Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 22: The aunt in the study is planning another poisonous plan


Seeing that the matter could not be concealed, Mo Xueqiong hurriedly cried and told the truth.

It turned out that when Mo Xueqiong came to Mo Xuetong's yard, she actually saw Mo Xuemin making tea for Sima Lingyun to drink. The two of them looked at each other very ambiguously, and Mo Xueqiong immediately became jealous.

Regardless, he rushed over to question Mo Xuemin, and finally pushed Mo Xuemin angrily, and then the two of them fell to the ground together, leaving them in a mess...

Mo Hua Wenqi's head was filled with smoke. He knew that his fourth daughter had never been decent, but he didn't expect that his eldest daughter would be so out of character today, not only bringing a foreign man into his sister's yard, but also getting along with him in such an ambiguous manner. She Do you want your reputation

"Go, go back to your own courtyard and copy the women's rings thirty times. If you don't finish copying, you are not allowed to leave the courtyard. Each of the maids with them will be given ten sticks. You can't even see the master. What do you want? Use it." Mo Huawen gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

Immediately, the maids and wives who were following Mo Xuemin and Mo Xueqiong couldn't stand, and they all knelt down in fear.

"Father, can you please spare them? This matter has nothing to do with them." Mo Xuemin kowtowed to Mo Huawen, her tone full of pity. Even the few people following Mo Xueqiong looked at Mo Xuemin gratefully. .

Mo Xuemin really never misses an opportunity to show her gentleness and generosity!

"Father, just follow the eldest sister's wishes and spare them. The eldest sister has always been very kind and would hate for others to suffer." Mo Xuetong reached out and tugged on Mo Huawen's sleeves and said in a low voice.

Every word she said seemed to be defending Mo Xuemin.

But saying this now made Mo Huawen even more angry!

She has always been kind and friendly, and she has always known etiquette. Why don't you see her becoming more polite today? Mo Huawen glared at her fiercely and said angrily: "One person plus ten sticks."

Immediately everyone looked at Mo Xuemin with resentment.

It’s Mo Xuetong, this little bitch, doing bad things again!

Mo Xuemin knelt on the ground, clenched her fingers, and pierced her palms with her long nails. A cruel look flashed in her eyes, but a soft smile appeared on her face: "Yes, father, this time Min'er thought wrong. Please My father forgives Min'er. When Min'er returns, she immediately burns incense, cleanses her clothes, and copies the girl's ring fifty times. She will never make such a mistake again."

Seeing that she had a good attitude, her eyes were full of regret, and she was sincere in letting go of the punishment, Mo Huawen felt a little relieved, but when he remembered that she was suspected of ruining the girl's reputation, his eyes darkened again, and he became impatient. He waved his hand and asked her to retreat.

Mo Xueqiong wanted to say a few more words, but was pulled by Mo Yan beside her. She stamped her feet angrily and backed away unwillingly.

After everyone retreated, Mo Huawen comforted Mo Xuetong and left Qingwei Garden.

After everything was tidied up in the yard, Mo Lan made another cup of tea for Mo Xuetong, brought it in, and told what happened in detail. It turned out that when Xu's mother was running in a hurry to the outer academy, she passed by Mo Xueqiong. In the garden, Mo Yan came out and grabbed her and asked why she was running in such a hurry.

Mother Xu said that the eldest lady was accompanying the Prince of Zhenguo in the third lady's garden, and the two of them had been waiting for two hours.

Mo Xueqiong has always been interested in Sima Lingyun. Mo Xuemin also promised her in private that there would be nothing between her and Sima Lingyun. Unexpectedly, the two of them stayed alone in the inner courtyard for two hours. Mo Xueqiong How could he endure it? He immediately led people into Qingwei Garden angrily, and what happened next happened naturally.

With such a sharp, reckless, and jealous Mo Xueqiong around, Mo Xuemin's body would be stained no matter how smart she was.

