Female General And Eldest Princess

Chapter 75: The double king of serial arrows fights for the deer


Let's say that King Yong Li Ji took the lead, rushed into the woods and ran for a while, then slowed down.

Shigeoka Royal Hunting Ground is not an ordinary place. It is said that there are a lot of beasts infested. Although Li Ji is very talented, he must be careful. At the same time, Li Ji is also eager to try. If he can hit a tiger in this autumn hunting Or a bear dedicated to his father, how beautiful it would be...

Although Li Zhu was young, he was also a little excited when he first participated in the hunt. After entering the woods surrounded by two guards, he took the one-stone light bow specially made by the craftsman from his back. Holding the reins in one hand, he stared sharply at the situation in the woods.

Sudden! A gray hare heard the sound of hooves, sprang from the grass, and ran forward at a very fast speed.

The four guards who placed Li Zhuhuan in the center immediately aimed their bows, but Li Zhu shouted, "Let Gu come by himself!"

Then Li Zhu quickly set up a bow and shot an arrow, and with a "whoosh" sound, the arrow broke through the air...

However, at a critical moment, the hare actually turned its direction, and the arrow rubbed its body and nailed it into the soil...

The hare quickly ran away, and Li Zhu put down the golden bow and sighed: "What a pity..."

The guard beside him immediately said: "His Royal Highness, the first time he participated in a hunt, was able to achieve such a level, which is absolutely incomparable. It is said that this Chonggang hunting ground is a treasure land of feng shui, so Taizu encircled it and surrounded it. No one lives there, so the animals here are more cunning and stronger than those outside, and the arrow you just shot from outside will definitely hit."

Li Zhu nodded, and gently squeezed the horse's belly: "Let's go!"


On the other side, King Yong Li Jin stopped and walked all the way, but he saw some animals like hares and pheasants, but his eyes were always above the top, so naturally he didn't look down on these things. When he was happy, he stretched out his hand to draw a bow, and he didn't pick it up even if he was shot dead. More often, he pretended not to see it at all.

Suddenly, the muffled sound of horses' hooves came from a distance, and Li Min took a closer look. It was actually the King of Chu, Li Xuan, who came on a horse!

There are two things that attract the most attention in the annual autumn hunting in Liguo. One is to hunt down the beasts like bears and tigers. The fur is presented to His Majesty.

The second is to catch a live deer, and at the bonfire banquet, it is also a kind of honor to let everyone drink the deer blood wine blended with the deer they caught.

Ferocious beasts such as tigers and bears are hard to come by, but being able to catch a live deer intact is also a high affirmation for this person to ride and shoot.

After all, it is much harder to catch alive than to hunt...

The King of Chu, Li Xuan, had good luck. As soon as he entered the forest, he found an adult stag. This is the best material for making deer blood wine!

So, King Li Xuan of Chu rode his horse all the way from the other side of the forest to this side, and ran into Li Xuan, King of Yong.

As a grown-up vassal king, King Yong Li Jin was jealous of King Qi and King Chu, and King Qi was nothing more than that. After all, he was the eldest son of the emperor, and it was normal for him to be treated better than him. But Li Xuan always felt that he and King Li Xuan of Chu were both right and wrong, and his mother was also one of the four concubines. Why was the treatment so different

The emperor loved Li Xuan very much, and allowed him to eat towns for ten thousand households, and also granted him military power.

The vassal king was not allowed to enter the capital without an edict, and he would be scolded if he sneaked back, but the king of Chu had sneaked back and his father said he was filial. Why

These grievances have been around for a long time, and have even become a way of thinking for King Yong Li...

So, when King Yong Li Xuan saw King Li Xuan of Chu chasing the horse, he immediately took the reins and ran towards the stag.

Li Xuan had been chasing the deer for a long time at this time, and the deer was already showing signs of fatigue. When Li Xuan was about to take out the rope to lasso the deer, he saw Li Xuan coming from a distance.

Li Xuan had no choice but to hold the rope in his hand temporarily, and shouted coldly, "What are you doing here?"

Hearing this, Li Min laughed: "This is the hunting ground. This king can go wherever he wants. The father is old, and this deer's blood is the most nourishing thing. I want this deer brother."

"Hmph, shameless."

"Then why don't we compare it today and see who will kill the deer!"

Being so provoked by King Yong, King Chu also ignited his fighting spirit, only to see that he stood up on the horse's back with his feet on the stirrups and his legs tightly tucked into the horse's body.

Chu King Li Xuan flipped the wrist of his left hand, wrapped the rein around his arm, pinched the end of the deer rope in his left hand, and shook the rope in his right hand - ready to lasso the deer!

Upon seeing this, King Yong Li Xuan felt anxious. His position was a little farther than that of King Li Xuan of Chu, and he did not occupy the land. If he was caught by the King of Chu, what he said just now would immediately become a big joke!

So King Yong Li Jie gritted his teeth, took aim with his bow, and with a swoosh, the arrow pierced the air and nailed it to the ground in front of the buck. The deer was startled, and immediately raised its hoofs and wailed, then changed direction and continued to flee in a panic.

Also because of Li Xuan's arrow, Chu King Li Xuan's rope was nowhere to be found.

Seeing that she had successfully stopped the King of Chu and embarrassed him, Li Ji immediately laughed proudly.

He glanced at the King of Chu provocatively, and then pulled the reins and rode past the King of Chu.

The King of Chu had a sullen face, quickly put away the rope, and watched the back of King Yong Li Jie chasing the deer, his teeth itch with hatred.

He pulled the reins and followed. Although they were all concubines, Li Xuan never took Li Xuan in his eyes.

