Female with Fairy Bell

Chapter 101: Carefully plan the layout (first update)


Tai Shurou looked bitter. He suddenly encountered such a big change and didn't know how to deal with it.

He couldn't forcefully oppose Xiao Lige's decision.

But how could he bear to watch Xiao Lige die, since this was his only brother.

Since they were dependent on each other in times of hardship, Taishu Ruan, Xiao Lige and others had a very deep relationship. They were more like real brothers than real brothers.

However, now he was at a loss and couldn't do anything.

"Actually, you don't necessarily have to take risks to get revenge." A voice as clear as water sounded faintly.

Taishu Rou and Xiao Lige all turned their attention to Su Zishuang.

After the trip to the Flying Dragon and Thunder Snake Stream, Tai Shurou was impressed by Su Zishuang's wisdom, and now that he was a fan of the authorities, he instinctively placed his hopes on those he trusted.

Even Uncle Rouduo didn't know it, but he began to trust Su Zishuang without knowing it.

In the past, she had great hatred for Su Zishuang and vowed to make her look good, but now he has long forgotten all that hatred.

"A year ago, Zheng Yunliu was at the peak of the 12th level of Qi Refining. The most important thing is, what level is he at now? If he is still at the 12th level of Qi Refining, as long as we have a proper layout, we want to kill him. It’s not impossible, even if he has entered the early stage of foundation building, as long as the timing is right, we will always find a way to deal with him.”

Su Zishuang's eyes flashed with wisdom: "If you want to kill a person, and the monk is not very strong, there is a chance. The biggest problem is, if we succeed in killing Zheng Yunliu, how to deal with the aftermath."

Taishu Rou and Xiao Lige had surprise in their eyes. They could have imagined what Su Zishuang said, but they were blinded by hatred, so they were no longer able to think normally.

Xiao Lige stood up excitedly: "As long as I can kill Zheng Yunliu and avenge my brothers and sisters, I am willing to give my life!"

Taishu Rou's eyebrows narrowed and he was about to speak, but when he saw Su Zishuang waving her hand, he stopped...

"You don't need to sacrifice your life, but if you really have to, you must be prepared to go to the east alone." Su Zishuang said seriously.

Xiao Lige said without hesitation: "No problem, I already made the determination to die a year ago."

Su Zishuang put her slender fingers on the table and said calmly: "We can't do this in one fell swoop, without fighting an unprepared battle. We have to do a lot of things, including Zheng Yunliu's background, daily whereabouts, and even hobbies. We have to figure it out, and only then can we formulate a plan.”

"Just do what you say." Tai Shurou nodded.

"Let's go back and have a rest. Tomorrow we will go shopping in the market and ask for news." Su Zishuang said with twinkling eyes.

There are all kinds of people in Kunlun City, and naturally there are people who specialize in selling information.

Don't underestimate those little people. They generally have many connections and can often dig out some unknown secrets. Therefore, little people also have their own way of survival.

"I'll go with Sister Su tomorrow. I know where they can sell information. I just didn't have any money and couldn't afford it before." Xiao Lige said.

Xiao Lige has been hanging out at the bottom of the southern region of Kunlun City, and many people are well known.

It's just that in this year, it is really difficult for him, a small shrimp on the second level of Qi Refining, to save enough money to purchase the news.

"That's okay, take me to buy news tomorrow, and by the way, buy a disguise to change your appearance." Su Zishuang said.

Xiao Lige calmed down. After all, more than a year had passed, and the hatred and anger had been buried in his heart. If he hadn't met Tai Shurou, he wouldn't have lost his composure.

After chatting for a while, Su Zishuang and Yu Ziyu both said goodbye and went back to their rooms. The two brothers Xiao Lige and Tai Shurou reunited after a long absence, so naturally they had to have a good conversation.

Su Zishuang returned to the room and just breathed a sigh of relief.

Sitting cross-legged on the soft couch, she took out the Razer inner elixir again.

Now that it was almost time to improve her strength, Su Zishuang's strong subconscious told herself that she might face an unprecedented storm next.

The character Zheng Yunliu has created a evil star in the book, so he must not be underestimated.

In the book, Bixiao Demon Lord broke out from all directions under the siege of the righteous path, but he was able to escape calmly every time. Later, he became stronger and stronger, and integrated several second-rate demon sects. He was actually in the southwest, close to the Louvre Museum. A major demon sect, the Bixiao Demon Palace, was established nearby to compete tit-for-tat with the Kunlun sect.

The heroine Nangong Yan Xi and Bixiao Demon Lord have met several times and had several ambiguities. Therefore, according to the author's writing, Bixiao Demon Lord seems to be a backup candidate for inclusion in the harem and palace in addition to the eight beauties. .

