Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 127: Relieve sadness and travel together on a snowy night (1))


Blinking his watery eyes, Mo Xuetong didn't know where he was for a moment, and was too stunned to recover.

Seeing her stunned look, Feng Juoran smiled brightly and stretched out his hand to her: "Why don't you recognize me? It's New Year's Eve tonight, so I can go to bed so early. I'm bored, so I got up to accompany me."

He stretched out his hand in front of her in an extremely ruthless manner. Mo Yezhong saw the tears in the corners of her eyes flashing, and an inexplicable pain flashed through his heart. It was extremely uncomfortable!

Before Mo Xuetong could recover, she subconsciously let go of her clenched fist and stretched out a hand. Under her wide sleeves, her snow-colored skin seemed to glow when reflected in the light of the snowy moon outside. , Feng Juoran's eyes fell on those hands, and his heart tightened suddenly. He originally wanted to pull her hand hard, but relaxed it and let it fall gently.

Holding her hand, it felt like it was boneless, but it felt cold and sweaty! On such a cold day, I broke out in a cold sweat, and then I remembered that I just saw her lying there silently, biting her lip, with a look of pain on her face. It was obviously the cold sweat caused by a nightmare, Mo Mansion during the day The matter had been delivered to his desk without fail, and his handsome brows wrinkled unconsciously, and his face with a rogue smile suddenly became condensed.

The face with the light behind him is no longer the lazy one after cynicism, but has become as cold and bloodthirsty as a cheetah!

"Are you going to pull me up or not?" Mo Xuetong also came back to her senses at this time. Her black and white eyes were as clear as water in the moonlight, looking at Feng Juoran, although she felt that he was holding her hand a little inappropriately. Rules, but thinking about how he had never been a rules person. Besides, she was exhausted today and didn't want to be a rules person at all. She just felt that all the rules in the world were chains, which made her unable to breathe.

So what if you just act recklessly once! There was no need to worry too much tonight. The clouds weighing on her heart were so heavy that she couldn't breathe...

Seeing that Mo Xuetong did not stare at him with vigilance as she did when they met in the past, and she did not show the soft and well-behaved person she usually pretended to be outside. The moonlight shone on her beautiful little face, and the faint silvery white color reflected on it. Her jade-like face was as pure and childish as a fairy. Under her long eyelashes, her clear water eyes looked at him quietly and intently, with only a hint of exhaustion and loneliness in her eyes.

It must be tiring for such a girl to live in such a family and be constantly on guard against being harmed!

Instead of quarreling with her as usual, I just felt like my heart was hit hard by something, sour, soft, and a little sweet. The idea of teasing her had long since disappeared, but What's left is softness, gentleness and tranquility. With such moonlight and such delicate hands holding it, just sitting quietly can calm your heart.

"Why don't you pull me up?" Mo Xuetong felt weak and really didn't want to get up by herself. She twitched the hand that was tightly held. She didn't understand why he was so nervous today, but no matter what, she It was because he didn't have the energy to deal with the evil and handsome His Highness Prince Xuan, so he just let him go and make trouble, thinking that he was giving up on himself.

Feng Juoran turned her face away in a panic, and pulled her up with a strong hand. She noticed that her face was slightly hot. She didn't know why, but she just felt that the moonlight tonight was very charming, and the snow scene today was also very charming. Especially beautiful, even the darkness in the room is filled with a soft atmosphere...

While I was thinking wildly, I heard Mo Xuetong's sweet voice: "Why are you looking for me so late? You don't need to sleep at this late hour?"

"You don't want to sleep so early, do you? Look at it today, it's still very early!" Feng Juoran had a rogue sense of mistaking a deer for a horse. He pointed at the sky outside the window, squinting his handsome eyes and questioning Mo Xuetong, There was a gentleness in his lazy voice that he couldn't even detect.

Is it still early? What kind of look is this? Mo Xuetong sat up straight and looked toward the window, raising her eyebrows feebly and asking: "Are you sure it's still daytime?"

