Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 6: Xuetong punishes the unruly servant


Mo Xuetong was sitting in the carriage, leaning on the couch and thinking carefully. Xu's mother and several maids thought she was in poor health and did not dare to disturb her. The carriage was silent except for the sound of horse hooves.

She deliberately revealed what happened to Qin Zheng's aunt. She was beaten to death because of Mo Zhu, so Yu couldn't hide it even if she wanted to.

With two incidents happening in succession, Mrs. Qin must have become suspicious of the Yu family! The conclusive evidence of murdering Aunt Wang's child this time will only make Mrs. Qin feel that Mrs. Yu is indeed cruel! As long as the Qin family has doubts, it will be easier to deal with the Yu family in the future!

Qin Zheng is said to be a filial son who listens to his mother's words.

Moreover, before returning to Beijing, she must calm down and figure out how to deal with that cruel and hypocritical mother and daughter!

Sure enough, as Mo Xuetong expected, something happened with Aunt Li, and the Yu family was banned, and even the rights of the mistress were taken away. The Qin family simply took charge of the inner courtyard by herself, thinking that Mo Xuetong fell into the lake this time After nearly drowning, Mrs. Qin was more determined to be nice to her out of a mentality that she could not let anything happen to her in her house.

No more intrigues, no need to play tricks, just waiting quietly, waiting for people to come from Beijing, counting the days, but it is not far away, probably in the past few days, Mo Xuetong has been secretly secretly He saluted, no matter what, she would definitely leave this time!

A few days later, Qingwei Garden

"Miss, Miss, Madam, please come over quickly. It seems like someone is coming from home." The door curtain opened and Mo He rushed in anxiously. He had no time to wipe off his sweat, and with a beaming expression, he repeated what Qin sent someone to say just now. After telling the story, several confidant girls in Qingwei Garden knew that the young lady had already planned to leave, and they all looked forward to the day coming soon. Of course, they were all happy at this time.

"Miss, I'm here to pick you up as expected. The carriage is ready outside." Thinking that it was exactly what the lady expected, Mo He looked at his lady with admiration with bright eyes.

"Mo Lan, help me dress up first. Mo He lets the people outside wait." Mo Xuetong straightened up from the couch, smiled slightly, and slowly sat up with Mo He's hand.

The car had not stopped at the gate, but the Qin family had sent someone to tell them that they, the master, should wait for their slaves. This shows that this young lady of hers really has no status in the eyes of the Mo family and the Qin family!

She is the daughter of the Mo family, there is no need to rush to meet the servants!

A smile appeared on her lips with cold ripples. This time she would let those people come and see who was the legitimate daughter of the Mo family! "Yes! Miss!" After hearing Mo Xuetong's instructions, Mo He turned around with a happy expression and went outside to summon people, as if he had taken a pill.

When Mo Xuetong came to Shou'an Courtyard after combing her hair, Mrs. Qin was politely talking to the two nuns.

The door curtain was raised, and Mo Xuetong appeared at the door wearing a plain white dress. Because she was still in the period of mourning, she was very plain, and her face looked pitiful and sickly, as if she didn't know there was an outsider here. Likewise, when she saw two nuns in the room, Mo Xuetong's thin face showed a hint of astonishment, but then she lowered her head and walked to Mrs. Qin to greet her first.

Mrs. Qin was in a good mood when she saw her well-behaved look. She lovingly called Mo Xuetong to sit next to her. The maid had already brought tea, so Mo Xuetong took it and warmed it in her hands.

"This is our third young lady, right? Madam has long said that the third young lady is the most filial. Look, it's true. She is more outstanding than other young ladies in the family. She is almost catching up with the eldest lady. The eldest lady is now in Jingzhong A famous and talented woman, the third lady is not bad at all, but it is difficult for the old lady to help our third lady raise her like a flower. Look at this, she is really just like the first lady." A man in his forties or fifties on the left Mammy stood up first, looked at Mo Xuetong up and down twice, smiled, held the handkerchief and praised Mo Xuetong exaggeratedly, but she could not hide the disdain in her eyes.

Mo Xuetong sneered in her heart, she was here to show off her power, Madam must be talking about Aunt Fang.

"Mo He! Palm mouth!" Just after mama finished speaking, Mo Xuetong smiled coldly and knocked the tea in her hand heavily on the table.

Mo He was furious when he saw that his mother-in-law dared to say "ma'am" in front of the young lady. Seeing the young lady's signal, he took two steps forward. When the hand wheel was rounded, he gave the nanny two hard mouths. The one who was slapped Grandma took a few steps back on the spot and almost fell down. Mrs. Qin next to her was also stunned, her eyes darkened, she took the tea cup next to her and took a sip without saying anything.

"Don't be polite when you see me. Could it be that this nanny is not a servant of the Mo family, or that Aunt Fang has taught her well. I just know that Aunt Fang doesn't know about other masters. After my mother passed away, where did this lady come from? Or is it that my father has forgotten the oath he made in front of his mother's soul, not to have a good wife? This nanny should think clearly before speaking." Mo Xuetong changed her usual gentleness and looked at the nanny's sharp words. He asked, "Who else gave you the courage to compare a concubine to a legitimate lady?"

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Grandma Li was stopped by Mo Xuetong's question. She opened her mouth and was speechless for a moment.

