Palace... King Qi

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the last general's answer is the same as two years ago: he will not forget his original intention, the last general does not want to live a comfortable life, and does not admire glory and wealth; he only wishes to use this despicable body to resist the Xiongnu, protect the well-being of the people in the north, and let the people in the north be safe. The people of this realm will not make the same mistakes as Feixing’s childhood. Besides, the commander Li Mu has the kindness of knowing the fate of the general, and the love of rebuilding, and the general will not be able to return it, only to inherit the ambition of the commander.”

Lin Wanyue's words were not loud, but the words were firm; if some civil servants with a conscience still understood something, but the military officers all showed excitement. I didn't expect that Lin Feixing would have such a grandeur at such a young age. will!

These people's impression of Lin Feixing was originally hazy, but now it became clear.

Li Zhao's goal has been achieved. Even if he intends to achieve it, he cannot make outsiders feel that he has married his eldest daughter to an unknown person.

"Okay! Don't forget your original intention, Lin Feixing, you really didn't disappoint the widow."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

When King Yong of Chu saw Li Zhao like this, he had to sit down angrily, looking at Lin Feixing with increasingly unkind eyes.

On the other hand, King Qi seemed to have nothing to do with him, sitting in the first place, drinking and drinking by himself.

"The widow once said two years ago that if you answered the old rhetoric, the widow will still be rewarded. Although you are only a small general, it is rare for your age, and the widow has heard of your many achievements. , by virtue of the defeat of the Tuketu tribe by four people in the area, during the period of the general support of the uncle, he led the army to build Xinyang Pass, reclaimed the mountain fields, and benefited the people; he also wiped out the invading Xiongnu, which is excellent in both the army and the government. ; The words of the Son of Heaven are true! Now it is time for the widows to fulfill their promises..."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Lin Wanyue's sleeves were spread out on the ground, her forehead pressed against the ground.

At this moment, her heart was pounding, and she wanted to turn her head to look at Li Xian again, but she restrained herself. Lin Wanyue saw hope in Li Zhao's words. !

Xiang Jingyi also heard some signs, straightened up, and looked ready to go.

"Licensed by the widow, all three titles in Beijing are up to you to choose."

This remark once, whispered in the field, because Li Zhao was in charge, it quickly calmed down.

But everyone's eyes were red, and they looked at Lin Feixing with envy and jealousy. Is the third rank still up to him? Such a monstrous favor can simply be recorded in the history of the language!

Just when everyone thought that Lin Feixing was about to open his mouth, Lin Feixing straightened up from the ground and raised his head slightly to look directly at Tianyan for the first time.

"The end will be bold, your Majesty when the real monarch has no jokes?"

As soon as these words came out, there was a stagnation in the field: This Lin Feixing is dying

There were three people who had different ideas. Xiang Jingyi held back his laughter and sighed that the hero was saddened by the beauty pass. Lin Feixing's ingenuity was really used in this palace banquet.

Li Zhao was very angry and annoyed in his heart: This little beast, the widow is giving you momentum, and he has to marry your most beloved daughter, you actually kill the widow's army!

As for Li Xian, she looked at Lin Feixing kneeling on the ground, at his lean but straight kneeling figure, at his slightly raised stubborn head, at the serious and firm look on his face.

There was a strange feeling in my heart. This feeling is not unfamiliar. I had been with Lin Feixing several times before, but because Li Xian herself didn't know what this feeling was, she forcefully suppressed it. , and this time, the feeling was unprecedentedly clear and powerful.

It made Li Xian unable to restrain her, so it spread in her heart in an instant.

In his ears, Xiaoci's words suddenly echoed: "Your Highness, this Lin Feixing is very special in your heart."

Heat suddenly rose from Li Xian's face, making her suet-like face even more charming.

"It's really a newborn calf that's not afraid of tigers. Since you have no jokes, if you have any requirements, just ask them, and the few people will agree."

Lin Wanyue laughed, this is what she was waiting for!

"Your Majesty, the final commander will not ask for any official position!"

