Female General And Eldest Princess

Chapter 79: Realize that diligently cultivate cause and effect without cause


Lin Wanyue looked at Li Mu, and Li Mu also looked back at Lin Wanyue calmly.

At this time, Lin Wanyue was no longer Wuxia Amon. The big-headed soldier who would bow his head and dare not look directly at the marshal because of Li Muji's prestige, has been tempered and reborn by time.

In the tent, it was as silent as death.

Li Mu and Lin Wanyue looked at each other like this, testing each other's bottom line.

Silence is not awkward.

On the one hand, there is a pioneer who has doubts and is bound to find out the "truth" and has been able to stand on his own.

On the one hand, there is the grand marshal who intends to test the depth of the former, who has led hundreds of thousands of troops in the north for more than ten years.

The two stood still, not giving in to each other.

After a while, Li Mucai said slowly: "It's not enough to just rely on your family's inferences. I don't know if other countries secretly support the Huns, but you said that someone in the court was fornicating with the Huns, you have to show evidence."

Hearing Li Mu's words, Lin Wanyue smiled slightly, as if she had expected it long ago, and replied: "The last general naturally dare not open his mouth in front of the commander, the commander, the last commander just wants to ask, the Beibei that he lost last winter. Where did the food for the hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the border go for the winter?"

Li Mu Yi smiled, looked at Lin Feixing and replied, "Did you ask about this handsome? I remember last year that you were unable to retrieve food and grass, and you were beaten."

Hearing this, Lin Wanyue slowly restrained her smile. At this time, she already knew that Li Muding had something to hide, and she felt more and more uncomfortable. The loss of food and grass was unclear. Although he was beaten, it was nothing to complain about.

However, Li Mu, as the marshal of the Northern Territory and the country's uncle in the dynasty, received a hundred military sticks in front of the soldiers of the three armies for food and grass!

Lin Wanyue pondered for a moment and continued: "Commander, although the last general has only been in the army for three years, his experience in all aspects is less than 1/10,000 that of the commander, but the commander remembers the winter of his first year in the army. It was cold and the snow was much thicker than last year. In order to grab a bite of food for the winter, the Huns even froze to death a lot of people, but last winter, the Huns never came, even if we retreated to Yangguan City and extended the front line It’s a lot, but that doesn’t make sense! Just lost the food and grass in the fall, and the Xiongnu didn’t come once in the winter, Commander, I will remember what you said at the end, there are no coincidences on the battlefield.”

After listening to Lin Feixing's words, Li Mu fell silent.

He was even a little dejected, and the ravines on his face deepened a lot, as if he had aged several years in an instant.

Lin Wanyue looked up, and suddenly found that Li Mu's temples had gray hair.

As the commander-in-chief of the three armies, Li Mu, who came from a noble family and has been in charge of hundreds of thousands of troops in the north for more than ten years, wanted to understand the joints soon after the food was lost. This is why Li Mu called Lin Feixing back and refused to investigate again. .

Li Musheng was afraid that Lin Feixing was chasing too closely. Once any clues were found, the "black hand" behind the scenes would kill Lin Feixing.

The loss of food and grass is actually the saddest thing than Li Mu. He abandoned the prosperity of Kyoto and sacrificed his entire youth to live in this bitter cold land in the north, only to be betrayed by the people of the imperial court.

And Li Zhao, the brother he grew up with since childhood, the husband of his own sister, the emperor who left the country, for the so-called royal face, he suppressed the matter abruptly, and in order to warn himself to keep his mouth shut, he also gave him a board.

Li Mu bears this secret alone, and has to watch the unwitting soldiers under his command continue to throw their heads and blood for the court.

Li Mu felt that it was not worth it to say something outrageous.

But what can be done? Even if it's not worth it, stick to it.

If the border defenses in the north were broken because of a moment of anger, it would be the common people who would suffer.

The Huns could never reach the capital anyway!

And this "secret" that Li Mu thought he would bring into the coffin was actually discovered by a seventeen-year-old boy and said it.

For a time, Li Mu's heart was full of sadness and joy, and the five flavors were mixed.

Li Mu raised his hand and patted Lin Feixing's shoulder, and said, "Don't mention this again."


Lin Wanyue nodded, vaguely feeling that things didn't seem so simple, and there seemed to be a deeper truth waiting for her to dig out, but Lin Wanyue knew that she did not have such a deep level of ability and mind.

The truth still needs to wait, and she is not here this time for the "old past" of food and grass.

"Commander, the commander has a small battle plan recently. I hope the commander can allow the commander to set it up."

"Oh? Let's hear it first."

"Yes, the last commander thinks that the purpose of the night attack on the barracks by the Hundred people is probably only two, one is to burn the food and grass, and the other is to assassinate the commander. There should be an expert from the Huns, these The tactics of war are by no means something that the Xiongnu barbarians can come up with, but it is a pity that there is a powerful military advisor who does not execute the strategy."

