Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 56: The mysterious and abandoned courtyard


Mo Ye dodged, quickly climbed in through the door, and removed half of the courtyard door from the inside. Mo Xuetong led Mo Lan in through the half-opened door.

Standing at the door and looking in, a gravel path covered with weeds zigzagged in from the door. It was deep and desolate. Mo Ye swept away the entangled vines with his feet, and Mo Xuetong walked along the road. , an indescribable feeling pervades people's hearts.

There are two entrances to the courtyard. The main room from the outside opens a somewhat dilapidated door, and with a creak of a button, the space is filled with people.

"Miss, please go in and clean up first, and then you can come in." Mo Lan worriedly stood in front of Mo Xuetong. Although she didn't know where this place was, she could see the caution in Mo Xuetong's eyes and knew about this place. The young lady must value it, so she didn't stop her, but she was really worried.

"It's okay, I'll just take a look. My mother used to live here..." Through the broken curtain, Mo Xuetong's eyes fell on the large desk. Some fragments were pulled out from the depths of his memory, and he stretched out his hand. Pushing Mo Lan aside, she walked firmly into the dusty room.

There were a few books scattered on the desk, and they were a bit messy. I turned around a screen, and the calligraphy and paintings on the screen were quite clear. There were a few strong and strong characters, and some pictures of flowers and birds of a woman in red makeup. Nothing caught my eye. I entered. Inside, there was a small couch, and one side of the couch by the window was relatively clean.

Mo Xuetong walked to the couch and saw a small window next to it. Looking out from the window, she could see a section of wall with red bricks and blue tiles in the distance, and she could also see a window in the corner of the wall.

There is nothing else conspicuous about it.

"Miss, let's go back. The old lady might come looking for you." Mo Lan said uneasily, inexplicably feeling that this place was very strange.

"It's okay, I'll take a look and then leave." Mo Xuetong said softly, turned around and walked to the side, and Mo Ye, who was following her, reached the window door in a flash.

"Miss, the one at the window over there is Mo Yu." Mo Ye suddenly looked out the window and said.

"Mo Yu? Is the courtyard where we live looking out from here?" Something slipped through her heart, and Mo Xuetong stopped suddenly and looked back in astonishment.

"Yes, I just saw Mo Yu walking by the corner window." Mo Ye looked carefully again and said with certainty.

Mo Lan also turned around and looked out the window. Her eyesight was not as good as Mo Ye's, but she grew up with Mo Yu, so she knew clearly that the person was indeed Mo Yu just by seeing the silhouette. She nodded and said, "It is indeed Mo Yu. I didn’t expect that there is such a courtyard behind our courtyard. I used to think that there was nothing behind the courtyard where my wife lives.”

This sentence reminded Mo Xuetong that she now lived in Luo Xia's courtyard. She had also looked out the window when she was bored, but she had never found such a courtyard. The farthest place she saw was where the old lady lived. High courtyard walls.

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Why is this secret garden here

With doubts, Mo Xuetong carefully checked the garden, but there was no trace.

Several people walked around the yard again, but found nothing, and then returned to their own yard.

When they arrived at the yard, the old lady sent someone to invite Mo Xuetong to come over.

Mo Xuetong straightened her clothes and went to the old lady. When she entered the door, she found out that the correctional nuns that old Mrs. Xu was looking for were here. These two correctional nuns were released from the palace. I heard that they were in the palace in the past. There are quite some identities here, and it is extremely difficult for even aristocratic families to invite these two people. Mrs. Xu asked Luo Mingzhu and Mo Xuetong to come to see them first.

The skinny one is Aunt Han, the mellow and kind one is Aunt Li, Luo Mingzhu is guided by the thin and stern Aunt Han, and Mo Xuetong is the kind Aunt Li. After seeing the ceremony, Luo Mingzhu brought Aunt Han and Mo Xuetong also took Aunt Li back to their own courtyards.