She is the most important wife around Aunt Fang, and she never takes Mo Xuetong seriously, so this time she unceremoniously uses Aunt Fang and Mo Xuemin to pressure her, as long as she says "Mrs." , the third young lady did not dare to object, so the matter was considered half done, and she would find another opportunity to expose the matter to the master. She only said that the third miss also agreed, and for the sake of the eldest young master and the eldest young lady, the master would straighten the aunt. , when the time comes, she will be the great contributor to her aunt, so Aunt Li came up with confidence and went straight to the topic.

But she didn't expect that this young lady would be so fierce now. She asked the girl to slap her face mercilessly when she came up. After being questioned and silenced, she looked at the eyes of everyone around her with ridicule, sarcasm, sympathy, disapproval... Immediately He became angry from shame.

She has always been very proud in front of Aunt Fang. She has never been so embarrassed. When was she slapped in the face by a little girl who was dozens of years younger? She felt that she had lost face. She straightened her neck and said rudely: "Three Why should the young lady hit me? I belong to my aunt. When beating a dog, you have to look at the owner. Miss Third is so disrespectful to my aunt, how can I see her when I get to the capital?"

"Kneel down!" Mo Xuetong shouted with a cold expression!

She had never seen Mo Xuetong so angry before. Everyone in the room looked at her in astonishment.

Aunt Li, who was facing her, felt her heart tremble. She felt that Mo Xuetong in front of her had an indescribable majesty and momentum, which made her breathless. Her heart was pounding, her momentum suddenly disappeared, and her legs couldn't help but As soon as he softened, he knelt down.

"Aunt Fang is an unworthy concubine. Not only does she call herself madam, but the servants around her also dare to be arrogant to the legitimate lady and even dare to call herself me. When did the Mo family lose their dignity? This time when we go to Beijing, our old lady must follow her. The uncle said, "Let me tell you when to give the wife to the wife. Let a concubine be bullied in front of the main wife." Seeing Mo Xuetong's majesty and power, Aunt Shen of the Duke Fuguo Palace did this. Shi was happy for the old lady, so she stepped forward to help and said coldly to Grandma Li.

At this time, Nanny Li also understood. How could she dare to accept such words? She gritted her teeth and surrendered. She took a few deep breaths and simply knelt on the ground without getting up. She stepped forward to greet Mo Xuetong again.

"Isn't this Aunt Li next to Aunt Fang? Aunt Fang is not the most disciplined person. When did the people around Aunt Fang become so disrespectful that they can't even tell the difference between madam and aunt?" Mo Lan said in The edge said coldly and mockingly.

Aunt Li knelt on the ground and was not called out. She was resentful. This time after hearing Mo Lan's words, she wanted to have an attack on the spot. But she was just a slave here. She didn't dare to have an attack without Aunt Fang's support. She just gritted her teeth and swallowed. The anger in his heart made his face turn red, and he couldn't speak a word.

"Third Miss, this old slave is stupid! It's this old slave who is deaf." Grandma Li could only lower her head. Seeing that Mo Xuetong still had a cold face above her, knowing that she was still angry, she gritted her teeth and banged her teeth on the ground. With a bang, her head hit the bluestone floor, making a real banging sound. The painful old woman secretly gritted her teeth and cracked her mouth.

"Aunt Li can't even tell the difference between madam and aunt. She is really stupid. Why don't you wait until I return to the capital and my father to help Aunt Fang choose a few wives, so that there will be no need for someone to be confused. Wrong concubine." After her forehead became bruised and swollen, Mo Xuetong caressed the wrinkles on her sleeves as if she didn't care, smoothed them out, and said slowly.

Grandma Li's breath was suffocated, and she was careful not to speak again this time, for fear of accidentally offending this aunt again.

On the other side, Mo Xuetong ignored the kneeling Nanny Li. She turned to Nanny Shen and said politely and gently: "Is this Nanny Shen? Is grandma in good health?"

"Old lady, I'm fine. I just missed my lady and thought she could go back early. I didn't see her letter. I was so happy that I even ate half a bowl more rice. I couldn't worry about my lady, so I specially asked my old slave to come and pick her up. Go back." Seeing that Mo Xuetong specifically asked about the old lady's daily life, Grandma Shen said with a smile, feeling happy for the old lady in her heart.

Unexpectedly, this seemingly delicate and frail cousin would deal with the arrogant mother-in-law as soon as they met, which made Grandma Shen couldn't help but secretly give her a thumbs up and say "Awesome!" Miss Cousin was definitely not as cowardly and incompetent as the rumors said, so Nanny Shen couldn't help but talk and get closer to her.

The two chatted for a while, deliberately leaving Mother Li kneeling there to dry.

After a while, Mo Xuetong suddenly seemed to realize that Nanny Li was still kneeling on the ground, and she said coldly: "Nanny Li, please get up quickly. Seeing my excitement, I forgot that you are still kneeling here, and followed Shen Grandma was forgetful when she was talking, and she was blaming her just now, but it turns out I am the same."

This was a slap in the face that Grandma Li had given just now. Grandma Li wanted to stand up and point at Mo Xuetong and curse! But she didn't dare. She pretended to be in a happy mood and said with a dry smile: "What the third lady said, the old slave didn't pay attention to it. He only thought about seeing the third lady happy and forgot to say hello to the third lady. It was really The old slave's mistake made the third lady laugh."

Seeing her bleak image, Mo Xuetong's face was cold and cold, and she stopped paying attention. (To be continued)