Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 50: He seduced the concubine of the King of Chu and suffered disaster


Mo Xuetong ignored the ladies who were blushing at what she said. She turned her head and bowed respectfully to Feng Jue Xuanjiao: "Excuse me, eldest prince, what's going on with eldest sister?"

She was 100% sure that Feng Juexuan had different thoughts from Mo Xuemin.

No matter whether Feng Juexuan and Mo Huamin are really related or not, they will definitely maintain everyone's dignity on the surface. After all, if it is rumored that he has secretly communicated with the concubine of a fifth-rank imperial official, it will not only lose the face of the Mo family, but also the external rumors This King of Chu has an excellent reputation. It is very important for him to obtain such a good reputation in order to win the throne. He will never ruin his reputation for a woman.

And this is what Mo Xuetong wants. One sentence from Chu Wang Feng Juexuan is more effective than ten thousand words from others.

Sure enough, Feng Jue Xuan explained with a gentle smile: "I don't know what happened to Miss Mo. I was resting in the pavilion. Miss Mo suddenly fainted when she walked to the entrance of the pavilion. I asked the little girl to The eunuch helped Miss Mo aside to rest, and the young eunuch went to find the imperial doctor at this time, and he will be here soon."

"Thank you, King Chu!" Mo Xuetong had a hint of appropriate gratitude on her face, as if she was really grateful to Feng Juexuan for being able to help Mo Xuemin into the pavilion to take a rest, and then gave her a deep blessing, playing the role of a good sister. Then he took two steps back politely, keeping his distance from Feng Juexuan.

This small act of avoiding suspicion was immediately recognized by several ladies. Looking at Mo Xuetong, their eyes did not understand the hostility, and became softer and gentler. This Miss Mo is not as untalented and coquettish as the rumors say. Of course, Mo Xuetong The eldest lady's behavior today is not what a generous and gentle woman should do.

The rumors are indeed rumors!

The Mo family must be run by aunts and concubines!

We are all legitimate daughters. Who doesn’t know that even though their mother is the principal wife, sometimes she is no match for an aunt’s charming smile. Only the legitimate daughter of the principal wife can understand and see the pain in this. Feeling sympathy for each other, the looks in the eyes of several young ladies looking at Mo Xuetong have become kind, and they even have a faint intention of protecting him.

"Third Miss, don't be anxious. I'm afraid your eldest sister will wake up soon. The weather isn't hot here, so it could be heatstroke or something." Someone had already seen her pale face and was anxious to comfort her.

"It's okay. Look at your eldest sister's rosy face. It's not okay for you to be afraid of your own health. It's okay for the eldest sister to rush you out. It's true in your family. The eldest sister doesn't take care of the little sister, but lets the little sister I'm so anxious to get angry." Another person defended her.

Feng Jue It is not well-conditioned, and the faint crystal paleness on the transparent jade-like skin is very distressing.

She stood there quietly with a smile on her lips. Her plain white dress with a girlish vitality was blown up by the wind. She was as agile as a fairy in the sky. Her natural fragility and the noble demeanor of a legitimate daughter were harmonious in her body. The combination of the display, coupled with a bit of innocence and childishness, is very attractive in every aspect.

She is very beautiful. In this picturesque pavilion, she is the centerpiece of color. Her eyes are like autumn water, and there is a mist of sadness between her eyebrows. She is so vivid and heart-wrenching.

"Ladies, please sit down first. The imperial doctor may not be here for a while." Feng Juexuan first sat down in the pavilion. With a gentle smile on his gentle face, he swept across the faces of each young lady and suddenly felt ashamed. She became very popular, and everyone was very happy to be able to sit with the King of Chu and have a conversation. Thinking that she might be in the favor of the King of Chu, she would stay for the dinner tonight.

Everyone's faces were flushed with excitement, there was nothing they wouldn't want to do! They all bowed to Feng Juexuan and sat down close to each other against the sloping railing outside.

After sitting down, Feng Juoran looked at the delicate girl sitting diagonally opposite Mo Xuemin with a smile on her lips, and asked gently: "Did Miss Mo San just come to the capital? Where did she live before? Why not? Going to Beijing with Mr. Mo?"

He asked questions one after another, which really made it difficult for Mo Xuetong to answer, especially now that he was still the center of all the girls. Anyone who talked to him would definitely arouse the jealousy of other good girls. Mo Xuetong didn't know how she could She caught the eye of the King of Chu, and Mo Xuemin, who looked aside, felt depressed.

