Female General And Eldest Princess

Chapter 44: Just not to the point of sadness


"Xian'er, what do you want to say?"

Li Xian turned her head and met Lin Wanyue's clean and clear eyes.

Looking at Lin Wanyue like this, what Li Xian wanted to say was that the words were going around in her belly several times, and finally she said leisurely, "Fei Xing, remember, kindness is always straightforward, and only maliciousness needs to be decorated with detours. Like what the bandit leader said today."

After Li Xian finished speaking, she got off the ground, patted the floating ash on her body, and returned to the donkey cart.

Li Xian sat in the carriage with some contradictions in her heart.

She admires Lin Feixing, and is full of expectations and curiosity about how Lin Feixing will grow in the future. At the same time, Li Xian is also worried, if one day, under her own cultivation, Lin Feixing grows enough to see through this chess game, will she give her plans to cause trouble, and even bring about devastating subversion.

After all, a person's emotional rebound is a very tricky thing...

Therefore, Li Xian had a lot of things she wanted to say to Lin Wanyue through this opportunity, but in the end it was only a simple summary. As for how much she could comprehend, it depended on her own understanding and good fortune.

Lin Wanyue sat for a while longer before she felt a sizzling pain in her left arm. She turned her head and glanced at it. The wound was not deep but very long, and there was no sign of bonding...

"Hey… "

Lin Wanyue sighed, got up and walked to the front of the carriage, pulling out a piece of cloth to wrap her arm.

"Let's speed up. It's best to go to Liancheng before it gets dark, or find someone to sleep with. Your wound needs to be treated in time."

"Yeah." Lin Wanyue nodded and started driving again.

Before dark, the donkey cart entered Liancheng.

Liancheng is not big. Standing at the gate of the city and looking forward, you can see the end of the street at a glance.

The street was deserted, and only a few sheds to buy food were still open.

"Xian'er, let's go get something to eat first, and by the way, find out where there is an inn."

"it is good."

"Boss, how do you sell Yangchun noodles?"

"Two plants and one bowl!"

"Two bowls of Yangchun noodles."

"Okay, you two wait a moment."

"Xian'er, take a seat here, I'll tie the car."

Lin Wanyue led the donkey cart and seemed to be walking carelessly, but her eyes kept looking around.

In the end, Lin Wanyue tied the donkey cart to a cross street not far away with a clever buckle that she could untie with a single pull.

Yu Xian and Xiao Shi, who had changed into casual clothes, saw Lin Feixing looking in their direction, and they were so frightened that they jumped into the grease shop on the street.

Little Eleven looked at Yu Xian with bulging cheeks and said angrily, "Sister Yu Xian, this kid has started again! I have never met such a cautious person!"

Yu Xian smiled at Xiao Eleven's indignant look, picked up a box of rouge and played with it, then lowered his voice and replied, "Isn't this a good thing? I understand more and more why the princess chose him."

"Hmph, isn't it because he's stupid and easy to control!"

Yu Xian smiled sweetly: "In my opinion, the most stupid person around the princess is you. Take a closer look at where he parked the car?"

After speaking, Yu Xian stuffed the rouge in Xiao Shi's hands and said, "The fool is waiting here, I'll go out, this is for you."

After securing the car, Lin Wanyue returned to the noodle stall, and two bowls of Yangchun noodles had already arrived.

Lin Wanyue stepped over the bench and sat on it and started eating noodles with a big mouthful.

"Boss, is there an inn in this city?"

"Yes, but our Liancheng is a small place, and the inn is not big. You go east along this street, and the second one is Tongfu Inn."

"thank you boss."

There were no customers at this time, the noodle stall owner cleaned his hands, put a dry cloth on his shoulders, pulled a bench and talked with Lin Wanyue and the two: "Where are the two guest officers?"


"Did you go to Liancheng for marriage or pass by?"

"Passing by, take a rest overnight and go to Huzhou."

"Oh." Seeing Lin Wanyue's cold answer, the noodle stall owner didn't ask anymore.

After paying for the meal, Lin Wanyue led the donkey cart and walked towards Tongfu Inn together with Li Xian.

