Female General And Eldest Princess

Chapter 57: The sword hit the stone gradually like a hook


The next day just dawned, and the guard in front of Li Mu's tent reported to Li Mu that Lin Feixing, the battalion commander of Feiyu Battalion, had been waiting outside the tent for a long time.

Li Mu wiped his face with a clean cloth: "Let him in!"


"See you in a lowly position as a commander!"

"Get up, you go down first."

Li Mu came to sit in front of the case, waved at Lin Wanyue and said, "Move the stool and sit here."

"Yes!" Lin Wanyue moved the stool that she sat on yesterday and came to the place where she sat yesterday.

"Come on, come so early, but what are your thoughts on that matter?"

"Yes, I thought about it all night, and I think it's too strange that the food and grass are missing. However, there are two things that are urgently needed at the moment."

"Well, what two things are you talking about?"

"The first thing, the subordinate thinks that before the official winter, our army should retreat and move back to Yangguan City to refuse to defend. One, now that the autumn harvest has ended in various places, the commander really does not need to provide such a long buffer. , The city wall of Yangguan City is always much stronger than our temporary camp wall. As the saying goes, the weather is not as good as the location, and the location is not as good as people. Naturally, we have to start looking for food and grass, but we must also prepare for the worst. If we lose our people, we can only retreat and seek the advantage of the land. Three, if we refuse a hundred miles later, the route of the army will be longer when the Huns attack, and we can stay in Yangguan City and wait for work.”

Li Mu stroked his chin beard and nodded.

Lin Wanyue continued to whisper: "Second thing, I am willing to bring a few capable people to Huzhou City to look for clues. It is absolutely impossible for the hundreds of thousands of troops to survive the winter. He was assassinated at the boundary of Huzhou City, and the prefect of Huzhou was implicated as a result. The court has not yet appointed a new prefect, and there is currently no chief officer in Huzhou City; The people who get the food and grass must have seen through this, so Huzhou City is very suspicious!"

After listening to Lin Wanyue's words, Li Mu smiled: "Surely Shibei will be impressed for three days, Feixing's idea coincides with Ben Shuai's, and what you said is well-founded, it seems that Feixing is this This is a worthwhile trip!"

Lin Wanyue looked at Li Mu's half-smiling eyes, and suddenly, with a guilty conscience for no reason, she sat in a chair uneasy.

Fortunately, Li Mu didn't look at Lin Wanyue for a long time, so he withdrew his gaze and continued to ask: "Then let me ask you, if the food and grass can't be found, will Feixing be able to help?"

"I believe that the commander can temporarily keep the lieutenants and soldiers from knowing about the robbery of the food and grass, but he must hurry up and report it to the court. The loss of the food and grass is so strange that the commander and the morning book can fight for the initiative. Yu Dashuai reported to His Majesty, and His Majesty feared doubts in his heart. Besides, winter is coming soon, and the north is bitter and cold, and there is no food in the belly; , I didn’t find any food and grass, so I asked the court to allocate food and grass earlier, and the soldiers would starve one day less.”

After listening to Lin Wanyue's words quietly, Li Mu showed a gratified smile. He stretched out his big hand and patted Lin Wanyue's shoulder: "Very good, I will leave the matter of finding the food and grass to you. If you want someone to help you, just click and go, you don't have to report to this commander."

"Yes! Commander, I will write a detailed report to you when I return to the camp later."

"Well, let's go."

"Yes, I retire from my post."

Lin Wanyue moved the chair back to its original place and withdrew from the tent.

After walking out of the tent, Lin Wanyue straightened her chest and exhaled a sigh of relief, because the shame that she had said nothing yesterday was swept away.

After breakfast, Lin Wanyue called Lin Yu, Zhang Sanbao and Meng Ni Da, and then called Bian Kai after thinking about it.

The five gathered in Lin Wanyue's tent, Lin Wanyue squinted at Bian Kai and saw that although his face was tired, his eyes were much brighter than before, and he was satisfied.

Lin Wanyue sat down after the case, and asked the other four to sit down as well. After scanning for a week, she lowered her voice and said, "Next, don't make a sound no matter what you hear, the same thing I said next. Every word of the letter is a secret in the military, and you must not divulge half a sentence to anyone, can you hear it clearly?"

"Yes!" All four of them showed serious expressions, waiting for Lin Wanyue to continue.

Bian Kai did not expect that as soon as he entered the military camp, he would be appreciated by Lin Feixing and participate in such a "secret" matter. He saw Lin Wanyue's eyes shining brightly, his upper body sitting on the stool stretched straight, his body Leaning forward towards Lin Wanyue.

"Yesterday I was in the commander's tent, and the commander showed me a secret report: On September 25, the army was robbed of winter food and grass in Huzhou City."

