Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 179: Mrs. Hou knocked on the door


New Year’s Eve is destined to be an unpeaceful day!

Even the first day of the new year is not as peaceful as before.

First, it went viral that Prince Zhenguo drank too much in the palace on New Year's Eve and became dizzy. He was kicked out of the palace. He was also involved with Miss Mo who was kicked out of the palace at the same time and wanted to rape Miss Mo. , Miss Mo refused, and as the two struggled and struggled, the carriage lost control and hit a tree on the side.

When the two people rolled down from the car, Miss Mo picked up a piece of broken porcelain at hand and stabbed the Crown Prince so hard that his face was damaged and he fell into a coma. If passers-by hadn't seen him and rescued him, this would have happened. The Marquis of Zhenguo might have been stabbed with holes by that fierce eldest lady.

Everyone in the world is very surprised. This incident is obviously not Mo Xuemin's fault, but because the instigator is now alive and dead, and it is said that his life is still in danger, it makes people sympathize. It is obvious that the perpetrator of the violence does not have much to blame, and Mo Xuemin The eldest lady was quite critical.

On the one hand, this is because what happened in the palace involved the relationship between the two of them as lovers having secret meetings. Also, Mo Xuemin has always been gentle and generous to the outside world. It is unimaginable that she will also be able to handle sharp objects like a shrew. The porcelain pieces hurt people, and more people thought with disdain that the two of them had already been together, so why should they act so loyal and unyielding.

What's more, this happened. It is said that the two people were naked and hugging each other at that time. Apart from marrying Sima Lingyun, Mo Xuemin had no choice but to become a monk in Qingdeng Ancient Buddha. Etiquette and women are already harsher than ordinary men. Da Qin is also known as Etiquette It is said that no matter who is right or wrong in this matter, the two people have caused such a big dispute. They may have a romantic affair with a man, but they will stay with a woman for life.

The person who found them sent them to the Zhenguo Hou Mansion. Mo Xuemin was forced to stay at the Zhenguo Hou Mansion that night by the angry Mrs. Zhen Guohou, and asked her to take care of the unconscious Sima Lingyun. Early in the morning on the first day of the new year, Zhen Guohou Mrs. Hou angrily led Mo Xuemin to the gate of Mo Mansion.

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"Bang, bang, bang!" The crisp and powerful sound of hitting the door knocker woke up the doorman who had gone to bed late last night because of the noise.

"Wait, wait, why are you so anxious during the Chinese New Year? You are waiting to be reincarnated!" The guard rubbed his sleepy eyes and muttered about opening the door. He said angrily, who would want to get up so early during the Chinese New Year

"Is your old lady here? Our Madam Zhen Guohou is here to visit, and I asked you old ladies to come out and pick her up." The loud voice almost shocked the guard who was awake from sleep and almost fell over. He raised his eyes in shock, and was awakened from his sleep. There was a tall and thick man standing at the door, his eyes were as wide as bells, and he glared angrily with his hands on his hips, and he didn't look like he was here to pay his respects.

"This man, may I ask which mansion you are from? What's the matter here?" The other party straightened his back, and the guard couldn't stand up straight. He lowered his waist and asked carefully. He was so sleepy just now that he really didn't hear clearly. It seemed that As if some lady was coming, I asked my old lady to come out and pick her up.

"Our wife is the wife of the Marquis of Zhenguo. I came here early this morning to wish you a happy birthday. I'll ask you old lady to come out and continue. Later, my wife will have something to do and she has to go to Princess Xianjun to pay her respects. Go and send a message quickly, don't miss us. It's a good time for Madam." The people from Zhenguohou's Mansion deliberately came to cause trouble today. Their prince was beaten until he was unconscious in bed, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead. Madam had a fire in her belly. She seemed to be looking for trouble. As a servant, of course You have to give face to Madam, so how can you not try your best to help Madam scold the people in Mo Mansion.

