Female General And Eldest Princess

Chapter 83: Military merit pays tribute to the general


Bian Kai and Zhang Sanbao stood at the gate of the North Border Barracks, eager to see.

It will be noon in a while, and Lin Feixing and Meng Ni have not come back.

"Fat brother, you said... Lang will be fine, right?"

"Shut your crow's mouth, battalion commander Jiren Tianxiang, there will be no problem!"

After a pause, Zhang Sanbao gritted his teeth and said to Bian Kai, "Wait here, I'll report to the commander, see if I can lead a team, go... pick up the battalion commander back."

Zhang Sanbao wanted to rescue Lin Feixing, but he felt unlucky, so he changed his words abruptly.

Before leaving, Zhang Sanbao turned his head and glanced deeply at the endless horizon in front of him, but to no avail.

Last night's action, just moments after Lin Feixing led the sheep and disappeared into the night, the sound of the sheep's hooves still woke up some of the Xiongnu people who lived closest to the livestock pen.

When they walked out of the tent rubbing their sleepy eyes, they didn't understand what was going on. They just stood on the edge of the tent and shouted something to Zhang Sanbao and the others in Hun dialect.

Bian Kai and Zhang Sanbao saw that it was not good, and immediately cut the ropes of the stable. Bian Kai rode the horse king and led the horses out of the stable. It was really a galloping horse!

Bian Kai took the horse group and ran desperately in the opposite direction from Lin Feixing's departure. When the Huns responded and shouted, Bian Kai and Zhang Sanbao had already run away with the horse group.

The two of them ran for nearly a hundred miles in one breath before stopping.

Bian Kai looked at these horses with pity, and finally took out daggers with Zhang Sanbao and stabbed quite a few horses. The frightened horses neighed and scattered. Bian Kai and Zhang Sanbao exchanged two horses and returned to the military camp in the north.

But when they came back, they were dumbfounded. Lin Feixing and Meng Ni didn't come back.

Then there was the scene of just talent...

It didn't take a moment for Zhang Sanbao to lead a group of cavalry out of the camp with the roar of hooves.

When Li Mu heard Zhang Sanbao's report, he gave Zhang Sanbao five hundred cavalry without hesitation.

The 500 people were led by Zhang Sanbao and headed further north at a high speed. They went to the village for more than ten miles, but they saw a "white flower" coming over from a distance.

Zhang Sanbao was overjoyed and shouted at the people around him, "Maybe our battalion commander is back!"

As he said that, he clamped the horse's belly fiercely and rushed towards the "white" on the horizon.

Lin Wanyue sat on Long Ran's back. Although her face was obviously tired, her eyes were shining brightly!

Hearing the sound of horses' hooves getting closer and Zhang Sanbao's shouts, Lin Wanyue even burst into a bright smile, and said to Meng Ni, who was beside her, "It's Sanbao, and they have returned safely!"

According to the "Biography of Lin Feixing": On August 7, the twenty-ninth year of Yuanding, Lin Feixing led Bian Kai, Zhang Sanbao, and Meng Ni Da, four of them to break into the Hun Tuktu Khan's army at night, killing seven guards along the way. After dispersing the countless war horses of the Tuketu tribe and grazing more than a thousand sheep, all four returned safely.

The next day, on August 8, Marshal Li Mu granted Lin Feixing the post of general, and the food city was sealed with 500 households.

The other three also contributed greatly. Meng Ni was awarded the title of Pioneer and General, and there were a hundred households in the food town.

Zhang Sanbao was the battalion commander of Feiyu Battalion, and Bian Kai granted him the status of a military household.

There is a book in "Li Guotong Age": Lin Feixing, a native of Xiachanjuan Village, Daze County, was born in a peasant household.

In the twenty-sixth year of Yuanding, on the fourteenth year, the village of Chanjuan was sacked by the Xiongnu. Except for Xing, none of the 118 people survived. Xing alone drove a hundred miles to the northern barracks to join the army.

Nai Chu was an infantry soldier for more than a year, and he was unknown.

In the twenty-eighth year of Yuan Ding, Xing Kai opened two cross bows and promoted the battalion commander of Feiyu Battalion in an exceptional manner.

In the same year, Her Royal Highness Princess Xing, Qianli Duhu, returned to the palace, Shang Shiyue, and bestowed thousands of households with food.

On November 11, the twenty-eighth year of Yuanding, he established his residence in the northern border.

At the beginning of the twenty-ninth year of Yuanding, Lin Feixing, out of seven out of ten, was awarded the pioneer rank and commander, and he was awarded the title of Hundred Households in Shiyi.

On July 7, the twenty-ninth year of Yuanding, the Huns formed a group of 100 dead soldiers to attack the northern border at night.

On the seventh day of the eighth month of the same year, Xing only led a group of three people to sneak into the Tuketu tribe of the Xiongnu at night, dispersing tens of thousands of war horses, and brought more than a thousand lambs.

If you look carefully at the book "The Age of Li Guotong", you will find that there are some small characters annotated by some later generations: Lin Feixing, with the despicable body of a peasant household, became a non-noble family at the age of seventeen: The highest official rank, the highest military exploits, and the most people who eat towns, this is a first-of-its-kind feat, which is admirable and admirable.

Lin Feixing's action this time, like the butterfly effect, from a certain perspective, also changed the historical process of the entire Xiongnu society.

"Barbarian Di and Yi Rong Miscellaneous" is a collection of characters from Nanman, Beidi, Dongyi, Xirong, and other places, as well as oracle bones sacrificed to heaven, animal bone fragments and other items, compiled and compiled; it is a history book that records ethnic minorities.

Regarding the matter of Lin Feixing, there are very clear records in the book.

