Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 105: In the Buddhist temple, Mo Xuetong fell into a conspiracy


If my mother was still alive, she would never let them deceive me like this, and she would definitely love her dearly. My mother, whose life is as thin as paper, probably never thought that she would eventually die in the hands of Aunt Fang, who used to be in my mother's hands. The seemingly gentle and demure woman in front of me turned out to be three points more poisonous than a snake. My mother will definitely not understand the truth until her death. If Mo Xuemin hadn't revealed everything when she died, I'm afraid she wouldn't even know her until now. All the tragedies in the past life were caused by that vicious woman.

Fortunately, God has given her a chance to be reborn and let her understand Aunt Fang's plot. In this life, she has made up her mind not to be plotted against. Even if she dies, she will avenge her mother before leaving. , the chance of rebirth, all she set for herself was revenge. She would make everyone who owed them mother and daughter retribution in the previous life.

Biting her lip tightly with her teeth, her pure eyes were covered with a faint mist, but it did not fall. Mo Xuetong kowtowed heavily to the Buddha, put her hands together on her chest, closed her eyes, and whispered quietly to the air. : "Mom, bless Tong'er. Tong'er, my mother's enemy, will definitely avenge her. That vicious mother and daughter will not end well!"

She will never let them end well. This is the wish she made to her mother, and it is also the goal she has set for herself. In this life, she does not ask for more wealth or honor. As long as she can avenge her mother and herself, she will use any means. Even if she dies, she will drag those people with her to hell.

The hall was very quiet, and she knelt there quietly, weeping silently.

Suddenly there seemed to be footsteps coming from the door behind him, and it was like a heavy hammer hitting his heart in the silent Buddhist temple. These footsteps were clearly not Mo Lan's, but who else could it be if it wasn't Mo Lan? Such heavy footsteps looked more like a man's, Why can a man break into the Buddhist temple without Mo Lan

In her previous life, Mo Xuetong ended up crying and bleeding because of being tainted. At this time, how could she not be shocked.

My intuition was not good, so I stood up abruptly, straightening my knees and knees. I stumbled a little for a while. I had to walk a few times to adapt, and I ducked into the sand curtain behind the Buddha tent.

The slightly closed palace door was pushed open, and through the gauze curtain, Mo Xuetong saw a man who looked like a young boy at the door, standing at the door looking around with a blank look on his face.

"Where's the person?" He looked inside and seemed to be talking to someone outside the door.

"You went in, you must be inside. You haven't come out since you went in." A low voice, but because the Buddhist temple was so quiet, seemed a bit abrupt. It was a woman's voice, not Mo Lan.

Something else seemed to be said next, but Mo Xuetong didn't hear it clearly. He only saw the boy nodding his head. The first thing he did when he came in was closing the door of the Buddhist temple. He then loosened his belt and loosened his clothes. His clothes fell down, and he looked like he was in a state of panic, not evenly dressed, and with a spot of red rouge on his face, it was clear evidence of a tryst with a woman.

The hand holding the gauze curtain was trembling slightly, and a trace of blood flashed in his eyes. His heart sank to the bottom, but his brain was very clear. Someone was framing him.

If she found herself locked up in a Buddhist temple with this man, she would have no choice but to die!

A private meeting with Sima Lingyun would only damage her reputation, but she could still marry into the Zhenguo Hou Mansion. If she said that she was having an affair with a young man, she would have no choice but to die to preserve the reputation of the Mo Mansion.

This man was so vicious that he actually wanted to kill her!

Her mind was spinning rapidly, and she found that there were only a few possible people, but the most important thing at the moment was not to find out who was behind the scenes, but how to avoid this disaster. She believed that in a while, there would be someone outside. Someone rushed in, and as long as he and this boy were found inside, he would not be able to escape even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

Although the young man in front of him was not big, he looked strong and powerful. He could not beat her at all. Because the man did not notice her, he pulled up some curtains on the side and explored them, trying to find her. .

It's not advisable to confront him head-on. Her strength is limited and she can't defeat him or escape!

She pulled out the hairpin from her hair, and the sharp thorns pricked her palms. The stinging pain gave her tense heartstrings something to rely on.

"Miss Mo San, Miss Mo San, where are you?" The man who looked like a young boy pulled up the curtain on one side, smiled frivolously, and had a look of smugness on his face, obviously knowing that she was inside.

Seeing that the man was not around, the man actually came closer to Mo Xuetong. Mo Xuetong was nervous and deliberately held her breath. At this moment, she must not let this man discover her hiding place. If she was discovered by him now , entangle yourself, even if you try hard to get injured, you won't have time to put on a good show for others to watch.

"Miss Mo San, you invited me here, why are you hiding and playing with me? It turns out that Miss Mo San still likes this." The boy continued to shout while looking around for her, getting closer and closer to her. It was only a short distance away. She rushed out here. She didn't know if she could reach the door. If she could knock the man away and rush directly to the door, then stab herself with the hairpin, she might still have a chance to survive.

She hasn't avenged her blood yet, and she doesn't want to die here in vain.

Although she thought clearly, Mo Xuetong's hands and feet were trembling, her teeth were clenched in her lips, and warm liquid overflowed from her teeth. Her bright eyes were fixed on the movements of the boy in front of her. She only had one chance to strike. .

"Miss Mo San..." The boy's hand touched the tent in front of her. He only had to pull it back slightly, and she would appear in front of people.

Without any further hesitation, the sharp hairpin in his hand was thrust out, immediately pricking the outstretched hand.

The pain in his hand made the young man scream out, hurry up. His arm instinctively retracted, leaving just an arm's length. Mo Xuetong gritted his teeth and rushed out. The young man was caught off guard and was hit by her. Standing upright, he involuntarily took two steps back.

