Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 20: Confrontation and trading


Bai Yihao's lacquer-like eyes looked quietly at the delicate and charming girl in front of him. His clear eyes were as clear as water without a trace of dust. His long eyelashes trembled slightly, his eyes were calm, and his lips had a quiet smile. , standing in the wind, as if flying, I have never seen such a distant but determined girl.

I never thought that such a weak and charming girl could look at him with such calm eyes. Her eyes were wary and nervous, but not hostile. There was some helplessness and bitterness in those bright watery eyes. , her deep eyes are bright and sharp, completely different from her lovable appearance.

But she makes people feel even more distressed like this!

She seemed to be burdened with too much pressure. The calmness that was different from her age was completely imposed on her by the outside world. Although the stubbornness without trace in her eyes was almost invisible, he could see it clearly, almost. While sighing, he made a new decision.

"Why do you think I will help you? It would be detrimental to the reputation of a good lady to meet her husband like this." Bai Yihao raised the corners of his lips gently.

"If it weren't for an emergency, I would never dare to work for you." Mo Xuetong looked at him quietly, her eyes bright and charming.

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"I would like to thank you for your help at the city gate first, and then offer me a gift, please accept it." Mo Xuetong stepped back slightly, bowed to him gracefully, took out a book from his sleeve, and said respectfully Presenting it to him in exchange for a promise was the best way Mo Xuetong could think of.

"What happened that day was just a matter of effort, and getting a piece of piano music is enough. I can't bear Miss Mo San's repeated thanks." Bai Yihao did not reach out to take it, and stood up with his hands behind his back. He looked at her with a deep and unknowable gaze, and the sunlight passed through him. The light came from behind, making him look more elegant and free from dust.

"Please help me one more time, Master. With just a little effort, I can benefit from it for the rest of my life." Mo Xuetong begged almost humbly. When the people she met at the gate of the city told You Yuecheng about Master Bai, she said Knowing that it was him, it was actually difficult to impress such a person, but this was the only thought that she could not think of.

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Bai Yihao stared at her, his gentle voice was like a lover's whisper, but his meaning was distant and indifferent: "Why should I help you again? Your business has nothing to do with me."

"I would like to present this masterpiece of military art to the Young Master." Mo Xuetong stretched out his hand and held the ancient book in his hand closer to him.

Bai Yihao is by no means as indifferent as he appears in front of others. He will eventually become a generation of iron-blooded emperor. This unique book on the art of war must be more attractive to him than the music score. This book on the art of war is one she got from behind her mother's big bed. I found it in a hidden corner. I believe that for an ambitious person, this former orphan is what he needs.

In order to defeat Aunt Fang with one blow, she must do what he wants.

"I'm an idle hostage. What's the point of asking for military documents? Miss Mo San should just invite her back." Bai Yihao's face suddenly sank and he said coldly.

When he smiled, he was as gentle as water, but now he had a straight face, and his eyes even had a coldness and indifference, like a cliff covered by heavy fog, with an abyss inside, waiting for her to take one wrong step and fall into the realm of life and death. In the middle, there was no turning back. A fierce aura of killing and punishment was suppressed, making people feel chilled and horrified.

"Does Mr. Bai just want to be a hostage in the Qin State? With his good life and beautiful jade, he should have made great achievements. How can the Qin State lock the young master's ambition? If in the future... Is it hard to believe that this military book is not to please the young master?" The strong momentum Mo Xuetong forced herself to calm down, raised her pale little face, and stared at his face firmly. Only her slightly trembling hands could reveal her panicked expression.

She knew that it was dangerous to speak bluntly about other people's secrets, but she didn't have much time to deal with him. If she missed this time, she might not have the chance to meet him again in the future. While talking, the family sacrifice was just around the corner, and she couldn't afford to wait.

Bai Yihao didn't speak, only stared at her quietly. The air seemed to be thickened, which made people feel chilled and trembled from the bottom of their hearts for no reason. The only quiet sounds in the waterside pavilion were the sound of the wind blowing and Mo Xuetong's slightly heavy kiss. sound…

Just when Mo Xuetong couldn't hold himself any longer, Bai Yihao suddenly said gently: "Okay, then I'll help you again."

Bai Yihao reached out to take the book in his hand. Mo Xuetong heard his heart drop heavily and involuntarily leaned against the pillar beside him.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Bai Yihao picked up the remains of the military book, flipped through it and asked casually.

"On the day of the Mo Mansion's family sacrifice, my father must have invited the young master himself. I will ask the young master to come to the house to help. All I need to do is tell my father what I saw and heard." Mo Xuetong said.

During the family ceremony in his previous life, my father also invited Mr. Bai, a famous figure in the capital, but it was said that he had something to do and did not come.

"Okay! I'll go." Bai Yihao raised his head slightly, with his extremely handsome face and elegant and gentle voice, how could he not be confused if he was a woman.

"Then thank you so much, sir. I will leave first without hindering your elegance." Mo Xuetong's eyes were as clear as water. There was no trace of the fascination that an ordinary woman would have when she saw him, and there was no pretense of refusing to welcome him back. There was only alienation and escape. , but it was she who took the initiative to make an appointment.

"Go!" A smile curled up on his lips, and the beautiful boy pressed his fingers on the surface of the piano. The sound of the piano became clearer and clearer. Then he raised his fingers slightly and the music stopped.

