Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 118: The concubine tries her evil plan again


Early in the morning, everyone in Mo Mansion was alarmed!

It is said that this matter was big enough. There was a burglary in the mansion last night for some reason. The thief also broke into Aunt Fang's Lihua Courtyard and almost killed Aunt Fang. Later, the master led people to rush in. , and then drove the thief away, but for some reason, the master was so angry that he punished several of the maids and women around Aunt Fang in Lihuayuan. It was said that it was because of poor service.

Some people had originally guessed that Aunt Fang was so fond of the master that it seemed that straightening her up would not be a problem.

But now it seems that is not the case. The people around Aunt Fang were dealt with vigorously and resolutely. The few people who were sent over did not seem to be serving people, but rather looked like people. The new ones had unkind expressions and were hunky-backed. It's not easy to mess with at first glance.

Something happened in Lihuayuan. As a daughter, Mo Xuemin was really confused on the one hand, and on the other hand she wanted to pretend to be filial and show her gentleness and decency in front of others. Therefore, as soon as she got the news, she hurried to Lihuayuan. He ran and bumped into Mo Xueqiong halfway.

Mo Xueqiong has kept a low profile since the last time she had a big quarrel with Mo Xuemin. Although the matter with Zhenguo Hou Mansion has come to an end, as time goes by, she feels more and more dissatisfied. She feels that if she hadn't replaced this The concubine's scandal is that she still has the status of a head wife, so now she is considered a noble concubine.

Therefore, when she met Mo Xuemin, she said that the nose is not the nose and the eyes are not the eyes.

Mo Xuemin was not in the mood to talk nonsense with this idiot, so she just said a few words to her, and then went to Lihua Garden. When she entered Lihua Garden, she realized that this place was very different from the past. Not only did the maids guarding the door change, There were two more big-bodied and round-waisted ones, and there were also two more nannies following them in the corridor. Although Nanny Li, Guiyue, and Guihua were still there, they all looked timid and shrunken.

It doesn't seem appropriate at all.

When they got to the back room, Aunt Fang was still lying on the bed. When Guiyue helped her up, she realized that her hair was scattered, her eyes were red and swollen, and she looked like she hadn't slept well from crying.

"Auntie, what's going on? Why are you so panicked? You still have your father's child in your belly. Why are you so unconcerned?" Mo Xuemin sat beside the bed, seemingly gentle and caring.

"It's not that I don't care, it's that your father doesn't care." Aunt Fang's face was ashen and she cried angrily.

She still doesn't know what happened. Yesterday, Mo Huawen rushed in angrily and rummaged through the house, even on her bed. Finally, he also rummaged through her sachet containing the seal. He left, then slammed the door and left without saying a word. After leaving, he also took away two second-class girls and a housekeeper in his yard.

In the middle of the night, a few more thick-waisted maids arrived, which made people feel distressed no matter how they looked at them.

In particular, the two people in the corridor kept standing there, only saying that they were sent by the master. Aunt Li and Gui Hua were forced to do it. After Gui Yue gave them a lecture, Aunt Fang was so angry in the room that her heart ached, and how could she still fall asleep? Okay, the more I think about it, the more I feel aggrieved, the more I think about it, the more sad I feel. I feel tearful and sad at the same time, and I don’t have a good rest at all.

Now when Mo Xuemin asked, his voice was hoarse and he was not angry at all.

"There is a thief in the house. My father was also anxious, so he broke in. Why don't you put on more clothes when you sleep? It's such a winter and you don't have to worry about getting hurt." Mo Xuemin learned from another source that yesterday When my father chased the thief into the house at night, he heard that Aunt Fang was wearing light clothes and was very unseemly. He thought Mo Huawen was angry because of this, but he didn't take it too seriously. He just felt that Aunt Fang was a little frivolous.

Your stomach is like this, and you are still thinking about other things, how can you not be looked down upon!

After all, she is just an aunt, with no knowledge or decency! She really despises Aunt Fang from the bottom of her heart! But she still maintained a faint concern on the surface. After all, she still needed Aunt Fang, or the child in Aunt Fang's belly.

Aunt Fang's face turned red when she said this, and she suddenly became embarrassed and said angrily to Mo Xuemin: "Is this what a daughter should say? Who doesn't wear less clothes when going to bed at night? It's comfortable and not easy to leak. How can you mess with me? It will make you both father and daughter bored."

"Auntie, don't be angry. Min'er only said what needs to be said. Now that the matter is over, Auntie's plan should be different from before! The opportunity has been given." Mo Xuemin seemed generous, but in fact, he was asking about her last time Aunt Fang couldn't do anything to Mo Xuetong, she could only attack the child in her belly.

Aunt Fang shivered and subconsciously covered her stomach. She hadn't slept all night, her face was pale and purple, her lips trembled twice, and she couldn't say anything harsh. No matter what, it was still a piece of meat in her stomach. She really couldn't bear it.

"Auntie, I'll catch up on my sleep later and have a good rest. Don't let me and my father worry. Yesterday's events are over. Only by looking ahead can we find a way forward. My eldest brother and I are of the same mind, but we all have to rely on my auntie. Can you Nothing will happen!" Mo Xuemin covered her face with a handkerchief, looking sad, and coldly warned her aunt in secret.

If she wants this child, she and Mo Yufeng will be gone. Let Aunt Fang take care of it!

"Okay, it's up to you!" A sound of agreement came from the roots of his teeth.

