Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 177: Check it out, it's chaos


If she didn't still have some sense and knew that this was her boudoir in the middle of the night, Mo Xuetong almost couldn't hold back and yelled.

With a choked voice, there was pain, grievance and unspeakable despair: "Why do they hurt me again and again, so I can only bear it again and again, and I can't resist once. Isn't it ridiculous, thinking that I can rely on my own strength?" I can retaliate and take back the pain they inflicted on me bit by bit. Isn’t it very overestimating my ability! A person as high as you will never understand why a humble person like me would have such thoughts and such thoughts. Is there enough reason?”

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She stretched out her hand fiercely, trying to prop herself up, ignoring the pain in her hands. That kind of pain was nothing to her now. It was like a tearing pain in her heart, and the old wounds were opened again and torn apart. It was only after I was bleeding that I realized that it wasn't because it didn't hurt, it was just because it was hidden deep in my heart.

That kind of pain was enough to make her forget everything, including her rational life, and she could give up everything.

She came here for revenge, so what if she lost her life again? If she couldn't take revenge, what was the point of living? The pain in her previous life reminded her all the time of the viciousness of those two people. She couldn't see them plotting against her again. Destroying themselves once again, letting themselves go step by step according to their established path, only to reach the final painful abyss.

If the result remains the same, she would rather die at this time.

Even if it’s not good, it’s still better than what it will be in the future!

That's why she was desperate, even though she believed deeply in her heart that Feng Juoran would save her, but so what, maybe Feng Juoran would save herself and her life would not be in danger. What's the difference? No, it should be said that it is worse than death.

She would rather die than enter the Zhenguo Hou Mansion, and she would rather die than have anything to do with Sima Lingyun.

Her eyes widened in the darkness, tears fell silently, and there was an uncontrollable sob at the bottom of her throat. Her young face was filled with determination and cruelty. If so, she would just use her life to wash away her shame. As long as she died, My father will investigate, my grandfather's family will investigate, and he will also investigate, and he will eventually give himself an explanation.

Whether it is Zhenguo Hou Mansion or Feng Juoran, there are many people available under his command. It is not difficult to investigate one thing carefully, so Sima Lingyun and Mo Xuemin will find out. If they accompany their lives, they can be killed. She is willing to be ruined! Blood for blood, tooth for tooth. On that day, even in the underworld, she would smile to the sky and thank God for giving her the opportunity to take revenge.

"Tong'er, Tong'er!" Sensing Mo Xuetong's desperate pain, Feng Juoran could no longer hold back the ice on his face, and his heart ached with dull pain. He felt heartbroken and couldn't breathe for a moment, and the expression on his face softened. He sat on the head of her bed and hugged Mo Xuetong tightly into his arms, who was struggling to sit up.

This time Mo Xuetong didn't struggle, she just felt that all her strength had been exhausted during the roar just now!

Weak tears rushed out, instantly staining Feng Juoran's purple brocade robe. Feeling the strong embrace around her waist, Feng Juoran gently patted her back with one hand, as if she was He was cared for like a newborn baby, biting his lip but unable to control the tears that were pouring out.

"Tong'er, Tong'er!" His low-pitched voice sounded in her ears, with a deep concern that she couldn't ignore.

Her brain no longer thinks, she is unable to think, she only feels a warmth that she has never experienced before, warming her heart. At this moment, she no longer thinks, no longer calculates, she just lets her tears fall, and she completely indulges herself for the first time after her rebirth. I just kept crying silently because of my thoughts, just waiting to cry until I was in darkness.

Finally, I fell asleep in complete relaxation.

Feng Juoran carefully laid Mo Xuetong down, covered her with a quilt, and pinched the corners of the quilt. Reflecting the snow light, Mo Xuetong's eyes were red and swollen from crying, and there were still tears hanging from the corners of her eyes. Even though she was dizzy, After falling asleep, Qiong's nose twitched from time to time, and she whimpered softly like a kitten.

His pale face was stained with tears, and the pain that could not be wiped away from his brows made people's hearts clench together.

Feng Juoran's hand wiped the corners of her eyes, and two tears fell down, falling into his hands. She was cold, having removed all the pretense of being strong and alienated, she was fragile and beautiful, lying quietly, Like a sleeping beauty, exuding beauty and fragility, Feng Jue dyed her hand slowly held it, her twinkling eyes narrowed, revealing a sharp icy aura.

Sima Lingyun, Mo Xuemin...

A dark shadow flashed across the window, and Mo Feng appeared at the window and knelt down.

"Master, Sima Lingyun and the eldest daughter of the Mo family went their separate ways after leaving the palace. After the incident in Qingfang Pavilion came out, there was no communication between the two of them. It was just that the maid next to Miss Mo was getting into the car. Once something was dropped. When Sima Lingyun's carriage passed by, the coachman dismounted and picked it up. After that, Sima Lingyun walked out of the street, turned around and went to the back entrance of a jewelry and clothing store. After waiting for a while, he came to an inconspicuous vehicle. The carriage, the carriage driver is from the Mo family, Sima Lingyun got on the carriage and went to the palace gate." Mo Feng gave a very detailed report. Ever since he followed the third lady of the Mo family, he had doubts about his master's intentions.

