Female General And Eldest Princess

Chapter 35: Red crispy hands stir the wind and clouds


Red crispy hands stir the wind and clouds

The amount of food in the sea bowl used for meals in Li Mu's military camp was at least equal to the five bowls in Xia Zhiqing's house.

Although Lin Wanyue is a woman, she has eaten as much as an adult man since she joined the army for more than two years.

Faced with the sudden loss of half of his appetite, Lin Wanyue felt that she was empty, and she always felt that something was missing.

Yangguan City is located in a remote location and naturally there are no nighttime activities. After the banquet was over, they went to sleep.

However, Lin Wanyue did not dare to slack off. She personally inspected the terrain and environment of the Xia Mansion, and then personally set the patrol route and shift time of the soldiers, focusing on the princess' yard and room.

In order to show his respect for the princess and her son, Xia Zhiqing also specially selected some staff from the yamen in Yangguan City and handed it over to Lin Wanyue for temporary control, and these yamen were dispatched by Lin Wanyue to patrol Li Zhong's yard. .

After finishing all the arrangements, Lin Wanyue checked the entire Xia Mansion inside and out, including the fire control in the firewood room and the kitchen, to prevent potential dangers such as running water.

Lin Wanyue didn't return to her room until she was sure again and again that there would be no problem...

Lin Wanyue looked at the room in front of her, and felt a little nostalgic. Since joining the army, she has lived in tents, and it has been a long time since she lived in a boxy house with windows and doors.

Before Lin Wanyue could sit down, there was a knock on the door behind him.


"Commander Lin, servant eleven, sent by Her Royal Highness the princess."

Hearing what the maid said, Lin Wanyue turned and opened the door of the room.

"Commander Lin, this is the cake that the princess ordered her servant to send."

Lin Wanyue looked down and saw that the maid was holding a tray in both hands, and there were two trays of cakes on the tray.

Lin Wanyue immediately took Eleven's tray with both hands, and thanked: "I have a job, please thank the princess on my behalf."

After listening to Lin Wanyue's words, Eleven gave a thousand blessings and replied, "His Royal Highness told the servants that the bowl of rice in the Xia Mansion is smaller, and the journey was hard work, but Camp Commander Lin must not have eaten enough, and he also instructed the servants to stay here for a while. Wait for a while, if the battalion commander is not full, the servants will go to get it."

After speaking, Eleven watched Lin Wanyue raise her hand and cover her lips with a smile, showing a clear look.

"No, no, no, no, girl, go back to rest, I have enough to eat, enough to eat."

When Lin Wanyue saw Eleven looking at herself like this, her face became hot, she held the tray with one hand and closed half of the door with the other hand, and said to Eleven again, "Go back, girl, you don't have to wait here, tomorrow I still have to hurry, I really have enough to eat, thank you."

Then the door closed with a bang.

Eleven outside the door looked at Lin Wanyue's closed door and smiled silently, thinking to himself: This Camp Commander Lin is quite interesting. Then he turned around and left, and returned to Li Xian.

Lin Wanyue put the two trays of cakes brought by Li Xian on the table, sat at the table and looked at the two trays of cakes in front of her, a little embarrassed: The princess probably saw that she was not full, and then her heart began to surge again. A warm feeling.

Lin Wanyue picked up a piece of cake and chewed it in her mouth. She couldn't help comparing it with the cake that Li Xian gave her that day, and found that the two were not comparable at all. However, Lin Wanyue didn't pick one. The wind swept the clouds, and within a moment, the two trays of cakes were swept away by Lin Wanyue.

Lin Wanyue turned over the clasped cup on the table and poured herself a glass of water. After two mouthfuls, she drank it all. Then she licked her lips, exhaled heavily, and touched her stomach. She was just full. Now I feel more at ease.

"Go back to Your Highness, the cakes were sent to Camp Commander Lin."


At this time, Li Xian had already taken off her palace attire and was wearing a single coat and a cloak outside sitting at the table, reading a book by the light.

"Princess, this battalion commander Lin was shy after receiving the cakes, so he closed the door in a hurry."

"Well, Ben Gong knows, you go down first."


Eleven hit Li Xian a thousand blessings, and then retreated lightly.

When there was only one person left in the entire room, Li Xian laughed, revealing a shallow pear vortex.

Lin Wanyue finished washing up comfortably, lying comfortably on the bed, the soft bed, and the scent of sandalwood in the room.

She closed her eyes beautifully, but opened them again after a while.

Lin Wanyue changed several positions on the bed and couldn't fall asleep. In the end, she opened her eyes helplessly and sighed: I'm used to sleeping on the hard plank beds in the army, and then sleep on this soft bed...

