Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 52: Mo Xuemin dreams of breaking Qingyun Road


"What's the matter?" Mo Xuetong closed her eyes and said calmly while leaning on the soft pillow.

"I don't know much about this slave. Just when a group of people brought the eldest lady in, Mo Ye heard the noise and went to check it out. He said that there were still a few eunuchs. The master even called Aunt Fang who was in prison. The master is now bringing Let's go to the eldest lady's Fuqingyuan." Mo Lan didn't know much, but she knew what happened during the day.

Something happened in the palace, big or small!

Mo Xuemin hoped to win the favor of King Chu and get a concubine position based on her appearance.

But Mo Xuetong knew that she was thinking too much.

Mo Xuemin was the one who entered the palace at this time in her previous life. When she returned to the Mo Mansion, she never heard of any entanglement between Mo Xuemin and the princes. With Mo Xuemin's temperament, it was impossible to flatter the prince who aspired to the supreme position. You Guo Although the Duke's palace is noble, in Mo Xuemin's heart he certainly cannot be compared with the princes and princes.

No matter in her previous life or this life, Mo Xuemin would never have imagined that this banquet would cut off her Qingyun Road. In her previous life, she had been chasing You Yuecheng for several years without any results. This is probably one of the important reasons. .

"Where's Mo Ye?"

"She just told the slave to go and stare at Fu Qingyuan again. She said that she would reply to the lady after the stare is complete." Several maids around Mo Xuetong said that Mo Lan knew Mo Ye's extraordinary best, and she usually talked to Mo Ye Also the closest.

"Wake me up when she comes back." Mo Xuetong yawned lazily and found a comfortable position to lie down.

"Yes." Mo Lan took the candlestick and went out.

Mo Xuetong slept comfortably. When she woke up, Mo Ye had come back. Mo Lan waited for her to wash up, and Mo Ye reported what she saw and heard.

"You said that the eldest lady bumped into the noble man and offended the noble man?" Mo Xuetong said calmly while sitting in front of the dressing table. Mo Lan combed her long black hair, and a woman's childish face was reflected in the mirror. The face was gentle and fragile, as if it were a fragile porcelain bottle, but it reflected a bit of icy coldness in the morning light.

"My servant saw that the eldest lady had been slapped twice on the face. Her clothes were in messy condition, and even her hair was disheveled." Mo Ye didn't sleep last night, so he mingled with the maids in the outer garden. Although they were far apart, they were still there. She is a martial arts practitioner, has good eyesight and ears, and has a general idea.

There are many nobles in this palace, none of whom Mo Xuemin can afford to offend, but those who can work eunuchs to send out young ladies from aristocratic families overnight are not ordinary nobles.

How could Mo Xuetong not be able to calm down and contradict that noble man because of his profoundness? Mo Xuetong was well aware of Mo Xuetong's forbearance. In her previous life, she only showed her ferocious and vicious face when she asked for a cup of poison to kill herself.

"Has Mo Jin come back?" A bright light suddenly flashed in his mind, and this sentence was an affirmative sentence.

"Yes, I didn't see Mo Jin. The only one sent back from the palace was the eldest lady." Fuqingyuan was in chaos, and the maid and mother-in-law were driven outside the courtyard. Mo Ye kept paying attention and found out. Only Mo Xiu was there, but Mo Jin, who was the most respected, was nowhere to be seen. After a little inquiry, he found out that only Mo Xuemin left the palace alone.

Of course, it was impossible for a little maid to survive such a scandal. In her previous life, Mo Xuetong thought that what Luo Mingzhu told her in private was a rumor that could not be trusted. How could her gentle and generous eldest sister do such a thing? Now she thought about it. It seems that this is at least mostly true.

In her previous life, Luo Mingzhu once told her to be careful about Mo Xuemin. This was what she was talking about at that time. She said that Mo Xuemin had a bad character and wanted to have a tryst with the King of Chu when he entered the palace. She sent a note privately, but she didn't expect that the eldest prince didn't come. But it was the fifth princess who threw Mo Xuemin's note in Mo Xuemin's face.

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This note directly killed the fact that Mo Xuemin shamelessly hooked up with the King of Chu. Mo Xuemin was slapped ten times and sent back to the palace. Mo Xuemin's dream of entering the palace in her previous life was shattered because it was said that the queen heard about it and He also sent someone to reprimand her, saying: "This girl is sexually promiscuous and is a disorderly person in the palace. She is not allowed to enter."

These few words knocked Mo Xuemin off the top of her dream, and she no longer had anything to do with a real wealthy family.

The things that were said in the previous life were happening before his eyes. A silent sneer passed over her lips. In this life, Mo Xuemin could no longer climb up to a high position by stepping on her...

Someone was trying to cover up this matter, but she didn't want to think about it. If it was just because of this, the Prince of Chu's palace only had several concubines, and her father was highly valued by the emperor, so why should the queen be so merciless.

"Mo Lan, go find Mother Xu and find out what happened in the house yesterday. Ask a few more people. If anyone asks about Mo Jin, there is no need to hide it." Mo Xuetong said calmly.

"If you let Mother Xu go, will it make the master suspicious of the young lady?" Mo Lan understood what she meant after thinking about it for a while, but still said uneasy.

"I just care about my sister. There are too many people in this mansion and they talk too much. I, a young lady who just joined the mansion, can't take care of it. I heard that Mo Jin's mother-in-law is still the manager of this mansion?" Mo Xue Tongzhu's lips parted slightly and she smiled.