Seeing his master so angry this time, he felt even more sure, so he inquired about the matter in great detail. He rushed back without delay to report back to his master.

Although Mo Feng had guessed that Miss Mo San's status in His Highness' heart was different, Mo Feng couldn't help but feel a shiver in his heart when he saw His Highness with a sharp and bloodthirsty aura in front of him.

This kind of Feng Juoran was something Mo Feng had no idea about. In the past, no matter what kind of things he encountered, the master would always be lazy and careless. He always treated people with an evil and charming image, unscrupulous and romantic. Originally, he was regarded as the master's As for my ability, I am only a little cautious when it comes to dealing with Mr. Bai, and handle other matters calmly at all times.

Seeing His Highness's bloodthirsty expression, knowing that His Highness's anger was not because of him, Mo Feng couldn't help but lower his head. Being scanned by such eyes, he only felt a chill in his heart.

It seemed that he had underestimated Miss Mo San's position in his master's heart.

"When did Mo Xuemin come out?" Feng Juoran said coldly, turning around, his tall and handsome figure carried a suffocating pressure.

"After the eldest daughter of the Mo family returned to the house, the door of the Mo house was closed. However, not long after entering the house, Miss Mo and the maid beside her walked out of the house through the back door, dressed lightly and simply. After leaving the house, they went straight to their destination. The box in that place was reserved by someone, it is said that he is a butler-like person, and there is nothing special about him." Mo Feng thought for a moment and then made it clear that what happened tonight was evil.

Although Sima Lingyun is the prince of the Zhenguo Marquis, it is only superficial. Anyone who knows the inside story knows that the Zhenguo Marquis' Mansion is just a showpiece. How can he have the strength to arrange it so carefully and in detail? Things in the palace happened suddenly. Sima Lingyun followed Mo Xuemin left the palace suddenly. Who has the ability to set up such a thorough plan in such a short period of time.

Whether it was the prepared carriage, the coachman from Mo Mansion's own house, or the reserved box, Mo Xuemin's appearance, everything was precise and precise. This was definitely not the handiwork of Sima Lingyun. A big man like him , that is, we can design a scene where people are rescued from falling into the water and their skin touches each other, and it is impossible to be suffocated every step of the way outside the palace.

"Check who owns that handcraft store? If you can't find anything, send people to my eldest brother and third brother respectively." Feng Juoran raised his head and looked out the window. The sky outside the window darkened. It was The darkest period before dawn, this time is also when people are at their lowest vigilance. A cold smile appeared on his lips, "If you see someone who looks like a housekeeper coming in and out, don't worry about it if you go in. Only when you come out." catch him."

Except for his two brothers, it is really not something ordinary people can do. Of course, Bai Yihao is also the most likely...

The clothing store may not be able to find anything, but there is a key figure here, the man who looks like a housekeeper who appears mysteriously. That person must not be from the Zhenguo Hou Mansion, nor from the Mo Mansion, so this sudden The person who appears is worthy of scrutiny. If someone else is sent, this person will definitely be watching on the spot when the incident occurs.

Taking Tong'er away by himself and leaving such a scene behind, the situation suddenly changed. As long as that person has a master, he will definitely report to his master as soon as such a situation happens. In order to be afraid of being discovered, his master secretly hid in the darkest hour before dawn. It's best to let people go.

At this time, after not sleeping all night, the whole person's energy is at its worst, and because it is about to dawn, psychological negligence will occur, so it is the best time to leave!

"I understand." Mo Ye stood up and prepared to climb out of the window.

"Wait a minute," Feng Juoran stopped him and said, "Leave this matter to Feng Yue. You stay with her to take care of her. If something like this happens again, you will come to see her."

"Yes!" Mo Feng didn't dare to say anything and disappeared out of the window in a flash.

When the room became quiet again, it turned out that the cold and terrifying expression was so cold that it could almost condense into ice. He clenched his fingers into fists, cracked his fingers, hit the table hard, and shouted angrily: "Damn it!"

There was a gentle knock on the door, and Mo Ye asked softly from outside: "Master, what's the matter?" She stayed outside and turned out the lights but didn't sleep. After all, her young lady was still Yunying's unmarried body. , there was something harmful to the Qing Dynasty, and he sent all the maids and servants to sleep. He stayed here just so that he could catch the master when he came in.

Mo Lan was smart. After seeing Mo Xuetong's unconscious appearance when she was brought in, and hearing what she said, she immediately took Mo Yu to bed without a second thought, so Mo Ye was the only one on night duty in the room.

She had heard a sound in the house a long time ago. The guard who followed told her that the master had arrived. When Mo Xuetong returned home, she had already changed her blood-stained clothes, and her tightly wrapped hands were covered in her sleeves. At that time, Mo Ye half-supported and half-carried him in, while Mo Yu also tried to cover up the situation. He only said that the young lady suddenly suffered from heartache after leaving the palace, so she was helped back. (To be continued)