Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 161: Who wrote such erotic poems? Check the affair


"Did you write this poem?" The queen picked up the poem paper and frowned. Speaking of it, she actually didn't like this kind of punishment poem. It seemed like a young lady's resentment. How could a wealthy lady write it? of.

"Reporting to the Empress, it was written by my daughter." Mo Xuemin hid the proud smile on her lips, lowered her head and said respectfully. She liked the poem at first sight. She only thought the poems were gorgeous and it was very pleasant to read. She never expected that she would get it. The Queen's appreciation made me feel dissatisfied.

"To write such melancholy at such a young age is really too sad for spring and autumn. How can we ladies have so many sorrows and sorrows." The queen said calmly, putting the poem note on the table aside, Concubine Su He reached out and took it, looked at it once, and smiled coquettishly at Mo Xuemin, who was startled and a little aggrieved by the Queen's words:

"This poem is so well written. No wonder so many young masters from aristocratic families agree with it. Come and watch!"

A palace maid had already stood up from behind Concubine Su and presented her with a jewelry box. Without looking at what was inside, she knew it was very valuable just by looking at the bright and gorgeous appearance on the outside.

But how could Mo Xuemin dare to continue like this? The Queen had just criticized her poem for being inappropriate. Now Concubine Su wanted to reward her. This was clearly a slap on the Queen's face with her hands. How could Mo Xuemin dare to do that? Such a thing.

So I knelt on the ground and shivered, not daring to say whether I should answer or not.

"Miss Mo, please accept the reward." The palace maid said angrily when she saw her refusal. She was Su Guifei's personal bodyguard, so she naturally knew that Su Guifei was cheating on the queen's face in public. Everyone in the palace knew that Su Guifei was not at odds with the queen. They dealt with it very well. Although the queen was noble, she had no children. The eldest prince was recognized by Emperor Zongwen for being a mature and virtuous man. Concubine Su had been favored in the palace for a long time. Neither party could afford to offend her.

"Why are you being so polite? Your Majesty has not finished saying how to reward you. Your Majesty cannot hold your breath and wants to reward you. Your Majesty will wait for now. It is better to listen to what your Mother has to say before making a final decision. When the time comes, your Majesty will reward you." I also rewarded her with the jewelry." The fifth princess smiled lightly and spoke to clear up Mo Xuemin. She looked at the empress, whose face was as heavy as water, and she said the words lightly with a smile.

To speak before the queen has spoken, to give a reward before the queen has given a reward, is not a reward, but to pick on the queen's face. At present, so many ladies from aristocratic families are trying to show off the queen's face. Although Su Guifei dares to do it, she cannot After being singled out like this, if the fifth princess's words fall into the emperor's ears, she will reap the rewards.

This seemingly harmless fifth princess is much more difficult to deal with than the queen.

No matter how presumptuous Concubine Su was, she did not dare to disgrace the queen in front of the crowd of ladies and ladies, especially after being exposed by the fifth princess. At this time, she covered her lips with a handkerchief and smiled: "What the fifth princess said is , but I got a little impatient and thought about giving the reward on behalf of the Queen, but I didn’t expect it to be rude. The Queen won’t blame me!”

Concubine Su looked like she had done something wrong with good intentions. She turned her head to look at the Queen, very delicately.

The Queen secretly gritted her teeth, but there was nothing she could do about it. She was not in the mood to talk about poetry this time. She just felt that Mo Xuemin and Concubine Su were both the same, they were both flirtatious, and they could even write a colorful poem and appreciate it. He said coldly: "Concubine Su likes Miss Mo, why would I say anything? Since Concubine Su likes Miss Mo, why don't I make the decision and give Miss Mo to King Chu? King Chu is not even young. Without him, there is no decent master in the mansion, so Miss Mo can take care of King Chu and organize the inner courtyard."

Want to give Mo Xuemin to Chu King Feng Juexuan? Just because she writes good poems

There was silence under the banquet!

