Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 31: Putting the blame on the eastward misfortune brought disaster upon my aunt


Sure enough, something happened in the backyard. This morning, several maids saw that Shuangye hadn't gotten up for so long, so they went over to take a look. Who knew that when they opened the door, they saw a white figure hanging high at the door, which frightened the maids. He screamed and ran out. Several brave women came in and untied the frost leaves. He was already stiff and had long since run out of breath.

Xu's mother asked someone to come over and report Mo Huawen.

Someone died in Hao Duan Duan's house, and it was in Mo Xuetong's Qingwei Garden, especially since this person was the girl he was looking for just now. Mo Huawen's expression changed instantly, and he stood up suddenly.

"Master, this was found on Shuang Ye." The woman trembled as she handed over a letter.

Mo Huawen opened it with a sullen face and took a closer look, his face getting darker and darker.

Frostleaf is dead? Mo Xuetong was also stunned for a moment. Of course she didn't believe that Shuang Ye committed suicide. She glanced at Mo Xuemin from the corner of her eyes, and she saw a hint of pride hidden in her eyes. Was it Mo Xuemin who did it? How could she reach out to her own garden? Did she overlook something

"Shuangye killed herself. You go down and tell her family to restrain her." Mo Huawen read the letter and waved his hand to signal his mother-in-law to go down.

"Yes." The mother-in-law hurriedly retreated.

"Father, Shuang Ye committed suicide in my yard, why..." Mo Xuetong raised her head in panic.

"It's okay, it has nothing to do with you. It's just that she did something scandalous and was afraid of being exposed and punished." Mo Huawen touched Mo Xuetong's head lovingly, but his face darkened. How could it be such a coincidence.

"Father, what about me...can't you explain it clearly?" Mo Xuemin suddenly shed tears as she sat aside. Of course she knew that she had to act as aggrieved as possible at this time, sobbing and getting in front of Mo Xuetong. He spoke, fearing that Mo Xuetong would mess up his situation again.

"Min'er, don't go out during this period, and read some boudoir training at home." Seeing Mo Xuemin's sadness and helplessness, Mo Huawen finally believed her and comforted her. The only person who could prove Min'er's innocence committed suicide. Mo Huawen only hoped that those bad rumors would be eliminated automatically over time. Fortunately, Sima Lingyun had no evidence of Min'er.

"Yes, father." Mo Huamin calmly picked up the handkerchief and wiped the corners of his eyes, and looked at Mo Xuetong proudly.

Just thinking about it, Mo Xuetong sneered in her heart, turned around and Mo Huawen said softly,

"Father, Shuangye turned out to be a third-class maid next to my aunt. She had only been to Tong'er's Qingwei Garden for a few days. Maybe many of the things were from her aunt's Lihua Garden. Someone might have given those things to her as well. Strange Poor!" Mo Xuetong's face showed a bit of sadness, "Although she has only been with me for a few days, she has fulfilled her role as master and servant."

This means that the owner of Shuangye may be Aunt Fang!

Mo Xuetong knew something was wrong, her proud smile instantly froze on her face, and her face turned a little pale. She just wanted to accuse herself, but she didn't expect that Mo Xuetong would cleverly use Shuangye's identity to blame Aunt Fang. On the body.

"Min'er, is that Shuangye the third-class maid next to Aunt Fang?" Mo Huawen didn't notice anything unusual about Mo Xuemin, and his face turned cold as expected.

A third-class maid is only responsible for sweeping the yard. How did Sima Lingyun know her? Unless Sima Lingyun went to Aunt Fang's Lihua Courtyard, and the dignified prince of the country went to an aunt's yard. What does this mean...

"Father, although Shuangye is a maid, but because she is not born at home, her home is outside and she has to go out from time to time..." Mo Xuemin said anxiously. These are all the reasons that Mo Xuemin can think of now. How can she answer in this situation? Can she say that Shuangye and Sima Lingyun were involved in Aunt Fang's yard.

Mo Xuemin knew that she should explain calmly and appropriately at this time in order to make Mo Huawen believe it more, but she couldn't explain clearly. She meant that Shuangye was not involved with Sima Lingyun. She couldn't. That would make it clear to herself that she had finally found out. If she falls into it again, if she wants to continue to get Mo Huawen's love, she must maintain her former sense of intelligence, dexterity and gentleness.