People from the Zhenguo Hou Mansion came over to pay their respects to the old lady, but they had to let the old lady go out alone!

The doorman was a smart man, and he had some good taste in this article. He stood on tiptoe and looked at a large carriage parked outside the gate. The sign of Zhen Guohou Mansion was clearly printed on the carriage on one side, and the curtain of the carriage was open. With that, Mrs. Zhenguo Hou sat inside with a sinking face, looking over with cold eyes. She didn't come to pay New Year's greetings, but she clearly came to collect debts.

The guard shrank his neck in fright. He was just about to ask a few more questions in detail so that he could speak clearly in his reply to please the master. Suddenly, when he saw the people getting off the second carriage, he was instantly shocked and said: He choked twice, but didn't say anything. He only stretched his neck and swallowed two mouthfuls of saliva.

No wonder he was so frightened. It was the people in the carriage behind that really surprised him.

It turned out that there was a small carriage behind Mrs. Zhen Guohou's carriage, which was very inconspicuous, but the guard was still keen to see a small "Mo" character on the corner of the curtain of the carriage. This kind of character on the Mo Mansion The carriages used by servants to go out to do business are usually seen by the doorman, and it is not difficult to recognize them.

What shocked him was that when the car curtain was lifted, he saw a pale and haggard face and disheveled clothes. It turned out to be an elegant and noble young lady!

It was the eldest lady who had always been elegant and elegant. She was dressed inappropriately and wore an ordinary dress. This dress was similar to that of a maid in the mansion. It was not only messy but also stained with blood. There were also several tears on the dress. The mouth had to be pinched in several places, and he was so embarrassed that he almost didn't dare to recognize it.

The guard trembled, and immediately said no more, and hurried inside to report the news.

Look at this posture, something is going to happen!

Mo Huawen was already up at this time. He drank too much at the palace banquet last night and came back early. As for what happened in the palace later, he didn't know anything about it. He only knew that his eldest daughter came back. It was still early, so the palace kept the youngest daughter very late, and she was sent back after she fell ill.

In the morning, I heard that Mo Xuetong was not feeling well last night. Mo Huawen wanted to see her early. He didn't know that Mo Xuetong sneaked out of the back door in the middle of the night yesterday.

At this time the guard rushed in.

"Master, something bad has happened. The eldest lady was caught by Madam Zhenguo Hou. She seems to have been beaten. Go and have a look!"

"Mrs. Zhenguo Hou caught Min'er and beat her?" Mo Huawen was stunned for a moment, rubbed his ears and asked in disbelief.

"Yes, sir, the eldest lady is covered in blood, and she was caught at the gate by Mrs. Zhenguohou. Mrs. Zhenguohou also said that she wanted the old lady to pick her up in person."

No wonder the guard was wrong, Mo Xuemin's body was covered in blood, which had dried a bit at this time. The blood stains sticking to the body were very oozing. It was like being tortured. In addition, Zhen Guo Mrs. Hou looked so menacing that it was normal for the guard to misunderstand her.

"Pa!" Mo Huawen was furious, stood up suddenly, gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Go, invite Madam Zhen Guohou in, and tell her that I will pick her up personally!"

Although on the surface, Mrs. Zhen Guo Hou's rank is much higher than that of the old lady, not to mention that the Zhen Guo Hou's Mansion is just an empty show, but the marriage between Qiong'er and Sima Lingyun is also a certainty. She is the elder of Mrs. Zhen Guohou. The Marquis of Zhen Guo is so merciless and calls out to her on New Year's Eve. She clearly intends to break up with the Mo Mansion.

"Go, check, who let the young lady leave at the back door yesterday?" After Mo Huawen took care of the servants around him, he rushed to the front door angrily. Mrs. Zhen Guohou came to visit. In fact, the old man was the one who should meet the visitor most. Madam, when we meet at the inner door, how can the master rush himself to the front door to entertain guests

This is not only disrespectful to the female guests, but also very rude!

