Female General And Eldest Princess

Chapter 86: Three fires when the new official took office


The new official took office three fires.

When Lin Wanyue received the half-armed amulet temporarily granted to her by Li Mu, she issued two extremely sensational military orders on the same day.

Article 1: All the hundreds of thousands of troops from the northern border were moved to Yangguan City for defense.

Article 2: There is an assessment department in the North Border Barracks. There are a total of seven examiners, who are selected by lottery among the senior generals in the North Border. The examiners are rotated once a year, and the assessment is conducted twice a year.

The main function of the assessment department is to transfer the former soldiers, which can only be appointed by the commander. Changed to: Anyone who has joined the army for one year and wants to change combat arms can go to the assessment department to take the exam.

This is a military order summed up by Lin Wanyue, who has been an infantry soldier for two years, through personal experience; Lin Wanyue, who has worked step by step from the grassroots level, has a better understanding of the disadvantages of the lower system in the northern border than those of the gentry. People who need to be adults to become generals are more profound.

There are hundreds of thousands of troops in the northern border, and there are inevitably omissions in employing people, but it is difficult for soldiers from ordinary military households to get promotion.

This military order is different. Although the assessment department is only a department that is exchanged at the same level, it gives more opportunities to the infantry at the bottom. Most of the infantry battalions with the highest mortality rate and the most difficult to get promotion have no background. He came from an ordinary military family.

This military order is the most sensational and controversial one. The infantrymen with more than half of the base heard the news and they all cheered and ran to tell each other. Although it was only a level transfer, Lin Feixing's military order gave them a chance to rely on their own With the hope of effective promotion of their abilities, they became Lin Feixing's most solid and loyal supporters for a while.

The other part is the group of people standing at the top of the "pyramid" in the northern military camp. They reacted very violently to this military order, and almost without exception showed their opposition.

High-grade Shaohanmen, low-grade no gentry.

This is the inside of the imperial court of Li Guo, and even the military camp in the northern border has long been a "golden rule".

After so many years from the state, there are only a handful of people who are not from a noble family who can stand in a high position in the court or in the military camp.

Since Li Zhao ascended the throne, only two people were born from ordinary military households in the military world, and in the end, only two people could be honored for military merits.

One is the Marquis of Pingyang, and the other is the Peerless Marquis under the command of King Li Zhen of Qi.

Compared with the above two people, Lin Feixing's current achievements can only be regarded as "half a person" at most.

Even though Lin Feixing is very special, he first got the food from His Majesty, and then he got the green eyes of the commander; but this does not mean that those "upper strata" allow Lin Feixing to "infringe" on their interests.

If the "Assessment Division" is established, the deployment of soldiers' barracks will become a "reasonable system", then their power will be weakened.

So, as soon as the military order came out, Li Mu's tent was almost crushed by the generals.

But what everyone could not have imagined was that Li Mu, who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, and who was also an aristocrat among the gentry, actually resolutely supported Lin Feixing's military order! He even reprimanded a lot of people, saying: "This commander has stated before that during the period when the commander was recovering from illness, all the military orders issued by Lin Feixing were the intention of the commander, and those who violated the orders would be dealt with by military law."

The generals of the gentry returned home in vain. Naturally, they did not dare to do anything to Li Mu, but they did not swallow their breath.

However, Lin Feixing was in the limelight at this time, so they had to hold back for the time being.

The soldiers in the northern border had just executed Lin Feixing's first military order. Hundreds of thousands of troops pulled out camp overnight and entered Yangguan City to garrison, and Lin Feixing's third military order came.

At dinner time, the soldiers who had just settled down were ready to have dinner, and Lin Feixing's military order came.

After the horn to open the meal was sounded, the chiefs of the chiefs lined up to read Lin Feixing's military order with the horn as the order.

From now on, the post will be extended for hundreds of miles, with troops stationed every ten miles outside the city, divided into five lines, each with 2,000 people.

The rotation system is adopted, one rotation every ten days, and all the remaining sergeants in the north are divided into two groups.

One of them built the city wall together with the peasants in Yangguan City, and the rest reclaimed the mountain fields for use in the future.

For Lin Feixing's third military order, many people are confused and do not understand what Lin Feixing is going to do.

Of course, someone must understand, even if it is separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, Lin Wanyue has never lacked Bole.

After more than ten days like this, there were not enough craftsmen in Yangguan City. Lin Wanyue took the handwritten letter to Li Mu's tent to get a handsome seal. Guancheng, Lin Wanyue's Xinyangguan project will start soon...

It's just that Lin Wanyue felt a little strange in the last few days: more than ten days have passed, and it is reasonable to say that the injury of Li Mu should have healed; When I went to the big tent to ask for the handsome seal, I saw that Li Mu's face was still very bad. What was going on

Lin Wanyue went to ask the military doctor secretly, but the military doctor insisted that Li Mu's arm was only scratched by a dagger, and the bad face was due to overwork and the recurrence of an old disease.

