Female General And Eldest Princess

Chapter 39: Half an acre of Fangtang opened


Lin Wanyue led the donkey cart out of the village, reminding Li Xian that the cart was about to start running, and then jumped onto the carriage, waving the little leather whip in her hand and hitting the donkey.

Riding the rising sun, Lin Wanyue and Li Xian set out on the road again.

The residence of the King of Chu in Beijing

Because of the death of the good concubine, the king of Chu was able to stay in Beijing for a short time.

The Marquis of Pingyang came to the Chu Palace early in the morning and waited for a long time before being summoned in.

"Is there something important for the prince to come to this king so early?"

The King of Chu took his seat in the first place, raised his hand as he spoke, and motioned for the Marquis of Pingyang to take his seat.

The Marquis of Pingyang sat down, and immediately a maid served tea.

"Your Highness..." The Marquis of Pingyang looked around hesitantly.

"Go down first." The King of Chu put down the tea cup and waved his hand.

"Yes!" A group of maids exited in response.

Seeing that everyone was gone, the Marquis of Pingyang bowed in the direction of King Li Zhen of Chu, lowered his voice and said, "Your Highness, Zhong'er, is Zhong'er in your hands?"

"Zhong Shizi is not here with this king."

The Marquis of Pingyang immediately changed his face: "Your Highness, you are not..."

"This king did send several groups of people to assassinate my sister, but these groups of people were all disposed of on the road, with no success at all, and the other party was very arrogant, and every wave of people would leave a seriously injured survivor and come back to him. This king reports."

Having said that, Chu King Li Xuan narrowed his eyes.

Hearing what the King of Chu said, the Marquis of Pingyang turned completely pale and collapsed on the chair.

"My lord, my lord, save the old man. The old man is over half a hundred years old. I am still a good son. I have worked hard to cultivate it. Now, now..."

"Your Majesty, don't be impatient. According to the information this king has learned, there are two other people who sent people to assassinate Li Xian besides this king. One of them has been confirmed, and they belong to King Yong. , The other group of people is very mysterious. This king has not found out who is behind the scenes, but this king estimates that they should be people of King Qi. Only King Qi has enough ability and motivation to do this. Adult vassal kings only have The three of us, Huan Pei, one is withdrawn and the other is still young, so he should not have such power and scheming, so according to this king, Li Xian is either dead, and the body is handled in secret. Death should be controlled by one of the two of them, so that it is convenient to threaten Li Zhu in the future. As for Zhong Shizi..."

Chu King Li Xuan deliberately lengthened his voice, raised his hand in front of him with his arm, then bent his index finger and moved the wrench on his thumb.

"My lord, this old man is loyal to your lord! Your lord."

After speaking, the Marquis of Pingyang was about to bow down, but was held down by the King of Chu. The King of Chu stared into the eyes of the Marquis of Pingyang and continued: "The Marquis has listened to this King's words, if the prince of Zhongshi didn't kill him during the assassination. If you die on the spot, I think someone will soon come to you to negotiate terms with you."

After the King of Chu finished speaking, he smiled at Marquis Pingyang, then let go of Marquis Pingyang's arm and patted Marquis Pingyang on the shoulder.

Bring tea to guests.

The Marquis of Pingyang staggered up from the chair, and bowed his hands to Li Xuan, King of Chu: "Your Highness, please rest assured, this old minister will never do anything to betray your Highness."

Hearing this, the King of Chu twitched his lips and replied nonchalantly: "Master Hou, don't make the guarantee too early, after all, it is important to rescue the prince, and if necessary, it's okay to sell some information, but remember to inform this king later, So that this king can be prepared."

Marquis Pingyang's face was very ugly, he saluted the King of Chu, and exited the main hall.

After the Marquis of Pingyang left, King Li Xuan's face immediately turned gloomy, and with a wave of his big sleeve, he pushed the teacup on the small table to the ground: "Li Xuan, you poisoned this Queen Mother, and you secretly colluded with Li Xian. , now that the king's affairs have been broken again and again, this account will be settled with you sooner or later!"

"Xian'er, it's noon, let's rest for a while and eat some dry food."

Li Xian nodded, and Lin Wanyue parked the donkey cart and tied it to the side of the road to help Li Xian out of the car.

The place that Lin Wanyue picked has a very good scenery. Not far across the road is a pond. The pond is not big, half an acre square. There are a few clumps of reeds growing in the pond. The pond wave is shining, a beautiful scenery.

Lin Wanyue found a grassy area with a wide field of vision, squatted down, picked out the gravel on the ground, and threw it aside, then spread out the wrapping cloth on the ground, and touched it with her hand to make sure there was nothing missing. The gravel asked Li Xian to sit on the cloth.

Then he turned around and went into the donkey cart to get the dry food and water bottle. He went back to Li Xian and sat on the grass beside Li Xian.

"Xian'er, come, have some dry food."