She sighed helplessly in her heart, opened her mouth and was about to speak, when she suddenly caught Mo Xuemin's eyelashes flashing, and a sly dark light flashed in her eyes in surprise. Her face was calm, and her smile was particularly sweet and gentle.

Mo Xuemin wanted to pretend to be dizzy and stay out of the matter, but it was up to her whether she agreed or not.

"My little girl has been staying in Yuncheng due to unwellness." She replied, answering both questions in one sentence. She was not annoying in a sloppy manner, nor did she deliberately fail to reply, making light of the noble eldest prince in front of her. As he spoke, he reached out and put Mo Xuemin's head hanging on one side in his arms.

She was still small, and her arms were a little slender. Mo Xuemin's head was half resting on her arm. It looked really tiring to her, but her movements were slow and gentle, obviously because she was afraid that Mo Xuemin's head would be uncomfortable resting there. Delicate appearance, gentle and touching, without any hint of impatience.

Seeing her meticulous and skillful technique, a young lady next to her couldn't help but asked in confusion: "Miss Mo San, is your eldest sister always in poor health, so that's why you take care of her so skillfully?"

Although these words were light, they aroused everyone's gossip, and for a moment everyone looked at her with burning eyes.

If the eldest daughter of the Mo family really has a hidden illness, that would be big news. Who would be willing to marry a wife with poor health? Not only will she not be able to take care of her husband, but she will also be in trouble for the children. This is a big deal. No matter how many concubines and concubines there are, they are not as important as the legitimate sons and daughters.

Everyone understands this!

If rumors spread that she was secretly jealous, her marriage would be greatly compromised. Mo Xuemin, who was leaning in Mo Xuetong's arms, would hate Mo Xuetong even more, and she broke out in a cold sweat.

What Mo Xuemin never expected was that when she arrived at the door of the pavilion and met Feng Juexuan's stunned eyes, her eyes darkened and she actually fell down. She didn't really faint. She fainted for a while. She woke up after getting dizzy. Unexpectedly, there was a little eunuch in the pavilion. Feng Juexuan didn't come up to pick her up, but asked the little eunuch to pick her up and put her on the railing aside.

Then the little eunuch was sent to find the imperial doctor. The two of them were really left in the pavilion. They were secretly thinking about whether to wake up. They thanked her delicately and started chatting with them, but then a group of young ladies rushed in. The chatter was all about her and others. If it was a private exchange, it would be irrational to wake up immediately at this time. She could only continue to pretend to be faint and wait and see what happens.

She hated and tore these bitches apart in her heart. All her good plans were ruined, but she had to faint on purpose. Fortunately, those bitches were not just talking about her, thinking of Mo Xuetong. I was ridiculed on the spot, but I felt calm again and just watched the show.

Unexpectedly, Mo Xuetong carefully placed her on her elbow and dragged her into the center of the topic.

These words were really bad. If Mo Xuetong said something unfavorable to her again at this moment, it would be really bad! King Chu is still sitting across from him. Mo Xuetong, this little bitch, is so vicious!

"Sister... She is in very good health. She has never fainted before. Really, she is in good health." Mo Xuetong's eyes flashed, she stuttered, and she looked at the person in front of her with a guilty conscience. Fang Jizhuan blushed, but she still answered firmly, but anyone could see the fragility in her words. She clearly didn't mean what she said and just wanted to protect her eldest sister.

"Then why is Miss Mo San, a young lady from a wealthy family, so meticulous and skillful in taking care of people?" Someone asked in disbelief, not intending to let her go.

A sneer flashed across Mo Xuetong's lips, but she lowered her head and no one noticed. In her previous life, she really didn't know how to take care of others before marriage, but when she arrived at the house of the declining Sima Lingyun, his stern mother was not in good health. She also took pleasure in torturing her from time to time. Because she felt ashamed of her appearance and Sima Lingyun, she did not dare to slack off at all. Even if she beat and scolded her, she was the one who took care of and served others. It doesn’t matter if you’re not proficient at it.

Seeing everyone looking at her with blazing eyes, Mo Xuetong seemed to be frightened. She murmured and seemed speechless for a moment. Her watery eyes raised timidly, with a bit of innocence and confusion, and she bit Her lips were pretending to be calm, but her eyes were a little wandering. Everyone could see that she didn't mean what she said: "My mother is not in good health, so she knows how to take care of others."

