Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 38: Understand the banquet layout


It's okay, he actually dared to go to his study to make trouble. Mo Huawen's anger at the other party's aunt exploded in his heart, and the veins on his forehead jumped. He shouted fiercely: "Have someone drag them down, and give each of them a thirty-strong beating." Ban, take your family and drive out of the Mo Mansion." It's really lawless, Aunt Fang really regards herself as the mistress, and she dares to challenge his authority!

How could he have misjudged such a bitch before and thought she was a virtuous one? He left Tong'er in Yuncheng because of her. Thinking that Tong'er almost died, Mo Huawen felt more and more sorry for Mo Xuetong. When he saw his daughter opposite Her watery eyes looked at her with concern, and all her resentment was directed at Aunt Fang.

"Old... Master!" The boy was stunned for a moment.

Thirty sticks can kill a person. Even if he doesn't die, he is still disabled, not to mention driving the whole family out of the house.

"Go quickly!" Mo Huawen shouted angrily.

"Yes!" The boy was frightened by his cold and stern voice. He had never seen Mo Huawen get so angry before. Without any hesitation, he turned around and ran out!

"Father, don't be angry! What happened in the backyard..." Seeing Mo Huawen's anger, Mo Xuetong's eyes showed a bit of worry. She stepped forward and pulled Mo Huawen's sleeves and said, "Aunt Fang..."

"There's no need to mention her again. Tong'er just needs to take good care of her injuries. I'll take care of the other things." Mo Huawen also felt annoyed when he heard Aunt Fang's name at this time.

"Yes!" Mo Xuetong nodded obediently, and changed the subject obediently: "Father, in a few days, Tong'er will go to her grandfather's house. Can father send Tong'er there? Tong'er really wants to go with her father."

Because when he returned to the capital, he was blocked by his uncle from the city gate. Since then, the relationship between the Mo Mansion and the Fuguo Duke's Mansion has faded away. Apart from sending gifts during the season, he has not visited the capital again for more than a year. , when he saw his daughter looking at him with a pair of innocent eyes, she felt that her heart was soft, and she couldn't say any more words of rejection, so she nodded and agreed unconsciously.

When Mo Xuetong heard this, she was immediately overjoyed, her lips curved into a charming smile, and she said coquettishly: "Thank you, father! Father must not forget it then!"

"I won't forget that Tong'er has been resting in the yard these past few days. After the injury on his leg has healed, he can go to your grandma's house to learn the rules. Don't make your grandma feel distressed! Then you'll blame me again. It's not my father!" Mo Huawen was in a good mood and reached out to touch Mo Xuetong's head, showing a satisfied smile at his daughter's flowery smile, making a rare joke.

Tong'er is really an easy-to-satisfy child. Just accompanying her to a maternal home made her smile and her eyes soar. Thinking of such a delicate and sensible child, but being abandoned by him in Yuncheng and ignored for more than a year, it made her feel sad in her heart. The guilt grew stronger, and I secretly made up my mind not to let this child suffer any injustice again.

The eyes looking at Mo Xuetong became softer and softer.

"Yes, father, Tong'er must listen to you, take good care of yourself and be filial to your father. Father, is the housekeeper here to find you? He has been standing there for a long time. Tong'er saw it just now, but if father If you don't agree to Tong'er's request, Tong'er won't tell her father." Mo Xuetong pointed at the butler who had just come over and was standing under the tree, and smiled proudly.

Seeing the cunning plan succeeding, a stone collapsed in Mo Huawen's heart. He and her daughter were so cute, how could they do such a vicious thing? He reached out and rubbed the top of her hair again, and said with a smile: " Tong'er is blackmailing her father!"

"Anyway, my father has agreed now, so I can't refuse." Mo Xuetong's eyes were bright, as if his eyes were filled with happiness.

"Okay, not bad, I will definitely accompany Tong'er to my grandfather's house." Mo Huawen was in a good mood, and he felt the suffocation in his chest disappear.

"Then my father has something to do, Tong'er will leave first."

"Go, go!" Mo Huawen smiled and waved, then turned to Mo Yu and told Mo Yu to support Mo Xuetong, and led the housekeeper out of the garden.

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In the next three days, Mo Xuetong hid in Qingwei Garden to recover from her injuries, but the news about Mo Mansion still reached her ears.

First, the two women were beaten with a cane, beaten half to death, and the whole family was sold, so no one dared to trouble Mo Huawen with such a trivial matter, and then Aunt Mo broke the two mouths. The maids were sold by Po Po. These two maids belonged to Aunt Fang's Lihuayuan.

As expected, Mo Xuemin was cautious in doing things and would never let anyone take advantage of her casually.

Early in the morning, Mo He came in with a smile and a letter, handed it to Mo Xuetong and said, "Miss, this is the letter sent from Duke Fu Guo's Mansion just now!"

Mo Xuetong's lips curved into a smile when she read the letter from her grandmother. She opened the envelope and said, "Have you asked how your grandmother is doing?"

"All the servants asked, and the man said that everything is well with the old lady. Since the young lady came to Beijing, the old lady has eaten a few more bowls of rice!" Mo He replied.

"In a few days we will go to the Duke Fu's Mansion. You can pack some clothes for me later. Don't bring those tedious things. Remember to bring those medical books with you." Mo Xuetong said casually, paying attention. But it's on the letter paper in my hand.

