Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 183: Lots of gold and silver jewelry


Of course, Lan Xinru's purpose of coming here today was not Mo Xuetong. She specially calculated the time and asked the maid to find the boy at the front door to stare at Mo Huawen just to know when Mo Huawen would come to Qingwei Garden. She specially rushed to Mo Huawen. Before, he went to Qingwei Garden to let Mo Huawen see how he cared about his daughter.

In order to nurse his daughter back to health, he even went to the kitchen and burned his hands.

This was the idea that the old lady came up with for her.

I don’t know if Mo Huawen avoided it intentionally these days. When Mo Huawen went to greet the old lady, he always avoided Lan Xinru. Lan Xinru came to Mo Mansion for a few days, and when he saw Mo Huawen’s face, You can count them clearly with your hands. Why doesn't this make both the old lady and Lan Xinru anxious

That's why I came up with this trick.

The old lady's idea was to ask Lan Xinru to cook the porridge and bring it over, and to serve Mo Xuetong carefully. She must be as gentle as she is to her biological daughter, but at this point Lan Xinru and the old lady Her thoughts were different, so she came a little late on purpose, and automatically changed her attentive service to her daughter's porridge to serving her father's porridge.

She was still wanting to shyly show Mo Huawen her burned fingers, so that he would feel more sorry for her.

Unexpectedly, Mo Huawen didn't care anymore and went to ask Mo Xuetong instead. Of course, all the jealousy was directed at Mo Xuetong. She only felt that she was getting more and more unpleasant to look at. Fortunately, she also knew that this place was... In the Mo Mansion, Mo Xuetong was the person she had to please now. Mo Xueyan was pulling her sleeves aside, and she immediately put a smile on her face, pretending to listen to what they were saying attentively.

Mo Xuetong had clearly seen the series of changes on Lan Xinru's face. Wei Wei smiled coldly in her heart, and returned her attention to her father. She responded with a gentle smile: "Don't worry, father. Maybe it was because I slept late yesterday. Gong The rules of the banquet were there again. In order to abide by the rules, Tong'er did not dare to say anything. She also had a conversation with the eldest princess. She didn't get enough rest, so she got sick. At this time, she was almost healed. She just needed a few more days of rest to recover. It's so good. When this disease came in the past, I didn't need to see a doctor or take medicine. I just told him to rest more."

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"Have you had this disease before? When did you get this disease?" Mo Huawen asked in surprise and concern. In the past, when he was in Yuncheng, although Tong'er was in poor health, he didn't say anything about whether he was sick or not. He was just weak. But oneself.

"It's not a disease, that's all. Father, don't worry. It was when I was in Yuncheng this time last year that I got sick out of nowhere. I heard that the root cause of the disease was at that time. If I was very tired, There is a possibility that it will happen again. My aunt has consulted many famous doctors, but she said it won't be a problem, just be careful not to get tired." Mo Xuetong's sweet and sweet voice was filled with tenderness, revealing the tenderness of a little daughter, as she comforted her father. The emotion made Mo Huawen's heart ache.

At this time last year, I took my other two daughters to the capital for a while. When the Chinese New Year was approaching, Miner and Qionger pestered me to make a lot of clothes and jewelry. They updated them every day and chatted happily. Like a tit, you can get whatever you want, how can you say that you are still tired

At that time, I also thought about Tong'er, but Aunt Fang said it in a few words. She only said that Tong'er didn't want to come back at all, and she didn't want to see her father. The gifts she gave him were returned intact. At that time, she also said She was sad, but she didn't expect that her delicate daughter was sick at the bedside. Although she said it lightly now, how could the disease be so small if the root cause of the disease was found.

"Tong'er..." Mo Huawen looked guiltily at his daughter, who was pale but still insisted on showing a smile to comfort him. He also thought of what was happening with his eldest daughter, whom he had always loved, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Father, today is New Year's Eve. On such a good day, father is not allowed to say sad things. Shouldn't he give Tong'er something now? Father hasn't given Tong'er anything for many years!" Mo Xuetong said. With a small mouth, he changed the topic and said that there is indeed a saying in Da Qin that elders give gifts to younger generations on New Year's Eve to ensure a safe year.

But these words were only spoken when he was a child. Mo Huawen had not given anything to his children for many years, but when he heard them, his heart felt warm. Looking at his well-behaved and sensible little daughter, he just felt that since the morning Even the tense nerves relaxed, and the sadness on his face disappeared. He stood up with a big smile, walked to the bed, touched Mo Xuetong's head and said, "Yes, how could it not be? My father has been there for Tong a long time ago." I’m ready.”

As she spoke, she took out an exquisite jewelry box from her sleeve and handed it over. Mo Feng, who was standing by the bed, took it and opened it for her. The box was full of jewelry, sparkling with gold, and the jewels and treasures dazzled Lan Xin. Ru and Mo Xueyan's eyes, both of them could not help but reveal greed.

Fortunately for Mo Xueyan, she was born in a merchant's family, and her family is considered wealthy. Although these things are rare, they are not unseen. Lan Xinru is different. Her family has fallen into decline. To put it nicely, she is here to serve. It's the old lady's. Everyone knows that she has Mo Huawen's idea.

Lan Xinru had long regarded herself as Mo Huawen's stepwife. When she saw Mo Huawen taking out such a box full of jewelry for Mo Xuetong, she felt as if she had cut her flesh. Before she came, the old lady promised her that she would become Mo Huawen's wife no matter what this time. What Mo Huawen took out now was not just her jewelry.