Mo Xuetong didn't take back the hairpin in her hand, and ran out the door. The distance was usually invisible, but now it felt so far away. This was her only chance. Unexpectedly, as soon as she raised her step, the cuffs at her wrists were covered by The person held on tightly.

"Miss Mo San asked me to meet here, maybe she did it just because she was afraid that others would know that we had an affair." The man behind her said in a smug and arrogant voice.

Her hand was pulled by the man, and she staggered and was dragged to the ground. The sharp hairpin was pierced on her arm, but she didn't feel any pain. She raised her head and looked at the person in front of her desperately, letting the warm blood on her lips linger. Next, my ears were particularly clear at this moment. In addition to the sound of wind blowing branches, I could also hear human voices.

The footsteps are scattered, there will be no less than five or six people!

No more time!

"Who are you and why are you hurting me so much? If so, let's die together." He picked up the hairpin that fell to the ground and swallowed the sharp point directly. He opened his beautiful eyes and gritted his teeth and pierced it. Even if she dies, she will be innocent in this life.

The servant was trying to murder the daughter of an official, even though his mouth was full of words, he couldn't explain it clearly.

The proud smile on that wretched face turned into fear. Who would have thought that such a delicate girl would be so cruel to her, killing the official daughter-in-law and ending her life in death. At this moment, the young man regretted it so much that the queen retreated. fall.

"Let go." A sharp scolding voice came.

"When" the gold hairpin in Mo Xuetong's hand was knocked off by something, a trace of blood was drawn on her neck, and the blood instantly dyed her plain white clothes red.

The long sword came straight at him, and the boy didn't even have time to grunt before he was pierced through the chest. A black shadow flashed past, tiptoeing, he quickly stretched out his hand, picked up the boy who fell to the ground, and disappeared behind the Buddhist hall in a flash. So far, the blood on the boy's body has not yet dripped.

There was already a voice coming from the door, and Feng Juoran's handsome face showed a hint of murderous intent, which made him a little more bloodthirsty and violent. The eyes of the person in her arms were dull, and the long and messy hair on her neck were The blood on her face and her pale, dazed and trembling body were all telling her fear just now.

The evildoer's face was livid and gloomy. He hugged Mo Xuetong and climbed onto the pillar in the middle of the room. He hugged her tightly and let her lean on his shoulder. He gently stroked her long hair with his fingers. Soothing her frightened panic.

At this moment, the door of the main hall was pushed open hard, and Yu Sirong rushed in with several maids and women. On the other side, Mo Lan was pushed in by two rough ladies.

Yu Sirong was walking in front, the first one to rush in, with a smug and sinister smile on her face. Mo Xuetong, this little bitch, must have fled somewhere else this time. After being ruined, there was no trace left even after death. Build a clean reputation.

The palace door was pushed open heavily, making a hollow trembling sound, which also made the silence inside seem strange and startling.

no one! Yu Sirong looked at the spacious hall in astonishment. Except for some fluttering curtains, she could see at a glance that there was no one there. Not only was Mo Xuetong missing, but also the young man who had sneaked in could not be seen.

She turned back and glanced at the maid beside her. The maid nodded knowingly, whispered something in her ear, and glanced around. She saw Mo Xuetong enter the hall with her own eyes. Yes, it was she who sent someone to call Mo Lan away and send the male servant in. After that, she stayed outside and never saw anyone else coming in or out.

Except for a few moderate exclamations heard inside, she really didn't notice anything wrong while lying at the door.

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"Our young lady is really not here. Miss Yu, why did you bring me in? No matter how bad our young lady is, she is not something you can do anything you want, Miss Yu!" Seeing several maids and mothers-in-law scattered around. After walking out from behind the curtain, she found nothing. Mo Lan couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief and spoke forcefully.

"How could there be no one..." Yu Sirong was so anxious and angry at this time, her eyes were cloudy, she didn't pay attention to the girl at all, and ignored Mo Lan. She glanced around and murmured to herself, she didn't believe that the cooked duck was still alive. Can fly.

"What did our young lady do to make Miss Yu resentful? She even wanted to kill her. She said she was in contact with a foreign man. Miss Yu, if you don't give our young lady an explanation, even if the slave is killed here today, Yu will not be tolerated." The lady has ruined the reputation of our lady.”

Mo Lan violently pushed away the hold of the two women, rushed to Yu Sirong and shouted loudly. After saying this, the few people who came in from outside were all stunned.

"If your lady is not here, where are you?" Yu Sirong retorted, her expression was not very good at this time, she was stunned, turned her eyes and saw the Qin family following behind, her expression changed greatly. He turned around sharply and glared at his maid fiercely.

"Where is our lady? Where are we going? Do we need to report to Miss Yu for the record? I don't know when our lady and Miss Yu had such a good relationship. Doesn't Miss Yu always think of ways to torment our lady every time she sees us? When did our young lady get hurt or misunderstood when she was with Miss Yu? Didn’t Miss Yu feel that it was not enough? Could it be that she must force our young lady to death?"

Mo Xuetong was not here, and Mo Lan was not worried about the matter making a big fuss. Even if Yu Sirong begged her not to make a big fuss, it would not work, so he glared at Yu Sirong and said sharply, unceremoniously revealing that Yu Sirong had been in the past few years. She had always disliked Yu Sirong, the one who bullied her own young lady. She used to be a good person and a bad person, and later she took over the Qin Mansion. She would come over from time to time to ridicule and be mean and mean. .

Mo Lan also understood three things about today's posture. It was clear that Yu Sirong wanted to kill the young lady, so she was furious and yelled regardless. (To be continued)