Female General And Eldest Princess

Chapter 66: Tenderness doesn't know where to start


The howling north wind blew head-on, ripping through the clothes of the soldiers on the city wall in an instant.

Some of the soldiers standing against the wind could not stand the cold, and when they saw Lin Feixing who had come to inspect the city wall, they immediately forcibly straightened their bodies again.

Lin Wanyue crossed the stone pier of the city wall, squinting and watching, the snow covered Lin Wanyue's sight, it was white.

The snow began to fall intermittently on the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, and it has lasted for seven days today. This kind of weather is difficult for vehicles and horses. The Huns would not choose such bad weather to attack, but they must always be careful.

However, based on experience, Lin Wanyue knew that today all their soldiers in the northern region should be able to have a solid and good year.

Regarding the loss of food and grass, thanks to Li Mu's timely reporting, and the attention of the court, new food and grass arrived before the food and grass that had been hoarded by the hundreds of thousands of troops in the north were completely eaten up.

Everyone who knew the inside story felt a sense of relief, except Lin Wanyue.

How did the grain get lost? Where did it go? How did the baggage of hundreds of cars disappear into the territory of the country that left the country for no reason

These questions have been lingering in Lin Wanyue's mind, even though she never mentioned a single word to the second person...

The north wind was still whistling, and a man dressed as a family member climbed up the city wall and bowed to a soldier standing guard and asked, "This soldier, I'd like to ask you, our master, have you seen Lin Feixing?"

The soldier raised his finger, Hu Zi quickly thanked him, and then ran behind Lin Wanyue: "Master, please go back to the house with the little one, there is someone from the palace."

Hearing Hu Zi's words, Lin Wanyue felt that there was a deep, deep string in her heart tensing.

Lin Wanyue immediately turned around and left the city wall with Huzi, without even saying a word.

Because today is New Year's Eve, and today in previous years, everyone spent their time in the military camp.

Today is different from the past, plus it is the first year of Lin Wanyue's residence, Lin Wanyue invited Meng Ni Da, Zhang Sanbao and Bian Kai to come to the house together, Lin Yu was also unbearable and lonely, and took Yu Wan early. came to Lin Wanyue's house.

In the early morning, Lin Wanyue went to the ancestral hall to put incense on the tablets of her parents and "myself", and then let the others sit for a while, and went to the city wall to inspect a circle. This year's 30th patrol was the turn of Feiyu Camp. The highest commander of Feiyu Battalion always has to take a look.

But not long after they reached the city wall, Hu Zi chased after him.

Xu Shi was in a hurry to leave, and Lin Wanyue felt her heart pounding. When the two returned to the Lin residence, the summoner was sitting in the main hall of the Lin residence drinking tea.

Seeing Lin Wanyue walking in in a hurry, the summoner immediately stood up from his seat with a smile on his face, and bowed his hands towards Lin Wanyue: "Lin Qianhu, this official is here at His Majesty's will. The northern border gave General Li Mu the usual reward, which should have arrived a few days ago, but it was delayed due to the difficulty of traveling."

"Oh... I have seen this adult."

Lin Wanyue returned her salute to the person who came, and when she heard these remarks, she felt a sense of loss in her heart.

"Thousands of households are very kind. Before leaving, Her Royal Highness the eldest princess ordered this official to bring some things along the way. It happened that Miss Yu Wan was also there, so I could save another trip."

After speaking, the summoner gestured towards the table, and Lin Wanyue realized that the table in her house was already full of delicate food containers.

Looking at these food boxes, Lin Wanyue couldn't help raising the corners of her mouth, and her eyes softened.

The summoner continued: "His Royal Highness is really sympathetic. You and Miss Yu Wan are half of these eight boxes of cakes, and this is specially given to you by Her Royal Highness."

As he spoke, the summoner took out a square object wrapped in silk cloth from his arms.

Lin Wanyue stretched out her hands to take it, opened the silk cloth, and there turned out to be a book called: "The Longitudinal Study of Guarding the Border"

"This is… "

The summoner raised his hands high above his head, and made a gesture of salutation in mid-air before continuing: "This is what Old General Li did back then. After the old general passed away, it has been stored in the Grand General's Mansion in Beijing. I ordered the manuscript to be transcribed and given to thousands of households. Her Royal Highness asked me to tell you to protect the people of the northern border. This book is the best use of it."

Lin Wanyue held the book in her hands, lowered her head and looked at the four characters of "The Longitudinal Conservation of the Border", stretched out her hand to rub it lightly, and asked in a low voice, "Princess... Your Highness, is everything okay?"

Hearing this, the summoner had a festive smile on his face: "Lin Qianhu came back a step late, this official has just read out His Majesty's decree, and His Majesty has selected Li Zhongwei, the prince of the Marquis of Pingyang for His Royal Highness the eldest princess a few days ago. Concubine, the imperial list in the capital has been posted for some time, but Your Highness is very filial, and you must abide by the rules for Empress Huiwenduan. Your Majesty is greatly moved and agreed to the request of His Royal Highness the eldest princess. Therefore, although the decree of marriage has been made, it must be The grand ceremony will not be held until Queen Huiwen Duan's guarding period expires..."