"Oh? Then what do you want to ask the widow to reward you?"

"Lin Feixing, the last general, asks to marry Her Royal Highness the eldest princess!"


The hall became lively all of a sudden, and it was no use having Li Zhao in charge now; the people in the front row who could hear clearly looked at Lin Feixing with a ghostly expression, while those in the back thought they had heard it wrong, so they hurriedly Ask your colleagues next to you.

King Yong Li Ji stood up: "Bold! Lin Feixing, you are so bold, how dare you make such a request!"

And the King of Chu, Li Xuan, couldn't sit still. This matter absolutely cannot be done. If Lin Feixing took refuge in the East Palace, the consequences would be unimaginable!

"Lin Feixing, the eldest princess, the nobleman of the heavenly family, you are a mere general, and you are from a commoner's background, why should you marry this king's imperial sister?"

King Qi supported his chin, watched the scene with interest, and said softly, "This king also wants to know what General Lin will use to match the eldest princess?"

Li Zhao glanced at him and said, "I'm not from the Prince of Qi's mansion either, which is very good."

Li Huan, who had never spoken, stood up from his seat, cupped his hands towards Li Zhao, and said in a loud voice, "Father, this matter is related to the life of the royal sister, so it is better to ask the royal sister what she means."

As soon as these words came out, all eyes were on Li Xian.

Including the concubine Xian and Concubine Shu in high positions, they all looked like they were watching a good show, waiting for Li Xian to answer.

Concubine De looked at her son and sighed helplessly. Li Huan's question seemed unintentional, and the younger brother meant that he cared about the elder sister. In fact, it was the most vicious! If Li Xian agrees, it will inevitably make people suspect that the private relationship is granted. Besides, Li Xian has already had a marriage contract. If Li Xian refuses, His Majesty will definitely hesitate to love the eldest princess, but Jun has no jokes. If Li Zhao wants to go back on his words, he can only punish Lin Feixing. to calm down...

Concubine De looked at her son from a distance, her heart was extremely complicated. Her son was hidden so deeply that it made her sad! But her son was wrong, very wrong, he chose the wrong opponent.

Concubine De reluctantly closed her eyes, and flashed in her mind the face of the alluring country and city in the past, the person who was too smart and was taken away by God early.

Li Xian stood up slowly and looked at Li Huan under everyone's attention.

Li Xian smiled lightly, the two pear vortexes were adorable, and Li Huan also smiled with a sincere expression.

"Thank you Brother Huan for thinking of my sister, but marriage matters have always been the order of the parents, and the matchmaker's words are all up to the father and the emperor. Besides, you have no jokes, how can a princess be embarrassed by the father and the emperor because of her own selfishness. Where is the land? Are you right, Brother Huan?"

Li Xian smiled at Li Huan, then sat down again, and everyone present had a sudden realization, and the look in Li Xian's eyes was full of admiration. As for Li Huan, most people still think that he is young It's a little bit ill-considered; I didn't really think about it.

Li Zhao, on the other hand, looked at his daughter with kindness in his eyes, and his heart warmed.

"Your Majesty! There will be something to say at the end."

Everyone's eyes were pulled back by Lin Wanyue again.


"Just now, the prince asked what the last commander would take to match the princess; the last commander thought that the honor of the princess, the last commander, was absolutely unworthy of the last commander, not only the last commander, but also the entire Liguo, no one could be worthy of it. superior!"

After a brief silence, the hall became active again, Li Zhao slapped the big case in front of him, and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha... Good! You're right, it's rare for you to have this kind of consciousness, that's the case, Jun Wu Jokingly, the widow will do what you want!"

Xiang Jingyi looked at Lin Feixing, smiled bitterly and said, "This kid is really not easy, he doesn't need my help at all!

Baiguan also congratulated with interest: "Your Majesty Shengming!"

Lin Wanyue exhaled heavily, with a throbbing heart, she turned her head and met Li Xian's smiling eyes.

Lin Wanyue also smiled, revealing a row of white teeth.