Jealousy stirred in her heart, and before she could react, she spoke: "Cousin, the third lady is still young and doesn't need so many jewelry. Look at how beautiful the third lady is. With these ordinary jewelry, she looks like a girl. It will only lose its color, so why not help her choose slowly when there is a suitable one in the future."

She thought she spoke appropriately, her eyes flashed, and after speaking, she gave Mo Huawen a charming smile and gave him a flirtatious look.

Mo Huawen frowned even more...

"Miss Lan, are these jewelry ordinary? Aren't they gifts from the palace? Mo Ye, please bring some more and let me see if the ones printed on the bottom of the box are made by the imperial palace?" Mo Xuetong blinked her eyes. He opened his eyes and asked Mo Feng, who was holding the box, to come forward a little and take advantage of Lan Xinru's words.

"Miss, what is printed below is indeed made by the palace. Miss's eyesight is very good. She can see it from such a distance. Even the servants have no knowledge and think it is an ordinary jewelry. It turns out that the box of jewelry of the master was rewarded by the palace. ." Mo Xuetong's two eldest maids are both literate. After listening to Mo Xuetong's words, Mo Yu first turned sideways and looked at the box. Sure enough, he saw the palace logo on the front and side of the box, and smiled.

What she said was very interesting. While praising Mo Xuetong, she also belittled Lan Xinru. It's okay for slaves like them to be ignorant. Lan Xinru said it nicely and she was considered a wealthy lady. She just kept talking in an unusual way. She is not the one wearing the jewelry, and her knowledge is not the same as that of the slaves.

No matter how thick-skinned Lan Xinru was, she became embarrassed and annoyed at this time. Her face turned blue and white for a while, and she just felt embarrassed. She glared at Mo Yu hatefully, but the girl pretended to look at the box, but she didn't receive the look. knife.

"Father, this is the eldest princess' reward for Tong'er. Father, please don't lie. He promised that he would also reward Tong'er." Seeing the ornaments with the word "Palace", Mo Xue's eyes rolled around, and he understood this after a moment's thought. It was a continuation of what happened yesterday. Yesterday, the eldest princess testified that she accompanied her at the Pearl Palace and said that she closed her eyes. Since her eyes were closed, she had to send someone to bring something over.

When I entered the palace yesterday, I saw the queen, the concubine, and the princess. However, except for the eldest princess, the others could not even meet each other. Of course they would not give her anything, and the jewelry they sent to her father must be fair and aboveboard. So there can be no one else except the eldest princess.

"Hahaha." Seeing his daughter's intelligence, Mo Huawen was in a good mood and laughed, "Okay, father's gifts have been prepared, and there are also gifts from your grandfather's family. They will be sorted and delivered to you later."

The items prepared by Mo Huawen himself, plus those sent over by the Duke of Fuguo early in the morning, were quite large. They had to be counted before being sent over, so that Tong'er could put them into storage by herself. It was the first time she saw her daughter's shabby appearance. While unloading his luggage, Mo Huawen felt his heart aching. This was the daughter he really wanted to love, and he never imagined that she would be in such hardship.

For this reason, when he thought of Aunt Fang who deceived him, he felt even more resentful. How could he think that such a cruel and vicious woman was a kind person at that time? And trusting Tong'er's affairs in her hands is basically throwing a pure and kind little lamb to a hungry wolf!

As much as she hates the other aunt, she feels so ashamed of Mo Xuetong! And Luo Xia, who is dedicated to protecting him!

And these are exactly what Mo Xuetong wants. She herself doesn't know how much she hates Aunt Fang. When Mo Xuetong was burned by the raging fire, what she felt was the pain of her soul and her almost crazy heart. He resented Sima Lingyun and Lan Xinru, but he hated the mother and daughter the most.

Because of Aunt Fang's secret instigation, she was disfigured by Yu Sirong and designed to get together with Sima Lingyun. It was also because of Mo Xuemin that she lived a humble life in Zhenguo Hou Mansion and suffered humiliation. For this She had devoted too much sincere and deep feelings to the mother and daughter who seemed to be kind to her on the surface, but she did not expect that this turned out to be a joke set by them, her joke, and they, the masterminds behind all this, could only Appreciating her tragedy as a joke, how could Mo Xuetong let go of such hatred.

These things in front of her were not enough, Mo Xuemin harmed her again and again, she wanted them to suffer disaster!

For this day, she lived very frugally, and only the master and servants knew about it.

Coming from Yuncheng, Mo Xuetong had nothing but a few remaining silver coins. His mother's dowry had already gone to Beijing with his father.

She didn't spend much money on food and accommodation in the Qin Mansion. Besides, she didn't have anything to do with Mo Huawen at that time. She didn't ask for a penny more from him. She only had some private money around her, which her mother had given her when she was still alive. The quantity was not large, and there were some items that her mother had given her privately before. It was only during her time in the Qin Mansion that she realized the importance of money.

When you live in another house, if you can't give money to reward others, even a servant will bully you!

So when he came to the capital, Mo Xuetong's own money had already been exhausted!

A few small silver coins were saved by Xu's mother to save money for unnecessary use.

The father-daughter relationship between them was deep and they were chatting in depth. Lan Xinru was furious and glanced at Mo Xuetong jealously for a few times. She lowered her head and made up her mind secretly. Although the old lady's method made people feel despicable. Yes, but as long as she enters the door of Mo Mansion, she will be the eldest lady from now on, who dares to say anything wrong!

When she gets back, she will be ready... (To be continued)