Female General And Eldest Princess

Chapter 92: Don't be saddened


Hearing that Li Xian had brought a doctor to see her, Lin Wanyue froze for a moment, and a look of embarrassment flashed across her face.

Although these changes were fleeting, they could not escape Li Xian's eyes.

"Yangguan is no bigger than the capital of the sky, and the autumn cold dew is heavier... Come with me to the living room first."

Lin Wanyue paused between words, because she didn't know how to address Li Xian, so she had to take it over vaguely.

On the way to the main hall, Lin Wanyue was silent, thinking about how to politely refuse the doctor to give her a pulse.

Entering the main hall, Lin Wanyue asked Li Xian to sit first, while Yu Xian served tea and cakes.

"male… "

"Is Feixing still angry a few days ago?"


"Then why are you so distant?"

Lin Wanyue turned her head and met Li Xian's watery eyes, her heart filled with indescribable feelings, and called out, "Xian'er."

The sound of "Xian'er" seemed to turn back time, back to the time when the two of them traveled most of the time when they left the country in a donkey cart.

Li Xian and Lin Wanyue looked at each other and smiled, and the smile revealed a meaning that only the two of them could understand.

"Xian'er... I was just overworked a while ago, but after a few days of rest, I've gotten better..."

Before Lin Feixing could finish speaking, Li Xian took over, "If Feixing doesn't want to see the doctor, then forget it."

Li Xian looked up at the accompanying imperial doctor and said, "The two of you go down first."



The imperial doctor and Xiao Ci withdrew, and Yu Xian also withdrew with a tray, leaving only Lin Wanyue and Li Xian in the main hall.

Li Xian turned her head to look at Lin Feixing's profile, and asked softly, "Is Feixing's answer to what I suggested with Prince Zhong?"

"Yes, as always!" Lin Feixing replied softly, but without hesitation.

Lin Wanyue lowered her head with no expression on her face; the left hand holding the armrest was tight and tight.

Lin Wanyue did not see the fleeting smile on Li Xian's face.

At this time, Lin Wanyue's heart was heavy; she knew that it was impossible for her to be with Li Xian in this life, but she would not marry anyone because of this!

In this world, Lin Wanyue could ignore anyone's mediators to make connections; but if this person was Li Xian, Lin Wanyue would not be able to stop the heartache.

Lin Wanyue had already made preparations for Li Xian to persuade her to marry Li Yan for the second time, but she heard Li Xian softly say, "If that's the case, let's just let it go."

Lin Wanyue raised her head abruptly, her eyes widened and she looked at Li Xian with an unbelievable look on her face.

Seeing Lin Feixing like this, Li Xian smiled sweetly, and then said again, "Blame me for being abrupt. Since Feixing doesn't want this marriage, Quan should not have mentioned it. As for the loyal son, I will persuade him."

"Thank you!" Lin Wanyue showed a sincere smile.

Seeing such a "familiar" Lin Feixing, Li Xian's mood also relaxed.

"I don't know where the jade pendant I gave to Feixing that day is now?"

Hearing Li Xian's question, Lin Feixing sat up straight, hurriedly put his hand into his arms, put the jade pendant that he had never left his body in the palm of his hand, and held it in front of Li Xian: "Here, here!"

That look, like a child waiting for Mr. to check his homework.

Li Xian looked at the tassels on the jade pendant, and nodded in satisfaction with Lin Feixing.

Only then did Lin Wanyue recall what she had done just now, and her face became hot. She closed her eyes and dared not look at Li Xian again, and took the jade pendant back into her arms.

"Feixing, do you know? From the very first time I knew you, I felt that you would definitely do something; that's why I kept persuading you not to run away, but I didn't expect you to do it in such a short period of time. At this level, I originally thought that it would take at least three or five years to become the lowest general in the rank of general. I didn’t expect you and I to be separated after only two years, and you did it! It really surprised and surprised me. "

Lin Wanyue was silent for a moment, then replied, "It's just luck."

"I wonder if Feixing is willing to tell me about the legendary battle of "Four People Overcome the Enemy"?"

"Okay!" Lin Wanyue nodded and continued with a smile: "To be honest; if I had to choose again, I might not have made the decision that day. I was actually carried away by hatred and anger... Last year In July, the Huns attacked the barracks at night, and Ayu died in battle that day, so I petitioned the commander to take the initiative to attack; I wonder if Xianer remembers the gang of grass bandits in Tiger Village?"

"Naturally remember."

"It's a long story, but one of those gangsters actually abandoned evil and followed me back to the barracks; his name was Bian Kai, he used to be a horse thief, and he was very good at investigating. It was also thanks to him that the Xiongnu made his trip with him. We successfully found the Tuketu group. But we didn't expect that the Tuketu group was very lax despite the large number of people. There were only two guards outside the king's tent! We were unimpeded all the way. Familiar with the nature of horses, I let go of 10,000 war horses of the Tuketu tribe; and when I was a child, I saw the villagers herd sheep, found the leader according to memory, and brought back all the sheep of the Tuketu tribe. Of course, that time also It is inseparable from the life-saving cooperation of Sanbao and Ni Da."

actually. Li Xian had already received a very detailed silk newspaper on this matter, but now hearing Lin Feixing's story with her own ears, it was a different experience.