Normally, Mo Huawen can be regarded as a modest gentleman, but today he was really angry. He didn't care about it. Since he wanted to break up, he was not afraid of making everyone lose face. Qiong'er was still young anyway, so what happened at that time didn't matter. There is an affair between a man and a woman, and people are rescued from the fire. Although men and women hug each other, it is excusable. After two years, the matter has faded away, and then we can choose a bride for Qiong'er. Mo Mansion still has to hang on to it. On the tree of Zhenguo Hou Mansion.

Mrs. Zhen Guohou sat in the car with a sullen face, unaware that Mo Huawen inside was rushing over angrily.

She was really angry. She had a good couple of children. First, her daughter was humiliated. For this reason, her daughter closed the door and cried inside, saying that her eldest brother was cheating on others and helping women outside to bully her, her younger sister. , Mrs. Zhen Guohou finally settled the matter and was comforting her little daughter who was still sad.

Shocked to hear that her son almost died because of this woman, and seeing Sima Lingyun being brought in covered in blood, Mrs. Zhen Guohou almost fainted and gritted her teeth with hatred towards Mo Xuemin. How could she let Mo Xuemin go? He threw the disheveled Mo Xuemin into Sima Lingyun's room and let the doctors who came in and out to treat Sima Lingyun see her.

Thinking of her son being stabbed like that by this woman with such a sharp piece of porcelain, Madam Zhenguo Hou felt Mo Xuemin's heart go out to her. Where could anyone come to change her clothes? She just wanted to destroy her innocence and let her Everyone knew that Mo Xuemin stayed in her son's room last night.

Since she was so interested in her son, she would fight for her son. Even if the Mo Mansion disagreed this time, so what, unless Mo Huawen didn't want this daughter! Thinking of this, Mrs. Zhenguo Hou couldn't help but sneered twice, turned her head and looked at Mo Xuemin, who was so haggard that she couldn't see the bright colors, and frowned secretly.

She really couldn't see how good-looking this woman was. She was not as good as her own niece. She would definitely ask Yun'er to give Yi Qiu a name when she went back. The two were now together. If this nameless person had a child. But it is a scandal. Of course, this kind of thing will not happen in ordinary wealthy families. There is a concubine's eldest son before the legitimate son, but it is a scandal for a wealthy family.

Fortunately, Mrs. Zhen Guohou doesn't care about this. The two daughters of the Mo Mansion have become their son's concubines. If the daughter of an official is willing to get married, she can simply let Yi Qiu be the sole boss. When she matures, she will support Yi Qiu as the mistress. Then her niece can still rest assured.

The Mo Mansion sent two daughters in, and Mo Huawen couldn't care less about his son's future.

Madam Zhenguohou had a good idea here, and she thought it perfectly. Her anger subsided a little. When she heard the sound of the door opening on the opposite side, she thought that the old lady was really coming out, so she helped the maid get out of the carriage, straightened her clothes, Be prepared to be polite when you go forward. No matter how you say that the marriage between the two families is inevitable and there is no escape, just be more generous and see what else Mo Huawen has to say.

She put on a slightly raised face and looked at the door arrogantly. She didn't believe she couldn't deal with an old lady who had just come from the countryside! And she also found out clearly that this old lady was not Mo Xuemin's biological grandmother. As long as she was frightened, Mo Xuemin didn't want to get married. But this time it couldn't be the same as last time, which made Yun'er sigh in private. His face looked like he didn't get what he wanted.

Madam Zhenguohou didn't know about the deal between Sima Lingyun and Mo Xuemin, and she mistook Sima Lingyun's love for Mo Xuetong for Mo Xuetong! Thinking that Mo Xuemin had harmed Sima Lingyun so much that she didn't know whether he was alive or dead, she wanted to tear Mo Xuemin to pieces. When she heard a voice coming from the door, her face became colder and harder, and her somewhat square face had a more stern expression. . (To be continued)