Female General And Eldest Princess

Chapter 36: Just pretend to be a couple


More than an hour later, Lin Wanyue came back with sweat on her forehead.

Lin Wanyue came to Li Xian's hiding place, got off the donkey cart, led the donkey cart to the side of the road, tied the donkey to the tree, and pulled the reins, making sure that the reins would not loosen before heading towards the woods walk in.

The forest was very quiet, Lin Wanyue could even hear her own heartbeat, Lin Wanyue was very nervous, she walked mechanically, her palms were sweating, and her throat was tight.

She was a little afraid, afraid that she would not be able to see Li Xian's figure, and she was also afraid that what she saw was Li Xian's body.

Although she had already used the fastest speed, it still took a lot of time this time around.

Lin Wanyue has lived for 16 years, and her heart has never been so flustered. Along the way, she returned to her heart like an arrow and screamed at the donkey pulling the cart.

Now that she finally came back, she became afraid.

Lin Wanyue stepped on the thick dead leaves under her feet, feeling like stepping on cotton, for fear that she would end up seeing an unacceptable ending.

On the way back to Huzhou City, Lin Wanyue thought a lot about who wanted to assassinate Li Xian

However, Lin Wanyue, who lacks political sensitivity, has not figured out the reason after thinking about it. A princess who has lived in a deep palace for a long time can neither seize the reserve nor have any enemies in the rivers and lakes, and the princess did not bring anything with her. Exotic treasures.

Lin Wanyue couldn't figure it out after thinking about it. In the end, the only thing she could be sure of was that those men in black were not easy. With just nine people, they could have a tie with the elite soldiers hand-picked by Li Mu, and even have the upper hand. It is not something that ordinary people can cultivate.

The trees in this forest were very lush. It was autumn, and occasionally there were fallen leaves. Lin Wanyue was walking in the woods, slowly going deep into the woods. Looking around, she couldn't find Li Xian.

Lin Wanyue wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked around anxiously. Did she come back late

Lin Wanyue clenched her clenched fists.

"Princess, are you there?"

Hearing Lin Wanyue's voice, Li Xian appeared from behind a thick tree trunk, holding Lin Wanyue's saber in both hands.

Lin Wanyue saw Li Xian standing there intact, a hanging heart finally landed safely. With a surprised expression, she strode forward to Li Xian: "Princess, I'm back!"

Li Xian raised her head slightly to look at the person in front of him. At this time, he had changed into a normal sackcloth shirt. Sweat was on his forehead and the tip of his nose. Some of it even trickled down his dark face, but his eyes But it was bright, staring at himself with a surprise that could not be concealed.

All the thoughts in his heart were reflected on his face, without any concealment or any falsehood, it was so simple and clear.

Seeing Lin Wanyue like this, Li Xian somehow felt a glimmer of envy in her heart. She used to have such an expression before, but she lost it at some point.

"Commander Lin has worked hard." Li Xian smiled at Lin Wanyue.

Lin Wanyue took the saber from Li Xian's hand, and then gave Li Xian a big smile, her already white teeth were dazzling against the dark face.

"Princess, I have everything I need to buy, we can go."

"Yeah." Li Xian nodded, followed Lin Wanyue and walked out of the jungle together.

When they reached the roadside, Lin Wanyue scratched her head a little embarrassedly and said to Li Xian guiltily, "Princess, I don't have much money, and I thought it would be inconvenient for two people to travel together on a horse, so I gave the horse to me. I sold it. It was a military horse. I sold it for a good price. Then I changed the donkey cart and bought some clothes for the princess. I also bought dry food for the road and some other things. There are still some entanglements left. It's just that the princess will be wronged."

Li Xian looked at Lin Wanyue and replied, "It's a fortune among misfortunes to be able to survive by chance now, how can you be picky about this, Commander Lin, you've done a good job, and that horse is really too attractive. This donkey cart is better and more convenient."

Hearing that Li Xian agreed with her opinion, Lin Wanyue immediately showed a big smile and said to Li Xian, "Princess, get in the car, I have prepared the clothes for you, go and change into it. , I'm here to guard, after you've changed, give me your clothes and I'll deal with it."

"it is good."

Li Xian got into the carriage. The small carriage could accommodate at most two people. This was the most crude carriage she had ever ridden in her life. No, it was a donkey carriage.

There were a few bags on one side of the carriage. Li Xian opened the bag that was placed in the most conspicuous position. It turned out to be a set of clothes worn by ordinary peasant women.

Li Xian changed her clothes in the cramped carriage. Although these things were always handled by people, the common people's clothes were very simple to wear, and Li Xian could wear them herself.

"Commander Lin, I've changed it."