"Father, Shuangye's matter must have nothing to do with my aunt. How could such a mistake happen when my aunt has been in charge of the inner courtyard for so many years? Sister, do you think so?" Mo Xuetong looked at Mo Xuemin and said sincerely, looking for an ally.

Although Mo Xuemin still maintained a gentle smile on her face, she was gritting her teeth with hatred in her heart. The opportunity she had worked so hard for was broken by Sima Lingyun before it even started, and then she fell into such a dishonorable rumor. In the end, she was finally ruined. Ye died, but found that things did not go in the expected direction. Aunt Fang, Aunt Fang was Mo Xuetong's final destination.

Does being in charge of the inner courtyard for many years mean that Aunt Fang has the opportunity to have something with Sima Lingyun, but she can prevent Mo Huawen from discovering that these little bitches Mo Xuetong's words are really too poisonous!

The two of them were actually at loggerheads about what happened in Baoen Temple. Especially when Mo Xuetong pretended to be worried and mentioned Aunt Fang again and again, Mo Xuemin wanted to tear her mouth apart. At that time, Mo Xuetong actually asked her about this matter and how she should answer.

Even a man can't stand the possibility that his aunt, who is in charge of the inner palace, may be colluding with his foreigner. Even if there is no evidence, he will be so angry that veins will bulge in his head.

"Okay, you all go back, I still have something to do." Mo Huawen felt the anger rising in his chest, and it almost broke out between the two daughters. He had no doubts about Mo Xuemin, but he set the target of suspicion. Regarding Aunt Fang, on the one hand, it was because Mo Xuemin had always had a good reputation, and on the other hand, she felt that if someone in the house colluded with the foreigner, the most likely person would be Aunt Fang.

Seeing Mo Huawen's face as gloomy as water, knowing that he was in a bad mood, the two of them did not dare to say anything and retreated from the study.

"Third sister, Shuang Ye died in Qingwei Garden. Third sister, do you really not know anything about it?" After walking out of the study, Mo Xuemin stood under the tree on one side, raised her eyes and asked coldly, with hatred in her eyes. , even if Aunt Fang doesn't make progress, she is still her biological mother. If bad rumors spread, it will cause great damage to her.

"What the eldest sister means is that Shuangye's death is related to me. Could it be that I have something to hold in her hands?" There are no outsiders here, just two maids standing half a step away. Mo Xuetong smiled charmingly, her eyes bright. With a smile on his face, he said the word "again" heavily.

This smile in Mo Xuetong's eyes was provocative and proud, making her seething with anger. There were no outsiders here, and she didn't need to pretend. She simply stared at Mo Xuetong fiercely and sneered: "Third sister is really scheming, and the eldest sister is really looking down on her." is you."

"I admire my eldest sister. My Qingwei Garden is really not safe. I have to tell my father when I have time. The entire Mo Mansion must be on guard against thieves." The sun shone on Mo Xuetong's face, and her beautiful face revealed Shining like the clear moon, she smiled slightly and bloomed like a flower, more beautiful than the flowers in the corner of the garden.

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After saying that, he bowed to Mo Xuemin Yingying, and Shi Shiran took the maid to the Chuihua Gate.

Behind her, Mo Xuemin's hands hidden in her sleeves clenched tightly, pinching her until it hurt to keep her clarity and not pounce on her.

She couldn't bring this matter to her again. If her father found out that she was the one who designed Mo Xuetong, her years of hard work would be in vain. She couldn't lose, she must not lose.

The Duke of Ming Dynasty would not marry a woman whose reputation was ruined, so Aunt Fang could only take the blame.

She comforted herself that as long as she had the opportunity to marry into the Duke of Ming Dynasty and marry You Yuecheng, whatever glory and wealth Aunt Fang wanted would be unobtainable, and she would definitely compensate her well in the future. Thinking like this, she held on tightly. Only then did her hand loosen up slowly. It was not that she refused to save her, I believe Aunt Fang can still handle this.

I had underestimated her before, but I never expected that this little bitch Mo Xuetong could be so cunning! It was more vicious than imagined, and a fire actually burned Aunt Fang, leaving her speechless.