"Miss, why didn't you just say that it was the eldest lady who told Prince Zhen Guo that you had the music score?" Mo He gave Mo Xuetong a towel and asked Mo Xuetong to wipe his hands, turning his head in confusion and asking.

She had been standing outside the door just now, and heard clearly what was said inside.

"Eldest sister doesn't admit it, Sima Lingyun doesn't say anything, and who can testify against her? Speaking out will only make father unhappy. This is good. No evidence is the best evidence." Mo Xuetong smiled faintly and took a sip of tea. Putting the tea cup on the table, he leisurely watched Mo Lan playing with a pot of flowers placed in the vase by the window.

She has no evidence, but she has the original copy of the music score. No more than four people in the family know about it. Only Aunt Fang, who had been serving her mother at that time, knows about the orphan copy of the music score. How can outsiders get it? You know, my father has been in politics for a long time, experienced the ups and downs of officialdom, and then stood out among hundreds of officials. Of course he understands this.

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Mo He didn't understand. He was stunned for a while, then his eyes lit up and he was happy!

Mo Lan put down the vase in her hand and came over with a smile, pushing her and saying, "Why don't you go and get the things from the car for the lady to salute? The old lady has given a lot of things to the lady."

"Ah, yes, miss, I'll get it right away." Mo He suddenly realized it as he patted his head, no longer bothered, turned around and ran out.

Aunt Fang’s Lihuayuan!

Aunt Fang angrily grabbed a piece of porcelain at hand and threw it at her feet, and said angrily: "Why did that little bitch get into trouble with the eldest lady?" She was not in the house just now, and just came back from outside when she heard Nanny Li say When I heard about Mo Xuemin's punishment, I was so angry that I wanted to go find Mo Huawen, but I was held back by Grandma Li.

"The fourth lady ran there after hearing that the eldest lady went to Qingwei Garden." Grandma Li's people had already inquired about it and immediately told the whole story.

Aunt Fang slowly calmed down, looked at the empty door, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and suddenly asked: "Did that little bitch notice something?"

"No, the third lady was not here at the time, so it is impossible to know what happened in the yard." Aunt Li was Aunt Fang's confidant, and knew that Aunt Fang was talking about Mo Xuetong, so she immediately responded.

"Then why, this time this little bitch came back, I feel different..." He took advantage of every opportunity, first at the gate of the city, Min'er's failure, then his own "injury" was exposed and blamed, and then even the calm Min'er My son also fell into the trap, no matter how I looked at it, I felt suspicious.

"My aunt is too worried. She is an orphan who lost her mother. How can she have the courage to argue with my aunt and the eldest lady? The most she can do is rely on the momentum of the auxiliary Duke. How can she make a straightforward calculation against my aunt? With the eldest lady, she just got lucky these few times." Grandma Li really didn't like Mo Xuetong. Seeing that Mo Xuetong was not very powerful after entering the house, she had long forgotten the shame of that day and thought that she That day, it was because the people who assisted the Duke were around that he was so strong.

"Humph, that's right. Just let this little bitch dance around for a few days. Have you sent anyone to the prince's side?" Aunt Fang smiled sinisterly.

"Earlier when the prince went out, the old slave had someone tell him secretly. The prince promised that everything on his side would be perfect and that mistakes like today would never happen again." Aunt Li said proudly. The things set up by my aunt had already been solved. It has been decided that what will happen today is just to let the master have an idea in advance. When the incident about the third lady comes out, the master will act in accordance with the wishes of the aunt.

Unexpectedly, something went wrong, and even the eldest lady was implicated and punished.

But as long as the aunt's plan succeeds, the third lady will bear all the responsibilities, and the eldest lady will naturally be fine.

"Little bitch, let's see how many more days she can keep dancing." Aunt Fang said with a sinister smile. Suddenly she pointed to the left and said viciously: "That little bitch has to make her suffer. How dare she follow Min'er got into a fight and ruined Min'er's business. Let's ask someone to ask Aunt Qing to do more things tomorrow so that she won't have to teach this little bitch to be so stupid."