Lin Wanyue was uneasy, so she decided to go to the big tent to see Li Mu.

Lin Wanyue got Li Mu's permission and entered the tent. At this time, Li Mu had just taken the medicine and was sitting in front of the case reading a book; her face was pale and her eyes were blue. Beside him, he first reported to Li Mu about his recent work and the situation in the military camp. Li Mu just smiled and said to Lin Feixing, "The old man said that everything in the camp is entirely up to you, just let go and do it. , you don’t have to report everything.”

"Yes… "

After a pause, Wanyue cut into the theme of this visit: "Master, did the assassin hurt you elsewhere? If it was just your arm, your body should have recovered a long time ago, why? At the end of the day, I will see the look of the handsome..."

Hearing Lin Feixing's doubts, Li Mu smiled lightly and asked, "How is Lin Yu's child recently?"

Thinking of her daughter, Lin Wanyue's heart softened, and the expression on her face softened, and she replied, "Xiao Baishui already called Daddy a few days ago, and the nurse said that Xiao Baishui called people a month earlier than other children. Yu, is a smart kid."

Hearing Lin Feixing's answer, Li Mu's face also showed a fatherly smile: "Really, you will bring the girl over to show this old man another day."


"Also, the old man has heard some rumors. Someone in Yangguan City guessed that the girl was your own. Why don't you explain it? Even if you love your children, you should also take care of your own reputation. You still have a long way to go! "

When Lin Wanyue heard the words, she was silent for a moment, then she thought about the words and replied: "The mouth grows on other people's body, what other people say, the last will be unable to guard against it; let's talk about things like gossip, as long as the last will not respond, they say It will always be speculation, if you stand up to explain, it will only encourage some people's arrogance; I turn a deaf ear, those people will always feel tasteless after chewing for a long time, and they will disappear; and... Baishui grows day by day, Ayu and I are from the same surname, which saves a lot of trouble. I don't want Xiaobaishui to know his orphan's identity when he can't really face setbacks. Ayu is gone. I will think about it, I will try my best to give Baishui a carefree childhood. When Xiao Baishui grows up or gets married, it will not be too late to tell her the truth; , Ayu and Awan... The dead are long gone, and I believe they will understand my decision."

Li Mu sighed softly after hearing Bi, and secretly said in his heart: It is rare for Lin Feixing to live so transparently and indifferently at such a young age.

"In the future, you may become busier and busier. It's not a solution for a child to have only a nanny, a maid, and a maid. You never thought about getting married and going home? Didn't you say that you liked the official family in the capital last time? Miss? Two years have passed in the blink of an eye, don't ask other girls to wait too long, with your current prestige, the old man will protect you, even a girl from Shangqing's family can marry, those old guys still have some vision , maybe you want you to marry their girl, don't hide it today, tell me, whose girl is it?"

Li Mu stroked his beard and looked at Lin Feixing waiting for a reply.

Lin Wanyue only felt a heart hanging in her throat, her nervous and fast beating heart pressing down on her throat, making her speechless.

Seeing that Lin Feixing didn't speak, Li Mu teased: "What? You don't like a married woman, right!?"

At this time, Lin Wanyue couldn't stand Li Mu's jokes at all. She suddenly stood up from the chair and waved her hands hastily: "No, no, absolutely not."

"The old man is very curious now. Whose daughter is it that makes you so secretive? Man, don't be awkward, do you still let the old man guess one by one?"

Lin Wanyue looked at Li Mu and saw that Li Mu was staring at her. She didn't mean to relax at all. She knew that she couldn't escape today. , If she can't guess, she won't say anything if she is killed!

Li Mu looked at Lin Feixing and had a panoramic view of his changes. His heart was stunned. He said the names of several high-ranking senior officials in one breath, but saw that Lin Feixing's eyes were confused and his expression did not loosen. I don't know who I'm talking about.

Li Mu calmed down and thought carefully about who Lin Feixing might have met in the capital. An answer came out!

"You... don't want to marry the princess, right?"

Being caught by Li Mu's guess, Lin Wanyue's face flushed, and she felt a little uneasy, but at the same time there was a sense of relief.

"Do you know that Your Majesty only has two daughters, and Xian'er is already engaged?"

Lin Wanyue's fists clenched tightly and she didn't speak.

Li Mu thought about it for a while and continued: "To say... Although your idea is bold, it is not impossible... "

Lin Wanyue stared at Li Mu with wide eyes, as if she didn't believe her ears.

Li Mu continued to talk to himself: "Xian'er will be nineteen when she gets married next year on the New Year's Day. It's relatively late to get married, and the second princess is counted... This year, she's sixteen, and it's time to leave the cabinet."

... ?

"It's just, have you ever thought about it, the second princess Li Yan is the younger sister of the King of Chu, and marrying her will make everything complicated... You, have you figured it out?"