After she finished speaking, Li Xian walked out of the carriage with her palace uniform in her arms.

Lin Wanyue's eyes lit up when she saw Li Xian wearing a peasant woman's clothes in front of her.

Lin Wanyue has never seen a person who can dress so beautifully in a peasant woman's clothes. People in the world say that Buddha relies on gold clothes, and people rely on clothes.

But now Li Xian took off her noble palace attire and put on the coarse cloth clothes worn by ordinary people, unexpectedly...

It was still difficult to conceal her style. Although Li Xian lost a little bit of extravagance because she took off her palace attire, it unexpectedly gave Li Xian a little bit more clear water to come out of the hibiscus, naturally sculpting the beauty of nature.

It was said that clothes lined people, but the rough clothes of an ordinary peasant woman were on Li Xian's body, and the value of the clothes was instantly doubled.

"What are you looking at?" Li Xian couldn't help but ask when she saw Lin Wanyue stunned.

"Well... I've never seen someone so beautiful in a peasant woman's clothes."

Lin Wanyue subconsciously said what she was thinking, and when she saw Li Xian's bent eyes, she suddenly felt that she was abrupt, her dark face immediately warmed up, she took the palace clothes that Li Xian was holding, and hurriedly turned towards her. Walking in the woods, he said as he walked, "I, I'll take care of the princess' clothes."

However, after taking two steps, he turned back, stood in front of Li Xian, put the palace attire on the donkey cart, took out a small dagger from his arms, and handed it to Li Xian, " I bought this princess in Huzhou City, the size is suitable, it is easy to carry, and it is not heavy, you can take it."


Li Xian took the dagger that Lin Wanyue handed over, and there was still the warmth of Lin Wanyue's body on it.

Lin Wanyue picked up her saber and picked up the palace dress. After thinking about it, she was still a little uneasy, so she said to Li Xian, "Princess, go with me."

Li Xian looked at Lin Wanyue and nodded.

The two came to the dense forest. Lin Wanyue picked an open space, squatted down and picked up the dead leaves on the ground and put them aside, until the exposed surface, Lin Wanyue folded Li Xian's palace clothes and put them aside. Then he dug into the ground with a knife.

After a while, Lin Wanyue dug a large pit, threw the knife aside, put Li Xian's palace clothes in the pit, and started filling.

Li Xian kept watching Lin Wanyue's movements, and saw that Lin Wanyue had filled the hole and stepped on it, and then spread the remaining soil evenly on it, spread it out, and then hugged the dead leaves and sprinkled it in the same place.

After finishing, Lin Wanyue still moved her pace to look at the place where the clothes were buried. After checking that everything was correct, she nodded her head in satisfaction and said to Li Xian, "It's definitely not obvious now, princess, let's go."

Li Xian was satisfied with Lin Wanyue's handling method, and gave Lin Wanyue a judgment in her heart: brave and resourceful, attention to detail, pure, decisive, well polished and polished will definitely become a sharp sword in Pearl's hands in the future .

"Commander Lin, don't call me princess again, just call me by my name."

Lin Wanyue instinctively wanted to refuse, but then she thought that the current situation must be like this.

Seeing Lin Wanyue's unpretentious acquiescence, Li Xian was a little more satisfied with Lin Wanyue, and continued, "I don't call you Battalion Commander Lin anymore, how about calling you Feixing?"

"It's up to the princess."

"Well, you and I go out alone, so it's more convenient to have an identity cover. What do you think, Feixing?"

Hearing Li Xian calling out her name naturally, Lin Wanyue's heartbeat began to speed up, she looked ahead and nodded.

"Well... let's pretend to be a couple."


When Lin Wanyue heard Li Xian's words, she stumbled under her feet, just in time for a tree root buried under the dead leaves in front of her, Lin Wanyue stumbled on it, and then fell to the ground with a "pop".

"Lin... Feixing, it doesn't matter."

Li Xian didn't expect Lin Wanyue's reaction to be so big, she didn't feel it was a little funny: thinking that she was the eldest princess from the kingdom, and she had not left the cabinet, she didn't mind, but this person lay down first.

"No... it's fine."

Lin Wanyue got up from the ground, patted the floating ash on her body, and said to Li Xian without squinting, "Princess, let's get in the car and talk about it."

"it is good."

Li Xian followed Lin Wanyue back to the donkey cart on the side of the road. The two entered the narrow carriage one after another and sat opposite each other, with only a foot between knees.

"Gong... Xian... girl, I think it's really inappropriate for us to be a husband and wife. Why don't we pretend to be... a lady and a coachman?"

Hearing Lin Wanyue's suggestion, Li Xian smiled at her and asked back, "The young lady who can hire a driver can ride a donkey cart and dress like this? Besides, you are not afraid of being missed by thieves when you yell at a young lady? "

"Then...then we can pretend to be siblings or...sisters."