! ! ! ! ! !

As soon as this statement came out, it was like thunder.

All four except Lin Wanyue showed extremely shocked expressions.

Seeing this, Lin Wanyue sighed softly, and waited for a while for the four of them to calm down before continuing: "Winter in the north is early, and it will probably snow in a while. If the food and grass are gone, I am afraid that the army will be in chaos. This autumn, the Huns have not succeeded. As usual, there will definitely be a fierce battle before the winter, so you must be tight-lipped and not reveal half a word. If the defense is broken by the Huns, I wait for my death to be small, and what should I do with the thousands of unarmed people behind me?"

Lin Wanyue raised her eyebrows and looked around for a week, seeing that although the shock in the eyes of these four people had not faded, the expressions on their faces had already become solemn. Then he calmed down and continued to lower his voice: "I have written to the commander to pull out the camp and retreat to Yangguan City. On the one hand, we will stretch the front of the Huns attacking and wait for work. On the other hand, the city wall of Yangguan City is always much stronger than the camp wall. If we refuse to leave the city, we can hold on for a while. The northern region is freezing cold, so we rely on the land and the Huns, and the worst thing is to fight to the death! We just killed the Huns and came back to cook and eat.”


"Brother is right!"

"I listen to the battalion commander!"

Lin Wanyue's words instantly boosted the confidence of Lin Yu, Zhang Sanbao and Meng Ni Da. The scars on their heads were no bigger than a bowl. What are you afraid of? It's not bad to eat Huns without food!

Only Bian Kai, who had just arrived, shuddered uncontrollably when he heard that Lin Wanyue was going to arrest the Huns to cook and eat.

In fact, he has never even killed anyone. Although Luo Cao has become a bandit, most of them are responsible for shouting. When shouting and killing, he runs at the back. The only time he was motivated to kill was Lin Wanyue. When she passed by with Li Xian, she was completely convinced by Lin Wanyue's clean-up...

Bian Kai carefully looked at Lin Wanyue with his eyes, thinking to himself: This Feixing eldest brother is only sixteen years old. Although he usually doesn't talk much, he is considered kind. don't even blink...

"The four of you are called today, but there are actually tasks assigned to you. The food and forage of the hundreds of thousands of troops have disappeared in the territory of my country, and it is definitely impossible to disappear so cleanly. I have already told the commander Ming to go to Huzhou City. Exploring one or two, the commander has allowed me to bring a few capable people. Ayu, your leg injury has not yet healed, so stay in this battalion to help the commander. In the end, there is still someone who knows how to help.”

"Don't worry, brother."

"Well, Sanbao, your stature is so different from ordinary people that it is too eye-catching. You are also staying in the army. I will hand over the affairs of the Feiyu Camp to you. Don't make mistakes!"

"Don't worry, battalion commander, if I can't do it, you will come back and beat me with a hundred battalions!"

"Okay! With your words, I'm relieved. Ni Da, Xiao Kai, you two go back and pack your bags. It's not too late. Come to my tent in half an hour."


"Okay, let's go."

After the four of them left the camp, Lin Wanyue also started packing.

After picking out a few inconspicuous coarse cloth clothes, a purse was also essential. Lin Wanyue looked at the clothes wrapped in cloth in the box, and took it out after thinking about it.

Lin Wanyue held the box, bent over, and took out a wooden board from the box.

Lin Wanyue stood on the spot, held the wooden board in front of her eyes, stretched out her other hand and gently rubbed the scratches that were already close to a hundred deep and shallow scratches.

After a long time, he put the wooden board back in the box again, took a deep look, and then closed the box.

That piece of wood used to be something she would carry on her body as long as she left the tent. It was the driving force of her life and the purpose of her life, but now... I don't know when it started, everything has changed.

In the future, there will be another object that will replace this wooden board that she has been obsessed with for nearly three years, and will be inseparable from her...

Lin Wanyue handed the handwritten bamboo slip to Li Mu, which contained some of her in-depth views on the looting of grain and grass and her follow-up opinions. After bidding farewell to Li Mu, Lin Wanyue took Long Ran Baoju and Meng Ni Dabian. Kai met, and the three of them walked out of the camp wearing ordinary people's clothes, riding their horses towards Yangguan City...

And here, after Li Mu finished reading the bamboo slips presented by Lin Wanyue, he stroked his beard and nodded.

Li Mu put the bamboo slips in the wooden box behind him, called the adjutant, and told the whole army to pack up and retreat, and retreat to Yangguan City tomorrow morning!

That day, after night fell...

On the mountain that is only ten miles away from Li Mu's barracks, Hai Dongqing's cry pierced through the silent mountain forest. A Hai Dongqing fluttered its wings straight into the sky. Taking advantage of the night, it quickly disappeared into the air and flew towards the south...