Mo Xuemin, who was kneeling in front of the queen, clenched her skirt tightly with her excited fingers, and her heart almost jumped out of joy.

How could she have thought that entering the palace would bring such unexpected joy

This unintentional move actually happened, why didn't she almost feel like she couldn't help but thank her immediately.

The Queen's move made Concubine Su stunned for a moment, but she did not want to object. Mo Huawen was now deeply favored by the Emperor. If his daughter became his son's concubine, a little concubine could register The position of concubine can be regarded as the importance of the Mo family. From now on, the Mo family will stand by the son's side, which is very helpful to the son's grand plans.

Feng Jue Xuanji was divided into kings. In the Great Qin Dynasty, the princes and princes who left the divided house might have a principal concubine, two side concubines, four concubines, and several noble concubines and concubines, but there were only principal concubines, side concubines, and concubines. Concubines can attend royal ceremonies, which is truly recognized by the royal family. Mo Xuemin's status was not high in the first place, so being able to enter the Prince of Chu's palace and become a concubine was a great compliment to her. This was because her father was an important minister of the emperor.

There was no sound from Concubine Su, but the Queen felt a little regretful for saying such words out of anger. Mo Huawen was someone who had been with Emperor Zongwen when the emperor was in hiding. He could be regarded as a confidant. Although he had a low-ranking official position a while ago, , but he has always held real power and is a powerful figure around Emperor Zongwen. If such a person is allowed to lean on Feng Juexuan, it will be extremely detrimental to Feng Juelei.

But the words had already been spoken, and neither of the people involved objected. How could she change her words again? She just wanted to bite the bullet and grant the marriage.

"Your Majesty, that poem was not written by Miss Mo, but by my brother." A somewhat angry voice came from behind.

When the crowd was slightly divided, Sima Heyan stood up from behind the crowd, walked to the queen, knelt down with a smile on her face, and respectfully replied. As soon as these words came out, all the ladies were stunned for a moment, and then There was a lot of noise, thinking carefully about the meaning of this sentence, how could these ladies and ladies not be shocked.

Let’s not talk about how scandalous it is to steal someone’s poems. Let’s talk about how a boudoir woman can go to a man’s study. Although the Mo Mansion and the Sima Mansion are on good terms, they are not so good that a girl from the Mo family can do so privately. When I think about the matter in my boss Ma Lingyun's study, I realize that this is not just a matter of stealing someone's poems, but an even more unbearable private exchange.

This happened to Mo Xuemin, who has always had a good reputation. It would be surprising if those ladies and ladies were not surprised!

"Are you telling the truth?" The queen's face suddenly sank, but there was secret satisfaction in her eyes. Just now, Concubine Su wanted to reward Mo Xuemin, and now something like this happened, which was worse than a slap in her face. It worked. I glanced at it from the corner of my eyes. Sure enough, Concubine Su's face turned green and red for a while. Anger filled her cheeks. Her heart felt even more comfortable and she became more and more interested.

"Every word of my concubine is true." Sima Heyan replied decisively.

"Empress, I have been wronged. I am at home every day and have never even been to the gate of Zhenguohou Mansion. How could I have appropriated the poems of Prince Sima? If you don't believe me, you can go to the two houses and ask when I will go there." Go to the Duke's Mansion!" Mo Xuemin calmed down after the initial panic, raised her head eagerly, and said with tears on her face.

She was originally gentle, but now she looked like someone had betrayed her, with sincere eyes, which earned her more sympathy from others than the aggressive Sima Heyan on the other side. As soon as she said these words, everyone was Nodding in agreement, Mrs. Zhenguohou is not feeling well. The young lady often waits at the bedside. The female family members have never organized a banquet. Almost all the ladies and ladies here have never been to the Zhenguohou Mansion. It is also a well-known thing. Xue Min, however, had no chance to go to Zhen Guo Hou Mansion.