"Just now I heard Feixing say: There are only two guards outside the Tuktu king's tent, so why didn't Feixing bring the head of Tuketu back? I think the head of a Huns Khan is higher than the military merit of letting go of a war horse. too much."

Lin Wanyue smiled. The other three who had acted together had also had such doubts; but Lin Wanyue did not explain it to the three of them in the end. At this time, Lin Wanyue did not think that someone as intelligent as Li Xian would be like this. Confused, but she was willing to explain for Li Xian.

"Actually, I was hesitant that day, especially when the other three people who went with me all showed their eagerness to try, I was really tempted; our soldiers from the northern border of our country have been fighting the Huns all their lives. Which soldier is there? Don't you dream of a khan who can kill the Xiongnu? But when I was shaken, I remembered a truth that Xian'er once taught me."


"It's just... When we made the route back to Beijing, you said: 'Actually, this method is not limited to our escape, it can also be done when we think about problems and formulate strategies'."

After saying these words, Lin Wanyue stopped, with a smile on her lips, looking at Li Xian with bright eyes.

Li Xian's heart trembled when she heard what Lin Feixing said that day;

This feeling is amazing and indescribable.

Lin Wanyue continued: "I don't know why, I suddenly remembered this sentence that day, so I used the thinking you taught me to predict the consequences of the two methods; I found that killing the Xiongnu Khan, if Being able to go back alive can indeed achieve higher military merit and honor, but it did not cause any substantial harm to the Xiongnu tribe. The Khan could be elected again, but the hatred has been forged until now, and it will not even die! The Tuketu tribe is the Xiongnu tribe. Ministry, the new Khan will definitely take revenge for Tuketu, then the people in the north and all the soldiers will suffer; and the Huns are good at fighting, and those who can guard outside the Khan's tent are not to be underestimated. At that time, I didn't have absolute certainty. Once the two people could not be killed with one blow, the four of us would be killed! I brought them out, and the three of them followed me at the risk of death. At a critical moment, the three of them could be confused, But I can't! I want to keep a clear head, get the best results and bring them back safely. Although Bian Kai's background is not good, he has a very special talent, he can become an excellent scout in the future, and he can even use him Our experience has cultivated more excellent scouts; Sanbao and Ni Da have the talent of being at least pioneers and generals, I can't take such a big risk for military merit! But looking at it the other way around, we have dispersed ten thousand war horses and brought them back. With so many sheep, it not only damaged the foundation of the Tuktu tribe, but also improved the food of the entire northern sergeant, why not do it!"

Afterwards, when Li Xian saw the silk paper, she was very satisfied with Lin Feixing's choice. Now Li Xian deliberately revisited the old story, and the answer she got coincided with her guess that day.

A satisfied smile bloomed on Li Xian's lips.

Lin Wanyue also smiled: She knew that Li Xian was not really confused, but was testing herself on purpose; she was also willing to show herself in front of Li Xian.

Lin Wanyue recalled that when she was in the Weiming Palace that day, Li Xian randomly checked the prince's schoolwork in front of herself. That day, Li Xian asked a series of questions about military law, and it seemed that she was secretly giving her advice...

Lin Wanyue was a little dazed, but when she looked back so suddenly today, she realized that although the time she spent with Li Xian along the way was not long, she had taught herself a lot; it was just that she never knew how much she could finally understand. Still depend on yourself.

After realizing this, Lin Wanyue felt a strange feeling in her heart, which was also indescribable.

"Is Lin Qianli okay?"

Li Xian laughed and replied, "Okay, eat well, sleep well, and live freely in the garden of Weiming Palace."

"I thank Xian'er for Qianli."

"It's also considered hard work and deserves a good end."

"when are you going back?"

"It's not easy for me to leave the palace this time, because the last time I was in danger, the father and emperor were not allowed this time. Thanks to the son of Zhongshi, seeing my uncle's concern, he took the initiative to ask Ying to be the commissioner of the comfort army and intercede for me; I begged so hard that my father allowed me to come and visit my uncle; but even so, I wouldn’t be able to stay for long. I would have to go back in a month or so at most. …”

Li Xian stopped talking, and Lin Wanyue nodded, looking at the pillars in the main hall, wondering what she was thinking.

After a long time, Lin Wanyue said quietly, "Xian'er will get married in a few months... Look at me, I haven't congratulated you yet."

Li Xian called softly, "Flying Star."


"Uncle said: He will also prepare a dowry for me. You will escort me when the time comes, okay?"

"it is good."