Female General And Eldest Princess

Chapter 20: Why don't men bring Wu hooks


The next day, Lin Wanyue re-participated in the group exercise in a proper manner. Although she would still experience labor pains from time to time, Lin Wanyue never dared to practice on her own in that open space.

She was afraid, she was hiding from Li Xian.

Even Lin Wanyue knew that Li Xian might never go there to find her again...

Lin Wanyue liked to stay with Li Xian, because Li Xian had a very special temperament, which made Lin Wanyue very comfortable.

Lin Wanyue likes to be with Li Xian, because Li Xian is a woman like her. She has been in the army for almost three years. Lin Wanyue has to face rough men in the army camp every day, and she can't resist the sudden touch of these men. And no bottom line, so she chose to stay away from the crowd.

Fortunately, Lin Yu didn't have this problem, otherwise, Lin Wanyue would definitely hide away immediately, but even so, Lin Wanyue knew that after getting along for so long, she and Lin Yu had a "brother" relationship. It has reached a critical point. If he doesn't "keep his distance", I am afraid that Lin Yu will ask himself to go to the thatched hut, take a bath by the river, and go to the military prostitution camp...

And in the short time she spent with Li Xian, Lin Wanyue felt that she was safe. Lin Wanyue knew very well that Li Xian would never do anything rude or rude to her suddenly. Say anything weird to yourself.

In fact, before she met Li Xian, Lin Wanyue had always been lonely, but she was used to this kind of loneliness, so she didn't feel how profound the loneliness was, but after meeting Li Xian, after that short period of time After getting along comfortably and naturally, the loneliness suppressed in Lin Wanyue's heart suddenly burst out clearly and strongly, surrounding her.

That's why Lin Wanyue, who always wanted to "stay out of the way", "couldn't help it" when she was in the big tent, so Lin Wanyue, who had always been calm, "lost control" at that time. All of these were brought to her by Li Xian. Those short-lived moments of beauty rose up, this is what Lin Wanyue figured out after staying up all night.

Lin Wanyue was afraid of this feeling. It was an indescribable feeling, mixed with loneliness, longing, nostalgia and contradiction.

So she can only escape, once and for all.

Fortunately, Lin Wanyue is now a battalion commander, so she no longer needs to do too intense exercises. Now she mainly urges the archers in Feiyu Battalion to train, and then guides their movements.

Even though Lin Wanyue basically doesn't interact with the soldiers under his command, and looks very serious, but after getting along for a while, the soldiers of Feiyu Battalion have already agreed with Lin Wanyue, the unsmiling battalion commander. , Not everyone can pull the Ershigong, and Lin Wanyue is only sixteen years old at this time, and he has the blue eyes of Marshal Li Mu. Almost anyone with a brain understands that as long as Lin Wanyue does not die, it will be sooner or later. thing.

As long as she has a good relationship with Lin Wanyue and becomes her first personal soldier, then when Lin Wanyue's military merits and honors are made, it will be their time to ascend to heaven.

Therefore, since Lin Wanyue became the battalion commander, no matter how stern he usually is, there are still many people who please him.

Lin Wanyue appeared on the school field. At this time, the drills had begun. The archers were divided into several waves. Some of them were lined up in a row to exercise their arm strength, and some of them stood in front of the target to practice arrows.

"battalion commander!"

"I've seen the battalion commander!"

"Hello, battalion commander!"

When the soldiers saw Lin Wanyue coming, they all greeted Lin Wanyue eagerly. Lin Wanyue nodded sullenly at the soldiers, and then came to her exclusive target, which was actually Lin Wanyue. It was the first time that Wanyue participated in the collective training of the Feiyu Camp. Lin Wanyue stood and took her two-stone black bow from behind. Immediately, a soldier carried a few pots of arrows and placed them beside Lin Wanyue, and picked them up. An arrow was handed to Lin Wanyue with both hands.

Lin Wanyue took the arrow and turned her head to the soldier who handed it, "Go and practice your own."

Even as a battalion commander, Lin Wanyue would still choose her own affairs and do it herself.


The soldier saluted Lin Wanyue in a regular manner, then retreated to the side to continue the practice of pulling the empty string, but Rao was like this, but his eyes were secretly aimed at Lin Wanyue's direction, wanting to see What exactly is the arrow technique of the young battalion commander who opened the second crossbow.

In fact, it wasn't just this soldier. There were many soldiers around him who had almost the same thoughts as him. Although they seemed to be practicing themselves, their eyes were secretly aimed at Lin Wanyue.

Lin Wanyue didn't care so much, she just saw her feet spread out, arrows, bows, aiming...

With a "whoosh" sound, the arrow pierced through the air, and then centered on the red heart impartially.

"it is good!"

