Female General And Eldest Princess

Chapter 17: It was just normal at the time


Li Xian wanted to step out several times, but she stopped when she saw Lin Wanyue's staggering back. This was obviously not the best time. Li Xian just hid behind the tent and watched Lin Wanyue slowly. out of her sight.

Shadow's efficiency was very high, and that night Li Xian received a very detailed report on Lin Wanyue.

Li Xian was still sitting in front of the desk under the yellow and flickering light, looking at the silk cloth in her hands. It was covered with dense small characters, and everything about Lin Wanyue was written in detail.

However, there are only a few lines of information about Lin Wanyue before he joined the army: Lin Feixing, the sixteenth year of the year, the family of Chanjuan Village, Daze County, the autumn of the twenty-eighth year of Tianxing, the Xiongnu came, and the one hundred and eighteen population of Chanjuan Village. They were all mourned. This son survived because he went up the mountain to collect medicine. Later, he drove Baili alone to General Li Mu to join the army. He knelt in front of the tent and the secretary Xiankang couldn’t stand in front of him. Easy household, join the army...

As for Lin Wanyue's description in the two years after joining the army, the description is very detailed, and the number of words is about several times that of the previous one.

Li Xian finished reading the contents on the silk cloth in her hand, raised her hand and held the silk cloth above the candlelight. After a while, the silk cloth slowly burned, and a puff of blue smoke appeared...

The white fingers tapped the wooden case in front of her rhythmically. What Li Xian didn't expect was that this Lin Feixing's social relations were so simple. After joining the army for more than two years, he didn't have any friends except Lin Yu. He will not take the initiative to talk to anyone, he will not participate in any group activities other than combat, and he has no hobbies. Except for the exception of not participating in drills a while ago, he has never stopped for more than two years...

Li Xian scrutinized the time Lin Wanyue did not participate in the drill in her heart, and combined with what Lin Yu said before, she quickly came to a conclusion: The unprecedented absence of Lin Feixing's participation in the drill is probably due to... injuries, it seems that Lin Yu's Words are not false.

Thinking of this, Li Xian's face flushed slightly. After all, she was a girl who had not left the court, and her face was thinner.

What Li Xian hadn't thought of was this: She thought that her uncle's evaluation of Lin Feixing was already very high, but after reading the content on the silk cloth, Li Xian felt that this Lin Feixing was probably much better than what her uncle said...

For some reason, Li Xian's mind recalled Lin Wanyue's appearance when she was pulling a bow and shooting arrows, and she said in a ghostly manner, "I didn't expect that Lin Feixing was using the Ershibow that my uncle discarded today. He can shoot so well..."

At this moment, Li Xian completely changed her impression of Lin Feixing. As expected, she was not a person. She was so black and thin that she could pull the crossbow a hundred times with such ease...

At this moment, Li Xian officially finalized her previous plan in her heart. This Lin Feixing is only sixteen years old. If he is trained properly, he will definitely replace his uncle to become a new generation of marshals who will fight against the Huns in time.

After a while, another problem flashed in Li Xian's mind: this Lin Feixing is now alone, never socializing, and has no hobbies. Listening to Lin Yu's previous words, after being injured, he has no desire to pursue fame...

How can such a person be brought back under his command

Li Xianjuan's eyebrows are slightly raised: she admires Lin Wanyue's talent, but she doesn't like Lin Wanyue's "being a person". For Li Xian, a person who has no desires, no desires, and no handle is not only difficult to win over And it's hard to control...

The next day, Lin Wanyue still went to the open space to practice bowing and archery. Before halfway through the practice, a figure appeared.

"Good archery!"

Lin Wanyue heard the voice and put down the bow and arrow in her hand and looked back, only to see a woman standing behind her, watching this woman: her eyebrows were like mountains in the distance, her skin was like peach blossoms with affection, her hair was like a black waterfall, her eyes were like autumn water, her lips were not touching As for Zhu, a pair of shallow pear eddies appeared on his lips, and he was really affectionate before his intonation. Dressed in a luxurious palace dress, her waist was too thin to hold, she just stood there quietly, but when Lin Wanyue looked up, she seemed to see a hundred flowers blooming.

Lin Wanyue froze in place. She had lived for sixteen years, and she had never seen such a beautiful woman. For more than two years, Lin Wanyue had been with these rough men in the barracks day and night, and she had forgotten. I am also a woman...

But she was also a woman, and the one in front of her could be born with such a dazzling beauty. Looking back at herself, compared to this woman, she was simply a cloud and mud. In an instant, Lin Wanyue felt a little embarrassed in her heart. ashamed...

The change in Lin Wanyue's expression did not escape Li Xian's eyes. She kept staring at Lin Wanyue, seeing that this person was first surprised when she saw her, then a look of surprise flashed in her eyes, and finally a flash of excitement filled her eyes. She was shy and then became overwhelmed, and she alone forgot to salute herself...

This person is as true as the intelligence said, extremely dull, and lacks even the most basic political sensitivity.

"Who are you?" Li Xian looked at Lin Wanyue with a squinting smile. The twist on Lin Wanyue's dark face made Li Xian feel a little amused.

Lin Wanyue suddenly recovered when she heard the question from the person in front of her. She raised her eyes to look at Li Xian, and returned with a warm expression, "My name is... Lin Feixing."

Hearing this, Li Xian smiled sweetly and said, "Oh, so you are the young battalion commander that my uncle always mentioned."

uncle? …

Lin Wanyue finally discovered Li Xian's identity after realizing it, and hurriedly knelt down and said, "Little man Lin Feixing, see Your Royal Highness the Eldest Princess."

"Commander Lin doesn't need to be polite. Ben Gong didn't intend to pass by here. Seeing that Camp Commander Lin is practicing arrows here, I hope it doesn't disturb you."

"Thank you, Princess." Lin Wanyue stood up slowly, enduring the severe pain from her buttocks. She paused before continuing, "I don't know that the princess is here, and I ask the princess to forgive me."

"How could it be? It was Ben Gong's rudeness first. What's wrong with Commander Lin? If Ben Gong is not mistaken, the bow held by Commander Lin is my uncle's two-stone black bow?"

"Princess Wisdom, this bow is exactly what the great commander belongs to, but because the bow was broken and lost its quasi-head, it was discarded by the commander. Seeing that this bow is really rare, the villain picked it up and used it without authorization. Later, the commander gave it to him. gave it to me."

"Sure enough, he is a young hero. I didn't expect that although Commander Lin didn't look as powerful as other generals, he could pull the two cross bows with ease, which really impressed Ben Gong."

Hearing Li Xian's compliment, Lin Wanyue's face turned red inexplicably. Fortunately, the two years she had served in the army had made her skin darker, and the change in her complexion was difficult to detect.

Because Lin Wanyue's body itself is a secret, so over the years, in order to keep her secret, Lin Wanyue almost never communicated with others. If the relationship between the two "men" in the military camp is good, it means that the physical touch and some other troubles. This is also the reason why Lin Wanyue's face has been carrying a "no one is near" for more than two years.

Maybe it's because they're both women, maybe the other party is a noble princess who won't move like a man in the military camp, maybe it's because the life in front of you is so beautiful that even the voice is so nice, or maybe it's because ... because no one has praised me like this since my parents passed away.

In fact, even Lin Wanyue herself didn't understand the reason. After listening to Li Xian's praise, Lin Wanyue, who had always been unsmiling, smiled at Li Xian, revealing a row of white teeth.