Seeing that everyone looked at Mo Xuemin with sympathy, Sima Heyan became anxious and defended: "That poem was really written by my eldest brother. There is also a collection of plans in my eldest brother's study, and this poem is written on it. If the Queen Mother If you don't believe it, ask someone to bring it to find out." Sima Heyan knew clearly that she wrote this poem herself, how could she make a mistake.

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"Miss Sima, I don't know where I offended you. I asked you to say this to me. This poem was clearly written by me, so why did it become your eldest brother? Your eldest brother is on the opposite island now, so there is no need to bother Miss Sima. , just ask someone to go to the opposite island and ask Prince Sima." Mo Xuemin had tears in her eyes, biting her lip, looking at Sima Heyan with beautiful eyes, aggrieved and resentful.

Mo Xuemin was anxious! Mo Xuetong in the crowd stepped back, lowered his eyes slightly, hiding the mockery in his eyes.

Sima Heyan was so brainless. She believed that Sima Lingyun would never be so brainless. She didn't expect that her own affair with Mo Xuetong had not happened, but her own affairs had undergone such a big change. Just now, she was still thinking about getting married. The Prince of Chu's Mansion was so complacent that he was now being branded with the reputation of being a private person. Such a huge gap made Mo Xuemin want to tear Sima Heyan to pieces.

She never expected that Sima Heyan would be so stupid and stupid. If she had no face, how could Sima Lingyun have any face! Mo Xuemin never thought of being forced into this position by a brainless woman like Sima Heyan.

If this thing is really implemented, how can she get married! Even an ordinary family would not marry a woman who has had a baby before she leaves the court.

Ask brother? Sima Heyan didn't think it was a good idea. She knew clearly that this poem was written by herself. Although it was excerpted from Sima Lingyun's poetry collection, her elder brother who didn't like poetry might not read it and couldn't remember anything like this in it. Poetry, so the best way is to get this poetry collection from her elder brother's study, but Mo Xuemin couldn't argue with what she said. If this poem was really written by Sima Lingyun, how could he not remember it.

"Come here, bring Sima Lingyun over." The queen ordered. This matter could no longer be explained clearly. One said it was right and the other said wrong. Both of them held different opinions, so she simply brought Sima Lingyun over to ask clearly.

After a while, Sima Lingyun was brought over, followed by several chamberlains. Several sharp-eyed ladies saw that these chamberlains were not the same as the chamberlains who had just left, and there were exactly three of them, no more, no less. Everyone went to their own places, knowing that the three princes had also heard the news and sent people to inquire about it.

"Sima Lingyun, did you write this poem?" After Sima Lingyun saw the ceremony, the maid next to the queen sent the poem note to Sima Lingyun, and the queen asked.

Something like this happened here. Youdao already knew that Sima Lingyun didn't expect that his sister was facing off against Mo Xuemin. They were already running around anxiously. One of the two people must be right and the other was wrong. But he didn't know who to help. Just when he was at a loss, the Queen's people arrived.

Say this poem was written by him! He really didn't dare to admit it. There had been reports of three princes making fun of the poem before. Many people agreed that this poem was all for the sake of watching a show. It depends on who wrote this poem about spring boudoir. Otherwise, how could it be possible? There were so many people ticking the boxes, and Sima Lingyun himself was one of them. I remember that at that time, he even said mockingly to a young man next to him: "I don't know which lady is from a certain family. She wrote such a spring resentment. Could it be that it was in her heart?" Something to think about, something to think about.”

And if it is confirmed that this poem was written by himself, the relationship between him and Mo Xuemin will be exposed. The two private exchanges will damage his reputation, especially now that he wants to obtain the title of Zhenguo. At that time, if his reputation was damaged, he might lose the position he was about to obtain, which Sima Lingyun was willing to do anyway.

But if you don't admit it, your sister is slandering Mo Xuemin, and your sister's future will be ruined. (To be continued)