Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 175: A broken car is a disaster of life and death


"Do you, do you have water to drink?" The timid voice in the darkness carried the cowardice of a girl, which made it difficult for people to be on guard.

"There is water on the table." Sima Lingyun didn't want to care about Mo Xuetong's affairs at this time. He was calculating when his substitute would appear. After driving for such a period, the carriage should be almost at the city gate. Today is the Queen Mother's birthday. , to celebrate the National Day, there must be many people on the streets. There are also lantern festivals in the streets at night, and the city gate is a good place to be brightly lit.

As long as something happens at the city gate, Mo Mansion can't cover it up even if it wants to.

Suddenly, there was a "clang" sound that startled Sima Lingyun and he opened his eyes.

"I, my hands are weak and I can't hold it steady." The timid explanation aroused Sima Lingyun's contempt even more. She was still cunning and scheming. Mo Xuemin really thought too highly of her, a girl who grew up in Yuncheng. , have no knowledge and are timid, and have nothing to do. From now on, it is in their own hands, not just what they want.

In the darkness, Mo Xuetong's hands groped on the car board, and she still said timidly and tremblingly: "Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!"

There was a sudden pain in my fingers. My fingertips touched a sharp object, which was the broken porcelain shard just now. Ignoring the stinging pain on my hand, I touched it carefully. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it turned out to be a sharp and long piece. The porcelain can be used for self-defense. He held the porcelain with his backhand and heard Sima Lingyun say impatiently: "If you get into trouble again, I'll tie you up."

Busy said in fear: "I won't make any more noise."

With a soft mouth, he held his fingers on the sharp porcelain pieces, unconsciously feeling the blood on his hands. His white hands clenched the porcelain in his hands tightly, and pointed his mouth towards Sima Lingyun in the darkness, holding his arms in his arms. With the belief of revenge, how could she let Sima Lingyun collude with Mo Xuemin and harm her again and again.

She has already died once, what else is she afraid of!

Even if she dies again, she will not give them any advantage. In her last life, she wanted to drag them to the fire, but in the end, she was the only one who died in vain. In this life, she will never let them have an easier time. Even though I feel pain, it is not worth the hatred in my heart.

That kind of hatred that destroyed the world came back to her heart, burning her heart fiercely!

She did not fall in love with Sima Lingyun in this life. Sima Lingyun actually wanted to lose his reputation. This time she would never spare Sima Lingyun. The person who owed his life finally paid back his life. Sima Lingyun owed more than just her life. Mother Xu , Mo Lan, Mo Yu, who didn't die in the hands of this pair of bastards, their eyes seemed to be filled with blood...

In the last life, she risked her own life to no avail. In this life, she will never let such a thing happen again!

So this time, she would never let Sima Lingyun go, and she would definitely cause him substantial harm.

There was a faint noisy sound outside the carriage, and from time to time pedestrians came in with joyful words. This was to be a heroic rescue in a crowded place! In the darkness, Mo Xuetong's eyes were shining brightly, and her nervous fingers were trembling. The place facing the sharp porcelain on her fingers was faintly where Sima Lingyun was speaking!

Opportunity, both of them are waiting for a sudden opportunity to attack!

In the darkness, the only sounds of joyful people outside were heard, which made the atmosphere in the carriage even more dull and suffocating. Especially the tight grip on his left wrist made Mo Xuetong feel Sima Lingyun's toughness. She clearly knew what this meant. Sima Lingyun was going to destroy her innocence no matter what today, forcing her to marry him.

The eyes that were supposed to be filled with water were filled with unbearable pain, and anger welled up in them!

The cold air spread from the soles of the feet to the entire limbs, as if the bones and blood were frozen, and the pain was unbearable.

There was a bright smile on his face, but that smile was cold and bright! Monster-like cruelty.

I can't forget, I can't forget, I still feel cold in the flames, and I still feel the deep hatred!

The sound of people outside became slightly quieter, and the hustle and bustle of people not far away could be vaguely heard. The car stopped hurriedly at a remote angle on the street. The snow in the sky was still falling, and large snowflakes fell from the sky. There is a street corner just a few feet away. Even though it is late at night, there are still cheerful people walking on the street and watching the lanterns...

Most of the stores were open, and people were shouting out from here and there, all celebrating the Queen Mother's birthday. From time to time, firecrackers made noisy sounds from here and there, causing a group of children to scream.

At the corner is a restaurant that is not usually very prosperous, but today it is overcrowded. All the boxes upstairs are full. Le's accountant is holding the abacus and calculating over and over again. It is really a satisfying new year before entering the new year. You can see the prosperity in the coming spring.

Upstairs facing the corner of the street, Mo Xuemin and Mo Xiu were sitting there. The lights in the room were dim compared to the lights outside. It was so dim that it was almost impossible to see the spiteful sneer on Mo Xuemin's face.

"Miss, look, is the Crown Prince here? Look, it's over there, that carriage." Mo Xiu, who had been leaning at the window to examine the situation outside, suddenly turned around and shouted. Mo Xuemin's face at the table was sharp and cold. Her face turned pale and she quickly said it again in a softer voice.

"Are those people there?" Mo Xuemin stood up, walked a few steps quickly, and said coldly through gritted teeth.

"Here, as early as there, behind the tree opposite, the big trees are just right for me. The prince said that as long as such a big thing happened to her, what happened in the palace would be a trivial matter, and people would slowly forget about it. Please don't worry, Miss." Seeing Mo Xuemin's gloomy face, Mo Xiu said flatteringly.

