Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 154: Prince, whose family will the flowers fall to?


"Yes, go ahead and be careful in the palace." Mo Huawen waved his hand, stopped him, turned around and said to Mo Xuetong, "Tong'er, you don't need to pick out any clothes, just comb them a little. When you are in the palace, it is not as good as at home. Although you can't be as arrogant as you want in everything, don't let the reputation of Mo Mansion be diminished."

Mo Xuetong was still in her filial piety period, so her clothes must not be too flashy. Mo Huawen also thought about Tong'er's character, who sometimes gets stage fright, and was afraid that she would be bullied for being timid, so he gave some uneasy words of concern.

"Yes, father, don't worry, where is the eldest sister? Even if Tong'er doesn't understand, the eldest sister will definitely help me, right eldest sister?" Mo Xuetong's heart moved, and she followed Mo Huawen's words and said sweetly to Mo Xuemin. ’s smile.

I understand everything in my heart!

What happened just now was actually to let Mo Xuemin enter the palace!

It turned out that Mo Xuemin wanted to enter the palace like this, which was indeed a good way. It would not make her father resent her traveling privately, but also make him feel that he owed her. With such a simple move, his father had to agree to her attending the palace banquet. , no matter from every point of view, Mo Xuemin did it perfectly.

But how did she get connected with the King of Chu? The last palace banquet, Mo Xuemin, was still in the hands of the King of Chu. If the King of Chu had the slightest pity, Mo Xuemin would not end up like that. To this day, the King of Chu Today's behavior was a chance encounter or something else, but no matter what, this is not something that a boudoir woman can do. With such a sophisticated and meticulous plan, and such a large-scale plan, Mo Xuemin will never be able to do it, no matter how cunning he is. .

Is it Qin Yufeng? Did he take action

Mo Xuetong's palms hidden in her sleeves clenched tightly involuntarily.

Since returning to the capital, Qin Yufeng rarely comes to the Mo family because the Qin family has also arrived in the capital. Even if he comes, he only visits his father or has a chat with Mo Yufeng. He rarely enters the inner house and seems to be completely informed and polite. A handsome gentleman.

However, just because he didn't show up, it didn't mean that Mo Xuetong didn't taboo him!

Or maybe it was because the memory of her previous life was too deep. The shadow standing behind Mo Xuemin was so terrifying that she couldn't breathe. Every time Qin Yufeng appeared in Mo Mansion, Mo Xuetong paid attention to him and inquired about his itinerary. Sometimes she would carefully scrutinize a certain word of his, but after she came to Beijing, he didn't seem to take any action.

It had always been Mo Xuemin and Aunt Fang who was planning it, but now, the feeling was different. Such a simple but effective method was definitely not something Mo Xuemin could have imagined. Could it be that he couldn't help it and was about to take action? Why did he do this? If he didn't have that kind of feeling for Mo Xuemin, why would he help her? What does he want

Or what can Mo Xuemin get from him

The questions were pressed down one after another, giving her a feeling of suffocation. She seemed to feel that there was an endless dark sea in front of her, with huge waves rising into the sky, and she was just a small boat plank, amidst the wind and waves. Being abandoned and left behind, I don’t know when it will end, and I don’t know when it will be forever dark.

"Miss, miss!" Mo Ye is a martial arts practitioner. He was the first to feel that something was wrong with Mo Xuetong. He stretched out his hand to hold her hand, only to find that her fists were clenched and the bottom of her hands were covered with cold sweat. She was afraid and asked softly. , while sending a burst of infuriating energy.

"What's wrong with Third Sister? She's not feeling well. How about we go sit in front and take a rest?" Mo Xuemin's concerned voice sounded softly. She raised her head. There was real sincerity in her eyes. In front of others, Mo Xuemin Xue Min is always the image of a good sister.

Taking a long breath, Mo Xuetong let go of her clenched hands, patted Mo Ye to indicate that she was fine, raised her head, slightly curved her mouth, and smiled softly: "It made me laugh, I was really a little dizzy just now. , I was shocked by the horse. Now I’m much better. Let’s go and take a look together. Help the eldest sister to pick out beautiful clothes and some beautiful jewelry. The eldest sister is so beautiful and talented. She will definitely wear all the clothes. All the ladies in the field can compete with her.”

Mo Xuetong knew that she should smile as perfectly as usual at this time, but she really couldn't do it. Mo Xuetong's words still made her face stiffen involuntarily. She was still asking her in concern if she wanted to go to the front to rest. , Mo Xuetong said this, but it seemed that she wanted to attend the banquet and choose exquisite clothes. However, she could not explain it. Everyone had indeed heard what King Chu said just now.

Her father's intention is also obvious, so she is the only one who chooses clothes. Although she means this, she can't let her say this! At some point, her timid and incompetent third sister became more and more able to take advantage of the situation, forcing herself to the point where she almost couldn't stand up.

There was a haze and cruelty in her eyes. It won't be long before Mo Xuetong will be beyond redemption. By then, she can trample her to death however she wants, so what she has to do now is to endure!

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There are indeed a lot of clothes in the ready-made clothing store, and because it is a famous ready-made clothing store in Beijing, the clothes on the top floor are so gorgeous that it will make any girl's eyes warm and her heart beat. Mo Xuemin, accompanied by the attentive waiter, even though her intention was just to pick out one set, although it is gorgeous But despite the elegant clothes, she couldn't help but choose her favorite dress with gorgeous micro-embellishing.