"Yes, I will ask someone to do it tomorrow." Grandma Li understood and said with a smile.

Early the next morning, Mo Xuemin went to the kitchen to cook some delicious dishes, asked Mo He to put them in the food box, and went to Mo Huawen's study. She had already known that Mo Huawen had no food last night. Go back to the inner house and sleep in the study outside. It's time to go to court.

In her previous life, she cared about Sima Lingyun specifically, so she even remembered the time when he went to court very clearly.

Sure enough, when Mo Huawen came back from the next morning, he didn't go back to the inner house. He only changed into casual clothes, frowned and sat in front of the public case to handle official business. When he saw Mo Xuetong's sweet and gentle smile peeking out from the door, his face couldn't help but relax.

Sitting aside, she watched quietly as Mo Xuetong took out the porridge and vegetables one by one. Her beautiful little face looked very much like Luo Xia. For a moment, she felt like she was seeing Luo Xia. Once upon a time, she too I once made some porridge and gently placed it in front of the table for myself, but now...

"Father, you can use porridge. Father hasn't used breakfast yet, but Tong'er has inquired clearly. Tong'er doesn't care. Today, father must reward him and give him a taste of Tong'er's craftsmanship!" Mo Xuetong turned around and said coquettishly.

"Okay, okay, father must try Tong'er's porridge." Mo Huawen nodded repeatedly, with tears in his eyes.

"Then father, try it quickly." Mo Xuetong stuffed a pair of chopsticks into his hands and said sweetly.

"Miss Third, you are really filial, but I am still late." A charming voice came from the door, disturbing the warmth between father and daughter. Mo Xuetong looked up and saw Aunt Fang holding her hand coquettishly. When Hanzi came, Grandma Li was carrying a food basket behind her, obviously bringing breakfast for Mo Huawen.

"What are you doing here?" Mo Huawen's face turned cold on the spot. Seeing Aunt Fang reminded him of the stupid thing Mo Xuemin did yesterday. How could he be happy

"My concubine heard that the master came to court and had nothing to eat, so she went to the kitchen to get some food. Unexpectedly, the third lady was more thoughtful and prepared the meal early. Master, it is indeed a blessing for the master that the third miss is so filial. ." Aunt Fang praised sincerely.

These words made Mo Huawen's expression soften, and he said calmly: "Since we are here, let's sit down and eat together."

No matter what, she is still half an elder and manages her own inner courtyard. She cannot be too shameless in front of the juniors. Although it makes her heart thorn in her heart to think that she lied to him, but thinking of her working so hard for the affairs of the palace, After many years, I can't get angry for a while.

Of course, Mo Xuetong didn't believe that Aunt Fang was sincerely praising her, but she still smiled, stood up, and asked Aunt Fang to take a seat.

"Tong'er is naturally filial. If Min'er can be so filial, I won't have to worry so much." Mo Huawen took a sip of porridge and said coldly.

"Sir, my concubine is here today to hand over the ring for Min'er. There is one more thing. Min'er, please don't blame me. She can't finish it at the moment. I wonder if the third lady can help her show her filial piety." Aunt Fang smiled and took out a stack of women's rings from her arms. The fair and just fonts on them showed that the person who copied them was very dedicated.

There are ten sheets in such a stack. At normal speed, Mo Xuemin would never be able to copy ten sheets, unless she stayed up all night and copied them all night long.

Mo Huawen was silent, and after a while he asked: "What else does she need to do?"

"Min'er once wanted to go to Bao'en Temple outside the city to pray for my wife. The original appointment was tomorrow, but even if Min'er didn't eat or sleep, she couldn't finish the thirty sheets... I wonder if the third lady can do it for Min'er. How about going once?" Aunt Fang asked in embarrassment.

Sure enough, he was waiting for me here! Mo Xuetong sneered in her heart. (To be continued)