"Om..." Lin Wanyue didn't hear what the summoner said behind her.

I don't know how to send the summoner out of the forest house...

There was only one sentence in Lin Wanyue's head: she was getting married, and her concubine was Li Zhong.

With a smile on Lin Yu's face, he stabbed Lin Wanyue from behind, and shouted earnestly to the summoner who got on his horse: "Hey! Lord, please walk slowly, please run! I am equal to Mu Huangen. , I also thank the grace of Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Lin Wanyue turned her head to look at Lin Yu, then raised her eyes dully to the summoner, and grinned: "Sir... Slow down, forgive Feixing for being negligent... The sin of poor hospitality."

"Take care, two adults Lin."

The summoner grabbed the horse's belly, and the horse spewed two white smoke from its nostrils, and then slowly walked forward.

Everyone stood at the door of Lin's house and watched the summoner walk away. It wasn't until the summoner turned the street that Lin Yu touched Lin Wanyue and said in surprise, "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Wanyue came back to her senses, not daring to look back at the few people standing behind her, but hesitatingly said, "I... suddenly remembered that I hurriedly came back just now without any assignments, you guys... Go back and sit first, I'll go to the city wall... Come back before dinner."

After speaking, Lin Wanyue, regardless of who was behind her, waded through the thick snow without turning her head, and staggered towards the city wall...

Lin Yu stared at Lin Wanyue's back for a long time before he regained his senses. He turned to look at Zhang Sanbao, Meng Ni Da and Bian Kai in surprise, and asked, "What's the matter, eldest brother?"

When the three heard the words, they all looked surprised, and shook their heads in unison.

Only Yu Wanyao, who was standing beside Lin Yu, looked at Lin Wanyue's smaller and smaller back and remained silent, but his expression was clear.

Lin Wanyue walked up to the city wall of Yangguan City in one breath against the north wind roaring mixed with large pieces of flying snow, only to realize that she was still clutching the book "An Introduction to Guarding the Border"...

Lin Wanyue was startled, and hurriedly flipped the book in her hand. Seeing that she was not wet by Feixue, she breathed out a sigh of relief, carefully wrapped it in a silk cloth, and kicked it into her arms.

But he didn't want to touch another cold object in his arms.

The moment she touched it, Lin Wanyue knew what it was, and her heart was completely empty.

Lin Wanyue put her hand in her arms for a long time, and finally reached out and squeezed the jade pendant that Fang Li Xian gave.

The white white jade pendant with the small "Xian" engraved on it lay quietly in Lin Wanyue's calloused and red palms, looking more and more transparent.

The red tassels swayed with the north wind and were very conspicuous.

Suddenly, Lin Wanyue was startled by a question: Why is Li Xian so sad when she gets married

She is a high princess, what about herself? It's just to avenge a woman who sneaked into the barracks by impostor!

Not to mention that the identities are so different, if it weren't for chance, there might not be any intersection in their life, and they are all women! Why did I feel this way? When I heard that she was about to get married, it felt like a heartbreak, and it seemed to be hollowed out...

Lin Wanyue is not stupid, thinking about it, her body shivered uncontrollably.

She is sick! She is crazy! She... actually had a bad idea about Li Xian!

She actually couldn't help but assume in her heart: If I were Li Zhong, that would be great.

After figuring out the joints, Lin Wanyue was horrified and hurriedly put the jade pendant back into her arms.

Then he stumbled down the city wall, and he left without saying anything.

The soldiers on the city wall looked at the battalion commander who left in a hurry and left without telling them, and looked at each other...

Lin Wanyue walked down the city wall, the only thought in her heart was to find a place where there was no one to hide, to sort out her thoughts, find a way to calm down, and suppress those crazy thoughts.

Lin Wanyue found out that her "unreasonable thoughts" about Li Xian were like a seed. She didn't know when it was buried in her heart. After that kind of feeling towards Li Xian, this seed became like crazy, breaking through his own defenses and spreading at will; there was no way to stop it, no way to cut it off, and lingering...

Lin Wanyue had no choice but to leave the city wall with a guilty conscience, but when she got down from the city wall and stood in the wind and snow again, she suddenly found out that she has nowhere to go, nowhere to hide...

There are a lot of people in the family waiting for me, so even if I go back like this, even if I won't be asked, it will make people feel very strange...

"Hey..." A puff of white smoke spewed out of Lin Wanyue's mouth, which was quickly dispersed by the west wind, leaving no trace.

Lin Wanyue took a step forward, staggering forward with a deep foot and a shallow foot, facing the wind and snow, walking aimlessly in the empty Yangguan City...