Female General And Eldest Princess

Chapter 120: Attack it in advance to sharpen its weapon


Lin Wanyue looked around for a week and saw that the expressions of the three of them were the same as she expected, and continued: "The great commander has passed away, the Huns will get news soon, and Jie Shi will definitely be ready to try the water in our north. The most important thing is to defend against foreign enemies together.”

"What the general said is." The three nodded in unison.

"So I have only one request for you right now, four words: maintain normalcy."

The three looked at each other and nodded in unison, but their eyes on Lin Feixing were completely different.

Lin Wanyue nodded and asked, "What's the situation in the army since I left?"

The three looked at each other, and finally Meng Ni replied, "Returning to the general, after the general left the northern border, the general was in charge of military affairs for the first few days, but after a few days, the general's health became worse and worse, so he Gao Deyi and Zhong Liangjun, the two lieutenants, jointly manage."

Meng Ni paused when he said this, leaned forward, lowered his voice and continued: "These two lieutenants, generals, you know, usually they are commanded by the commander, but it's okay on the face, but in fact, the relationship between the two is private. The trouble is very stiff, this Gao Deyi has been following the commander for a long time, Zhong Liangjun is only 30 this year, but the two are equal in front of the commander who are 12 years apart. He was in a coma, and Gao Deyi blatantly made Zhong Liangjun stand up.

"Oh..." Lin Wanyue nodded, placing her right hand on the desk, her four fingers rhythmically tapped the desk, making a crisp and even sound.

Zhang Sanbao took over the conversation and continued: "After the death of the commander, this Gao Deyi became more blatant. First, he transferred the two capable captains of the right general who remained neutral, and also made several important battalions under his command. He was transferred to the front-line defense outside the city; what was even more extreme was the battle two years ago. The Pioneer General suffered serious losses. One of the Generals named Hou Ye had an arm cut off. The commander still let Hou Ye lead the way. , but a few days ago, Gao Deyi actually demoted Hou Ye to raise horses, and raised a man named Wang Dali to the position of the vanguard."

Lin Wanyue recalled a little and laughed: She remembered the name Wang Dali. Three years ago, when he was out of camp and marched, he encountered the Huns on the road. Thinking that I haven't heard of this person for three years, and now he has become a general!

Seeing that no one was talking, Bian Kai said, "But it's good for you to come back, General. Your Majesty canonized you as General Guard. Your rank is above the four generals in the front, back, left, and right. Gao Deyi doesn't dare to touch you easily."

Lin Wanyue waved her hand and replied, "I said, just keep normal, they can make trouble as they want. You three also take care of the people under your own hands and avoid the edge."

"Yes." The three responded.

Lin Wanyue asked again: "Xiao Kai, from tomorrow onwards, you don't have to be my personal soldier. I will transfer you to the scout camp and make use of your strengths to make a good appearance."


"Three Treasures, Ni Da; I'll give you two a task to do it in secret."

"But it is sent by the general."

"The two of you have been in the army for many years, you know more people than me, and your connections are wider than me. If you want to succeed in the future, it will not be enough for the four of us alone. Before I went to Beijing, there was something about Gong Boyu. I don't trust these so-called personal soldiers anymore. Needless to say, the two of you have had a fateful relationship with me. I brought Xiao Kai in from outside, and I believe it; but it's still too small for us alone. Now, a single thread can’t make a thread, and a lone tree can’t make a forest; I want the two of you to look for some candidates while maintaining normalcy. Those who know the truth and have a pure and good character are given priority. The most important thing is to focus on screening, among those who have no factions. pick."

Meng Ni's eyes showed admiration and nodded.

Zhang Sanbao looked at Meng Ni Da and asked, "General, how to identify this?"

Lin Wanyue smiled and replied, "Three treasures, it's not enough just to have a whole body of tendon. You don't need to take the lead for the generals. If you want to strategize and win thousands of miles, you should read more books."

Zhang Sanbao scratched his head in shame: "I haven't liked to read since I was a child, and the few words I know can't fit enough in a fight. General, give me some pointers."

"I think this Hou Ye is not bad. We have all experienced that war. Ayu... Ayu almost collapsed in it, and you all know that, that time the Huns deliberately targeted, Hou Ye must be able to survive, he must have a real ability, like this It's a waste of people to raise horses, you just need to pay more attention to people who are inexplicably excluded and those with low rank."

"Oh I see."

"As for this Hou Ye, don't move for now, let him keep the horse, Sanbao, send a few competent people to check who else is in Hou Ye's family, and set aside a small courtyard for Hou Ye in the new city, if he And my family, take it in secret."


"Both of you, remember that no matter who you like, just give me the list, don't blindly win over, just observe for a while before you talk about it; investigate the background first, and keep everything as normal."


"Okay, you three go back first, do whatever you need to do, I'm tired, go back to the house to rest."

