Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 188: Past events, the secret behind my mother’s sudden death


The atmosphere in the room suddenly became a little solemn. Mo Huawen was stunned. After a long time, he smiled and said: "Why do you two ask me to take over? Now even you say so. It has only been more than a year since your mother passed away..." He raised his hand. He picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp. After putting it down, his smile turned bitter.

Some words came out of his mouth: "Father, mother will understand you, she will not blame you. Back then, when she held Tong'er's hand, she once said that if there is a good one in the future, let father find a good one. Yes, just don’t treat Tong’er badly.”

He held the corner of the table with trembling hands, as if that was the only way to suppress the pain in his heart.

My mother's pale and bloodied face was right in front of her. That day, she was beaten from heaven to hell!

She couldn't bear that her mother couldn't even see her father for the last time. She couldn't bear that the man was so heartless and unrighteous. When her mother was seriously ill and died frequently, she was still fooling around with an aunt, and even sent Aunt Ming there. People were kicked out...

Her mother was gone. She stood in the corridor and watched coldly as her father ran in in panic, watched him stagger against the door, and watched him scream "Luo Xia" miserably. At that time, her heart was full of hatred. , which made her feel how ridiculous all of this was. Her mother was dead, so who was he showing off like this

"Tong'er, what else did your mother say at that time..." Mo Huawen said with difficulty. The hand holding the chopsticks trembled slightly. In the candlelight, his eyes were so dark that he could not see the bottom, but they were full of deep emotions. Feeling desolate, he grabbed the wine bottle on the side with trembling hands, poured himself a glass, and drank it all in one gulp.

At that time, Mo Xuetong felt that he had betrayed his mother, so she did not pass on a single word of her mother's words to her father!

"Mom said, let me not blame you, it is not easy for me to tell you, let me be a good daughter who is considerate to you in the future. Mom also took one of the flowers you picked for her the day before yesterday and put it next to her pillow... She just said , it's like seeing... you." Mo Xuetong choked up and couldn't continue, tears falling down involuntarily.

At that moment, she was so hurt that she couldn't help herself. She held her mother's hand and held on tightly, refusing to let go. She just waited for those cold hands to completely turn cold. At that moment, her world was also cold. , nothing but coldness and hatred...

Opposite Mo Huawen's eyes were also shining with tears, and he said in a dumb voice: "You, did your mother leave something behind?"

"Father, mother left a letter, a final letter, for you..." Mo Xuetong took out a letter from her arms with trembling. The letter was old, but you could still see the wet edges. In the corner, there was a different dimness, and I seemed to see my mother half-crouching in front of the bed, writing this letter with trembling hands.

"You, why don't you give it to me..." Mo Huawen suppressed the grief in his heart and took the letter.

"Did father look at me at that time? Even if I wanted to say it, you had to let me say it. And at that time, I didn't want to say it..." Mo Xuetong took a deep breath, with a faint smile on his face. This smile reflected the tear-stained face, which made people feel even more distressed.

This child finally misunderstood him. Mo Huawen held the letter in his hand, but he felt that it was worth ten thousand yuan. He did not take good care of the daughter she left behind, and she almost fell into Aunt Fang's hands. As long as Thinking of this, his heart felt as if it was empty.

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Don't hesitate to blurt out those words again.

"Tong'er, I went to Aunt Fang's courtyard at that time because the emperor had a secret edict and I couldn't let anyone discover it. That's why I went to Aunt Fang's courtyard. It wasn't... After I sent the emissary away, I realized that your mother had actually gone there. "You were fine the day before yesterday, so you told me that I would take you out for an outing, so why..." Mo Huawen said this explanation unconsciously after more than a year.

Looking at the tearful daughter in front of her, her eyes were like Luo Xia's. I couldn't help but feel guilty for a moment. I just felt that I was not a good father and had failed Luo Xia's instructions.

"Father..." Mo Xuetong sniffed and called out in a low voice. The knot in his heart that had lasted through the past and present life was suddenly untied, and his heart suddenly relaxed a lot. The smile on his face became brighter and brighter. The crystal tears fell into the wine glass in front of her. She suddenly felt like drinking. She stood up suddenly, picked up the wine bottle with her hand that was less injured, and poured a glass for Mo Huawen. Pour yourself a glass.

"Father, my mother would not want to see my father so sad. Today, New Year's Eve, is celebrated by my mother and I invite my father to drink from this cup. My daughter was not sensible before and misunderstood her father. I hope my father will forgive me. "Holding the cup in his hand, he knelt heavily in front of Mo Huawen and raised it high above his head.

In her previous life, she had hated her father all her life for this. That hatred made her ignore her father's opinions and slip further and further away from Aunt Fang and her daughter's plans, until she fell into a tragic death...

"Tong'er!" Mo Huawen quickly stood up and helped him, "Our Tong'er has grown up!"

Mo Huawen wiped his eyes by the dark corner of the candlelight, sighed and smiled on his face, suddenly laughed, picked up the wine offered by Mo Xuetong, and drank it down in one gulp.

No matter what, he still has a good daughter, the daughter of him and Luo Xia, that's enough!

"Father, is mother's illness sudden?" She picked up the wine at hand. It tasted sweet, but the fruit wine Mo Lan had prepared was a little sour.