"Of course, how about I take you out to have a look? It will definitely be a bright day." Feng Juoran stood up and patted his chest, raising his eyebrows as if he promised me.

"I don't want to go out." Mo Xuetong didn't really have much energy. She leaned to the side and lowered her long eyelashes, feeling very depressed.

"Not only is it bright outside today, but there are also many delicious and fun things. I heard that there will be fireworks to watch later... The fireworks are very beautiful, more beautiful than ever before. Don't you want to go out? "Feng Juoran continued to seduce. Seeing her sitting there dull and lifeless, she felt very uncomfortable. She always felt that a sweet and carefree smile was more suitable for her!

Are there any fireworks? When have you ever seen fireworks? That time must have been many years ago. At that time, my mother's illness was not too severe, and my father loved my mother very much. That year, the three of them as a family just watched the fireworks together. My mother sat on one side leaning against her father. I watched the fireworks rising in the sky, jumping and jumping excitedly...

A touch of bitterness on the lips!

"What? You're not going yet," Feng Juoran raised his eyebrows and asked when Mo Xuetong was speechless for a while. He couldn't see her face clearly in the night, but he could sense her low mood.

"Go, why don't you go? Today, His Highness Prince Xuan is here to invite you. Why don't you go and see these particularly beautiful fireworks? But I don't know how His Highness Prince Xuan will take me out?" Mo Xuetong's eyes darkened, and suddenly Er bit his lip lightly and smiled weakly.

"I want to bring someone with me, but why can't I bring him with me?" Feng Juoran's brows were dyed with a charming smile, and his voice was evil and lazy. He stretched out his hand, and before Mo Xuetong's exclamation came out, Suddenly, he hugged her slender waist and jumped out of the window in a flash.

Mo Feng, who was guarding the tree outside the window, lazily took a picture of his two masters. Gu Zi closed his eyes. Since he followed Miss Mo San, he rarely had time to rest. He didn't expect that he could take a break today on New Year's Eve. It seemed like a good idea. Let the master take Miss Mo San out for more walks. There are many secret guards on the master's side, and he is one of them. He is happy to ask for more benefits for himself.

The high wall flashed past behind him, and the houses with flashing lights retreated quickly. Mo Xuetong didn't expect that he was really reckless. She didn't have time to exclaim, so she subconsciously grabbed his cloak tightly with her backhand and raised her ear. There was a howling northwest wind, and I was suddenly brought from the warm house into the biting cold wind. I became energetic even though I was no longer energetic, especially in this inexplicable situation now.

I secretly resented it in my heart. I knew Feng Juoran was a loser, but why didn't he go to this extent? He picked me up and left without saying a word. Those who knew that he was in a hurry to take her to watch the fireworks, and those who didn't knew thought that he was in a hurry. Stay up late at night and rob a good girl!

The direction ahead was right at the fire vent, and the cold wind was pouring straight into her neck. She angrily wanted him to stop and slow down, but when she opened her mouth, she found that after a mouthful of wind, she couldn't even speak, so she had to He closed his mouth tightly in frustration.

Simply shut up, close your eyes, and let him go! Anyway, I have no intention of following any rules today!

He won’t do anything to himself anyway!


I felt that although he was running very fast, his hands were protecting his neck, blocking a lot of the cold wind! This person is not completely useless. He is actually very attentive and seems to feel at ease inexplicably.

After a while, his voice was heard.

"Okay, here we are! Look, isn't it beautiful here?"

Mo Xuetong stopped in shock, raised her eyes, and met a pair of handsome eyes that were smiling at her. Those eyes were as moist as the moonlight, and her thin lips were as red as vermilion, and they were slightly raised, showing that she was in a good mood. There was an audible tenderness in his somewhat lazy voice, and he stood in front of her, pointing forward and down, with a charming smile on his face.