She can't sleep!

In the end, Lin Wanyue had to get up from the bed, then pulled off all the thick bedding under her body, rolled it up and placed it on the table. There was only one bed board and a quilt left in the whole bed. Lin Wanyue lay down again and felt A moment, and then a satisfied "um" sound, it is a familiar feeling.

Then he closed his eyes contentedly, and fell asleep after a while...

After breakfast the next day, the team set off again. When Li Xian and the others walked away, the maids of the Xia Mansion hurriedly came to report that one of the rooms was a mess and was turned over in a mess...

Xia Zhiqing followed the servants to see it, and found that nothing was missing. After careful consideration, Xia Zhiqing came to a conclusion that made him tremble: Could it be that this Commander Lin is actually an imperial envoy of the imperial court, checking whether he has accepted it? bribe…

The further south you go, the more prosperous and the more beautiful the scenery becomes. For Lin Wanyue, who has never left the frontier fortress, her eyes don't need to be looked at.

During this period, Li Xian would also open the curtain on the left side of the carriage to have a simple chat with Lin Wanyue, or ask about the time or the itinerary, and occasionally briefly introduce Lin Wanyue about the city she is currently in. Customs, etc.

After getting along for the past three days, Lin Wanyue was not as restrained as before, and occasionally she would ask Li Xian some questions humbly.

Li Xian patiently answered Lin Wanyue's questions.

Li Zhong, who saw this scene, was extremely angry. Li Guo respected the right, but he did not expect that Her Royal Highness, the Princess, was used to opening the window on the left.

So at noon on the third day, the team left Huzhou City and walked on the wide official road. Li Zhong reined in his horse and went around the left side of the carriage from the back of the team and said to Lin Wanyue, "Go over there. ."


"This prince is tired of seeing the scenery over there and wants to come here, why?"

After listening to Li Zhong's explanation, Lin Wanyue did not move.

"How dare you disobey this prince's order?"

Lin Wanyue turned her head, looked Li Zhong's eyes directly and replied, "The villain is rude, this is the first time in his life that he rides a horse. He can only walk in a straight line and won't turn around."


"What happened?"

Li Xian heard the sound from outside the carriage and opened the curtains to see the situation outside.

Li Zhong turned to look at Li Xian, and exclaimed happily, "Princess!"

"Why did the prince come this way?"

"The prince said that he wanted to see the scenery here, and wanted to change places with the villain."

Li Xian listened to Lin Wanyue's explanation, thought for a while, and said softly to Li Zhong, "Now that we are getting closer to the capital, officials from all the prefectures will greet each other. ."

After listening to Li Xian's words, Li Zhong smiled embarrassedly and replied, "What the princess said is very true. I was negligent. I'll go back now."

After speaking, Li Zhong turned around again and returned to his original position.

The team marched for a while, and suddenly! Lin Wanyue found that there were many messy footprints suddenly appeared on the dirt road ahead, and the direction was horizontal. Lin Wanyue looked at the surrounding environment and saw: On both sides of the official road were big trees that could not be surrounded by one person, so she made a decisive decision. roared: "Stop!"

Lin Wanyue's loud roar came suddenly, startling the coachman, and immediately grabbed the reins fiercely. With the neighing of the four horses, Li Xian's carriage stopped.

"Everyone, set up!"

Lin Wanyue pulled out the saber from her waist, turned over and jumped off the horse.

Lin Wanyue was an infantryman and was not familiar with equestrianism. In this case, riding a horse would be a mistake.

The 20-person team immediately formed a formation and surrounded Li Xian's carriage at the very center.

"What happened?" Li Xian asked Lin Wanyue as she lifted the curtain.

Lin Wanyue stood under Li Xian's car window, holding the weapon tightly in her hand, staring vigilantly ahead, and replied, "Princess, be careful, something is wrong in front of you."

Hearing Lin Wanyue's words, Li Xian showed a surprised expression and her eyes flashed.

Li Zhong was sitting on the high-headed horse. At first, he was a little nervous when he saw all the staff on guard, but after waiting for a while, nothing happened, so he pulled the reins and shouted in Lin Wanyue's direction with some displeasure: "what happened?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Li Zhong's voice fell, a row of arrows was shot from the right side of the dense forest, and one of them shot directly on Yu Huacong's neck.

Following the screams, the guards who were blocking Li Xian's carriage were shot dead and several others were injured. The driver of the carriage was pinned directly between his eyebrows by an arrow, and he died instantly!

"Woo!" In addition to the sudden situation and the loss of the driver's control, the four horses chirped in unison.

Lin Wanyue immediately jumped onto the carriage, grabbed the reins tightly, and stabilized the frightened horse a little.