Aunt Fang thought about it all night last night and decided to give up the child in her belly. Thinking about what happened yesterday, she felt so wronged because she was a concubine. Min'er's words are true. She can still have children in the future. If there is no way to correct it, When Mo Huawen marries another step-brother, he, Min'er, and Feng'er will have to become a thorn in others' eyes and a thorn in their flesh.

Moreover, she was not willing to give up. She had been planning for many years and was about to succeed, but found that the fruits of success were picked by others. This was the most unbearable thing for her. The reason for her hesitation just now was that she was really reluctant to give up, but for the sake of her future Status, isn't it just a child? She can afford it.

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She was even thinking that if the child was gone, Mo Huawen would definitely feel distressed and guilty. With Mo Xuetong out of the way and Mo Huawen's favor at the same time, he could win at the same time, so why not do it.

Mo Xuemin had long known that Aunt Fang would agree. With her selfish and vicious temper, everything she did before was just pretentious. She had always disliked Aunt Fang and felt that she was a lowly aunt who was dragging her down. Seeing that his goal was achieved, he didn't stay any longer and put the note in his hand into Aunt Fang's hand by covering her with the corner of the quilt.

Her father's arrangement of servants here clearly annoyed Aunt Fang. She did not want to make Mo Huawen displeased at this time. Although the previous matter was her own thing, Mo Huawen took pity on her because she went to see Mo Xuetong. I didn't blame her too much for the disaster, but I was definitely not happy about it, and I haven't seen her in the past few days.

How could she leave her father at this time for the sake of an aunt

So without saying a few words, he returned to his yard.

Qingwei Garden

Mo Xuetong was really sick.

The medicine used on the wound was not a problem, but for some reason it caused the illness. Her body was hot and cold, but she could not get out of bed when she was lying down. She also felt weak when she got up occasionally. She had read the medicine that was delivered to her, but it was always bad. I couldn't find out what the problem was, and I felt very lethargic and unmotivated. The old lady still followed the rules and went to say hello, and she didn't go out for a walk at other times, just in her own Qingwei Garden.

Without the interruptions of Mo Xuemin and Mo Xueqiong, this life was quite peaceful.

"Mo Ye, where did your fragrance come from? Is it a little different from usual?" Mo Xuetong put down the embroidered handkerchief in his hand and looked up before coming in. Mo Ye was covered in snow. The weather has been bad these two days. , it snowed from time to time, and the snowflakes floated on people's bodies, one after another. When they entered the door, they melted as soon as the heater came on.

Mo Ye patted the snow on his body, walked to Mo Xuetong with the incense in his hand, put the incense in Mo Xuetong's hand, and whispered: "Miss, the prince said there is something wrong with this incense. "

This was the only possibility that Mo Xuetong could think of, so she sent Mo Ye to Feng Jueran for him to take a look at.

"Is it poisonous?" Mo Xuetong took the incense in his hand. The medium-length incense was no different from what he usually used. Even the fragrance was very fresh. It was the type of fragrance he liked. The weather was cold in winter, and the room was full of fragrance. But it was warm, with a hint of cold fragrance. She liked it very much and kept using it like this.

"The prince said that this contains a kind of fragrance. If combined with the medicine in the medicine that the lady takes, it will make people drowsy. There is no harm in other things, but there is also musk in it." Mo Ye. Standing in front of her, with his back to her, he focused on the courtyard, listening to the voices of people talking in the courtyard, but no one noticed here, so he replied softly.

It's harmless to her, so why give it to her? She didn't believe that Mo Xuemin would do such a useless thing, not to mention that there was musk that was of no use to her. The only use of that item was probably to harm the vicious Aunt Fang, but it was impossible for Aunt Fang to do it herself. room.

What exactly does Mo Xuemin want to do! He lowered his eyes and blinked smartly. He couldn't figure it out for a moment. He just felt that it was impossible for Mo Xuemin to do such a waste of effort. What is the connection between this!

"Miss, would you like some more of that fragrance?"

"Point!" Why not? Since others had already planned it, she let them move forward step by step.

Fortunately, a few days later, Mo Xuetong's symptoms of weakness disappeared, and Xu's mother and others felt relieved. However, Mo Xuetong was wary and went to Fu Guogong's mansion to invite Luo Wenyou over because she When he was sick, Luo Wenyou brought a lot of medicinal materials and moved a large cart in. Mo Xueqiong, who was seen in the garden, snorted several times, gave them a back look, and went back to his garden.

The days passed in peace day by day, and I saw that tonight was New Year’s Eve! Aunt Mo and Aunt Qing, who are cooperating in the family, have been very busy these days. This is the first big festival for the two of them, and they cannot be underestimated no matter what.

Aunt Fang is very quiet these days, and she does her job well. She usually goes to the old lady to pay her respects, and walks in the garden, but she doesn’t target Aunt Mo and Qing again. She seems to have completely let them go. The two of them seemed to be at ease raising the baby, and the people in her yard were much more polite when they came out.

It's just that many people can see that Mo Huawen seems to have really annoyed Aunt Fang for some reason. She has never been to Lihua Garden since that day. The servants in the outer courtyard also rumored that the usually cautious master was in the study that night. I got drunk, vomited all over the place, didn't get up the next day, and slept for a whole day and night before I felt normal again.

But so far, I have never set foot in Lihua Garden! (To be continued)