Mo Xuetong's body trembled slightly, she bowed deeply, turned around and left slowly, her expression natural and elegant. The wind blew her wide skirt, as if flying, which made her waist slender and weak. Holding it tightly, she lowered her head under her plain clothes and walked in the corridor of the waterside pavilion, looking charming and delicate.

Only she knew that her backside was soaked in cold sweat, and the hands on the strings gave her a great crisis, making her heart tremble from the inside out, making her want to escape but not daring to escape, extremely... danger!

Bai Yihao was in danger at this time. When she spoke bluntly about her military strategy, her seemingly affectionate eyes clearly reflected the darkness that flashed across his face just now. He had murderous intentions towards her just now! His fingers were locked on the piano, and her Qi was also locked. As long as she was slightly abnormal, he would get into trouble.

The struggle between Qin and Yan has nothing to do with her. The struggle between countries is too far away from her. She has a small heart and only cares about the people around her. The rest has nothing to do with her. Big events are beyond what she, a weak girl in a concubine who is occasionally reborn, can bear.

If he hadn't been the only one to solve the problem, she would never have wanted to come to him.

This man is too dangerous!

"Miss, Miss, where have you gone? I've been looking for you, but I can't find you." Mo He anxiously ran over from the end of the corridor, holding her quilt in one hand.

"It's right here, don't worry, grandma is awake?" After Mo He fastened the cloak for her, Mo Xuetong looked at Mo He and asked with a smile.

"Young lady is really amazing. The old lady is really awake and looking for the young lady. When she heard that I was bringing a cloak for the young lady, she asked me to go back quickly. It was getting cold at this time. Mo Yu just told me that she would be back soon. Go back, miss, don't waste time and cause gossip in the house again." Mo He told Lingqing everything while following Mo Xuetong back.

Looking at the weather, it was indeed getting late. I would have to go home after saying goodbye to my grandma, and then come back to stay for a few days. I really couldn’t bear it any longer.

"I'll go in and say goodbye to grandma in a moment. Ask Mo Yu to get the car ready at the door first. Don't waste too much time on the road." Mo Xuetong warned carefully.

"My slave understands!"

As the two people walked around the moon cave door, the sweet voice slowly faded away.

A figure suddenly appeared behind Bai Yihao, who was leaning on the edge of the chair and watching them go away.

Bai Yihao's eyes followed Mo Xuetong's retreat, with a faint smile on his handsome and flawless face. He put his hand on the piano without making any sound, and his eyes were quiet and calm.

"Sir, are you just letting her go like this?" the young man who appeared behind Bai Yihao asked in confusion.

"Is it possible to keep her to accompany me to listen to the piano?" Bai Yihao asked gently without turning his head. He lowered his head, touched the strings with his fingers, and made a crisp sound.

"But Young Master, she discovered Young Master's secret..." The guard became anxious and took two steps forward to remind him.

"Secret, what secret does this young master have? Why don't I know it myself?" He turned around leisurely and asked slowly, with a smile on his face, handsome eyebrows and gentle eyes, looking calm and unconcerned, he stood up and looked up. With a flick of his sleeve, Shi Shiran ignored the guard, turned around and left along the path Mo Xuetong came from.

It wasn't until he left the corridor that the guard woke up. He packed up the young master's musical instruments in shock, not understanding what his young master meant! But he also knew that his young master’s decision could never be questioned by him!

Mo Xuetong said goodbye to the old lady and took Mo Yu and Mo He back to the house. As soon as she entered the yard, she saw Mrs. Xu rushing over. She pulled her aside hurriedly and said, "Miss, the eldest lady is here. Yes, I’m waiting for you in the yard.”

Is Mo Xuemin waiting for me? Mo Xuetong was stunned for a moment and asked, "Is there anyone else?"

The displeasure in Xu's mother's eyes could not be hidden from others.

"The eldest lady also brought a young master here. He said he was from the Zhenguo Hou Mansion and he is in the yard now." Mother Xu became dissatisfied with Mo Xuemin when she thought that Mo Xuemin had brought a man to the young lady's yard.

If the Da Qin family is friendly, the young masters and young ladies can meet each other, but it is extremely rude to intrude into the inner courtyard of a family like this.

"A young master?" Mo Xuetong frowned.

"It's the prince of the Marquis of Zhenguo. The eldest lady brought him here specially. He said he had something to tell the lady. The old slave didn't dare to ask any more questions. He just asked them to prepare tea under the tree on the corridor. Mo Lan was watching." Mother Xu She gritted her teeth and said that she wanted to ask clearly, but Mo Xuemin calmly said to her, "I can only talk to Third Sister about this matter."

She had nothing to say. No matter what, she was just a servant and had no control over the affairs of the ladies.

Mo Xuemin was bringing people in front of her to create an established fact. Over time, people would misunderstand that she and Sima Lingyun had a private relationship. Xu's mother obviously wanted to understand the reason behind this, so she was so flustered and anxious. .

"Mo Yu, Mo He, let's go to father's study together. Mom, you'll come find me soon. When you come, go to Fourth Sister's yard and go to father's study." Mo Xuetong pondered for a moment and smiled lightly. road. (To be continued)