Somehow, this expression actually looked like a child begging for praise, which made this handsome and demon-like prince look more childlike, and inexplicably felt a little cute. Mo Xuetong couldn't help but smile. He was surprised and quickly turned his head to prevent him from seeing that this stingy prince loved to hold a grudge.

Following the direction of his finger, I found that the place I stepped on was actually higher than usual. I don't know where it was on the roof. Standing at this position, looking from a distance, thousands of lights, today is Little New Year's Eve is already lively. From time to time, I can see joyful laughter coming from the streets and alleys. It's a happy Little New Year's Eve.

From time to time you can see fireworks flying in the light, shooting beautifully into the night sky.

Feng Jueran let go of her hand and lay down on the sloping roof. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly heard a low exclamation, accompanied by the sound of tiles sliding down.

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"What's wrong?" Feng Juoran then remembered that Mo Xuetong was still standing, thought she had fallen, and sat up suddenly. As soon as she sat up, someone hugged her shoulders tightly.

"Why is this roof so slippery? How can I stand on it!" Mo Xuetong raised the corners of his mouth and said displeasedly. He held Feng Juoran's shoulders tightly, and felt his feet tremble. She couldn't even take a step. Just now, her attention was attracted by the laughter on the street below. When she moved a step unconsciously, she felt that the soles of her feet slipped and she became unstable, almost losing her footing and falling.

At this time, Na Na couldn't care about anything else. He hugged Feng Juoran's shoulders tightly, almost leaning on him with his whole body, and didn't dare to look down again.

He felt the girl behind him leaning tightly against his back, and the quiet fragrance lingered between his breath. It seemed to be the cool fragrance of plums, but also the distant fragrance of orchids. It was different from any kind of fragrance he had ever smelled, but it was better than any other fragrance he had ever smelled. Any kind of fragrance is more exciting, the heart feels inexplicably itchy, and the heartbeat speeds up.

Subconsciously, he grabbed her slender waist with his backhand, patted the back of her hand gently with one hand, and comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, it's okay, hold my hand first, slowly, yes, just like this slowly Sit over here."

Holding her slender waist with one hand and holding her bare hand with the other, he carefully pulled her to sit next to him.

Noticing her trembling and the coldness on her hands, Feng Jueran realized that it was so cold today, and her heart became softer. He reached out and took off his cloak, put it on her body, and tied it carefully for her. She went up, wrapped her up heavily, and said softly: "It's my fault. I was so hot that I didn't notice that you were cold. You put it on first and leaned against me to keep you warm."

Seeing her obediently leaning against him, her body was relaxed, and her wide-open watery eyes were filled with timidity, full of weakness that was not usually seen.

Because of her nervousness, her hand had been held in Feng Juoran's hand without realizing it. She shivered and found a suitable position, leaning against him closely. Such a steep roof was really scary for Mo Xuetong, even though She felt that Feng Juoran would not do anything to her, but she still felt frightened.

She had never stood at such a high position before. After the initial confusion, she didn't dare to move anymore. Ren Feng Juoran held her hand tightly, and even put his other hand through her behind and held her tightly. He hugged her waist tightly without realizing it, and now most of her body was lying in his arms.

"Why is it still cold?" Sensing the person in his arms trembling slightly, Feng Jueran asked in a low voice.

"Still, still... good!" Mo Xuetong finally calmed down and leaned against someone. Through the material of her clothes, she could still feel his warm breath coming from her clothes. The warm feeling made her She relaxed involuntarily. Not only was the warmth conveyed in her clothes, but also in her hands. The stronger heat came from her hands.

Her cold hands slowly warmed up, and the cloak wrapped tightly around her body also restored heat to her cold body. She squinted her eyes comfortably and looked up into the distance. She didn't dare to look down, never knowing that she was She was afraid of heights, and the moment just now scared her so much that she felt as if she would fall immediately, and the surrounding scenery was instantly dizzy. (To be continued)