The King of Chu, Li Xuan, quickly caught up with the King of Yong, Li Xuan, and walked alongside him and said, "What a poor bastard."

"What did you say?!"

"This king knows what delusions you are doing, and you don't weigh yourself down. It's really a toad who wants to eat swan meat. I don't think it will take a few days, and even that dumb ring's status will surpass that of you, an adult vassal king. It's gone!"

King Li Xuan of Chu hit the sore spot of King Yong Li Jin at once, only to see the blood vessels on the neck of King Yong Li Xuan bulging, his face flushed red, he turned to look at King Li Xuan of Chu and roared: "You say what!"

Unexpectedly, Li Xuan only responded with a contemptuous smile when he saw Li Xuan like this, and snorted coldly, "If this queen concubine doesn't die, this king can call you now: a little bastard born to a lowly concubine, even so , I have the military power, what about you? It's just to provoke people to dislike the organization, let alone your mother-in-law is not favored, even if your mother-in-law dies, the father will at most lift your food town and want military power. , go dream, drive!"

When Li Xuan, King of Chu finished speaking, he felt bright in his heart, and the backlog of anger was swept away. In fact, he wanted to say these words for a long time, but because he never had a chance, it happened that there was no one in this hunting ground, so he gave him this statement." The opportunity to speak the truth.

After Li Xuan finished speaking, his heart was overjoyed, watching the buck run farther and farther, he simply threw the rope, took down the bow behind his back, and aimed it with a bow. With a "whoosh", the buck wailed and fell to the ground.

Li Xuan sneered in his heart: Who will kill the deer? Oh, I can't catch the live ones, so don't you want them either.

King Yong Li Xuan had already stopped his horse, and the words that King Li Xuan of Chu had just satirized echoed over and over again in his ears, and scenes of grievances flashed before his eyes.

Li Xuan stared at Li Xuan's back, his eyes were cracked and his eyes were red.

But Li Xuan didn't realize it, still riding his horse, trotting all the way to collect the dying stag lying on the ground...

King Yong Li Xuan slowly raised the three crossbow in his hand, drew an arrow from the quiver, took the bow, aimed at the back of King Li Xuan of Chu, his teeth were clenched tightly, and his cheeks were raised high. At that time, he only had one thought: let Li Xuan die.



The sound of two arrows breaking through the air sounded almost at the same time!

Li Ji had just let go of the hand that was pulling the string, and only felt that with a gust of wind that shaves his face, an arrow could almost be regarded as slashing his face and flew past!

King Yong Li Jin didn't have time to react, and the arrow was so close to him, he even felt that the arrow feather was about to scratch his face!

It's too late to say it!

The arrow that flew obliquely behind Li Jin was extremely precise, and it shot the arrow of the deadly arrow that King Yong Li Jin shot towards the heart of King Li Jin of Chu in midair in a very timely manner!

Only the sound of "ding" is heard, which is the crisp sound of metal hitting at high speed.

Li Min's arrow was actually hit by this, and it spun twice in mid-air, and then fell to the ground with a "pop".

The "nameless arrow" continued to fly forward, and with a "pop", it stabbed into the tree trunk in front of it, and the arrow fell into it.

This scene happened very quickly. When Li Xuan heard the sound of "ding" and turned his head slowly, he only saw Li Xuan with a shocked face, and not far behind King Yong Li, a white clothed man in white clothes. The white horse is still holding a bow with a serious face...

King Li Zhen of Qi.

Seeing that his arrow successfully stopped King Yong Li Jin, King Qi Li Zhen took a deep breath and looked deeply at Li Xuan, King of Chu who was still confused, and then lowered his arm holding the bow.


King Yong Li Ji listened to the sound of the horses' hooves getting closer, and turned his head slowly. What he saw was the emperor's eldest brother, Li Wei, the king of Qi, who was wearing a high-necked, wide-brimmed white beard robe.

Before King Yong Li Jin could speak, King Qi's heavy hand first patted Li Jin's shoulder and pinched it hard. King Yong Li Jin actually felt the pain of his shoulder being pinched.

The king of Chu, Li Xuan, didn't care about the deer that had been motionless and bleeding. Instead, he pulled the reins, turned the horse's head, and walked back.

King Chu was not stupid. He saw an arrow that fell to the ground, and combined with the sound he heard just now, he also guessed the general situation in his heart.

The King of Chu looked around, and sure enough, he found the arrow shot by Li Zhen, the King of Qi, on a tree trunk not far away.

The King of Chu was shocked, angry, and afraid, and the anger was that Li Min was so daring to kill him! Surprisingly, the "culprit" who murdered his mother concubine would actually save him. What he was afraid of was such a close distance. If King Qi Li Zhen didn't save himself, according to King Yong's bowing technique and strength, he would definitely die!

While thinking about it, the horse had already carried Li Xuan, King of Chu, to the opposite side of the other two vassal kings. Li Xuan's chest was obviously heaving.

This time down, Li Min's head will definitely bloom!

And King Yong, because he failed to "secretly shoot" King Chu before, knew that he was wrong, and his "crime" was broken by the elder brother of the emperor. He was afraid, and for a while he forgot to dodge!

Seeing that the bow of King Li Xuan of Chu was about to smash into the head of King Li Xuan of Yong, with a "smack", a delicate black bow stretched out from the side, blocking the bow!

Li Xuan, King of Chu and Li Zhen, King of Qi, held their bows in a stalemate over the head of King Li Jin of Yong.

After a while, King Qi Li Zhen spoke slowly, looked directly into the eyes of King Li Xuan of Chu and said, "I have heard what you said just now, if brother Jin wants to report to the emperor, I will testify. "