"how do I say this?"

"I think this group of dead Huns must have come with this purpose in the beginning, but the Huns have that kind of instinct to fight fiercely in their bones. The final commander boldly speculates that they must be fighting with our soldiers when they are fighting. Killed with red eyes, but in the end he forgot his original purpose, and only knew how to fight fiercely and slaughter our soldiers;

Li Mu nodded and asked, "Tell me about your plan."

"The subordinate's plan is very simple: treat others in their own way."

"Be specific."

"Yes, the subordinate's plan is to personally lead a team of men and horses to sneak into the territory of the Xiongnu, and adapt accordingly. Of course, the main purpose is to destroy the rations of the Huns for the winter. If they destroy their rations at this time, in the cold winter, the Huns will starve to death and freeze to death a large number!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Wanyue's eyes flashed a gleam of determination.

Li Mu frowned and said, "I'm afraid this is inappropriate. First, how can I do the same mischief in a country where I leave the country with etiquette? "For the first priority, you rashly destroy the food and grass of the Xiongnu, which is very dangerous. Let's not talk about it for the time being. Once it succeeds, it will inevitably cause a great rebound. I'm afraid there will be more casualties."

After listening to Li Mu's words, Lin Wanyue got up from the stool with a "ho", walked around in front of Li Mu and knelt down with a "thump", her back straight, and said in a loud voice: "Commander, the barbarians of the Huns are like lying down. A wolf that collapsed in my northern border, how can the beasts sleep soundly under the couch? The commander is kind, and he is willing to risk the world in the end. "Defending" against the Huns will never end! We have sacrificed countless soldiers and soldiers when we left the country. , several generals have been guarding the frontier all their lives, and the Huns are still inexhaustible. They invade the frontier several times every year, and how many good men have died at their hands! The result? In the end, our tolerance and accommodating did not exchange for the slightest. Peace; instead, they sent dead soldiers to attack our army camp at night! In this case, the last commander thought that the only option was to kill all their war horses, burn up their food, annihilate all the Hun men capable of fighting, and detain all the Hun women. Only by unified management can the plague of the Huns be completely eradicated! Even if we take a step back and only look at the moment, the Huns have been burned for food and grass, and the war horses will indeed fight back for a while, but we can continue to retreat and resist Yangguan City. The land and the Huns are exhausted. They have no food and grass supplies, and they come roaring with courage for a while. If they don’t get a response, they will definitely be emptied with one blow, and then they will decline again, and they will be exhausted. That’s even better! But taking advantage of the fact that the sky is cold and the ground is freezing, the city gates will be opened, and all the Huns who will invade in the future will be wiped out!"

After hearing Lin Feixing's words, Li Mu's heart skipped a beat. He looked at the straight and kneeling young man in front of him with astonishment; seeing the determination in his eyes, and hearing the firmness in his words, Li Mu never thought: A young man who is only seventeen years old has such... such a wrist and heart!

Li Mu looked at Lin Feixing, memories poured out like a tide, and the reincarnation of time seemed to make everything coincide.

Li Mu remembered that three years ago, he was also in this big tent.

In front of him knelt a half-old child in ragged clothes and gaunt. The child was just like today, kneeling upright in front of him, with a stubborn expression on his face, calmly and lowly telling the story of his entire village, but without shedding a single tear.

It was precisely because Li Mu didn't see a single tear on the face of the fourteen-year-old half-year-old that he decided to take him in.

Now time is reincarnation, and in a blink of an eye, three years have passed in a hurry.

Three years later, the half-year-old child had grown into a teenager. He knelt in front of him and told himself in a firm and determined tone that he wanted to kill all the Huns' horses, burn all the Huns' food and grass, and annihilate the Huns' soldiers. , the women and children who detained the Huns! Even, to destroy the existence of the Huns.

Li Mu naturally knew that what Lin Feixing said was right. In dealing with a barbarian nation like the Huns, annihilation or fundamental damage can be stable for many years, but...

At Li Mu's age, he can already see a more distant future...

So far, Li Mu and Lin Feixing had obvious policy differences regarding military affairs in the north.

But Li Mu is old, and the hero is too late.

Especially after being beaten with a hundred military sticks, Li Mu was even more inclined to retire.

Li Mu chose from thousands of choices and chose Lin Feixing as his successor, and carefully taught and cultivated.

Even if it were two years back, Li Mu would not agree with Lin Feixing's plan.

But now Li Mu has the intention to let Lin Feixing succeed him, and Li Mu also wants to see what kind of future Lin Feixing will have in the North Border, who is completely different from his own strategy of governing the army.

Li Mu still wants to do it for another three to five years. If Lin Feixing's plan fails or doesn't work well this time, he can correct him from the sidelines. If the effect is good, he can also use this to see Lin Feixing's true ability!

After thinking about this, Li Mu nodded.