"It's the general, the subordinates retire."

After explaining these things, Lin Wanyue went to the military camp again, and then rode back to the Lin Mansion in the south of the city.

"Master, you are back!" Lin Zitu said happily.

"Well, how is everything in the house during my absence?"

"Thanks to the master, everything in the mansion is as usual; however, a few days ago, Miss Yu Xian asked someone to find another distant relative and said goodbye to me. I thought that Miss Yu Xian was only rescued by you by chance, and you have never met with me. After the mansion signed the deed of prostitution, he dared to accept it, and gave Miss Yu Xian the money as a entanglement."

"Well, well done."

"Thank you sir."

"If the order goes on, Lin's house will not see any guests from now on, and it will say that I am sick."


Lin Wanyue pushed open the bedroom door and stepped in, feeling that her bedroom seemed to be getting smaller.

He came to the bed and lay down, frowning: Why is this bed so uncomfortable

Lin Wanyue moved her body and suddenly realized that she had already returned to the north at this time, and the bed lying under her was not the big bed of the princess' mansion, but her own wooden bed.

Thinking of this, Lin Wanyue laughed and sighed in her heart: It is really easy to change from frugality to luxury, and from luxury to frugality is difficult.

Lin Wanyue stretched out her hand and took out the jade pendant that Li Xian had given to her. Holding the red rope, the clear jade pendant swayed in front of her eyes.

Looking at the small "Xian" character on the jade pendant, Lin Wanyue looked back on these days as if she was dreaming.

He actually married a wife as a woman! Moreover, she is also the eldest daughter of His Majesty, the most honorable princess in Li Kingdom.

Lin Wanyue couldn't help recalling how lost she was when she heard the news that Li Xian was about to marry Li Zhong. The heartache was still fresh in her memory.

It was also from then on that he realized what he was thinking about Li Xiancun. That period was also the darkest period for him after the massacre incident. No matter how much he pretended to be a man, he was still a woman, a woman. Falling in love with a woman violates ethics.

And at that time, His Majesty had already decreed to announce the wedding date of the eldest princess to the world. In those days, his whole heart would be torn to shreds. On the one hand, it was the struggle against ethics, and on the other hand, it was the torture that would eventually be lost.

This kind of torment tore me every day, but no one told me...

Later, Ayu died, and his identity was revealed, and later... Yu Wan also went.

"Hey." Lin Wanyue sighed heavily, pinched the jade pendant in his hand, and pressed his fist to his chest.

Lin Wanyue herself didn't know what happened to her recently, and she always recalled the past.

Lin Wanyue lay quietly on the bed, the shadows of many people flashed in front of her eyes, including parents, Feixing, Lin Yu, Yu Wan, and the handsome...

In the end it became Lin Baishui, and in the end it was Li Xian.

Lin Wanyue's eyelids became heavier and heavier, and after a while, she fell asleep clutching the jade pendant.

For five full days, Lin Wanyue was really exhausted in order to catch up with the schedule.

She slept soundly this time, and people didn't bother her, so she didn't even use dinner.

That night, on the Yin Mountain outside Yangguan City, a sea daffodil rose from the sky.

Taking advantage of the night, flying towards the south...

Lin Wanyue's timing was just right. As soon as he left the barracks on the front foot, Gao Deyi brought two personal soldiers to Lin Feixing's camp on the back foot, but was told by the guards: General Lin Wei is going back to the house...

Gao Deyi had no choice but to take people away. After thinking about it after returning, he thought it would be better to see Lin Feixing as soon as possible to test it out. Even if he didn't get Lin Feixing's support, it would be good to listen to His Majesty's thoughts.

However, he held a high position in his own right and was unwilling to go to the Lin Mansion in person, so as not to give Lin Feixing his identity, he sent two of his personal soldiers to invite Lin Feixing to the army for a briefing.

When the personal soldiers arrived at the Lin Mansion, they were blocked by Lin Zitu, who was shrewd in all directions. These two were popular people in front of Gao Deyi. Since Gao Deyi took control of the military and government, these two were not high in military rank, but they were domineering in the army. Being turned away by a small house slave, his face was a little unsettled.

However, Lin Feixing not only had the rank of fourth rank, but was also the consort of the eldest princess.

However, when he returned to the army, he couldn't help but agitate in front of Gao Deyi, sinking Gao Deyi's face like water.

Lin Wanyue got up early in the morning, all the fatigue in her body disappeared. After washing up, she had breakfast and headed into the study.

Three days later, in a dilapidated courtyard on the outskirts of Beijing, a crooked old man was hobbling sweeping the yard with a broom. There were two large tanks and a dead tree shelf in the yard.

"Pulengling..." The old man heard the voice leaning on his broom, and straightened his waist with difficulty, seeing a sea Dongqing falling on the shelf of the dead tree.