There will be a month of upbringing time, mainly to teach various etiquette and palace rules. The Duke of Fuguo is a wealthy and noble family, and he will inevitably have a relationship with the royal family. Although Mo Xuetong is the daughter of a small imperial official, since she is around The necessary magnanimity of the granddaughter of the Duke of Fu is also indispensable.

In the hall just now, Mrs. Xu looked at Mo Xuetong's dazed and timid behavior, and felt sad. If Xia'er was still here, how could she allow her daughter to be so timid and timid, not like a legitimate daughter? The daughter is more cowardly than other people's maids. Thinking about this, Mrs. Xu became more and more dissatisfied with Mo Huawen. A good legitimate daughter had to be raised in that small place in Yuncheng, and she didn't even have the education. Worse.

"Old lady, don't be angry. My cousin looks timid, but she has an idea. It's just that the rules are a little off. Mainly because she has been in Yuncheng for a long time and no one has taught her well. She doesn't really teach her. It's not good." Seeing Mrs. Xu's sulky look on her face, Grandma Shen poured a cup of tea and brought it over to persuade her with a smile.

"How can I not be angry? A good lady of our family has been taught to be so timid. Even the little girls in the palace are bolder than her. Look at how timid she looks when the palace people come. There is no dignity of our lady. She looks so agile, her father really didn't fulfill his responsibility." Mrs. Xu took the tea, took a sip, frowned and sighed, this child didn't have any agility at all, she was more sluggish than usual, and she felt that she couldn't stand on the stage at first glance.

"Old lady, don't be too hasty to say goodbye. From what I see, my cousin may have done it on purpose!" Aunt Shen accompanied Mo Xuetong to Beijing, and she kept observing this rumored timid cousin along the way. Xing Lai, not only did I feel that this cousin was dignified and generous in her behavior, but she was also very capable with others. Even though the nanny who followed Aunt Fang was on the one hand because of her own presence, on the other hand she had concerns about her cousin, so The journey to Beijing was peaceful.

What happened at the gate of the city made Grandma Shen even more convinced. She always felt that a talent like Miss Biao didn't need to be educated at all, but Miss Biao's behavior in class today was absolutely different from usual. It was really because she was Did he lose his usual color when he saw the nobles in the palace? The Duke of Ming Dynasty and several other ladies were there at the gate of the city that day, so why didn't they see Miss Cousin look so eclipsed

"Did Tong'er do it on purpose?" Mrs. Xu frowned and raised her head in confusion and asked.

"Old lady, think about it, my cousin is usually such a smart person in front of you. Why is she so stunned when she sees the people in the palace? It's obviously the cousin's intention. I'm afraid she deliberately let the father-in-law I think she's dull." Although Aunt Shen wasn't sure whether Mo Xuetong did it on purpose, seeing that the old lady was clearly smiling, she naturally spoke more vividly, as if she were telling the truth.

At this moment, even she began to believe it. She smiled and helped the old lady sit down on the couch on the side. She placed a few cushions behind her and leaned forward. The old lady was not in good health and could not sit down. When the time is long, I usually just lean on my back to rest, so when I heard something happened to my daughter, I fell ill before I had time to go over.

"Yes, Tong'er is usually a clever person. This time he came to the palace with unknown intentions. Maybe he really did it on purpose." Mrs. Xu also laughed at this, thinking about how Tong'er had been when Eunuch Liu was here. No matter how I looked at that stupid look, I thought it was strange. At this time, after hearing the analysis, Grandma Shen felt that it was polite. She couldn't help laughing and scolding: "This cunning little girl is so cowardly that she even dares to deceive my grandmother."

"This is not something that you, the old man, cannot tolerate. I said, old lady, please don't scold my cousin. You should scold yourself first. You will hurt your cousin to the point of no end. Fortunately, your cousin is filial. With Miss Biao's smart and clever personality, I'm afraid even Miss Shen couldn't catch up with her at that time." Aunt Shen had watched Luo Xia grow up, and when she mentioned Luo Xia, her nose felt sour, and she quickly turned her head to wipe her tears.