Li Xian took the dry food that Lin Wanyue handed over and put it to her mouth and took a small bite.

"The scenery here is good, Feixing has a heart."

Li Xian turned her head and smiled at Lin Wanyue, then ate the dry food while admiring the scenery in front of her.

Lin Wanyue ate the dry food in her hand in a few bites, but she was not full at all. She wanted to get another piece, but she thought that there was not much left in the pan, and I didn't know how long it would take...

The hand that was heading towards the dry food turned around halfway and picked up the kettle.

But he didn't want to stretch out a slender hand from one side, picked up a piece of dry food and handed it to Lin Wanyue, and a soft voice came from Lin Wanyue's ear: "Fei Xing, eat another piece."

Seeing Lin Wanyue's hesitation, Li Xian smiled and said, "I still know how much you eat, Feixing, but if you only eat one piece, I'm afraid it won't be enough. If you go on the road hungry, who will protect me if something goes wrong?"

When the words fell, Qingfeng happened to pass by, flying Li Xian's long black hair.

A few strands of hair swept across Lin Wanyue's face softly, itching.

The special aroma also followed Lin Wanyue's nose and penetrated into the heart and spleen.

Blue sky, grass, breeze, half-mu square pond, swaying reeds.

Old donkey cart, black soldier, long princess...

Until many years later, Lin Wanyue still remembers today's scene, which is extremely clear, extremely vivid, and has never faded...

Li Xian didn't eat much, she ate half a piece of dry food and drank some plain water to be full.

Having had the experience of having leftovers from last night, Li Xian also naturally handed the remaining half of her dry food to Lin Wanyue.

Lin Wanyue happily took it, and two mouthfuls stuffed the dry food into her mouth, and her cheeks immediately bulged out two round packets, which moved with Lin Wanyue's chewing.

Li Xian hugged her knees, looked at the scene in front of her, and blurted out: "As soon as the half-mu square pond is opened, the sky and clouds linger together. How clear is the canal? Only the source of living water comes."

Hearing Li Xian's recitation, Lin Wanyue's eyes lit up, and she said enviously, "Xianer, you are really good at writing. Before, my father would also write some poems for my mother and me... and my sister to listen to. It’s a pity that I have been playful since I was a child, but I only knew a few words with my father, and I barely knew how to write names, so I never touched a book again…”

"Feixing is so excellent, and the situation will be different in the future. I believe that if Feixing wants to learn, there will be many people willing to teach you."


"Xian'er, if you have enough rest, let's continue on our way and try to find the next place to stay before it gets dark, otherwise I'm afraid we'll be sleeping in the rough tonight."

"it is good!"

Lin Wanyue supported her hand, stood up from the ground, and then stretched out her hand to pull Li Xian up. Lin Wanyue packed her things and put them back in the donkey cart, and the two set off again.

Until the donkey cart turned into a small spot, the originally peaceful pond suddenly made a "rushing" sound of water, and two people came out of the water!

At this time, the two were soaking wet, covered in black clothes, and dripping water on their bodies after they went ashore. Looking at the exquisite curves, they turned out to be two women.

One of the women threw away the bamboo pipe in her hand, and then complained to the other: "This kid is looking too hard at the princess, right? He doesn't leave for almost a moment, how are we going to ask the princess what to do next? ? It's going to be turned upside down now!"

"Little Eleven, the princess keeps saying that you are a fool, but you still don't admit it. We don't need to report anything to the princess now, and the princess has already given clear instructions. Besides, what are you afraid of when Sister Qingyan is in charge? , Maybe the princess thinks that the more chaotic the situation, the better, so the two of us will follow the princess secretly and protect the princess's safety without any problems, and leave the rest to the little soldier."

"But... Sister Yu Xian... Look at what that kid eats for the princess? Has the princess ever eaten that kind of food!"

Yu Xian glanced at Xiao Eleven, and said sternly: "Your Highness doesn't feel anything, what are you complaining about? We are shadows, as long as we follow the master's order and hide in the dark, it's enough, it's not our turn to worry about anything else. ."

"Yeah, don't be angry, Sister Yu Xian~ I won't talk nonsense next time on Eleven."

"Let's go too. The little soldier's vigilance is very good. Last time he saw through our ambush at a glance. We can't follow too closely. If one is accidentally discovered by him, I'm afraid it will ruin the princess's affairs."

"Hmph, Sister Yu Xian's evaluation of that little soldier is really high."

Lin Wanyue waved the small leather whip in her hand while looking at the surrounding scenery.

The past few days have been a leisurely time for Lin Wanyue in the past few years. Thanks to Li Xian's good strategy, there was no sign of chasing troops along the way...

Lin Wanyue sat on the carriage and looked forward, and saw that the path stretched between the two mountains in front of her.

Is there a valley ahead? Lin Wanyue frowned, pulled the reins in her hand, and the speed of the donkey cart slowed down.