And Li Zhong's Yu Huacong was seriously frightened because he was shot, and immediately let out a long neigh, no longer obeying Li Zhong's control, and ran hard towards the front.

However, just when Yu Huacong ran to the messy footprint Lin Wanyue had seen before, she was immediately hooked by several hooks thrown from the right side of the dense forest. Hua Cong and Li Zhong fell heavily to the ground.

Lin Wanyue saw this scene very clearly. She took the corpse of the coachman in one hand and blocked it in front of her, and then kicked open the door of the carriage.

"Ah!" The two palace maids immediately screamed, their faces turned pale with fright, and they became a little quieter when they saw that it was Lin Wanyue who came in.

Lin Wanyue carried the coachman's body, stretched out her other hand and grabbed Li Xian's arm, using the coachman's body and her own body to form a double shield for Li Xian, and then dragged Li Xian off the carriage. .

"Ah! What are you going to do to the princess, come quickly!"

Seeing that Lin Wanyue was so rude to the princess, a palace maid shouted loudly.

"Shut up!" Lin Wanyue turned her head and roared violently. The palace maid was frightened by Lin Wanyue, she immediately closed her mouth, and looked at Lin Wanyue shiveringly.

Lin Wanyue looked back and saw that the soldiers had already fought with a group of men in black. The people Li Mu selected were all elite soldiers who survived by licking their blood. The man in clothes was actually just holding on, and he didn't take advantage of it at all.

Seeing this scene, Lin Wanyue's heart sank.

Hard stubble!

Lin Wanyue threw away the corpse, pulled Li Xian with one hand, and led her own jujube red horse to the back of the carriage, then helped Li Xian onto the jujube red horse, and said to Li Xian, "Princess, go back to Huzhou City. Go, I'm afraid it won't be long here."

Li Xian sat on the horseback and looked down at Lin Wanyue without speaking.

Seeing Li Xian's reluctance to run away, Lin Wanyue was in a hurry: "Princess, let's go! The assassins have bows and arrows! If you don't go, it's too late!"

Unexpectedly, Li Xian stretched out her slender hand towards Lin Wanyue: "Get on the horse."


"In case there is an ambush on the way back, Ben Gong will surely die if he walks alone."

Hearing this, Lin Wanyue was slightly startled, she didn't expect this level...

Lin Wanyue turned her head and glanced guiltily at her comrade-in-arms who was fighting to the death with the man in black, as if two more people had fallen...

Lin Wanyue turned her head to look at the shivering maid again, then took out a dagger from her bosom and handed it to the maid, saying apologetically, "Miss, I'm sorry, you go back to the carriage now. , Use this to stab the horse's ass, and it will be up to God to escape."

After speaking, Lin Wanyue shoved the dagger into the hand of the palace servant, grabbed Li Xian's slender hand, and sat on the horse's back, protecting Li Xian in front of her.

Lin Wanyue clung to the reins with both hands, gritted her teeth, and raised her brows, but she never looked back...

Lin Wanyue tightly clamped the horse's belly and roared, "Drive!" The jujube red horse immediately ran, raising a cloud of dust.

When the horses that Li Xian and Lin Wanyue were riding completely disappeared from sight, the skills of those men in black suddenly seemed to have improved several times!

When facing these soldiers before, it was obviously still a little difficult, but in the blink of an eye, a shocking reversal occurred. I saw this group of black-clothed men rushing to kill the soldiers in the team. In an instant, the screams continued. Blood flew.

With this scream, the soldiers fell one by one, dying with deep disbelief on their faces.

After a while, there was only one person left in the 20-person team. That person held weapons in both hands and stepped back in front of the nine unharmed men in black.

"Who are you!"

"Hahaha." Hearing this, the nine men in black burst into laughter. Listening to this laughter, there are men and women among these men in black.

The soldier slowly retreated with his weapon in his hands, and the nine men in black in front of him didn't seem to be in a hurry to kill him. , as if a good show was about to be staged.

Seeing the expressions of these men in black, the soldier was also a little surprised. He followed the eyes of the men in black, suppressing the fear in his heart, and slowly turned his head to look back.

Unexpectedly, as soon as it turned halfway, someone wiped his neck from behind.

The soldier fell down. At the moment when he was about to die, he saw the person in front of him. His hands were tightly covering his neck.

He opened his mouth, and blood spurted out from his mouth. He stared at him in astonishment, and he couldn't understand it anyway. Then he asked the last question of his life, a sentence blurred by the blood in his mouth: " why… "

The soldiers were dying, and the men in black gathered together and laughed.


"Little Twelve, the commander Lin gave you a dagger to make you stick your horse's butt? Why did you wipe someone's neck?"