Turning back, he patted his face lightly and cursed with a smile: "Look at this mouth, you are talking nonsense again. My cousin is so smart, and she will be happy to know about it. With the old lady protecting you, she will be gone even if she is gone." , and feel very relieved.”

Mrs. Xu saw Granny Shen's action and knew that she was afraid that she would be upset by thinking about her daughter. She didn't say anything at this moment, only smiled sourly and cursed: "You old man." But she never said anything again. I can't say any more.

For a moment, there was an inexplicable smell of sadness in the room.

After a while, Mrs. Xu's face darkened, and she motioned for Nanny Shen to close the door, and then said: "Tong'er may have noticed something, and I don't know why the queen became interested in Tong'er."

The person who just checked the news came back and said that there are two types of people the queen is rewarding today. One is the legitimate daughter of a big family like her own lady, and the other is the daughter of a small Beijing official, about the fifth or sixth grade, no matter what. High or low, just like Tong'er's status, there are even two concubines among them. In addition, the news that has spread out in the palace these days makes Mrs. Xu not think too much.

"My cousin is only thirteen years old and still a little girl. Even if the palace really likes her, she won't..." Grandma Shen knew what the old lady meant.

"Why, Tong'er hasn't come to Tiankui yet?" the old lady asked in surprise.

"I got very close to my cousin's nanny along the way. The nanny knew that the old lady loved my cousin, so she told the old slave in private. She only said that the lady was in poor health and had some injuries, so she is still..." Shen Grandma carefully considered it and said that she had always wanted to talk to Xu Taijun about this, but she never had time.

Girls from wealthy families are well-fed and well-fed, and are usually adults at the age of thirteen.

"It's strange that Tong'er is so thin and thin. The Mo Mansion should be damned. He raised a good child like this, and raised a concubine born from an aunt to be so arrogant. It also ruined Tong'er's reputation. How could he be blind in the first place? Marry Xia'er to him!" Mrs. Xu angrily knocked the dragon-head crutch in her hand on the ground several times and said bitterly, complaining about Mo Huawen.

"Old lady, don't be angry. Fortunately, my cousin has come to Beijing now. She is only thirteen years old. There are many underage girls under the age of thirteen among the people. Most of them get married and have children in the end. It's not too late to prepare the recipe now." Mother Shen comforted her, taking the dragon-head crutch from the old lady's hand and putting it aside.

"Go, tell the kitchen to provide Tong'er with fine food in the future. As long as Tong'er likes it, you have to prepare it for me no matter what. Don't be afraid of trouble, and don't be afraid of spending money. Her health is not good, and she needs to be well nursed back to health. Unlike Xia'er, who is so young..." The old lady's voice choked up as she spoke.

"Old lady, don't worry. I've taken care of you this morning. I also begged the second master to let him find a way to get some medicinal food from outside to help my cousin take care of herself." Aunt Shen said with a smile.

"Thanks to you, otherwise I might not have been able to survive... Hey, you have worked so hard for so many years." Aunt Shen was the old lady's former dowry maid, and her feelings were different from others. Now she will listen to her all The arrangements were made, and he sighed softly.

"What are you talking about, young lady? It's been a blessing for this old slave to serve young lady for several lifetimes." Thinking of her past friendship, Grandma Shen couldn't help but call Taijun by his previous title, and she couldn't help but shed tears for a moment.

The room was very quiet. After a while, the old lady suppressed her sadness and said sharply: "Since the Queen has such intentions, she will not let her eyesight pass easily. Fortunately, her concubine sister caused such a problem. Let’s just make the matter bigger, Tong’er’s reputation is a small matter, if she is really sent to the palace and becomes a powerless beauty, Zhaoyi and the like, it would be better to have a bad reputation.”

"What the old lady means..." When it came to business, Grandma Shen also wiped the corners of her eyes and said seriously.

"Yes, go and call the second master, and tell him that I have something to do with him." The old lady said in a deep voice. The queen wants to dominate the harem, which has nothing to do with the Fuguo Palace, but if she really wants to use Tong'er as a pawn , she is not someone to be trifled with either. (To be continued)