Female General And Eldest Princess

Chapter 94: The eunuch pierced the general's tears


In this way, Yangguan City passed a few quiet days.

"Woo..." One morning, a majestic and distant horn sounded throughout Yangguan City.

The people on the street stopped all the work in their hands, and with dignified expressions, they looked towards the Xinyangguan city wall.

It's coming, it's coming!

With the efforts of hundreds of thousands of troops day and night, Xinchengqiang has already built more than 20 feet high. When all the craftsmen felt that it was almost finished, Lin Wanyue went to see and ordered to continue building upwards. Therefore, the city wall was not completed at this time, and the Xiongnu People are coming!

The army quickly assembled, Lin Wanyue stood on the city wall, and General Xiang Jingyi of Pingdong, out of the instinct of a soldier, heard the sound of the horn and quickly climbed the city wall.

Lin Wanyue frowned. In order to allow the city wall to be built smoothly, she had already set up a line of defense every ten miles outside the city; it used to be 2,000 people, but recently it has increased to 5,000 people.

With 25,000 soldiers, it is impossible for ordinary Huns to kill them!

Lin Wanyue looked at the scout who was kneeling in front of him and asked, "What's going on?"

"General! There's something big! The Huns have caught a lot of people on the border! They used these people to form a human wall and move forward slowly! There are people in front of us, we can't let go of arrows or not. Dare to attack, the Huns hid behind the people and fired arrows at our army! The five battalions in front suffered heavy losses!

"What did you say!" As soon as Lin Wanyue heard that the Huns actually used the people who had left the country to form a human wall, the veins on her neck burst out.

Xiang Jingyi on the side also frowned, his face ugly.

"You go back immediately to give orders, and all five battalions will retreat."

"Yes!" The scout made Ling Yiyan ran down the city wall, mounted a horse and ran away.

Lin Wanyue was silent.

After a while, Lin Wanyue turned to look at Xiang Jingyi and asked, "Brother, what do you think about this?"

After being asked by Lin Feixing, Xiang Jingyi also got into trouble, and replied, "Brother wise, brother Yu has always been fighting against pirates in the east. I have never encountered such a situation, and I can't come up with any good ideas for a while. !"

The army under the city wall has been integrated, and only waiting for Lin Feixing's order to wave the flag and drum.

However, Lin Feixing on the city wall was just looking into the distance, not giving orders.

On this side, Li Zhong also came to the city wall, followed by Li Xin and Li Xian who came hand in hand.

Li Xin came to Xiang Jingyi and called softly, "Husband!"

Xiang Jingyi nodded, but kept looking at Lin Feixing. He was also a general. Xiang Jingyi knew that Lin Feixing was currently facing a very difficult choice.

With the sound of fine footsteps, the archers of Feiyu Camp climbed the city wall and lined up.

The personal soldier knelt on one knee behind Lin Feixing and asked for instructions: "Report to the general! The army has been assembled, will you wave the flag and beat the drum!"

"… hold on!"


Everyone waited for more than an hour before they saw the retreating team from a distance.

When they got closer, everyone on the city wall noticed the strangeness in it. The soldiers in the Liguo Pioneer Camp obviously had horses, but they didn't run fast. The Huns followed slowly, and from time to time they would shoot arrows to kill Liguo. From time to time, there will be screams of soldiers leaving the country from time to time.

"General, what's going on?!"

Zhang Sanbao was hot-tempered, and he was in a hurry when he saw his comrades like a stake being shot by the Huns.

"The Huns captured a lot of people and formed a human wall. If you guessed correctly, the people in the vanguard camp should have been threatened by the Huns using the people as bargaining chips."

"Zhi Niang thief! When is the dog Xiongnu so despicable!?" Zhang Sanbao stomped his feet angrily, and the other soldiers who heard the news also showed anger.

They turned their attention to Lin Feixing, wondering what decision the young general would make.

Li Xian was also standing on the city wall, looking down at the distance. Hundreds of people dressed as ordinary people were tied into a human wall, driven by the iron cavalry of the Xiongnu, and staggered forward.

And the Huns hid behind these people, and from time to time they shot cold arrows at the soldiers who left the country.

From time to time, soldiers who left the country fell off their horses, screaming one after another.

Lin Wanyue's fists were clenched tightly, her cheeks bulged high, at this moment her body was carrying the weight in everyone's eyes.

"Wait the flag! Tell the soldiers under the city to spread out to the sides!"


The heavy drums and the heartbeats of the soldiers rang out.

The soldiers under the city understood the meaning of the war drums and raised their heads as if they saw a savior, read the semaphore, and immediately reined in their horses and dispersed to both sides!

In a short time, the city wall of Yangguan City, the soldiers scattered on both sides, and the human wall composed of common people, formed a word "mouth".

As soon as Lin Wanyue raised her hand, the sound of the war drums stopped abruptly. She wanted to hear what the Huns were trying to do with so many people captured.

Sure enough, as soon as the war drums stopped, a man came out of the Xiongnu team, riding on a horse and shouting to the city wall in fluent Central Plains dialect: "Hand over your food and war horses, or we will kill these foreign sheep! "

As soon as the words fell, soldiers from the Xiongnu, armed with machetes, chopped down five or six hostages from behind, and the piercing screams could be heard far away.

