Female General And Eldest Princess

Chapter 119: Sending you a silver gun on the back of a lonely shadow


"The decree is to make Marshal Li Mu the king of the general and to be buried on the west side of the imperial mausoleum; the whole country mourns, remembering that General Li Mu has no son, and goes to the north with Xiang Jingyi to take the coffin of the general Wang back to Beijing; On the day of Beijing, the prince went out of the city for a hundred miles to be the general Wang Fuling, and the Chinese and military officials of Beijing went out of the city with the prince to meet the prince on the day when the general Wang entered the capital.

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

"Xiang Jingyi and his wife, thank your majesty for your grace."

"Get up."

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen still has something to announce. I hope Your Majesty will approve it."

"You speak."

"Yes, Wei Chen urges Your Majesty to seal up the Grand General's Mansion in the capital and not use it for other purposes; in the future, Wei Chen's dog will grow up and revisit the old place to cherish the memory of Lord Taishan's old style."

"Precise play!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Prince, General Pingdong and his wife, the eldest princess and the concubine stay, and everyone else should retire."


After all the others had left, Li Zhao sighed heavily and said, "It's not a holiday for the New Year, so I am saddened by the death of the Great General Wang."

"Father's condolences."

"Your Majesty's condolences."

"The great general, Wang's family, has made great contributions to leaving the country for generations, and his affairs should be supervised by the widow in person, but the widow is old, so I can't see this; the prince..."

"My son is here!" Li Zhu walked up to Li Zhao and knelt down with her robe lifted.

"The general king is your and Xian'er's mother-in-law. You also have eleven this year. The widow ordered you to supervise the affairs of the general king."

"My son, thank the father and the emperor for being sympathetic."



"My son is here." Lin Wanyue had already adjusted her emotions, except that her eyes were slightly red, nothing was different.

"Now that the Great General Wang has passed away, and you and Xian'er are newly married to Yan'er, the widow will make you the leader of the third rank, in charge of the Imperial Guard, and the defense of the palace. How about you stay in the capital?"

After Li Zhao finished speaking, everyone in the field had their own thoughts.

The leader of the middle class is of the third rank, holding 20,000 guards. Although the rank is not high, the power is quite large. The middle leader of the past dynasties has always been held by the royal family or the emperor's confidant, but since the late emperor came to power, he left the country There has been no central leadership position for decades, only the four-way central guards are in charge of part of the Guards, and the Quartet checks and balances.

In all fairness, Li Zhao was able to put Lin Feixing in the position of the leader of the center, which was not only his recognition of Lin Feixing, but also his trust in Lin Feixing; after all, the position of the leader of the center had been vacant for nearly fifty years. Xiang Jingyi looked at Lin Feixing's back, and he Not only did he feel that the position of the leader of the middle school was good, but he couldn't help but feel pity for Lin Feixing in the bottom of his heart.

In Xiang Jingyi's eyes, Lin Feixing is still young, and there are many possibilities in his life. He is like a goshawk, and the northwest is where he soars; but from the current situation of Lin Feixing, it is not enough to take over. The handsome seal of the North Territory, now that Li Mu is no longer there, the situation in the North Territory is unpredictable, and Lin Feixing not returning to the North Territory is actually a good choice.

Also a woman, Li Xin's vision was not as good as Li Xian's, but she felt that Lin Feixing's newly married Yan'er would be fine to stay in the capital.

Li Xian lowered her eyes, her long eyelashes covered her eyes, and the expression on her face was calm.

Xiang Jingyi secretly glanced at Li Zhao, who was in the high-ranking position, and after savoring Li Zhao's recent words, he felt that it was not a decree, but that he was negotiating with Lin Feixing, and he was puzzled.

Lin Feixing, who had been kneeling in front of the hall, finally reacted. Seeing that she bowed respectfully to Li Zhao, she straightened up and said aloud, "My son, thank the father for being sympathetic, but my son wants to go back to the north."

"You know that your status is different now. The widow has recruited you as a son-in-law. Why don't you stay in Beijing, but do you have any greed for the North?"

Li Zhao's voice was low and gentle, but it made the entire hall become depressed; the power of an emperor is more important than Mount Tai.