Li Xian laughed even more, and teased, "Have you ever seen a sibling who doesn't look like this?"

Lin Wanyue's face was embarrassed. She looked at Li Xian's face that was as white as suet when she played a bullet, and then thought about her face that was almost blackened into coal. No one would believe it if they were brothers and sisters. I am the bad guy who kidnapped the ticket, I am afraid it is more troublesome.

"I know what Feixing is worrying about, but it's all a matter of expediency. It's still a long way from returning to Beijing. This... The journey of the car is slow, so it's inevitable that you have to stay in the shop and play the best. Only the husband and wife are the most important. Appropriate, saves a lot of cross-examination and doubt, and... it would be less troublesome if I was already married, wouldn't it?"

Lin Wanyue seriously thought about what Li Xian said, and felt that what she said was indeed reasonable, and she also thought that she was a woman like Li Xian anyway, and now it's no big deal to be a husband and wife for the sake of safety.

After thinking about this, Lin Wanyue nodded to Li Xian and said, "Then listen... Miss Xian."

Seeing Lin Wanyue's promise, Li Xian smiled sweetly at Lin Wanyue and said, "Just call me Xian'er."

"Then, Xian'er, let's go..."

As Lin Wanyue tried to get out of the car, she was stopped by Li Xian.

"Meeting star wait, I have something to tell you."

Lin Wanyue sat down again, and Li Xian said, "Actually, I probably know who sent those assassins."

"who is it?"

"It was sent by the palace, but I don't know who it is. Zuo is just those princes, the King of Qi, the King of Chu, the King of Yong, and even Huan'er."

Hearing what Li Xian said, Lin Wanyue's eyes widened, she looked at Li Xian in disbelief, and asked in astonishment, "Why? Aren't they all your elder brothers, and younger brothers? Are you poisoned?"

"Of course for that supremacy."

"But you..."

"I am the elder sister of the prince's first-born compatriot. Pearl is only eight years old now. Her mother and queen passed away. If I die too, Pearl will have no support in the palace."

Lin Wanyue opened her mouth, the expression of astonishment on her face did not fade.

Lin Wanyue was born in a sound family, her parents were harmonious, and her siblings had a good relationship. Later, she joined the army and came to the barracks. You can understand the stakes, but she can't believe the fact that the same clan kills each other.

Li Xian looked at Lin Wanyue calmly, and then said in a low voice, "I know you may not understand, but this is the ruthlessness of the royal family. The temptation of power is far greater than the weight of kinship. In fact, to tell you the truth, I am The second time I went out of the palace also came with some purpose. After all, your general is my uncle. After the death of my mother and concubine, the life of Pearl and I in the palace was full of dangers. I thought, if this trip can obtain the blessing of my uncle , maybe those vassal kings who are afraid of the heroic soldiers in the hands of my uncle will be a little more restrained. But my uncle refused. He didn't want to get involved in the turbulent waters of seizing the heir. He is my uncle, and I don't want to force him. Thinking about finding another way after returning to the palace, I didn't expect that they were so cruel that even the palace didn't want me to go back, if it wasn't for you today, I'm afraid I would be dead too."

Lin Wanyue raised her eyes and looked at Li Xian, whose face couldn't hide her disappointment. Li Xian's words weighed heavily in her heart. Lin Wanyue had not read too many books, and did not understand so many big truths. Over the years, the constant self-suppression of day and night has also caused her ability to speak well to disappear almost without a trace.

Seeing Li Xian like this, Lin Wanyue didn't know how to comfort her for a while.

The atmosphere in the car suddenly became solemn.

Li Xian was not in a hurry, she sat there quietly and looked at Lin Wanyue, only to see Lin Wanyue pressing her hands on her knees, bowing her head, occasionally clenching her fists, and sighing lightly.

Just when Li Xian was about to say something to remind Lin Wanyue to leave, Lin Wanyue suddenly raised her head, she looked at Li Xian, and after a while, she said firmly to Li Xian, "The commander is actually very important. A person who is emotional, later... I mean, later... If I can talk to the commander, I will help you beg him."

"Then thank Feixing."

Li Xian smiled at Lin Wanyue, with some surprises in her heart: I didn't expect things to develop so fast, it seems that Lin Feixing is not as unfriendly as she imagined before...

"Gong... Xian'er. I have an idea, but I don't know if it will work."

"Flying stars but it doesn't matter."