"Mo Jin's father was promoted by Aunt Fang, who is still the second housekeeper. Her mother is also the housekeeper in the kitchen. There seems to be a brother in the family who is not in good health and is not on duty in the house." Both Mo Lan and Mo Jin They are children of the same family in the mansion and know each other's situation.

"The eldest lady is back, but my daughter is missing. Someone is more anxious than us! But I'm afraid we don't know it yet." Mo Xuetong stood up leisurely, her long hair was not tied up, and it was scattered behind her, and she turned around. Standing in front of the window, the winter sky is getting early and late, and it doesn't seem to be completely bright outside at this time.

The color of the morning light still failed to break through the last darkness before dawn.

If someone escaped at this time, no one in the mansion would pay attention. Both his father and Mo Xuemin must have been exhausted last night, and no one would care about someone escaping in the mansion.

"Mo Lan, go quickly. Mother Xu knows all the old people in the house. If you have any questions, you can ask clearly." Of course, these words spread faster. The masters haven't gotten up yet, and the servants are gone. Control it, it won't take long for Mo Xuemin's story to spread throughout the house.

"Yes, I will go and tell Mother Xu immediately." Seeing that her young lady was confident, Mo Lan said decisively, turned around, raised the curtain, and hurriedly went to the right wing to find Mother Xu.

"Mo Ye, you haven't been in the house for long, but should you know the back door?" Mo Xuetong turned around and walked to the dressing table. Mo Ye took over Mo Lan's work with a comb in his hand and wanted to fix Mo Xuetong's hair, but... After being stopped by her, he took the comb in her hand, combed it twice, and asked with a smile.

"Yes, I know that this place is run by an old woman. The door should be open at this time, but there are two women watching the door. It's not easy to get out." Although Mo Ye didn't know that Mo Xuetong What did he want to do, but he knew that what she just said had profound meaning, so he followed her tone.

"You go to the back door and lure the two ladies away. It's really hard for people to escape if you keep blocking the way." Mo Xuetong spoke softly, her light-colored cherry lips showing a little bit of plumpness and beauty, revealing something feminine. He is childish and naive, but inexplicably makes people feel cold. His smile is light but there is no joy in it.

Mo Ye responded immediately, without asking a word, turned around and lifted the curtain and went out, as if all she wanted to do was to pull away the two little maids who were arguing at the door.

Ever since Mo Xuetong allowed herself to be immersed in a water tank in such a cold weather to hide from Sima Lingyun, Mo Ye knew that the young lady in front of her was not as weak, decisive, and cruel as she seemed. Even a man with advanced cultivation may not be able to do it.

It is easy to be cruel to others, but to be cruel to oneself, there are still a few people who do it.

Seeing that the two people in the room had left, Mo Yu went out and tied Mo Xuetong's hair into a simple yet elegant bun.

Mo Xuetong then went to the small kitchen in her yard and went down to the kitchen to make porridge and vegetables. She also cooked some fine dishes. It was too early and her father was up most of the night last night. He would not get up early today.

After Mo Xuetong finished washing her hands, she took Mo Yu to Mo Huawen's outer study. Mo Huawen slept in the outer study every day for a while and never entered the inner courtyard. He didn't even go to his aunts. When he entered the courtyard, he saw Mo Huawen. The servant of Huamen was squatting under the tree at the door with a frown on his face. When he saw Mo Xuetong, his eyes lit up and he hurried over to salute and said, "I have seen him before, Miss Third."

"Where's father?"

"I just got up, but I'm not in the mood for breakfast. I'm reading official documents at the moment." The boy said distressedly, pointing to the food basket at hand.

Such a thing happened at home, and it was related to the palace. How could her father sleep? She got up at this time. I'm afraid she didn't sleep much all night. She felt a little guilty for her father inexplicably. It was just that she and Mo The hatred between Xue Min is destined to cause damage to one of the two people. Some things are already destined and there is nothing she can do about it.

"You go down first and prepare father's robe later." Mo Xuetong nodded and took care of the boy, then turned around and took the tray from Mo Yu's hand, told her to wait outside, and then opened the door and walked in.

Today was my father's day to rest, but if something like this happened, my father would definitely go out to inquire about the news.

In the study room, Mo Huawen held his head, closed his eyes, frowned, and there were clear dark circles around his eyes. It was obvious at a glance that he had not slept well. He probably spent the whole night worrying about Mo Xuemin, and an inexplicable feeling surged in his heart. Feeling disappointed.

I was abandoned in Yuncheng alone. I didn't know that my father had worried about me like this. In the past two days, my father was indeed very good to me. It can be said to be an unconditional trust.

Does her father really believe her, or does he trust her out of guilt? Moreover, this trust also depends on who he trusts. She can say that the aunt he trusts most is a jackal in beauty skin. She suspected that she killed her mother. He is a human being, and his eldest daughter, who he is proud of, is evil-minded and plots to destroy everything about him. If she tells her father that she was killed by the two of them in her previous life, will his father believe it

There is no trust for no reason in this world, and there is no love for no reason. She is not blaming her father, just like her father was deceived by them. She didn't understand everything about herself until her death in her last life. She fell into someone else's scheme, and even her life was calculated at the cost of her life. Now she figured it out, but her father, who had never experienced these things, still didn't know it.

"Father, why don't you even eat porridge, but you are not in good health? If you are not in good health, you have to see a doctor. Don't worry about it, Tong'er will be anxious." Standing at the door, he calmed down his mixed emotions and smiled. He opened his mouth and stepped into the inner room. (To be continued)