Everyone standing on the city wall was filled with righteous indignation and stared straight at him; except for Zhang Sanbao, who was hot-tempered and couldn't hold back and yelled at the Huns, everyone else turned to look at their general, Lin Feixing.

Although each of them was furious at this time and wished that one person would shoot a hundred or eighty arrows, there were so many people blocking the front of the Huns. If they acted rashly, they would annoy the Huns. dying!

Lin Feixing worshipped the general as the battalion commander of Feiyu Battalion; he could be regarded as a general who came out of Feiyu Battalion. These soldiers loved Lin Feixing very much. Everyone looked at Lin Feixing expectantly, hoping that the general could come up with a best of both worlds. idea to come.

Li Zhong came to Lin Feixing's side and shouted loudly, "What are you still thinking? Hurry up and let people prepare food and war horses, it is important to redeem those people!"

In fact, for a man like Li Zhong from a noble family, the lives of the common people are not worth much at all; he himself has carried an unknown number of lives on his back, but now the army and the people in Yangguan City are integrated, in the eyes of hundreds of thousands of people. Next, it's another matter.

So many innocent people, as long as they are not handled well, it will be a big deal to spread out! Anyway, he Li Zhong is not the military commander of the northern border, and he does not have to bear any consequences, but if he takes this opportunity to win a "virtuous name", it is a godsend opportunity!

Let the people in the north see how he loves the people like a son, Li Zhong, the prince of the Marquis of Pingyang! Damn Lin Feixing, what should I do with you this time

If you lose your grain and war horses, you will be fired without beheading; if you ignore so many people, and the people's grievances together, it will be enough for you to drink a pot!

Xiang Jingyi, who came from an aristocratic family, immediately understood Li Zhong's thoughts, stood in front of Li Zhong, and said coldly: "Prince, please respect yourself, this is not the Marquis of Pingyang's mansion, nor is it the army of Marquis Pingyang, you have no right to speak!"

Li Xian came to Lin Feixing's side and said in a low voice, "Feixing, why don't Ming Jin withdraw his troops and make a long-term plan!"

Lin Wanyue, who had been silent for a while, suddenly regained her senses, looked ahead and said firmly, "No! Come on, beat the drum and open the city gate!"

"Lin Feixing! What are you trying to do!? Don't you care about the people in the city? I want to tell Your Majesty that you are not benevolent! You should be punished!"

"Shut up for me!"

Xiang Jingyi's face was very ugly, and he punched Li Zhong directly in the stomach!

Li Zhong's angry shout was not only heard by the people in the city, but even the Xiongnu under the city also made a commotion.

Xiang Jingyi looked at Li Zhong, who was sweating coldly while covering his stomach, and impatiently instructed the soldiers beside him, "You two, take the prince down and have a good rest!"


Xiang Jingyi's punch was very heavy, and Li Zhong stooped and was carried away by two personal soldiers. He did not dare to offend Xiang Jingyi; he had to endure it.

It wasn't until he was dragged off the city wall that Li Zhongcai shouted loudly again: "Lin Feixing, this prince wants to report to His Majesty.

Li Zhong kept shouting at the top of his voice, and the people in the city who were not known in the city heard a lot of discussions.

The faces of everyone on the city wall were ugly, but Lin Wanyue's face was firm, and she didn't show the slightest shake because of Li Zhong's shouting.

With the sound of "quack", the city gate was opened.

"The cavalry charge, the infantry cover, and the vanguard battalion under the city is flanked on both sides!"

Since the cavalry was precious, the Liguo was mostly charged by infantry. Lin Feixing gave an order, and the flag-bearer immediately waved the flag.

"Flying Feather Camp is all ready!"

Lin Feixing's clear and firm shout pierced everyone's ears.

"Yes!" The soldiers shouted vigorously.

Lin Wanyue's raised hand quickly fell!

"Fire arrows!"

When the words fell, the arrows pierced the air, and the flags were waved. The soldiers assigned to the two flanks under the city immediately flanked the Xiongnu's depths.

The soldiers in the city shouted and killed Changhong, and the cavalry battalion took the lead, rushed out of the city gate with the fastest speed, and killed the Huns!

Lin Wanyue stared at the bottom of the city with a split eye. Some of the people who were lined up were shot from the front, and some were cut down from the back by the Huns, but they were all dead in the blink of an eye.

Li Xin covered his face with his sleeves, unable to bear to watch the next scene in the city.

Xiang Jingyi, who was accustomed to the battlefield, looked calm, but he also looked at Lin Feixing worriedly. If he was in the wild, these people would kill him; if it were him, he would do the same, war is cruel, A woman's kindness is unacceptable.

But now that the army and the people in Yangguan City are integrated, the people behind them don't think so, and that despicable villain Li Zhong is deliberately inciting...

It seems that the trend in the north is really like what my father-in-law said, the still water is deep!

"Flying Star..."

Only Li Xian, who was standing on Lin Wanyue's left side, clearly saw a turbid tear slipping down from the corner of Lin Feixing's left eye.