"Miss, do you want to go to Lihua Garden?" Mo Jin took a few steps forward and asked carefully.

"Go back to Fuqingyuan." Mo Xuemin said coldly, holding the handkerchief, turned around and left bitterly. At this time, how could she go to Lihuayuan to report to the unaware Aunt Fang? Her father would definitely go to Lihuayuan immediately. .

She can't go. If Mo Huawen gets angry at Fang's aunt there, will she beg for mercy or not

If she doesn’t beg, people will say that her daughter is unsympathetic, heartless, and heartless, even letting go of her own mother, and everyone will look down upon her; if she begs, what will her father think of her? Is this still the gentle and general image she has always maintained? The whole thing was completely planned by that little bitch Mo Xuetong. No matter what she did, she would fall into Mo Xuetong's trap.

The most hateful thing is that she knows this but is powerless. This is something Mo Xuemin has never encountered before. She has no excuse and everything she does is wrong.

A small impatience will mess up a big plan. Don't ruin your future because of a moment of anger.

Inaction is action!

They each dispersed back to their own gardens, while Mo Huawen angrily led people to Aunt Fang's Lihua Garden.

Everyone in Lihuayuan kept silent about what happened that night.

I only know that not long after Mo Huawen entered, the people outside the courtyard heard the sound of breaking porcelain inside. Soon after, crying and shouting came from inside, and then the master left the Lihua Garden without looking back. All the servants I knew that the master was losing his temper. Ever since Aunt Fang came into the house, she had never been so angry.

The servants are trembling with fear!

In the next few days, although Aunt Fang was still in charge of the inner courtyard of the Mo Mansion, she heard that she had been very ill in the past two days and did not even leave the courtyard. Most of the things were ordered by Aunt Li, and everyone went in and out of Lihua. Everyone in the garden was frightened, and the smell of medicine was all over the yard, but Mo Huawen had not been there for a day, and only went to rest at Aunt Qing and Aunt Mo.

Mo Xuetong has been very comfortable these past few days. This time her body has recovered very well inexplicably. If she had been immersed in cold water before, she would have been sick for more than a month. Unexpectedly, in just a few days, she has recovered as before. , although it cannot be compared with Mo He and the others, it is not a serious problem, it just needs to be nursed back to health.

The weather was nice that day, the sun was shining brightly. Mother Xu took Mo Lan, Mo He, several older maids, and several younger maids to scrub Mo Xuetong's house inside and out. She specially asked Mo Yu to accompany Mo Xuetong was basking in the sun under the tree in the yard. Winter will officially enter in a few days, and it will be too inconvenient to scrub again.

Mo Xuetong lay lazily on the recliner, took a book and read it attentively.

It was a medical book that she found out from her mother. In her previous life, she was drugged and unable to get pregnant, and was forced to let Sima Lingyun's cousin in. Then she became pregnant and was unable to keep the child. Later, when she had Yu'er, she secretly studied medical books, diet, etc. On the other hand, Xu's mother and others were very careful and finally saved Yu'er, but unexpectedly, Mo Xuemin drank a glass of poisonous wine, and the child died unexpectedly.

Although he did not die under the poisonous wine of Mo Xuemin and Sima Lingyun, he did not have the energy to escape. He simply burned down the Xitang with a fire in order to avenge Yu'er...

When she was reborn, she swore that she would never let anyone poison her again in this life!

"Miss, look at this!" Mo Lan hurried over from the back room, carefully took out an item from his arms, put it in Mo Xuetong's hand, and said softly, "I found it in the luggage, it is definitely not ours."

Seal, a small seal!

It’s the seal of Sima Lingyun’s crown prince of Zhenguohou Mansion!

Mo Xue's eyes immediately turned cold. Of course she knew it. It was a token that Sima Lingyun carried close to his body. Even in the last life, he only let himself see it and never gave it to him. And in the end, when he died , but found it on Mo Xuemin’s neck...

His thoughts were spinning rapidly, he sorted out the causes and consequences, and immediately understood that this was the evidence that Shuangye had brought to him from Sima Lingyun that day, preparing to frame him for having an affair with Sima Lingyun.

My heart felt cold, and a plan flashed through my mind. Since the disaster has moved eastward, I might as well add another fire to make it burn even brighter! (To be continued)