The two opened a room, and Lin Wanyue thought for a while and then gave the shopkeeper two or two money to prepare some hot water.

The shop assistant took the money and went happily, while Lin Wanyue and Li Xian went up to the second floor and entered the room.

The room is not big, but it is better than clean and tidy. There is a bed, a table with four corners and eight immortals, and two benches. There is a screen in the corner, and a large wooden barrel for bathing in the back.

Lin Wanyue pushed open the window, stretched out her head, looked down, and closed the window.

After a while, the shop assistant came up with two clerks carrying hot water.

"Guest officer, the water is ready."

Lin Wanyue nodded. After the water was poured out, the second shop assistant led someone to leave, but was stopped by Li Xian.

"Second brother, do you have a husband here?"

The shop assistant turned around and saw that the person who was talking to him was actually a beautiful young lady. He was stunned before answering, "Yes, yes, is there something wrong with the girl? I can ask for you."

Lin Wanyue took a step silently, obstructing the second shopkeeper's sight without a trace, and said, "Don't bother, I wonder if the second brother can find me some sewing needles and threads."

Li Xian stood beside the bed, looking at Lin Feixing's unremarkable but tall figure standing in front of her, and hooked the corner of her mouth.

The shop assistant originally wanted to take a few more glances at the beautiful lady, but he didn't want the "head of the house" to be arrested, so he knew he was wrong, and bowed politely towards Lin Wanyue: "Wait a minute, guest officer, I'll get it for you."

After the second shopkeeper withdrew, Li Xian came to Lin Wanyue's side and asked, "Is it alright if I don't ask the boss to deal with the wound?"

"What's the matter? In the military camp, they are all minor injuries. Sometimes the military doctor is busy, and we all deal with each other in private. Besides, I'm a stab wound, and Lang Zhong can see it at a glance, so it's better to be less annoying. Attention is good.”

"But if there is no anti-inflammatory and hemostasis medicine, I am afraid that the wound will become inflamed."

"The last time Xian'er gave me some gold sore medicine, I brought it. While the water is hot, Xian'er go wash it."

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

Lin Wanyue wanted to call the shop assistant to come in, but after thinking about it, she got up and went to the door, opened it, and stuck out half of her body.

"Guest officer, the needle and thread are here."

The shop assistant looked up at Lin Wanyue, and smiled shyly: I didn't expect this person to be really a protector, but... I'm afraid that such a beautiful lady would be the same if replaced by herself.

"Thank you." Lin Wanyue took over the needle and thread and closed the door with a "pop".

Lin Wanyue came to the table with a small dustpan filled with needles and thread and sat down, put her left hand on the table, and slowly opened her sleeves with her right hand. The big arm is exposed to the air.

Li Xian took the oil lamp and put it on the table, sat beside Lin Wanyue, picked up the needle in the small dustpan and roasted it on the fire: "I'll help you."

"No, no, how dare you bother... Xian'er, I'll do it myself. The water is still warm. Go and wash it."

"Your wound is on your arm. I'm afraid one hand is inconvenient, so don't refuse."

After speaking, Li Xian stretched out her hand and plucked out a piece of hair again, and said to herself, "The hair is thinner and you will suffer less pain."

After speaking, Li Xian put her hair through the pinhole.

Seeing this, Lin Wanyue no longer refused, and put her arm on the table and handed it to Li Xian.

Li Xian raised her eyes and looked at Lin Wanyue's fair arm. She saw that the wound that was stitched up with her own hair last time had turned into a centipede-shaped scar.

Li Xian lightly supported Lin Wanyue's big arm with one hand, and it felt hard to touch.

Holding the needle in the other hand, looking at the wound in front of her, Li Xian was a little embarrassed. This time the wound was not as deep as last time, it was only a finger long. It seemed to be much easier to handle, but this time the wound was still oozing blood. , every once in a while, blood drops will flow down the arm.

Lin Wanyue took a dry cloth in the other hand, and she wiped the blood dripping down.

Seeing that Li Xian didn't move, she thought that Li Xian might be a little uncomfortable, so she said, "Xian'er, otherwise, you should go take a shower, I can do it myself."

"Be patient."