"Returning to the father and the emperor, the north is bitter and cold, and my son does not have any greed."

"Oh? That's surprising, let's talk about it, why did you refuse to accept the official three times, but you have to go back to the North."

Everyone's eyes were focused on Lin Feixing's body. The emperor's happiness and anger were hard to fathom. A little carelessness would bring disaster.

Lin Wanyue knelt on the ground and felt like her body was heavy. She thought about a lot of answers, but she felt that it was too high-sounding, and she would be disgusted by Li Zhao; she gritted her teeth and decided to take a risk.

"Worship for military merit."

When the words fell, except for Li Zhao in the high position and Li Xian behind Lin Feixing, everyone showed a look of astonishment, Xiang Jingyi was even more anxious, this answer would be taboo to scrutinize!

But he didn't expect Li Zhao to laugh after hearing this. Although Lin Feixing's answer was risky, it seemed to Li Zhao to be frank. If he had said some high-sounding words just now, Li Zhao would definitely refute it in court and ordered him to stay in Beijing. .

Li Zhao said with a smile: "It seems that the consort has a very high vision, and the official position of the widow is too small."

"My son doesn't dare." Lin Wanyue felt the sweat on her back, but her face remained calm.

"The Great General Wang has recommended you several times during his lifetime. Since you insist on going back, the widow will grant your request."

"Thank you, Father."

"Lin Feixing listened to the decree, and the few people named you the general of the fourth grade guard, and will go to the north with General Pingdong today."

"Thank you, Father."

After Li Mu said a few more instructions, he left the prince alone and ordered the others to leave.

The four walked out of the hall for a hundred steps before Xiang Jingyi patted Lin Feixing on the shoulder and said with lingering fear, "Brother Xing, you were too risky just now!"

Lin Feixing smiled without saying a word.

Xiang Jingyi continued: "But it's not bad, the big brother is not wrong, a good man should be like this, the virtuous brother is only 19 years old and is already a general of the fourth rank guard, and his future is unlimited."

"Thank you bro."

"Brother Xing, let's go back to the house to clean up and see you at the gate of the city in an hour."

"it is good."

"Your Highness, farewell."

"Sister Xin, brother-in-law, walk slowly."

Lin Wanyue and Li Xian returned to the eldest princess' mansion. Lin Wanyue went back to the small courtyard and took out the package she had carried when she entered the capital. Several sets of clean clothes, wooden boards and tokens were all there, and she wrapped the dagger from Li Huan. Picking up the lonely silver gun from King Qi, he came to Xiuge first, but was told by the nurse that the county master was taking a nap, Lin Wanyue stood in front of the bed and looked at her daughter for a long time, then turned and left.

He came to the main hall again and said goodbye to Li Xian.

Li Xian had been waiting there for a long time, seeing Lin Feixing taking off her palace attire and putting on a bunt, carrying a package on her back, holding a silver spear, and suddenly felt that this was what he should look like.

Lin Wanyue walked up to Li Xian, looked at Li Xian with a smile in her eyes, and said softly, "Princess, I'm leaving."

"I will send the concubine out of the house."

Lin Wanyue had a big smile on her face: "Okay."

Li Xian looked away: "Let's go."

All the way in silence, Lin Wanyue turned her head to look at Li Xian from time to time.

When he came to the gate of the mansion, a servant had already led Long Ran Baoju and waited there.

"Princess, don't send it away, it's cold, come back."

Li Xian nodded, but stood there and didn't move. Lin Wanyue smiled and looked at Li Xian's beautiful face, feeling nostalgic.

The moment Lin Wanyue stepped onto the horse's back, she suddenly regretted it: she would have kissed her if she knew it earlier.

Li Xian stood in the doorway, watching Lin Feixing dashing onto the horse. Seeing him carrying a silver spear behind him and pulling the reins in one hand, she suddenly turned around and took a deep look at herself, with a hint of slyness in her eyes. It's a pity that Li Xian actually recalled what happened last night after seeing such eyes.


When Li Xian raised her head again, Long Ran had already run far away with Lin Feixing on her back. Li Xian watched the lonely shadow with a silver gun on her back get smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared at the end of the street.

Lin Feixing and Xiang Jingyi met at the city gate, and the two set off immediately.