Mo Xuetong's face was a bit ferocious under the light. She smiled coldly, walked to the window and gently opened the corner of the window so that she could see more clearly. Opposite the corner of the street, a carriage appeared in sight, black The paint-painted car body is not eye-catching at all. It is just convenient. The driver of the car is from the government. In order to make Mo Xuetong believe it, he deliberately exposed Aunt Fang's cronies, but in exchange for Mo Xuetong, it is really worth it. .

After closing the window heavily, Mo Xuemin picked up the cloak hanging on the screen and put it on.

"Miss, what are you doing?..." Mo Xiu hurriedly came over to help and asked in confusion. He didn't understand why she didn't look here, but put on her clothes and prepared to go out. This place was well chosen, or the prince deliberately did it to make the young lady vent his anger. The purpose of the selection is to let the young lady see clearly how the third young lady has lost her reputation.

"It's not clear here. I want to see more clearly. There will be a lot of people rushing over there soon. There are so many people who have seen Third Sister lose her reputation, and I am not the only one. I really want to know what Third Sister has seen. If many people saw her being kidnapped by male gangsters, would they be ashamed of themselves on the spot, Mo Xiu, you said how could I not watch such an interesting scene."

In the dim candlelight, there was a jealous and sinister flame in Mo Xuemin's eyes. In this dark room, her eyes were more like flickering will-o'-wisps, and her beautiful face was distorted.

Mo Xiu was startled by her bloodthirsty and cold words. He couldn't help but avoid her eyes, and carefully reached out to put on the curtain hat for her.

Thinking that Mo Xuetong's reputation had been ruined and that life would be worse than death, Mo Xuemin felt as if she had drank ice water on a hot day, feeling refreshed and refreshed. That little bitch always made herself suffer the consequences of being dumb. This time, she could never stand up again. , she will always trample Mo Xuetong under her feet in this life. It doesn’t matter how beautiful she is. If her reputation is ruined, how can Mo Xuetong have a good marriage? If she finds an opportunity in the future, he will simply throw her into a brothel. , let’s see how she still shows off her identity as a legitimate daughter.

Thinking of her success, she moved faster, put on her curtain impatiently, opened the door, hurriedly walked out of the door with Mo Xiu, and went down the stairs. Her ears kept catching the sounds outside, and sure enough, when she was going down the stairs, There was a huge crash outside, which shook the house twice. Everyone was shocked and asked what happened.

The face inside the curtain showed a vicious smile, and as expected, the carriage crashed into a big tree on one side as planned. The person waiting there jumped out pretending to be Sima Lingyun, trying to save Mo Xuetong in the car. Sima Lingyun got out of the car immediately, and the two people's identities were reversed. Sima Lingyun could be a hero to save the beauty. Due to the impact, Mo Xuetong was also exposed in front of others, and the fact that she was kidnapped by the man could no longer be hidden.

Such a thing is enough to put a woman beyond redemption!

The car was hit hard against a tree, and it was Mo Xuetong who was knocked upside down in the carriage. The carriage overturned, and Mo Xuetong's head hit the wall of the carriage hard, her head was buzzing, and stars were in front of her eyes. He was so confused that he couldn't even hold the sharp porcelain piece in his hand for a while, and his brain paused for a moment.

"Miss Mo San?" someone outside exclaimed.

"Quickly, save Miss Mo San."

"Prince Sima, there are people in the car. Has someone kidnapped Miss Mo San?"

"Hurry, save her!" I heard someone's voice vaguely in my ears. Mo Xuetong couldn't help but put a sneer on her lips. The sharp porcelain piece in her hand moved mercilessly towards the person who was trying to climb out of the car in the darkness. The man was stabbed hard, his arms were strong, and all his strength was used.

I don't know where it hit in the darkness, Sima Lingyun screamed uncontrollably, Mo Xuetong bit her lip, pulled back her hand, and stabbed it in hard again with her right hand, pulling desperately, desperately The hatred made her mind confused, as if she had returned to that time of death.

In the red wedding hall, Sima Lingyun and Mo Xuemin's proud and mocking eyes, the hatred that penetrated to the bone, was enough to make her forget the desperate situation at this time. She only felt that if she could kill Sima Lingyun at this time, she could save her child. Mom, Mo Lan and the others are seeking revenge, so what if they find themselves in a desperate situation again.

The sharp porcelain piece was lifted up and dropped unknowingly. I couldn't see anything clearly in the darkness. I only felt a heavy palm hitting my chest. My body was involuntarily knocked out of the half-open car curtain, and there was a fishy smell in my throat. , a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his body flew out of the car door like a falling leaf.

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Suddenly he saw the snowy sky from the darkness. He couldn't see anything clearly in front of his eyes, only a vast expanse, just like the red that he would never forget in his memory. Mo Xuetong actually wanted to laugh. In his previous life, he died in the blazing fire. He was burned to death, but in this life he died in the freezing snow and was cold to death.

I don’t know what sins I have done before, but I am reborn again, and my final end is still a violent death.

She had to have done so many bad things in her previous life to deserve a bad death every time.

In the previous life, he was poisoned and burned in the fire without a complete body; in this life, he was beaten until he vomited blood and then died in the snow and ice.

She suddenly wanted to laugh, but it was a pity that such a pure white earth had to be polluted because of herself! (To be continued)