Lin Wanyue was taken aback by the cheers, she put down her bow and looked around and found that many soldiers had gathered around, looking at her with kind smiles and admiring eyes. Lin Wanyue had never experienced it before. After all this, seeing so many people looking at her, her face became uncontrollably hot. Fortunately, since Lin Wanyue joined the army, the wind and the sun had made her skin dark, and it was difficult to see the change in her complexion.

"Practice your own!"

Lin Wanyue's voice was not too loud, and the soldiers who were several years older than Lin Wanyue also showed knowing smiles when they heard Lin Wanyue's order to be "out of breath". Pretty thin.

However, no matter how loud or small Lin Wanyue's voice is, she is now the leader of a battalion. In this camp, every word she speaks is a military order.

Prohibition is something that is integrated into the bones and blood of soldiers.

Now all the archers go back to their respective positions and continue to practice their own.

Seeing this, Lin Wanyue breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time an unreal feeling surged up. At this moment, she suddenly understood why everyone was eager to make achievements.

However, this thought was fleeting in Lin Wanyue's heart. She quickly calmed down and began to concentrate on drawing the bow and shooting arrows. As the sound of arrows breaking through the air came out, Lin Wanyue was fifty steps ahead. The target outside was densely filled with arrows, and the arrows around him were empty for several pots. A winking soldier had already brought a few pots of arrows to Lin Wanyue and placed them by Lin Wanyue's side.

And Lin Wanyue was still continuing, wielding a bow, aiming, and shooting arrows, maintaining a certain frequency.

In the end, many of the arrows stuck on the target were split in the middle by the arrows shot by Lin Wanyuexin, and some of the arrows were pushed by Lin Wanyuexin's arrows and almost all of them missed the target.

It is a habit that Lin Wanyue has formed since she joined the army for more than two years.

Pulling the bow a hundred times a day is Lin Wanyue's new goal in the near future. When Lin Wanyue completed her task in one go.

She exhaled heavily, raised her arm and wiped the sweat that had already dripped from her forehead.

Suddenly, Lin Wanyue felt that the atmosphere around her was a bit strange, so she looked back and saw that many soldiers behind her were staring blankly at her.

"What are you looking at?" Lin Wanyue asked strangely.

"Batch... battalion commander, you are amazing..."

Hearing this, Lin Wanyue raised her eyebrows in confusion.

Seeing that Lin Wanyue seemed to be in a "good mood", the other soldiers immediately started chatting, looked at Lin Wanyue with admiration, and said sincerely, "Batch commander, I've accepted it today, you... you skinny, It's actually a natural divine power!" A soldier said enviously, rubbing his hands together.

"Yes, battalion commander, we usually use a single crossbow. When fighting, we have to divide it into several rows and take turns to shoot arrows. This is a second crossbow. Your breath is... This is shooting..."

"One hundred, I'm counting, the battalion commander shot a hundred arrows in one breath, and the arrows hit the target!"

"what… "

Hearing that Lin Wanyue actually shot a hundred arrows in one go, the archers in this circle are frying, let alone two crossbows, just one crossbow. Many people present asked themselves that they couldn't do the same as Lin Wanyue. A hundred arrows are fired without error and uninterrupted...

"Batch commander, how did you do it, can you teach it?"

"Yeah, battalion commander, if we all have the skills of you, let alone pulling two crossbows, even if we can pull one crossbow with such accuracy, at such a speed, the combat effectiveness of our Feiyu Battalion will have to improve a lot!"


After a while, Lin Wanyue was surrounded by her own soldiers. Facing this question, Lin Wanyue shook her head and said, "There is no way, there is only one way to practice unremittingly."

"Batch commander, we practice every day, we can't do it!"

Lin Wanyue was silent for a moment, watching the surrounding soldiers staring at her with anticipation, she opened her mouth and said, "If it's not difficult, I can train you, but don't be too tired."

"Don't worry, battalion commander, we will never be tired."

"Okay." Lin Wanyue nodded, but this time she was not thinking about how to get out, but couldn't help planning how to increase the maximum strength of these archers to draw their bows.

"Captain, can you give me a try with this bow?" A soldier with a broad shoulder and a round waist squeezed out of the crowd and looked at the black bow in Lin Wanyue's hand.

Lin Wanyue looked up at the soldier in front of him who was a head taller than him, nodded and handed over the black bow in his hand.

The soldier did not expect that Lin Wanyue would be so quick to agree to his request. After being stunned, he solemnly took Lin Wanyue's black bow with both hands and said to Lin Wanyue, "Thank you, battalion commander!"

Then he raised the bow in front of his eyes, stretched out a hand and touched the body of the bow, flicked the string of the slingshot, and said enviously, "Good bow!"

The soldier with broad shoulders and round waist was named Zhang Sanbao, and he was a well-known figure in the Feiyu Camp.

Seeing that Zhang Sanbao wanted to try Lin Wanyue's bow, the others tacitly gave up a position. They wanted to use Zhang Sanbao's performance to estimate the depth of this young battalion commander Lin Feixing...