Lin Wanyue and Li Xian did not dare to stop for a moment, and galloped towards Huzhou City, but what surprised Lin Wanyue was that there were no assassins in ambush along the way. Wanyue breathed a sigh of relief: those assassins could face elite soldiers with less and win more with less. Thinking about it, they were conceited.

Thinking of this, Lin Wanyue's heart flashed a bit of luck: Fortunately, if there is an ambush, I am afraid that she and the princess will both die.

Then Lin Wanyue felt a sense of disappointment in her heart: I am afraid that her comrades are dead by now, I wonder if the two palace maids rushed out...

There is also that prince, Li Zhong, who only saw that he fell and didn't get up, and he didn't know if he was dead or not. Now that such a big mistake has gone wrong, I'm afraid that he will be dealt with by military law when he returns to the military camp...

"Commander Lin, stop!"

Hearing Li Xian's words, Lin Wanyue first looked back and made sure that the assassin was not chasing after him, so she restrained the reins in her hand: "Come on!"

"Princess, what's wrong?"

"You help Ben Gong down first."

"But princess, in case assassins come after you..."

"I am afraid that Huzhou City may not be safe."

Hearing Li Xian say this, Lin Wanyue rolled over and dismounted, and then helped Li Xian off the horse.

"Why did the princess say that?"

Li Xian looked at Lin Wanyue and said indifferently: "The soldiers sent by my uncle, I'm afraid that the commander Lin knows best how skilled they are. Ordinary green forest robbers may have gone through three rounds in their hands?"

"Absolutely not..." Lin Wanyue shook her head and immediately understood what Li Xian was going to say.

"Then what are we going to do next, princess?"

"I'm afraid this is not the place to talk. This palace dress of Ben Gong is too conspicuous. I am afraid that people who enter Huzhou City and want to assassinate Ben Gong will immediately know the location of Ben Gong, so Ben Gong hides here first. The battalion commander went to Huzhou City to buy an ordinary women's clothing for Bengong to put on, and it is best for the battalion commander Lin to buy another piece of clothing to put on."

"But princess, how can I leave you here alone, in case there is any danger..."

"The most dangerous place is the safest place. I don't think the assassin would have thought that you would leave Ben Gong here alone, and Ben Gong's clothes are too conspicuous. You go back quickly, I will hide it. ."

"Okay, the princess, you must hide it and wait for me to come back."

"Go." Li Xian nodded at Lin Wanyue and gave Lin Wanyue a reassuring smile.

Lin Wanyue took a deep look at Li Xian, then untied the saber from her waist and handed it to Li Xian. Only then did she get on the horse and squeeze the horse's belly: "Drive!"

Li Xian held the heavy saber in her hand, looked at Lin Wanyue's smaller and smaller figure, and fell silent.

Holding the saber, Li Xian turned around and walked into the woods behind her. After a cup of tea, the faint sound of horse hooves could be heard from the other side of the road.

"Shut up!"

The two horses stopped where Li Xian was standing before, and one of them said to the other, "Look, mark."

The two got off the horse, one pulled the horse and waited by the side of the road, and the other walked into the woods.

"Son, see Her Royal Highness."

"How is Li Zhong?"

"We controlled our strength very well, we just passed out."

"Well, very good, secretly imprisoned, give him a little pain, don't let him die."


"Are the guards ready?"

"Not a single one alive."

"How many days can the news be sent back to the palace?"

"Back to the princess, within three days, His Majesty will get the news that the princess was assassinated and her whereabouts are unknown."

"How many batches of assassins did you deal with?"

"Back to the princess, King Yong of Chu has sent three batches of assassins, all of which have been dealt with by us, and there are still another group of assassins, whose identities are still being investigated."

"Oh? Not from King Qi?"

"Although it has not been confirmed yet, this possibility is basically ruled out. These people are hard bones, but sooner or later they will be able to speak."

"Bengong's journey back to Beijing is still going according to plan."


"How is the situation in the palace?"

"Prince is all well, and His Majesty has not yet expressed his position on the request made by the Marquis of Pingyang."

"Has the other passerby who poisoned Concubine Liang found out?"

"Back to the princess, we can't confirm it yet."

"Then find a way to lead it to King Qi."


"About Li Zhong's disappearance, give Pingyang Hou some clues to King Yong."


"Go back."


After a while, the sound of horses' hooves was heard from the official road outside the forest.

Li Xian stood proudly in the woods, stretched out a slender hand and gently stroked the mottled bark in front of her, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and she said with a light smile, "This is the end of the matter, brothers and sisters, since none of you want to stay out of it, Don't blame Xian'er for being ruthless."