Whose mother is in poor health and needs to rely on her young daughter. It’s not that she doesn’t have a maid to take care of her, nor is she deliberately tormenting her daughter. How can such a thing happen? It’s obviously a deliberate excuse for other things. You can tell by looking at it that he is covering up for Miss Mo.

But Mo Xuemin was really anxious and couldn't pretend any longer. Mo Xuetong, a little bitch, didn't know how to organize herself. If such rumors really spread, I'm afraid the marriage she wanted to seek would really not be possible anymore. The royal family How could she accept a frail woman who fainted from time to time as the prince's concubine, let alone the role of her mother in the world in the future.

She could no longer faint and let Mo Xuetong talk nonsense.

After making up his mind, he moved his head slightly, as if he had just woken up. He stroked his head and pretended to be awake. He opened his eyes, and his confused eyes looked at Feng Juexuan opposite him. He smiled softly and helped him. Mo Xuemin stood up and smiled happily: "Thank you, King Chu. My daughter was a little late when she visited her mother yesterday. The wind blew. She felt uncomfortable when she woke up today. She just drank a few glasses of wine and was a little tipsy. Only then did he faint for a moment, making King Chu laugh."

Mo Xuemin is already pretty, and her gentle and generous smile can win the favor of others. Coupled with her gentle voice and pink cheeks, she does not look sick. It turns out that it is really because of the blowjob at night. Wind, coupled with drunkenness.

"It's no trouble. Miss Mo should take care of herself when traveling in the future." Feng Juexuan smiled politely. He had always been gentle. At this time, Mo Xuemin's smile became even more intoxicating, which made several ladies around him look at her. Mo Xuemin became even more displeased.

"Isn't Miss Mo's mother gone? When did she have a mother-in-law again? Could it be that Mr. Mo has renewed his relationship? This is too soon. Isn't it that he hasn't paid filial piety yet? Why did he..." Sit down A young lady on the right side of Yimo Xuetong smiled nonchalantly, as if she was just asking casually, but her words were very sharp.

"I made a mistake. I was anxious to explain that it was my aunt." Mo Xuemin blushed and explained gently.

"A aunt is worthy of the eldest daughter of the Mo family. She stayed up late at night to visit. It's still too late. Could it be that we are discussing whether Miss Mo can attend the flower viewing banquet today?" These words were rushed and unceremonious. Smashed over.

Mo Xuemin frowned. Although these ladies usually disliked her, they were not so sharp. Today, they all seemed to have eaten dynamite, and their words were rude.

"Why are third sisters here? You are not familiar with the palace. If you run away and disappear, how will the eldest sister find you later?" Mo Xuemin simply pretended not to hear what they said, turned to Mo Xuetong and frowned.

What he said was that Mo Xuetong was ignorant and ran around with several ladies. If taken seriously, it meant that he was deliberately recruiting people to talk to her, the eldest sister, and she clearly had bad intentions.

All the ladies were understanding people, and they felt depressed when they heard this. Some of them couldn't help but stand up.

"Sister..." Mo Xuetong felt aggrieved for a moment and stood up, rubbing the handkerchief with her fingers. She muttered two words before being interrupted.

"This isn't the first time Miss Mo has come to the palace, right? Why do you let Miss Mo wait there and come here to see King Chu all by yourself? Shouldn't my sisters help me?" A young lady nearby looked at her. Not wanting to go on anymore, he sneered and said, "I want to hook up with the King of Chu, but I still blame my own sister for bad things. It's really shameless."

"Miss Mo San is here because we were afraid that Miss Mo would run into the men's seat because she didn't know the way. It really has nothing to do with Miss Mo San." Since we are all legitimate daughters, we can't stand it. The concubine is so arrogant that she has nothing to do with men. She blames her sister for bringing people to do bad things, and someone else complained about Mo Xuetong.

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Feng Juexuan, who was sitting on the side, glanced at Mo Xuemin calmly, his eyes bottomless.

"Ladies, stop talking. I didn't mean to say that I did it on purpose..." Seeing that everyone else was talking about Mo Xuetong, Mo Xuetong raised her clear eyes and bit her lip to explain, then turned around and faced Mo decisively. Xue Min said, "Sister, if you are okay, let's go back."

Going back now means voluntarily giving up attending the dinner party, and has no intention of taking the position of the prince's concubine or concubine... (To be continued)