Li Xian looked at the wound on Lin Wanyue's arm, took a breath, and pinched the needle towards the incision.

Lin Wanyue didn't lose too much blood this time, so as soon as Li Xian's needle pierced Lin Wanyue's arm, blood beads appeared immediately.

Li Xian's hand trembled, she couldn't sew any more...

"Xian'er, I'll do it myself."

Li Xian thought about it and felt that she really couldn't complete this task, so she pulled the needle out of Lin Wanyue's arm and handed it over.

Lin Wanyue took the needle and looked at Li Xian helplessly: She was given this needle in vain...

Li Xian took the clean cloth that Lin Wanyue put on the table and gently wiped the blood on Lin Wanyue's arm.


Lin Wanyue pinched the needle at the wound, pierced the flesh and picked the skin, then pulled it, finishing the first stitch neatly.

Li Xian hurriedly helped Lin Wanyue wipe off the oozing blood, then raised her eyes to look at Lin Wanyue in front of her.

Dark skin, high nose bridge, especially from the side is more obvious.

The eyebrows are thick and clear, and below are a pair of black and white eyes, which are very similar to this person.

Her thin lips were pressed together tightly, but she didn't say a word when she was in pain, exactly the same as when she was lying on her tent carpet and endured the pain.

"Xian'er!" Lin Wanyue's brows furrowed.

Li Xian turned her head and saw that several drops of blood had leaked out of her distracted Kung Fu, slowly sliding down Lin Wanyue's arm.

She quickly wiped off the blood on Lin Wanyue's arm with a clean cloth.

Li Xian watched helplessly as Lin Wanyue stitched up her wound "one needle and one thread". The sound of her hair pulling her skin made Li Xian's scalp tingle.

At this moment, Li Xian somewhat admired Lin Wanyue.

If it were me, let alone stitching up my wounds, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to do it without saying a word...

Li Xian raised her hand and gently wiped the fine beads of sweat from Lin Wanyue's head.

Suddenly a question flashed in Li Xian's mind, and she blurted out, "Fei Xing, have you ever cried?"

Hearing Li Xian's question, Lin Wanyue stopped her trembling hand, exhaled heavily, turned to look at Li Xian and replied, "Of course I cried."

Li Xian held her chin and looked at Lin Wanyue and continued to ask curiously, "Then when was the last time you cried?"

Li Xian kept looking at Lin Feixing, but she didn't want Lin Feixing's originally bright eyes to suddenly darken after she casually asked this question.

"Flying Star..."

Lin Wanyue raised her head slowly, looked at Li Xian and smiled faintly, and replied, "The last time I cried was when I killed the Huns for the first time."

The author has something to say: the following is a chat record between me and a reader, which may answer everyone's doubts.

Monkey: That fight is there. At first glance, it’s different from those generals who swept away the invincible bandits with one move. I saw Lin Wanyue’s kindness and saw that the bandits also have IQs, and there are 19 people. In an instant, it was too picturesque.

Me: Thank you.

Monkey: Just this black and red face, it's too bad (laughing and laughing)

Me: black, stained with blood, not black and red.

Monkey: How dark is the general

me: ancient black.

Monkey: I think the description of Lin Feixing's battle against bandits in these three chapters is better than the description of the Xiongnu. I mean when the Xiongnu was first killed, now he really looks like half a general.

Me: Take it slow, you can’t be a king all at once, and the bandits and the Huns are incomparable. On the one hand, Lin Wanyue is really growing, and of course I am also growing.

Monkey: The princess' reaction is very real, so it won't be fake.

Me: No, I think for a novel to be successful, the protagonist must at least be a human being, with normal human emotions, and can be exaggerated or preferred, but not dehumanized. I can’t stand some heroines being hacked to death. He didn't change his face, he still had to smile, and he even showed his eyes mocking the ants.

Monkey: (crying and laughing

Me: People are going to use hemp rope to tie you back to XX. If you still don't change your face, I think this may be a second-hand man.

Monkey: (crying and laughing

Thank you for reading, and I am not arrogant and irritable (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻!

That who and who, the author Jun slapped you with gold stars, and then turned around and left the place. (Smile