Female General And Eldest Princess

Chapter 84: Life and death are also the same acupoint


When Lin Wanyue heard the news, she immediately dropped the book in her hand.

Quickly rushed out of the Lin house, leaving Yulu far behind.

Lin Wanyue's house was very close to Lin Yu's old house, so Lin Wanyue was still panting when she ran to the door.

"what… "

A heart-wrenching cry came from the yard. Hearing Yu Wan's cry, Lin Wanyue's hand that was about to push the door paused, and an inexplicable nervousness arose in her heart.

Lin Wanyue entered the yard. In the kitchen, Gui's mother was boiling water. Yu Xian just came out of the kitchen with a basin of water. Seeing Lin Feixing, Yu Xian gave a Wanfu, and then carried the basin into the delivery room.

In the very short time when Yu Xian pushed the door and entered the delivery room, Yu Wan's pained cries and Wen Po's anxious voice penetrated Lin Wanyue's ears incomparably clearly.

Even though Lin Wanyue, who had seen countless blood and even killed dozens of Huns, heard such a voice, cold sweat still oozes out of his palms.

Lin Wanyue came to the door of the delivery room, Yu Wan shouted loudly from the inside, and Yulu also came back and joined the team of Duanshui chores.

Lin Wanyue stood by the door and watched helplessly as pots of steaming water were brought in, and then turned into bloody water with a stench...

She never knew that it was so hard to have a baby.

Thinking of this, Lin Wanyue secretly felt a feeling in her heart: she was glad that she didn't have to experience this kind of pain, and her concern for taking the medicine king flower also faded a lot in an instant. But more than that, it is still pity for Yu Wan.

In Lin Wanyue's heart, Yu Wan is a very special existence. She is not only Lin Yu's widow, but also the first person to discover her "true identity".

In front of Yu Wan, Lin Wanyue can be her truest self, without worrying or concealing; she can live a very relaxed and happy life, and the few months she met with Yu Wan gave Lin Wanyue a sense of returning to Chanjuan Village The feeling of freedom and peace of mind.

Lin Wanyue could also tell Yu Wan a lot of things that Lin Feixing "couldn't say", and because Yu Wan cleared the fog of Lin Wanyue's gender, she could fully understand some of Lin Wanyue's thoughts and actions.

If Lin Yu is Lin Feixing's brother, then Yu Wan is Lin Wanyue's friend.

The only and very good friend, although we didn't know each other very well, but we met late.

"Little lady! Work hard! Work hard! Work harder!"

Yu Wan's shouts in the room suddenly weakened, Lin Wanyue's heart tightened, and she immediately shouted through the door of the delivery room, "What's the matter!"

With a "squeak", Yu Xian walked out of the delivery room and gave Lin Feixing a million blessings and said, "Master, Miss Yu Wan passed out, and Madam Wen prescribed the recipe, so I'll grab it and fry it."

"Bring the prescription! Give it to me... I'll go!"

"Master, you should stay here, ... slaves go!"

Yu Xian hesitated to speak, and without waiting for Lin Wanyue to speak, he trotted out the door with the prescription in his hand.

After a while, the door of the delivery room was pushed open by Granny Wen, and a bloody smell wafted from it immediately. In this cold day, Granny Wen wore fine beads of sweat on her forehead.

He didn't care too much, he just wiped his sleeves before coming to Lin Feixing and said, "Master, the situation in the delivery room is not very good, you have to be prepared."

Lin Wanyue frowned and asked anxiously, "What do you mean by a bad situation? What preparations are you going to make?"

"Go back to the master, the little lady in the room is the first child, the position of the fetus is not correct, it has been unable to come out, and it has become a little red, and the delivery time is not good for the fetus. I have already asked the little maid to follow the instructions. My ancestral recipe has gone to get the medicine. It’s better to let the little lady rest now. After taking that bowl of soup and medicine, it would be best if the little lady could give birth smoothly. "

A strong unease rose in Lin Wanyue's heart, and she suppressed a trembling voice and asked, "What decision?"

"It's just... big or small."

"you you you!"

Lin Wanyue raised her hand several times to grab hold of Granny's collar, but she held back her hand when she was halfway up.

At this time, Lin Wanyue couldn't say anything except the word "you".

Granny Wen is in her fifties this year, and has been in the business for over 30 years. She has seen a lot of this situation. Lin Wanyue's mood and reaction were all she expected. The news arrived, and Granny Wen didn't want to After communicating with Lin Wanyue who was emotionally unstable, she bowed her head and hit Wan Fu, and returned to the house.

In fact, mother Wen is a mirror in her heart: the story of Lin Feixing has long been spread in Yangguan City, and there is a widow who has no name and no status in her private house. Keep widows and don't posthumous children.

"Hey… "

Madam Zhou Wen was a woman herself. Looking at Yu Wan, who was pale on the bed and frowned in her drowsiness, she couldn't help but sighed. It's a pity that this little lady is so pretty and she became a widow at a young age. The best, I am afraid that even if the child is born in the end, it will be a loss to the inner life, and I am afraid that I will not be able to do the heavy work in the future. If the child is not saved, how hard would it be for a widow who has lost the inner life to live alone in the world? Hope this Lin Pi will treat her well.

After more than half an hour, Yu Wan finally woke up leisurely, and the herbs were fried.