The woman's uncontrollable desire for clothes has taken over. Moreover, her purpose today is to attract the attention of the audience. She doesn't like that Li Youmo, but according to her father's wishes, after such a period of time, after the incident subsides , the Li and Mo mansions will discuss their marriage.

Mo Xuemin is arrogant. She has always considered herself talented and stunningly beautiful. How could she like Li Youmo, who has the worst reputation in the capital? What about the official son of the minister? How could he like such a playboy who can't stand up to the wall? Apart from disgust and disdain, she really didn't have any good feelings left, and now she was a little more afraid.

Yes, she used to hear people talking about Li Youmo with disdain and disgust. Ever since Li Youmo slapped her unscrupulously last time, she was more afraid of him being shameless and ruthless. This son of a noble family in the capital. , all of them were praised for their elegant demeanor of never hitting a woman, but that man was so arrogant that he dared to reach out to him in Mo Mansion.

Thinking of marrying such a man, Mo Xuemin just thought that she might as well die!

She absolutely should not marry Li Youmo.

Therefore, she did not want to be impatient at this banquet. She wanted to appear at the banquet in a high-profile manner, use her gentleness and generosity, and her beauty to win everyone's attention and eliminate some of her more or less negative influences. At the same time, It also attracts the children of those big aristocratic families, or the King of Yan... .

Of course she has another purpose!

What she chose was a pink-rose colored double-breasted shirt with sleeves, paired with a double-layered rose-red gold-woven silk long tail skirt that reached her chest. Although it was a quilted dress, it had a slender waist and she had chosen three-piece hairdos. A rosette with marble as its petals and pink quartz as its stamen, and a pair of finger-sized colorful pearls on her ears. The whole person is dressed up, and her eyebrows are dazzling.

Coupled with the tenderness between her brows and eyes, I can only feel the endless charm and admiration.

The appearance of Mo Xuemin like this at the palace banquet immediately attracted the attention of most people. She had been detained at some banquets because of her repeated offenses recently. However, some ladies who had just returned to the city did not recognize her and were attracted by her. She was surprised by the eye-catching dress, but she secretly inquired about who this stunning beauty was.

When they found out that she was the famous Miss Mo, they all couldn't help but exclaimed.

With that kind of appearance and that kind of grace, she really deserves to be called a lady from a famous family. Some young ladies who were familiar with her gathered around her and started laughing and chatting because they hadn't seen her for a long time.

Mo Xuetong was seen by Luo Mingzhu when she entered the palace and was pulled away. Because she didn't want to pretend to be sisters with Mo Xuetong, Mo Xuetong deliberately followed Luo Mingzhu to the side road.

Although Mo Xuetong brought two maids, only one could enter the palace to wait on her. Because she was afraid of changes in the palace, Mo Xuetong specially left Mo Ye, who was skilled in martial arts, and asked Mo Yu to wait outside the palace. .

Before the banquet in the palace, the Queen Mother was given a birthday congratulations. After the banquet, there was a lantern festival.

Those who can go in to congratulate the Queen Mother on her birthday are some important ministers and their families, as well as the royal children and all the people in Dingguo Palace. Mo Huawen's official position of the third rank is incomparable with these people, so Mo Xue Hitomi did not have the honor of meeting the Queen Mother.

This Queen Mother was also born in the Dingguo Duke's palace. She was the aunt of the contemporary Dingguo Duke, but she had not been a director for many years. She had a son and a daughter. Unfortunately, the eldest son died early, leaving only a grandson who inherited his father's royal title. While serving as a hostage in the Yan Kingdom, his only daughter was married to the Yan Kingdom and ranked in the middle palace. She was the mother of Bai Yihao, the crown prince of the Yan Kingdom.

Therefore, the Queen Mother loved her grandson very much.

I heard from the ladies who had retired from the Queen Mother's Palace that today in the Queen Mother's Palace, Mr. Bai's gift was the most suitable for the Queen Mother. I heard that the Queen Mother had been looking for the piano score for a long time; Ling Fengyan responded with a piece of music. The beautiful dance won everyone's praise; the most unexpected one was Prince Xuan Feng Juoran. The 90% fold screen he gave to the Queen Mother could be detached into 9981 small screens, which was the most bizarre...

In the same vein as in the previous life, the Queen Mother’s birthday pushed Ling Fengyan to the front of the stage, and the reputation of the most beautiful woman in the Qin Dynasty truly fell to the Duke of Dingguo. Some experienced people will find that the Queen was also known for her literary talent and beauty. In one fell swoop, she won the crown of all women and became a candidate for queen.

If they come to the same destination through different paths, does the Duke of Dingguo plan to make this the queen of the middle palace, continuing the myth that the queen must come from the Ling family

However, things are slightly different now than 20 years ago. At that time, Emperor Zongwen was the real prince and married a young lady from the Dingguo Palace. Just because of the empress dowager’s reputation, he would make her the queen. But now, Emperor Zongwen has three adult princes. Except for Feng Juoran, who is not favored by everyone, it is not certain who of the two will be able to take that position.

Why do the Ling family think that their most beautiful young lady will definitely take the back seat.

Could it be that the emperor intends to position the prince tonight

This statement invisibly made everyone be more cautious when speaking, and would rather play it safe than take refuge in anyone, so that the loss would be the whole family's business.

Prince, whose family the flower will fall on! (To be continued)