"Don't worry, miss, Mo Lan has already packed everything and put it all in a wicker box..."

After reading the letter in her hand, Mo Xuetong's expression changed, she folded the letter paper in her hand and asked, "Has someone come to inform us about the flower viewing party?"

"Flower viewing banquet?" Mo He thought about it for a moment, shook his head blankly, frowned and couldn't remember. Although she went out to inquire about information from time to time, no one really mentioned the flower viewing banquet. She didn't know where it was. The banquet at home is so important to the lady.

Mo Xuetong pinched the letter in her hand, her eyes cold.

The flower viewing banquet in the palace only entertains the legitimate sons and daughters of the fifth-rank and above imperial officials. Every legitimate son and daughter of the palace will have an invitation. In her previous life, her appearance was ruined soon after she returned to the capital, and she suffered from low self-esteem. Wearing a veil, she went to the flower-viewing party, but she never expected that this flower-viewing party would be the beginning of her humiliation.

That feast flashed before her eyes like a nightmare, and she remembered even the details very clearly. In the panic and chaos, she was helpless and fearful, holding her head and shrinking to one side. People in the audience were gesticulating and ridiculing. Although Mo Lan supported her , but she couldn't stop others' attacks. That time, she was severely injured, which destroyed all the pride in her heart. From then on, she became more and more timid, and she no longer dared to show herself in front of others.

The glass of water was poured on her veil. Mo Xuemin hurriedly wiped it for herself, and in a panic, she tore off the veil. The people's laughter was like the disgusting smell of rotting meat...

Now that I think about it, there is Mo Xuemin's shadow behind all of this.

But what Mo Xuetong wants to know most now is, how did she enter the palace? There is only one legitimate daughter in the Mo Mansion, and it is impossible for the palace to send two posters. Why can she go in? Even if he wants her to accompany him, how can the guards at the palace gate let her in? A ripple flashed through my mind, but I couldn't catch it for the moment.

Mo Xuemin brought that post in front of her in her previous life, and gently told herself that this flower viewing feast was given to officials in the palace to show their face, and they must participate. Her face was ruined, so how could she be in the mood to participate, but she He told himself gently that she would go into the palace to help him, and just go through the motions and come out, and everything would be fine.

Then, it was the accident that was devastating to him that crippled his spirit...

An accident, how could it be an accident... If you still think it is an accident, your two lives will be in vain!

Mo Xuetong stood up, walked slowly to the window, opened the window, and looked at the sky outside the window. The sky had turned sunny at some point. It had been raining for several days, and even the sky had become fresh and clean. , but she couldn't see the refreshing feeling in people's hearts, only felt the dullness in her heart.

"Mo He, you will send someone to ask Aunt Mo later. I will attend the flower viewing party tomorrow. How are the clothes I am wearing?" Mo Xuetong lowered her eyes, with a faint smile on her lips, her face calmed down, and she walked back slowly. He sat down on the couch and asked softly.

In the last life, Mo Xuemin personally sent the invitations because of her disability. In this life, there was no news from her. Did she use her own invitations

"Miss, when did you ask Aunt Mo to customize the clothes?" Mo He asked in surprise. She had never heard the lady talk about it before.

"Miss, let me go. I happened to ask Aunt Mo to get some needlework. There are no more colored threads in the room. Miss embroidered with a lot of thread missing." Mo Lan picked up the curtain cage and walked over, taking over the topic with a smile. He winked at Mo He and asked her to follow him out, and Mo He followed him out obediently.

Only Mo Xuetong was left sitting there quietly in the room, looking at the envelope on the table with a cold smile on her lips. Since Mo Xuetong dared to take the invitation from her legitimate daughter, she must have something to rely on. Tomorrow is flower viewing. Banquet, if Mo Xuemin wanted to attend the banquet, she would definitely make new clothes!

In the last life, every time she attended a grand banquet, Mo Xuemin would make people look the most beautiful and up-to-date in private. Many times, Mo Xuemin's maid Mo Jin would come to ask for the jewelry left by her mother. , with her clothes reflecting her clothes. Of course, none of these accessories returned to her hands in the end.

In this life, the two of them have broken up. Of course, Mo Xuemin will never do such a thing that can attract people's attention, but her persistence in beautiful clothes will not fade away. Those clothes must be in the hands of the sewing class at home. Carefully sewed, Aunt Fang was in charge of internal affairs a while ago, and only a few of their confidants knew about it.

It's different now. Aunt Mo is in charge of clothing. This matter cannot be hidden. Mo Xuemin definitely didn't expect that Aunt Fang would fall so quickly.

Now I want Aunt Mo to take out the clothes she used to attend the flower viewing party. Aunt Mo will definitely not be able to take out her clothes. She has only been in charge of housework for a short time, so how can she dare to take on such a responsibility, so she will definitely tell her father that this matter will be resolved by then. If the commotion becomes too big, it will be impossible for Mo Xuemin to secretly attend the flower viewing banquet.

No matter how capable Aunt Fang was in the past, she had lost several of her close men, either killed, maimed or sold. How could anyone dare to openly disobey her father's orders? Besides, she was now locked up in the pear garden and had gone through all these things. Secondly, why don't you want to find another way

If you dare to stretch your hand again, it will only make your father more annoying. With Mo Xuemin here, I believe Aunt Fang will show weakness soon!

In her previous life, she had deceived her father into trusting her again and again like this!

She can also pretend to be weak! (To be continued)