Female with Fairy Bell

Chapter 129: Life never stops fighting (first update)


Feng Xuefang lowered her head, knowing that from a rational point of view, she and the others were unable to resist, but the discomfort in her heart still existed.

After all, in her heart, "Karen Ye" is her partner.

Li Qingyue's face was pale. He only had one arm left, and the other one was bitten off by a black-armored deer. He comforted him: "There is nothing we can do."

Han Caifeng sighed: "Actually, I feel uncomfortable. Karen Ye is our savior. If it weren't for him, we would have been killed by Lu Qiaosong sooner or later. She killed Zheng Qingyun to hunt down Lu Qiaosong. This matter The matter has nothing to do with us, but... "

After all, they were upset because their strength was too low and they would be killed instantly when they went out, so they could only stand helpless.

In the air ahead, Su Zishuang watched coldly, not afraid at all because the other party was a monk in the fake elixir realm.

Now that things have come to this, what's the point of being afraid.

More importantly, the momentum released by Zheng Hanyu did not have much effect on Su Zishuang. This was naturally because Su Zishuang wore a jasper bracelet that was transformed into an ancient beast ring.

"Of course you are going to die, but I will not let you die too easily. I will make you suffer all kinds of torture, let you suffer the most cruel punishment in the world, and then I will extract your soul and refine it, and your soul will be tortured for life after life! "

Zheng Hanyu didn't grit his teeth, but the chill in his tone could make one's whole body feel as cold as ice.

"Come if you can, but your heinous brother deserves to die. If he does it again, I will still kill him." Su Zishuang curled her lips.

In fact, Su Zishuang deliberately angered Zheng Hanyu in order to make his thinking dysfunction and gain a chance to escape.

This time, Su Zishuang truly realized that she lacked the means to save her life!

In front of a truly strong person, all small tricks are in vain.

The only chance was that sword move, so Su Zishuang took advantage of the opportunity to anger Zheng Hanyu and desperately recalled the feeling at that time.

Under the stimulation of death, Su Zishuang's potential has been mobilized.

Soon there was a touch, as if he had grasped a key point again.

In fact, if it weren't for Zheng Hanyu's stimulation, Su Zishuang would probably have forgotten that kind of swordsmanship. After all, it was completely beyond her understanding of the artistic conception of the sword.

But now with Zheng Hanyu's complete suppression and the danger of death, Su Zishuang has no way out.

There is no other way but to desperately comprehend the memories!

"Good, you've succeeded in irritating me."

Zheng Hanyu's eyes were cold, he decided not to talk nonsense with Su Zishuang, and caught her.

With his fingers pinched, a series of light golden golden rings flew out. These golden rings overlapped one another, containing extremely terrifying and coercive power. They blocked Su Zishuang's retreat from all directions.

Moreover, the golden ring gradually grew larger and enveloped Su Zishuang's body.

If it were other Qi Refining cultivators, they would have lost their ability to move under such pressure, but this was not the case for Su Zishuang.

"Bang... bang..."

The red feather sword appeared in front of Su Zishuang, and pieces of sword light flew out, turning into waves, completely protecting her body.

The Akabane sword collided with those golden rings and was completely at a disadvantage.

Because those golden rings are simply ancient treasures!

The so-called ancient treasures, that is, ancient magic weapons, are very different from the current magic weapons in the way they are made, so they can be used without blood sacrifice, but their power is actually slightly inferior to today's magic weapons.

The minimum requirement for using ancient treasures is the late stage of foundation building, while the requirement for using modern magic weapons is golden elixir. The difference can also be seen from this point.

But the ancient treasures are superior in that they can come in various forms and have mysterious attack methods, and the ancient treasures can also be divided into three levels: psychic, metaphysical, and pure Yang.

Now the golden ring used by Zheng Hanyu is an ancient psychic treasure, and its power completely surpasses the Red Feather Sword. In the fierce collision, many gaps like rice grains have appeared on the Red Feather Sword's blade.

The intense energy impact put a great burden on Su Zishuang. Blood overflowed from her mouth uncontrollably, and her eyes were wide open and covered with bloodshot eyes.

"Do you accept it or not?" Zheng Hanyu roared crazily while attacking.

Su Zishuang's body was injured more and more seriously, and blood was flowing out of her mouth, but she still stared at Zheng Hanyu with stubborn eyes.

"I don't accept it. The fake alchemy monks overwhelm the Qi Refining monks. Why should I accept it?" Su Zishuang shouted in a deep voice.

Many Qi Refining monks below sympathized with Su Zishuang. In the eyes of everyone, Zheng Hanyu was too domineering. He used the fake elixir realm to suppress the Qi Refining realm. Even if he won, there would be no glory.

But no one dared to rush out and question it. This is the case in the world of immortality, where the weak eat the strong and the strong are respected.

Zheng Hanyu was strong enough to suppress everyone and did not dare to say anything. Su Zishuang was so weak that others did not dare to help.