However, now that such a big change has occurred, it is uncertain whether Xiao Lige will become the Bixiao Demon Lord. As for whether he can have some ambiguity with Nangong Yanxi...

Even if there is a sign of that in the future, Su Zishuang will cut it off in time...

Just kidding, letting Nangong Yanxi take advantage of her right under her nose is something that must not happen.

Su Zishuang probed her consciousness into the inner elixir of the Thunder Snake. She failed once in the valley of the Flying Dragon Thunder Snake Stream, so now Su Zishuang is very cautious and is not willing to make any mistakes.

This is my first time and I have no experience, so if my consciousness connects with the thunder-attribute power that is as huge as the ocean, I will be lucky if I don't get shocked to death.

But now Su Zishuang focuses her consciousness on one point, only touching the edge of it slightly.


There was a soft sound, and energy as big as a hair was guided out from inside. As soon as it rushed into Su Zishuang's body, it was like a wild horse running wild, making Su Zishuang's whole body tremble.

Just a trace of energy can have such a strong effect. You can imagine how difficult Su Zishuang is facing now.

By running the spiritual power throughout the body and using the cultivation method of the Seven Demons Purple Lightning Sword Qi, the energy threads like wild horses gradually calmed down and were guided by Su Zishuang in an orderly manner into the Dantian.

After the energy thread stopped at her dantian, Su Zishuang breathed a sigh of relief, and a thin layer of sweat had already appeared on her forehead.

The beginning is often the most difficult. After gaining successful experience, Su Zishuang became more and more skilled in guiding lightning energy, and her practice gradually got on the right track.

In the early morning of the next day, Su Zishuang suddenly woke up.

After practicing for a while at night, I fell into a deep sleep without knowing it. This was indeed because I was too tired during this period.

After a night's sleep, Su Zishuang felt refreshed.

In the living room, Taishu Rou and Xiao Lige were sitting on the chair.

"Sister Su hasn't come yet." Xiao Lige was a little anxious.

"Don't be anxious. She said today must be today. You need to change your impatience. The road to immortality is too impetuous and you won't be able to go far." Taishu Rou frowned slightly.

"Brother, I know my shortcomings, and I will definitely change them in the future." Xiao Lige immediately calmed down his impatience. He had listened to Tai Shurou's words since he was a child. Now that his elder brother has pointed out his shortcomings for him, he has no trace of them. Not fast, but doing your best.

After a while, a girl wearing a black gauze skirt came from a distance at the door. Although she used her bangs to cover most of her face, her delicate chin, slim figure, and icy skin could no longer be concealed. , is clearly a stunning beauty with unparalleled splendor.

Taishu Rou and Xiao Lige's eyes couldn't help but fixate on Su Zishuang, and their hearts couldn't help but sway slightly, and they were slightly absent-minded.

This is also a normal man's instinctive reaction when seeing a stunning beauty. Fortunately, Taishu Rou and Xiao Lige calmed down quickly.

Su Zishuang also noticed their gazes, but there was nothing she could do about it. As her figure grew, she was no longer the little girl she was before. Just her bangs could not block that elegance.

So she had long been aware of this problem and thought of finding other ways to disguise herself, otherwise, her appearance would bring disaster to herself.

After walking into the door, Su Zishuang glanced at it and was slightly startled.

The redness and swelling on Xiao Lige's face has subsided, and the mud has been washed away, revealing a refreshing face. Although this face is still a bit immature, the narrow phoenix eyes fly into the temples. The eyebrows, the straight bridge of the nose, and the face that looked like marble carvings all already had some rudiments of evil charm.

It's just that he is still young after all. After Xiao Lige saw Su Zishuang, he laughed, and the demonic nature immediately dissipated, and a pear dimple appeared on his face, which turned out to be a bit cute.

The two brothers, Xiao Lige and Taishu Rou, are both outstanding people. However, Taishurou in the book became cannon fodder early on, while Xiao Lige became stronger and stronger and was named the Demon Lord. The situation of the two brothers is like this Being different can be said to be a fate.

"Sister Su, I'm ready and ready to go at any time." Xiao Lige had a smile on his face, and no trace of yesterday's sadness was left.

But Su Zishuang knew that he just buried his hatred in his heart and would never forget it for a moment.

"Tai Shurou, are you going?" Su Zishuang looked at Taishu Rou.

"I won't go. Like Chief Yu, the wounds in my body haven't fully healed yet. I just need to seize the time to recuperate and improve my strength." Tai Shurou thought for a while.

"That's okay, the body must be well taken care of, otherwise acne will remain, which may have a negative impact on improving one's realm in the future." Su Zishuang smiled lightly.

The market in the southern region of Kunlun City was already bustling with activity in the morning, with monks coming and going, and different monster beasts pulling carts galloping past on the streets, creating a prosperous scene.

At this time, Su Zishuang and Xiao Lige were walking in the market. RS