Lin Feixing made a mistake and broke in. At that time, the Tuketu tribe, which was called the hegemony of one party in the Xiongnu society.

Moreover, by dispersing more than 10,000 war horses and "stealing" a large amount of winter rations from the Tuketu tribe, the Tuketu tribe was wiped out in one fell swoop by the allied forces of the Xiongnu's four small tribes in October of the 29th year of Yuanding.

And there is a female khan in the four coalition forces named: Mansha. I don't know what kind of means she used, but she actually incorporated most of the troops of the Tuketu army. With the help of the east wind of this battle, the Mansha woman can The Khan tribe replaced the Tuketu tribe in one fell swoop and became the new overlord in the Xiongnu society.

This action also made Lin Feixing famous in the entire Xiongnu society, and was hailed as "despicable robber" by various ministries.

At this point, the social process of the Xiongnu has been accelerated in an all-round way. Due to the collapse of the Tuketu tribe, the khans of all tribes are eager to try, looking for various reasons to break the territorial boundaries of their own tribes, so as to obtain greater benefits.

The flames of war spread rapidly in the grasslands further north.

In the second half of the 29th year of Yuanding, and even in the early 30th year of Yuanding, the Hun tribes on the grassland were fighting hard!

The old order of the entire Xiongnu society was completely broken. Either the large tribes merged with the adjacent small tribes; or several small tribes united to overthrow the decaying large tribes that had been on their heads for a long time, and some lived in the cracks. The small tribe turned to join the big tribe...

Thanks to the war in the grasslands, the northern border had a rare and stable autumn harvest, and Lin Feixing's prestige in the army was getting higher and higher.

However, in Yangguan City, it was a different scene.

Since Lin Wanyue's true identity was known to Yu Wan, Lin Wanyue felt more and more relaxed in front of Yu Wan, she was the most authentic self.

In addition, Yu Wan refused to move to Lin Wanyue's house, and there was no war during this year's autumn harvest. Lin Wanyue often ran to Lin Yu's old house.

Every time I go, I will definitely bring supplements and delicate ingredients.

Yangguan City was not very big at first, and after coming and going, Lin Yu's house was gradually "reputed" by the outside world as Lin Feixing's outer house.

It's just that they don't understand that generally speaking, the officials who open the outer house use the outer house to seek concubines, and even raise some children and other unsightly playthings.

This Lin Feixing has no wife at home, so what would he do with an outside house

Throughout the ages, the power of curiosity has always been amazing!

In addition, the location of Lin Yu's small courtyard is good, even if "concerned people" pass by the door every day, it will not appear strange, so the search eyes will become more and more unscrupulous.

At this time, Yu Wan was already eight months pregnant, and she was about to give birth in a while.

Lin Wanyue also sent Ma Gui over to cook for Yu Wan, and even invited a woman to live in for unexpected needs.

In Lin Wanyue's heart: But there have never been those so-called worldly scruples, Lin Yu is dead, and treating his widow and son well is his responsibility in Lin Wanyue's view.

There are only two famous women in Yangguan City. When this woman Zhou Wen was carried by Lin Wanyue to Lin Yu's old house in a sedan chair, the entire Yangguan City almost turned upside down!

"Isn't this Lin Feixing... is it not? I heard that he was castrated by the heavens. How could he find Mrs. Wen to go to the private house?"

"Yo, can you still believe what the matchmaker says? One mouth and two pieces of skin, maybe it's because the matchmaker couldn't protect him, so he poured dirty water on Lin Pijiang's body!"

"Actually, I heard that the reason why General Lin has repeatedly rejected the matchmaker is because he has a favorite girl. I heard that it is a lady from the official family in the capital. General Lin knows that he is not worthy of it, so he did not dare to ask for marriage. He said yes, When you have made a career, you will be going to marry!"

"Really! I didn't expect this General Lin to be an infatuated person, isn't that almost the same? A food town of 1,600 households! It's General Pi again, my God, who's young lady can't marry?"

The people on the streets were talking in full swing, and when they saw the yamen who patrolled the streets coming over, they immediately dispersed and went to do their own things.

Because Lin Feixing invited Mrs. Wen to live in a private house, all the rumors about Lin Feixing's so-called "no move" and "celestial castration" were completely eliminated.

However, there are still "many doubts" in the hearts of the people of Yangguan City. For example, Lin Feixing has no wife at home, so why should he set up a private house to support a woman

Even if the woman raised in the house has a low status, even if she is an actor, now that the family is about to give birth, she will take her back to the mansion, and when the child is born, if it is a boy, it is not too much to carry a concubine...

After a while, there was earth-shattering news from Yangguan City: Why didn't Lin Feixing take the woman from the private house home? Because this woman is a widow, she is said to be the wife of the former pioneer general Lin Yu!

As soon as the news came out, the entire Yangguan City exploded.

Only a very few people think that the child may be Lin Yu's posthumous son, and Lin Feixing is just doing his best to help take care of it.

Most of the remaining people scolded Lin Feixing and Yu Wan as shameless adulterers and prostitutes, especially Yu Wan should be soaked in pig cages!

Before the body of the husband was cold, he rolled with his husband's comrade, no... Counting the days, Lin Feixing should have slept with someone else's wife while Lin Yu was still alive, and put a green hat on his brother, maybe, Lin Yu It was this adulterer and silver woman who killed him!

Good things don't go out and bad things spread thousands of miles, but within a few days, these rumors spread all over the streets, even women who go out to buy vegetables, they have to discuss a few words when they meet someone they know, and they have to spit heavily at the end. One bite.

There was no airtight wall, and the news more or less reached Lin Wanyue's ears through the courtyard wall of Lin's house.

But at this time, Lin Wanyue didn't have the time to manage so much. Today, Yulu stumbled back to the house and told her that Yu Wan was about to give birth!