"I'm not convinced...I'm not convinced...I'm not convinced..."

Su Zishuang's voice was hoarse, even if she fought until the last moment of her life...

She will never give up or admit defeat!

This is Su Zishuang's way!

"Since you won't admit defeat, I'll catch you. There will always be a time when you admit defeat!"

Zheng Hanyu raised his hand to seal the secret, and the golden ring glowed with golden light...


There were cracks on the surface of the Akabane sword, and it soon shattered into fragments that fell from the air, just like the fallen flowers in autumn.

Just when those golden rings were about to reach Su Zishuang, her eyes suddenly opened wide, and crisscrossing traces seemed to appear in front of her eyes!

Got it!

See through!

That's what it feels like!

Su Zishuang pursed her lips stubbornly, and there was a trace of mist in her eyes, as if her spirit was already above the nine heavens. That kind of desolation, that kind of free and unrestrained, just like a queen dominating the world.

If you don’t have a sword, make it yourself!

The blue thunder and lightning beat, forming a winding sword of thunder and lightning, with the form of a thunder snake circling inside. This is the sword of thunder snake.

Su Zishuang raised her hand and grasped the Thunder Snake Sword, and swung it forward in the blink of an eye.

There was a flash of thunder and lightning. It was just a blue line at first, but it turned into an extremely brilliant brilliance in an instant.

The scenery in front of all the monks seemed to disappear instantly, and there was only that astonishing sword light in their eyes.

It was as if a sword light could completely encompass the entire world.

Zheng Hanyu felt an indescribable threatening force gathering throughout his body. This force made him very frightened.

This feeling can only be felt when facing death!

It is really unbelievable that the swordsmanship used by the Qi Refining monk can threaten the life of a fake alchemy monk.

If someone else told him, Zheng Hanyu would never believe it, but today he experienced it personally.


Zheng Hanyu instinctively dodged, but in the end he didn't completely dodge.

From his forehead to his chest, the robes fell off piece by piece, and hideous scars appeared along with blood.

Zheng Hanyu's physical pain was nothing more than this kind of mental humiliation that was completely difficult for him to accept.

Being forced into this situation by a Qi Refining cultivator, he, the first in the Foundation Establishment Hall of Fame, would really become a laughing stock.

Therefore, this kind of reputational damage and shame is far worse than the physical one.

Zheng Hanyu roared, pieces of ice rushed out of his eyes, and whirlpools of ice flew around his body.

"damn it!"

A moment of carelessness led to such a result.

If Zheng Hanyu had used all his strength to defend from the beginning, no matter how powerful Su Zishuang's swordsmanship was, she would not be able to cause such great damage to him due to her limited cultivation in the Qi Refining realm.

But whatever the cause, the result is already there.

And this result was exactly what Zheng Hanyu couldn't accept.

Zheng Hanyu raised his palm, and the ice whirlwind rushed towards Su Zishuang with the frost mist.

There was a wry smile on Su Zishuang's lips. At this moment, she had truly reached the end of her rope.

But there was a hint of pride in her eyes.

Even if she died immediately, the Qi Refining cultivator was able to fight against the fake elixir cultivator and was able to cause harm to him. This honor would always belong to her.

"Perhaps this is the end of life." Su Zishuang sighed. Her spiritual power was exhausted, her limbs were weak, and she no longer had the strength to fight back. She could only watch the ice whirlwind rushing towards her in front of her.

Just when the ice whirlwind was about to approach, a large piece of purple mist suddenly rushed through from the distance and instantly enveloped the ice whirlwind. In a few short breaths, the ice whirlwind was eliminated.

"Boy from the Zheng family, you are getting more and more useless. If I hadn't been here, you would have killed the little girl from the same family."

A rather familiar voice sounded, and a hazy blue figure appeared in front of him. Because of the fog, it was hard to see clearly.

The Qi Refining monks below couldn't see it, they only knew that a strong elder from the sect had appeared.

Zheng Hanyu's face was filled with surprise and confusion: "Senior, who are you?"

He couldn't see the identity of the other party, but he could feel the terrifying aura of the target. It was a power that he was unable to resist. And those who could reach that level must have surpassed the golden elixir, and at least had the cultivation level of the Nascent Soul realm.

In front of such powerful seniors, he also seemed extremely powerless.

"Of course I am your elder. According to the rules of our Kunlun sect, those of the same level can fight each other, but those of a higher level are not allowed to bully disciples of a lower level. What you are doing is against the rules." The voice said hehe. Smiling.

"Senior, that woman killed my brother, and I wanted to avenge him." Zheng Hanyu saluted, and then defended himself.

"I don't care who of you is right or wrong, the Kunlun sect's rules cannot be broken anyway..." the figure said.

Zheng Hanyu wanted to get angry, but he suppressed his anger. He knew that the other party was very strong, so he was unwilling to show off his courage. RS