It has been five days since they travelled day and night to the north.

When Xiang Jingyi entered the city, his beard was already unshaven, and Lin Wanyue also had a tired face, and the whole person lost weight.

Her figure was already thin, but this time she looked even taller.

Li Mu's coffin had been in place for ten days. Fortunately, it was cold in the north, so there was no smell.

Xiang Jingyi and Lin Wanyue showered and changed their clothes before going to pay homage to Li Mu.

When I arrived at the mourning hall, I couldn't help but feel sad. Xiang Jingyi read the imperial edict, and the craftsman put the coffin on the top of the coffin and put it into the hearse that had been prepared.

Xiang Jingyi did not dare to delay for a moment, and ordered a team to set off back to Beijing.

Lin Wanyue went out of the city to see each other for ten miles, said goodbye to Xiang Jingyi, and stood on the mountain with the reins to watch the team go away.

Returning to the barracks alone, Zhang Sanbao, Meng Ni Da, Bian Kai and several other personal soldiers of Lin Feixing immediately greeted him.

Lin Wanyue's heavy heart eased a little when she saw them.

Zhang Sanbao looked at Lin Feixing and smiled naively, "General, you are back!"

Bian Kai grabbed the white and said, "It should be called the Concubine!"

Meng Ni Da corrected: "This is the military camp, the general has just promoted the general of the fourth grade guard, we should be called the general."

These guys followed the rules and didn't say anything to congratulate Lin Feixing.

Lin Wanyue was satisfied and smiled lightly: "Da Ni is right, in the military camp, it is still called by the military."

"Yes." The three responded.

Lin Wanyue asked the personal soldiers again about some matters in the army, and the personal soldiers answered in an orderly manner; Lin Wanyue nodded: "You guys go down first."


"You three come with me."


After the incident of Gong Boyu, Lin Wanyue no longer trusts the so-called personal soldiers. Zhang and Meng had a mortal relationship with her. She brought Bian Kai. These three can be regarded as own people.

The four came to Lin Feixing's tent and took their seats in turn; the three looked at Lin Feixing with hope and excitement in their eyes. They are also very saddened by the passing of the great commander Li Mu, and what follows is: the dragons in the north have no leader, and the handsome seal hangs in the air! Now Lin Feixing has not only become the concubine of the eldest princess, but has also been named a fourth-rank general of the guard. All three of them feel that now is a good opportunity from heaven!

Lin Wanyue looked around and saw the expressions of the three of them. Without detouring, she said coldly, "I know what the three of you are thinking. It's best to put this thought away for now."

The three were slightly startled, and Zhang Sanbao asked directly, "General, I don't understand!"

"Three fat men! Listen to the general!"

Lin Wanyue smiled slightly, leaned forward, supported the case with one hand, and stretched out two fingers in a "close up" gesture.

Seeing this, the three of them supported the case with their arms, leaned forward, and looked at Lin Feixing solemnly.

The heads of the four people formed a circle, and Lin Wanyue said in a very low voice, "I am determined to win the handsome seal." After speaking, she tapped the wooden table with the knuckles of her middle and index fingers, and there was a crisp "dong" sound, As if the final word.

Lin Wanyue leaned back and leaned back in the chair, she was exhausted these five days.

The heads of the three people spread out, and their faces showed joy.

Before the three of them could speak, Lin Wanyue put her index finger on her lips, and the three immediately fell silent!

They looked at Lin Feixing who was leaning on the back of the chair with a smile on his lips, feeling that this General Lin was different from before!

In the past, Lin Feixing was very neat, combing his hair meticulously at all times, and sitting upright; although he didn’t talk much, he was still easy-going; he took the lead in battle, and was always strict with himself. He was a general worthy of being followed, but he always felt less What do you want? Look at Lin Feixing at this time. He is sitting crookedly and casually, but he has more... power than before.

Yes! It was this feeling that Lin Feixing in the past was like a lone wolf, with a dangerous aura all over his body, making people afraid to get close.

At this time, Lin Feixing was like a tiger going down the mountain. Although his words and deeds were much more casual than before, he invisibly exuded an intimidating aura.

They had experienced this kind of aura from Marshal Li Mu, which is why they couldn't raise their heads every time they went to the camp!