Yu Xian sat beside Yu Wan's bed with a medicine bowl in his hand, feeding the soup into Yu Wan's mouth spoon by spoon.

The two looked at each other with a bit of complexity in their eyes, and neither of them spoke.

When Yu Xian came out of the delivery room with an empty bowl, the sound of Yu Wan's pain in the room came out again.

Lin Wanyue looked at the sun in the sky, it was already a little westward.

Her fists were clenched tightly, and she prayed secretly in her heart, hoping that the sky would have the eyes to make this poor orphan and widow mother survive.

After joining the army for three years, Lin Wanyue never prayed; no matter what difficulties and obstacles she faced, Lin Wanyue never wanted to pray for the power of gods and ghosts. But this time, Lin Wanyue stood outside the door and begged all the gods and Buddhas she knew, and even her parents, Lin Yu. She hoped that both adults and children could survive.

However, before Lin Wanyue finished her prayers, the door of the delivery room was pushed open again.

Granny Wen walked out and said to Lin Wanyue, "Master, I really tried my best, I can only save one of the two, please give an answer as soon as possible, the sooner the better, and then drag the big and small. It's gone!"

Granny Wen's words were like a bolt from the blue. Lin Wanyue swayed her body and took two steps back. Finally, she reached out her hand in a conditioned reflex and held onto the window rail of the delivery room to stabilize her body.

In Lin Wanyue's mind, the past events she had had with Lin Yu flashed scene by scene.

At the same time, the scene after becoming friends with Yu Wan also emerges from time to time.

On the other hand, the posthumous son of someone who is the same as his own younger brother.

On the other side, it was the only friend she made as Lin Wanyue.

If Lin Yu was still alive, he would definitely persuade Lin Yu to protect himself, but when Lin Yu died, the choice fell on her shoulders.

"Let me in..." Lin Wanyue said slowly, her voice hoarse and tired.

But Granny Wen suddenly opened her arms to block Lin Wanyue's way, and said righteously, "Master, you can't go in. The delivery room is not a place for men, so it's a collision!"

Lin Wanyue's brows drooped, her eyelids drooped, her head lowered slightly, her originally bright eyes became dull.

She didn't speak, instead she stretched out her rough hand and pushed her to the side, and she almost fell.

Lin Wanyue entered the delivery room, Madam Wen was shocked, and just wanted to chase in, but Yu Xian stopped her: "Mother-in-law, let the master go in, the girl in the room is the brother who has the best relationship with the master in the military camp. Widow, the child in the womb is a posthumous son of a single lineage. Our master is only seventeen. Although he has a large family business and a high official position, this matter is really difficult for our master. What do you say?"

The air was filled with a thick smell of blood, stronger than the Chanjuan Village in memory.

Four red-burning braziers were placed in the room, and Lin Wanyue walked around the screen with heavy steps.

I saw Yu Wan lying on the bed as pale as paper with sweat on his face.

Lin Wanyue sat down on the stool beside the bed and called softly, "Awan."

The confused Yu Wan heard the familiar voice and slowly opened her eyes. The first thing that caught her eye was a full and round teardrop, which slowly overflowed Lin Wanyue's eyes.

This scene seemed familiar. A few months ago, when Lin Wanyue fainted and woke up here, she was as sad as she is now.

Yu Wan smiled, revealing a pale and fragile smile. Yu Wan was a doctor girl, and without Lin Wanyue saying, she already understood what was going on.

"Can you, promise... me, one thing?"

"You said." Lin Wanyue's eyes were red and her voice was trembling.

"Please... bury me and Ayu together... "

Sadly, Lin Wanyue was finally pierced and torn apart from the inside of Lin Wanyue's body.

Lin Wanyue's hands on her legs were tightly twisted together.

She lowered her head, big teardrops fell down "pa-ta-ta-ta". Yu Wan helped her make a choice, but it was more painful to her than Lin Wanyue's decision.

Lin Wanyue's lower lip had already seeped blood beads, but that deep and sad whimper finally broke through the line of defense and overflowed from Lin Wanyue's mouth.

Like the low-pitched wailing of a wounded lone wolf, it has more weight than wailing. There are too many complicated emotions caught in the cry, so that everyone who hears this cry can't help but snort and shed tears. .

Suddenly, Lin Wanyue felt a cold hand on the back of her hand.

Lin Wanyue held Yu Wan's hand with her backhand, choked up and said nothing.

Yu Wan took a few breaths, looking at Lin Wanyue with complicated eyes, Yu Wan suddenly felt that the person in front of her was even more pitiful than her; at the end of her life, Yu Wan wanted to tell Lin Wanyue everything, but Yu Wan knew that , If she said it herself, I'm afraid Lin Wanyue wouldn't live long.

Thousands of words can only be turned into one sentence in the end: "Fei Xing, in the future... Be careful, child, I will give it to you... "

With that said, Yu Wan squeezed Lin Wanyue's rough hand heavily, and those unspoken words were all condensed in this grip.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk"

"Master, time waits for no one, come out quickly!"

"Go..." Yu Wan gave Lin Wanyue a comforting smile.

In fact, she also wanted to say: she would not regret giving birth to this posthumous child to Lin Yu. In fact, she had fallen in love with Lin Yu for a long time, but it was just too late...

However, Yu Wan has no extra strength and time, she wants to leave the last strength to give birth to this child...

A girl who was orphaned at birth.

Lin Wanyue named her: Lin Baishui.