Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 170: The deep palace is silent, the Pearl Palace


"What about the note?" Li Youmo smiled coldly secretly and asked pretending to be puzzled. He looked confused and didn't think that he had exposed others.

"Of course that note was also a misunderstanding. I don't know if Prince Sima drank too much tonight. He was teased when he was guessing riddles just now. As a prank, he wrote a note and threw it into his clothes. Unexpectedly, it ended up in this place. Let him Miss Mo thought it was Miss Mo who left it here."

The crowd flashed out. Bai Yihao was wearing a wide robe, long sleeves, and a high crown and belt. It was obviously just an ordinary set of white clothes, but he wore it like a jade-like moon. His handsome eyes were as gentle as jade, his voice was clear, and he stood there with a smile. , suddenly took away everyone's attention.

His eyes were as clear as water, with a bit of lofty brightness like the moon. He was standing very close, but it made people feel far away for no reason. His eyes lightly swept over Mo Xuemin, which immediately caused countless young ladies to glare at Mo Xuemin angrily. , I hate how she fell in love with that beautiful boy for a moment and actually spoke for her.

Not far away from the rockery, Mo Xuetong's eyes couldn't help but fall on his face. She didn't understand what it had to do with Bai Yihao, and why he would speak for Mo Xuemin here!

"Since Mr. Bai said this, it must be true." Someone in the crowd had already cheered Bai Yihao.

"No, it seems like this is really a misunderstanding."

“It’s gone, it’s gone, everyone is gone, don’t scare the Holy Master for a while!”…

"What are you looking at? He's just a guy who deceives the world and steals his reputation." Feng Jueran's eyes turned cold, his red lips slightly opened, and he said displeasedly. From the bottom of his heart, he didn't like this guy. When the gods came to see him, he was the least worried among all the people in the capital.

So many people believed that he was innocent and harmless, especially when Mo Xuetong looked at him almost inquiringly, which made him even more unhappy!

He stretched out his hand and hugged her slender waist. Regardless of whether she was happy or not, he turned over and quickly swept away, landing in the pavilion just now. In order to hear it more clearly, he turned her around with him. , at this time Bai Yihao came and said it was a misunderstanding. This matter must be over.

It's not time yet, it's really not appropriate to fall out with Bai Yihao, it's better not to see each other!

"Can we go to the back of Qingyu Pavilion from here?" Mo Xuetong also returned to normal, looking away and not looking at the young man's handsome face like a demon in the moonlight. There was displeasure written on that face, but she was really Not in the mood to talk, he closed his eyes and took a long breath, then opened his eyes and asked calmly.

Regardless of whether today's matter was a misunderstanding or not, she was already involved. She must find a witness to prove that she had been with her all night. The best candidate she could think of was Luo Mingzhu. As long as Luo Mingzhu said that she had been with her all night With her together, those rumors about her will fall apart.

"Miss Luo is with her brother, and there are You Yuecheng and several other young masters from aristocratic families." Feng Juoran twitched the corners of his lips and smiled, fully understanding the meaning of her words, and looked at her calmly. As he leaned on the couch, it was the time when the full moon was rising. There was a huge moon in the sky. The moonlight fell from the window and fell on his handsome face.

The charming face reflected has a bit of enchanting brightness. Wherever he is, everything becomes a foil, people are a foil, the moon is a foil, even the moonlight in the sky is his beautiful foil, from Mo Xuetong Looking out in this direction, I saw the window leaning against him, and the full moon outside the window was like a silver plate. He seemed to be the beautiful young man in the full moon!

The entire sky that was reflected was eclipsed by this!

Mo Xuetong hurriedly looked away, not daring to look at his charming and handsome face. She lowered her head, suppressed the strange feeling in her heart, and insisted softly: "I'm going to find my cousin."

Apart from Luo Mingzhu, she couldn't find anyone else to prove it.

Feng Juoran waved her hand in disagreement, with a lazy smile on her lips: "She needs several brothers to accompany her, and they didn't testify for you at all."

Mo Xuetong's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and she was speechless for a moment.

Luo Mingzhu was indeed not the best candidate, but she couldn't choose a better one.

She had come to the capital not long ago and had no other familiar people. She knew clearly that if she couldn't find a strong witness for what happened today, her reputation would be half ruined after Mo Xuemin's farce. Xue Min's seemingly non-existent words were all applied to herself.

The best way to defeat Mo Xuemin is not verbal confrontation, but strong evidence! Let Mo Xuemin's plan fail.

As long as someone of high status proves for him that he has always been with her, Mo Xuemin's words are a slap in the face. Even if Yu Mingyong retorts in the end, anyone with a discerning eye can see the doubts in it. Some of Mo Xuemin's words are a slap in the face!

But the problem now is that we can't find this person.

"What should I do?" She sat casually aside, pouted, frowned, and subconsciously asked Feng Jueran.

"It's okay, isn't it me?" Feng Jueran picked up a grape-shaped fruit beside the table and raised his eyebrows at her proudly, satisfied that she was focusing all her attention on him.

"I wonder what kind of person you have found to help me this time, who can suppress the situation and make people willing to testify for me?" Mo Xuetong glanced sideways at him and asked softly, of course she Knowing that it was impossible for him to testify for her, the only way to suppress the situation was to find another person with identity and status.

"Don't ask first, just listen to me." Feng Juoran laughed, stood up, and made a gesture of invitation to her. He looked confident and looked at her sideways, half-smiling but not smiling, that kind of proud look. The expression made Mo Xuetong glare at him, but she felt inexplicably relieved.

Without asking him any more, Gu Zi stood up and followed him out of a back door in the mezzanine behind the pavilion. He walked down the pavilion, passed through the rockery, turned around the lonely plum blossoms in a corner of the garden, and suddenly saw the noisy palace. Suddenly it became colder, and a deserted palace appeared in front of Mo Xuetong.