Even my father felt that my mother passed away suddenly, which meant that my mother's illness was not really critical, but why did she leave a last note to my father? Did my mother realize that she was going to die? Why, a chill came over my heart, and I lowered my eyes to cover up the coldness in my eyes.

"Your mother's health has always been bad, but that time her health was not bad enough. Just a few days ago, a doctor said that your mother was fine and she just needed to be taken care of. Who Unexpectedly, she can't think about it so much... Cough, cough, cough..." Mo Xuetong didn't hear the last few words clearly, as if they were suddenly squeezed into Mo Huawen's throat.

Hands tightened his sleeves, and his body trembled slightly. Mo Xuetong seemed to have fallen into a deep trap. His body and heart were falling, but he still had no bottom...

Does the father mean that the mother wants to die

"Father, why?" No longer escaping, the deep eyes under the light looked directly at Mo Huawen, who was trying to avoid her gaze. The corners of his eyes were sad and sad but insisted that she must find out what happened to her mother no matter what. What happened? Many things involving my mother were strange and inexplicable.

In the dilapidated courtyard of Duke Fu's mansion, my mother suddenly passed away...

"Tong'er, there's something... you don't need to know too much... If I could let you know... your mother and I have told you a long time ago..." Mo Huawen regretted that he was impulsive and said those words out of his mouth. How could he tell his daughter those words? He said that his daughter would be happy if she didn't know these things. This was what he promised Luo Xia back then.

No matter what, don't drag Tong'er into such a whirlpool. The past has passed after all, and there's no point in chasing the past.

"Father..." Mo Xuetong still wanted to speak.

"Tong'er, it's getting late. You should go back first. You're not feeling well and have a lot of rest." Mo Huawen didn't wait for Mo Xuetong to say more, stood up and said outside: "Mo Yu, Mo Ye come in and help the young lady go back." After that, Ignoring Mo Xuetong standing there with tears on her face, she turned around and walked into the back room. She staggered and ran away in a hurry.

"Father, father..."

Mo Xue's eyes were filled with sadness, and tears were falling in strings...

Seeing that she was so sad and trembling, Mo Yu hurriedly stepped forward to support her and persuaded her, "Miss, let's go back first. The master has to rest now. If you have anything to say, we can wait until tomorrow."

They had been standing outside just now, and even though they were far apart, they still heard something faintly.

What is the reason why my father is so afraid of his mother's death!

Sadness welled up, and the suppressed pain in her heart burst out instantly. She picked up the wine bottle at hand and poured it into her mouth without caring. Mo Ye Moyu wanted to snatch the wine bottle from her hand, but was afraid of hurting her hand. I had to grab it, half of the bottle of wine was already down, and the wine bottle fell to the ground with a clang, rolled twice on the ground, and landed in a corner.

His body suddenly softened, and Mo Ye reacted quickly and grabbed him.

"Miss, miss, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it turns out that this wine is quite delicious... I want it more." Mo Xuetong stood still, her mind was blurry, but she felt a little lighter for no reason. No wonder so many people like to drink. This wine Still having this effect, he reached out and shook Black Jade and took her hand.

"Miss, you can't drink any more, you are already drunk!" Mo Yu advised.

"I'm drunk? How is it possible... I'm not drunk, Mo Yu, I want more. It's so good to be drunk. I'm not sad anymore, not so sad..." Mo Xuetong's flowery smile suddenly fell off her face again. There were two traces of tears.

"Take Tong'er back, take good care of her, and ask the kitchen to send her hangover soup." Mo Huawen in the back room sighed softly, and kept compiling the letter wet with Luo Xia's tears in his hand. Once again strengthening her heart, Luo Xia repeatedly warned her in her letter that she should ignore what happened back then. Tong'er was just her daughter and no one could hurt her.

After seeing the two maids half-supporting and half-hugging Mo Xuetong back, Mo Huawen returned outside. A young boy had already come over to clean up the table. He sat down in front of the desk and looked at Luo Xia Liu over and over again. After reading the letter, tears overflowed from the corners of Mo Huawen's eyes unconsciously. He recalled that when he saw that beautiful woman for the first time, his heart was already lost.

When I first heard that Duke Fu’s government had agreed to marry their eldest daughter to him, I was so happy and excited. He was just a small official at the time, so how could He De ask her to be his wife? I thought that with her in my life, I would have nothing more to ask for, but I never thought that today there would be a yin and yang...

After all, Luo Xia has not escaped the tricks of fate. Tong'er can no longer go deep into it and cannot become anyone's pawn. This is all Luo Xia's prayers for him. This is their only daughter. I only hope that she will live a safe and happy life. That’s it, nothing else matters.

Put the letter away and hide it in a dark corner of the desk. There is a painting inside. Take it out and unfold it. The smiling and gentle woman in it seems to be walking out of the painting...

Mo Huawen's fingers slowly touched the face of the woman in the painting, his mind fell into deep thought, and a smile appeared unconsciously in the corner of his eyes...

"Cousin, cousin, it's New Year's Eve. I made some dishes. How about eating them with my cousin." At the light at the door, stood a pretty figure with a smile blooming like a flower. The folded red flowers, just like the first time he saw them that day, made him feel as if the people in the painting were stepping down, and he couldn't help but raise his eyes and look over. (To be continued)