"I think if, if things are really like what you just said, the people who want to kill you are those princes in the palace... We'd better not go back to Beijing on the official road. First, if the assassin fails, he will definitely follow the path. Hunting and ambushing, I also saw their skills today. I am ashamed to say that I can deal with one or two. There are many people, so I may not be able to protect your safety. Second, I just thought about it, there must be someone on your itinerary It's leaked, otherwise how could they just lie in ambush on our only path, and at the exact time, with a look of impending victory, obviously with sophisticated deployment. I think, there may be traitors around you, give those who The person who wants to kill you has tipped off the news, but the Jingwei you brought with you are all dead, and Li Zhong Shizi probably won't either. You see that his own life and death are uncertain. I wonder if your two palace maids are gone. The problem, was bought off."

Having said this, Lin Wanyue stopped and looked at Li Xian, fearing that her reasoning would cause Li Xian's displeasure, and seeing that Li Xian's expression had not changed, she continued, "Of course, I'm not saying that we The people in the barracks are not suspicious, but these guards were ordered by the commander before we set off, and most of them were removed according to your request, so the possibility of them betraying the itinerary is very low, but your maids are different, they I have been living in the palace with you all the time, those vassal kings also have the opportunity to have private contact with them, so it is easier to bribe, and Ah Yin... Miss Ah Yin saved my life... But now I think she is the most suspicious, I hope you After returning to the palace, be more careful with the people around you. The assassin failed this time. If I were to seize this opportunity, I would send people to follow the route you returned to the palace, in a carpet-like manner to hunt them down along the way. We go back to the barracks, the barracks will definitely not be able to go back, the government... it's better to bypass it. For the present, it's best to completely bypass their subordinates and return to the capital, which is the safest, what do you think? "

Li Xian patiently listened to Lin Wanyue finish her analysis slowly, and she couldn't help feeling a surge of admiration for Lin Wanyue in her heart. Although this assassination was her own plan, Lin Wanyue did it according to the situation. The analysis is all right, and even what she considers is not only how to escape the pursuit, she even thinks about the reasons and pursues the source, which is the most precious highlight, an ordinary soldier who has never experienced a little palace struggle, without any guidance, Being able to think about this step on her own without any experience was enough to make Li Xian look up to her.

This time, Li Xian did not hide her thoughts any more, but said to Lin Wanyue openly and honestly, "Fei Xing, you have the talent of a marshal, and you can take on a great responsibility."

"Gong... Xian'er has won the prize, I... can't go to the elegant hall."

"Who said that? I have lived in the palace since I was a child, and I have seen countless civil servants and generals. Judging from Feixing's recent words, if a good teacher can give you a little advice, in time, Feixing, you will definitely To become a capable minister who can rule the country by virtue of martial arts, and a powerful general. There are a lot of high-ranking officials in the current court, but they are only under the shadow of their ancestors.

"Princess, I just thought about our route. From the border to Kyoto is a straight line from north to south. I think we will go west from here to Lianzhou, and then from Lianzhou to the south to the capital, what do you think? ?"

At this time, Li Xian had already decided that Lin Wanyue was a piece of jade worth polishing. Although this assassination incident was directed and acted by Li Xian, no matter which way they went, they would be safe, but they still had to avoid it properly. The time was not ripe for the people being hunted down by the imperial court. Li Xian didn't want to show up and return to the palace so early. It seemed good to take this opportunity to point out this "jade in a stone".

So Li Xian said to Lin Wanyue, "I don't think it's as good as ours. From here, go one city west to Lianzhou, then retreat one city north from Lianzhou to Xiancheng, and then go west from Xiancheng. A city of Munda, from Munda all the way south to the capital."

Lin Wanyue thought about the line that Li Xian was talking about, her confused eyes flashed, she looked at Li Xian with admiration, and exclaimed, "Princess really has a good plan, compared to yours, my plan is like a child. , if according to what I said: we go west for a city, and then go directly south. If the assassins can't find us on this official road, they will definitely send more people to spread out a city to the east and west. Our donkeys and carts are slow. It is easy to be caught up. However, if we follow the route of the princess, one city to the west to avoid the edge, one city to retreat to the north unexpectedly, and then another city to the west, the assassin would never have imagined that we would not hurry under such circumstances. Going back to Beijing, they made such a big circle with them, and if they followed the route of the princess, they would probably need three to four times more manpower than now to find us, and the news of the princess' assassination would soon be spread back to the capital. When they are introduced, they will definitely not dare to hunt them down."

Seeing that Lin Wanyue understood her strategy so quickly, Li Xian nodded with satisfaction and continued, "Actually, this route is not limited to our escape, it can also be done when we are thinking about problems and formulating strategies."

"Yeah!" Lin Wanyue nodded heavily.

Li Xian didn't know that she was just a little bit of guidance today, opening a brand new and wider door for Lin Wanyue.