"What is this place?" Mo Xuetong stood still and asked suspiciously, looking at the cold palace wall in front of her.

It was really deserted here, with two lamps hung desertedly at the palace gate, and not a single palace attendant was waiting under the lamps. If it weren't for the fact that this place was located in the center of the palace, leading to the outside, Mo Xuetong would have doubted whether this was a cold palace. Fortunately, although the palace was deserted inside and outside, it was still magnificent, and it was obvious that it was not being ignored.

After following Feng Juoran around the wall and walking to the front door, Mo Xuetong saw clearly the three gorgeous words at the entrance of the palace: Pearl Palace!

Mo Xuetong couldn't help but sucked in a breath of air, stunned and speechless!

The bright moon in the sea has tears, the warm sun in Lantian makes the jade smoke!

This was a well-known fact in the previous life, even when Mo Xuetong was imprisoned in the high-rise compound.

The eldest princess Feng Mingzhu lived in the Pearl Palace here. It is said that the late emperor loved the eldest princess very much. He once said that love is like a pearl, which means the pearl in his palm, so he specially built this Pearl Palace to live with her. After the eldest princess got married, , the prince-in-law died early, leaving no heirs. The eldest princess had not yet moved to the eldest princess's mansion, but because of the premature death of the prince-in-law, she sadly returned to the Pearl Palace.

Emperor Zongwen also loved his eldest sister very much, and he even ignored the rules and allowed her to return to the palace. This was something that had never happened before.

The princesses of the Qin Dynasty move to the newly-given princess palace as soon as they get married, and are unable to return to the palace for the rest of their lives. However, the Pearl Princess actually returned to the palace again. There are reasons for this, but the biggest reason is still The eldest princess herself was very popular with Emperor Zongwen.

After the eldest princess returned to the palace and sat in the Pearl Palace, she kept the eldest princess' mansion outside the palace. She only occasionally entertained some literati in the eldest princess' mansion outside. Although she was a woman and had an excellent reputation among the officials, She was highly praised by some well-known talented people. Although she was a woman, she had a wide range of friends. Regarding this, Emperor Zongwen did not stop him at all. Instead, he was happy to see the eldest princess taking this for fun and no longer indulged in the pain of losing her consort. .

So this eldest princess is extremely famous!

But in the last life, the eldest princess finally broke with Emperor Zongwen and moved out of the Pearl Palace resolutely. This incident was also very popular in Mo Xuetong's previous life. No one thought that the eldest princess, who had always been a clean-minded person, would offend the emperor. Emperor Wen was finally imprisoned in the eldest princess's mansion.

Mo Xuetong didn't know how the once-famous eldest princess ended up like that. He only knew that when she died, the eldest princess was still in his eldest princess mansion. It was said that the eldest princess was weak and should take more rest, but in fact The people above were imprisoned, with high walls and deep courtyards. After the prosperity of a lifetime was gone, only dead grass and fallen leaves were left.

In her previous life, Mo Xuetong didn't see the end, so she doesn't know what will happen to the eldest princess in the end, or maybe the new emperor will let the eldest princess' aunt go when she ascends the throne.

But she never expected that the place where the eldest princess, who was still in her prime, would live in such a desolate place.

There was only one chamberlain on duty at the palace gate. He was not surprised when Feng Juoran came with Mo Xuetong. He only stepped forward and bowed respectfully, and said softly: "Your Highness, Prince Xuan, the princess is waiting for you."

The eldest princess is waiting for Feng Jueran? Although the eldest princess and Feng Juoran are aunt and nephew, why are they still waiting for Feng Juoran so late? My mind is in a mess, as if I have grasped something, but it seems that I cannot grasp it at all.

Follow Feng Jueran through the door and walk inside.

As soon as you enter the door, you can see dots of red plum blossoms blooming on the branches, covered with falling snow, and standing in the distance in the slanting cold. Although they are proud, they are more enchanting and charming than the white plums. They embellish the vast yard with vigorous vitality, which makes people unable to help themselves. I forgot the cold outside the palace, and my heart felt inexplicably peaceful.

The maid guarding in front of the palace had already seen the two of them, and came up to them with a smile. After seeing the ceremony with Feng Juoran, she smiled and said: "Why did your Highness just come? Your Highness has sent your servants out to see them several times. She only said that Your Highness is It’s not that she forgot the princess’s instructions and was running out of fun, the slave even comforted Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess and said that His Royal Highness Prince Xuan was so filial that he wouldn’t leave His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess behind. Why would His Royal Highness Prince Xuan also come to accompany His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess? , No, just after I finished speaking, the servant came out and saw His Highness Prince Xuan, but I didn’t want His Highness the Eldest Princess to sigh in vain."

The palace maid was smiling all over her face and spoke very smartly. She looked seventeen or eighteen years old. She was in her prime, with a pretty face and a graceful face. If she hadn't met her in this palace, she would have been a slave, Mo Xuetong. He would only regard her as the eldest lady of that family. Her temperament and demeanor were all bad. Although she did not speak to Mo Xuetong, she was full of smiles in her words and deeds. She smiled at Mo Xuetong, which was considered a courtesy.

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The fifth-rank official in front of the prime minister's door, not to mention that this is the eldest palace maid who has succeeded to the eldest princess. Such eldest palace maids are often confidants, and the eldest princess has a special and noble status. Some empresses in the palace will definitely first marry the eldest princess. It is extremely polite to curry favor with this great palace maid and make her smile!

Mo Xuetong also smiled and rolled up her sleeves to give him a blessing. Feng Juoran didn't introduce him, so she couldn't do anything for him. She could only wait and see how he handled things! (To be continued)